Going to Fanime con '09 in bad condittions Dx

Started by xOchiix, September 29, 2008, 12:30:32 AM

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Gah! I can't stress enough about this!

I'm going to Fanime Con '09 on bad conditions, and I'd like some tips on how I can still have a blast Dx.

-Going alone [ UGH! DX]
- Limited money

So, what should I do? ;.;
I'm not the most social ever. I tried talking to a few people at the con, but they just sorta looked at me weird and walked away e.e
Should I try being social again?
Oh yeah.. another horrible thing..
My parents won't let me go alone Dx so they're coming with me.
We're gonna stay at the hotels though, the whole con weekend.
So, yeah.

Any tips for still having fun?


try to work with what you have.

if that doesn't help, I'll hang with ya next year.
Time And Relative Dimension In Space.


Pretty much true.

But I really don't wanna be bored and wandering around alone. I guess I'll try to muster up some courage and talk to randome people. Haha, thanks for the offer.


normally threads will start poping up talking about get togethers to meet new people or forming groups.  Its still very early, I'm sure you have plenty of time to meet some people that would love to have you join their little group.
06- Ragnarok Huntress / 07- Haruhi Suzumiya
08- Shana / 09 - Luluko
10 - Holo / 11 - Flaaffy
12 - Inga / 13 - Lizbeth


Though you say you are on a limited budget, try out a cosplay.  Some are inexpensive and look nice.  And if you choose to do a more popular series, I'm certain you can find friends just walking around the con.  And especially when you show up to one of their 50+ meets. 

If you still find yourself shy, there are still somethings you can do by yourself that will keep you entertained.  The arcades, panels, anime, and Asian cinema all have their little surprises and fun.  Just go in, find yourself a chair, and kick back. 

TC X0 Lt 0X

I had only say, $100 to spend last fanime, so I brought food from home (You may have seen me, I had a guy behind me eating popcorn from my bag).
Also, I had no plans to meet up with friends (Though I did meet up with some).

In any case, I agree with above posts, and i would hang out with you also.

But hey, at least you got a room and a source for food money (parents) so you don't have to eat "cold" lunchs.

a 25 min drive north is still a 25 min drive north, and it "seems"
more satisfying to have a room rather than not.

"Never beg. You earn. By Winning.
Or else you won't get anything..."

Pro-Pocky Movement



I wouldn't hang out with you, because you sound like a pathetic loser that doesn't even want to try to meet new people unless they put all the effort into being social.

You don't need money at a con. The most important reason to have money is to eat. Over everything else, all you need money for is to eat and sustain normal eating habits during the weekend. You don't need to buy anything, you don't need to play initial D 5432432 times, and you don't need to waste money on stuff you don't need.

You're not social? Then why are you even going to Fanime? Seriously. There's no point in going to a major social event like Fanime, if you're anti-social. If you don't want to talk to people, meet other people and the what not, don't bother going, save your parents 500$ and stay home.


My Pyron...that's harsh. Even for you.

Anyways, here's a suggestion.

Work staff for a department that you like.

I.E. If you like video rooms, work for video programming. If you like panels, work for rena aka Kava. etc. It gets you out there meeting new people and it allows you to contribute back to the con.

We have 500 staff members for a con of 13k last year (Which is expected to be more this coming year), so we can always use more people.
Director of Marketing
Staff Moderator - Fanime Forums.

Please PM me with any questions, comments, or concerns.



Haha, Steve beat me to it.

But seriously, staff. It's very money-efficient and you make friends quickly if you work in a social-ish kind of department.
Ellie S.
Head of Registration
FanimeCon - "By Fans, For Fans"
FanmeCon: Twitter | Facebook


^_^ Well to meet people you should join the murder mystery. Haha... not that I'm doing a plug for my idea or anything. ;)


Not too social? No problem! Grab a camera :) There are pleanty of peopel who worked hard to make/obtain their outfits to look nice for the cameras~ Ask for pictures and compliment em. There are gatherings left and right, so attend one of a series that you love. Therefore, you and everyone there have similar interests~ :D

Limited on money? That does suck however just keep saving bit by bit. Some people at con are nice and buy food for people o-o; i met a nice girl back in 05 that bought me food :3 nice people rawk.

Anyways i hope you have a blast at 09~
Fanime Rovers Department 2nd - Ku


Gee, I was under the impression that even though I'm not some sort of social butterfly I could still attend Fanime just because I love anime and all the stuff at the con. I didn't know I had to be social or else not go.

Anyway, there are still tons of ways to have fun, Ochii! And it does look as though you DID make an attempt to talk to people instead of just scuttling along keeping to yourself as I did last year when I had to go alone since it was so short-notice that I was able to attend I didn't get a chance to invite my other friends along. I'm sure you could find some things in common with people on the forums and meet up. Perhaps if you ever feel brave enough you could attend a forum gathering ((perhaps some time before the convention with some friends so your parents don't panic so much--unless you live really far away then I can understand being unable to attend gatherings in an attempt to meet more people before FanimeCon)). :D That would be a great way to get to know some and I'm sure they wouldn't exclude you in anything if you went and were shy.

In the event you can't do this either, I'd try talking to people at the convention still if you feel comfortable, you're bound to eventually run into someone who'll be nice and get along with you really well and not just look at you like some weirdo. :) If they still persist to act weird and not want to talk--then hey. Whatever. There are plenty of panels ((there is a forum panel I believe, so you could meet some people from the forum as well)), screenings and other things to keep you occupied at Fanime. Just make sure you have enough money for food, entrance fees, etc. Since your parents are going at least this part is covered. I'm assuming they're paying anyway. It's true though that you don't need to spend money on what you really don't need though.

Just try to have fun, and see you at '09! <3


Oh, jeez. I just realised about why Pyron said, that after I made this post.. I sounded like a spoiled brat who doesn't even like anime Dx.

Nah, I shouldn't have used "not very sociable" more like.. very shy.
& In regards to the "wow, why are you so down about not having money? just enjoy yourself!" comments.. I didn't mean it like I was some brat who wanted everything I could possibly get.
I'm one to want to have memories. & I'm also like..
"Ooh shiney!" xD!

Those are some great idea's, thank you. & Actually, I'm paying for the event. My parent's just won't let me go alone >.>

& Yeah! There are some really nice people at Fanime! When my friend and I got lost, we kept asking around to use a cell phone. A nice lady [who we never met] allowed us to. I thought that was so sweet.

Anyway, I should've reconsidered what I said.
I'm not anti-social. Just shy.

Thanks for the tips ! :P See you guys in '09!


This past Fanime was horrible for me!  I couldn't hang out with some friends all weekend, and I didn't find my other friends until Sunday.  So basically, I was alone the whole time.  I tried to be sociable but it ...was just awkward or something.  I hope next Fanime will be better.   :'(
All Hail Lelouch!

Mango Bunny

Don't worry, I feel you. Just... eat cheap! Bring food! And as far as the social aspect.... It sucks. I usually wander around alone and run back to my inattentive friend (who is having a gaming spree) when I start being talked to (usually by random guys. No offense random guys, but you scare me. =( I don't WANT to go to your room with you. And even if you aren't creepy I'm still distrusting! ^^) Fortunately now I have a stupid friend to hang out with mostly (now with girlfriend action!!)

Just go to things you like. If you like gaming, go game. You'll probably end up talking to the people gaming with you. You like such-and -such hobby? Go to a panel for it. You'll find some people. PLUS late at night people are just dyyyying to socialize. It's hard not to. =P People are pretty open at fanime, even though I'm sure we're not the only shy ones. Even I try to come out of my shell.

Bottom line: fanime rules.


Actually heres a little thing I found that works, it might have just been a fluke but then when I told a friend to do this when going to Anime Expo alone he left with a group of new friends and 2 girls phone numbers I believe.... smooth!
Anyways I told him to just get in a long line.
Sounds crazy right?  When your in a long line you tend to somehow start talking to people.
Well thats how I met some awesome people at Fanime and have been running into them ever snice.
06- Ragnarok Huntress / 07- Haruhi Suzumiya
08- Shana / 09 - Luluko
10 - Holo / 11 - Flaaffy
12 - Inga / 13 - Lizbeth


On the first day of Fanime when it starts, how long does it take to get through the registration?

Also, why does pre registration take so long?


Hm yes, the long line thing might work.


Quote from: JohnnyAR on October 06, 2008, 09:42:01 PM
On the first day of Fanime when it starts, how long does it take to get through the registration?

Also, why does pre registration take so long?

Last year was a significant improvement as far as at-con registration lines. I usually estimate roughly 1 and a half to 3 hours (at peak times) in line if you aren't pre-registered.

As far as why pre-registration takes so long: sheer number. I mean, I don't have the exact numbers, but I'm fairly sure that at least half of the attendees of Fanimecon pre register or early register. That's about 5,000-6,000 people to process. That's usually why I get there like, 3 hours before the lines open on Thursday. Then again, if you're waiting in line on Thursday, you shouldn't fret too much, because fanime doesn't start until Friday. lol.

Fanime attendee since 2004
Swap meet staff - 2014
Swap meet co-chair - 2015


In my opinion, take lots of pics and if you cosplay pose for as many pics as you can. Pictures are the best ice breakers at cons. I know when I went to Tales of Anime '07 I was horribly shy, but Miyaki (one of the Lolita Kisama models) asked me to do a whole photo shoot of me while I modeled one of the cat hoodies and I really enjoyed it. Then a few other girls (some post here I believe ;)) came up and asked about my cosplays and we spent the remainder of the con together which was about... 20 hours or so? So try your best to be sociable because who knows what great things may happen.

PS: If you want, party with me and my friends, you'll definitely have a good time then.