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Pet Peeves

Started by ewu, November 14, 2008, 12:19:25 PM

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Quote from: XpHoBiaX on March 12, 2009, 12:23:58 AM
Other people stopping, suddenly, at a green light. o_o
or sitting in the car in front of yo, until the light turns yellow, then deciding to take off.
Brevity is the soul of Wit.
Confusion is the soul of Runewitt.


1. People who blow right thru crosswalks when someone is obviously waiting to cross the road.
2. People who stand at a crosswalk or wave you on after you've stopped.


Quote from: Runewitt on March 12, 2009, 12:44:54 AM
Quote from: XpHoBiaX on March 12, 2009, 12:23:58 AM
Other people stopping, suddenly, at a green light. o_o
or sitting in the car in front of yo, until the light turns yellow, then deciding to take off.
You must hone your car horn skills so that you are able to sound it off within 1/10th of a second after the light has changed green in your direction of travel.   ::)


Quote from: G.I.R on March 12, 2009, 12:49:19 AM
Quote from: Runewitt on March 12, 2009, 12:44:54 AM
Quote from: XpHoBiaX on March 12, 2009, 12:23:58 AM
Other people stopping, suddenly, at a green light. o_o
or sitting in the car in front of yo, until the light turns yellow, then deciding to take off.
You must hone your car horn skills so that you are able to sound it off within 1/10th of a second after the light has changed green in your direction of travel.   ::)
i dont drive. i'm a cyclist.

er... i ride bikes everywhere i need to go that i can get to on my own. better?
Brevity is the soul of Wit.
Confusion is the soul of Runewitt.


Rejection from colleges.
Friends getting into all the good colleges and me getting crappy choices.
Ignorant mother. Who refuses to speak to me about colleges and limiting my choices to said choices.

I'm really hateful right now.
Ellie S.
Head of Registration
FanimeCon - "By Fans, For Fans"
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I am sorry Chiri Kcrinh. I sort of know how you feel, with the mom thing.
I hope things can still turn out well for you though.

...stomach cramps...I have a nervous stomach. O.o

2010 cosplay...?
Zero:80% Kadaj:?? Sisen:??


Quote from: Runewitt on March 12, 2009, 12:44:54 AM
Quote from: XpHoBiaX on March 12, 2009, 12:23:58 AM
Other people stopping, suddenly, at a green light. o_o
or sitting in the car in front of yo, until the light turns yellow, then deciding to take off.

rather....the idiot falls asleep or is busy doing other stuff.....then realizes its green.
the idiot floors it.....
the idiot barely clears the green...
leaving a ripe yellow just for you to stop at....

*angrily shakes fist*

*Looks at post:*
Quote from: Yuu on March 10, 2009, 08:45:27 AM
Me: I dont like fanservice...
*looks at own signature....*
*angrily shakes fist.....AGAIN*
Eric Wu
FanimeCon Chairman
FanimeCon Forums Moderator



Another pet peeve: trying to arrange for Comcast to come over to fix something (like my cable modem) in a timely manner.  >:(
My Cosplay Photography gallery, including FanimeCon 2001-2014:

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Quote from: XpHoBiaX on March 05, 2009, 09:15:04 PM
Quote from: RadioactiveKitty on March 01, 2009, 07:50:53 PM
stupid people in general mainly when they talk about stuff and they DONT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT! and they say that YOU have no idea what YOUR talking about. like piercing someone tried to tell me i dont know SQUAT about it I AM GOING TO SCHOOL TO BE A PIERCER! >.< lolol and yet the still insist i know nothing of the subject 

I went through that too. It pissed me right off when people would say "Oh, you're just an apprentice."
Well, yeah. That means I am learning the basics that you probably FORGOT about. I hate it when I try to tell people about safely tattooing....and they blow it off. Fine, when they come down with sepsis, don't come to me for help.

yeah im also going to school for tattooing and like some one wanted a tat, i am good enough to GIVE one to someone, but they still said "oh your only a student, therefore i do not want you tattooing me"
"uhm DUDE! look at my sketch book" XD "is that NOT good art? i mean come on..." i ended up giving them the best damn tattoo they have ever gotten this dude had 3 others, and they prolly cost 100+ each. the one i gave him was only uhmmmm FREE!
lol people need to like yeah understand other people know stuff too lol


When your younger siblings think they can surpass you.


Quote from: JohnnyAR on March 15, 2009, 08:22:37 PM
When your younger siblings think they can surpass you.

Oh what good timing. Though this has  little to do with them 'surpassing me" and more just being a generally horrible human being. Today she pushed me to the to the point that I have washed my hands of-completely.
As far as Im concerned, I dont have a sister.

So I guess..she cant be one of my 'pet peeves'.  Aah, one less is always good.
" Your aren't taking sides if you spread out violence evenly"


Quote from: JohnnyAR on March 15, 2009, 08:22:37 PM
When your younger siblings think they can surpass you.
when your older sibling think they know everything just because they are older than you.
Brevity is the soul of Wit.
Confusion is the soul of Runewitt.


"Friends" who stop talking to you when they realize that the odds of getting down your pants aren't great.  Now I feel like I'm seen as a slut by someone who doesn't think I'm good enough to be a friend.  Joy.
Sometimes I'm glad I became a teacher.  Other times I wish I had simply become a ninja.


Quote from: Stormfalcon on March 14, 2009, 08:25:12 PM
Another pet peeve: trying to arrange for Comcast to come over to fix something (like my cable modem) in a timely manner.  >:(

little hint its not gonna fix i am gonna wait it out till verizon fios is here
WAHHHHHHHHH where is patty and hiyori when you need them the most

cosplays for 09
main:Eevee ginjika ?%
Sides:Mitsuru 15% lol i have the hair naturally


Sometimes I'm glad I became a teacher.  Other times I wish I had simply become a ninja.


I don't know if this would fit with that but...

In class today our teacher was telling us about the Holocaust and I heard the girl behind me say to herself "God, this is boring." ARGH! I just wanted to smash her skull! That and someone made a joke about 2pac!

Basically people who hate Jews and who don't care about the Holocaust.


Homophobic guys who say "welll they better not hit on me" when they find out somebody around them is gay. Yeah, because guys who say that have a hard enough time dealing with the waves of women after them as it is.[/sarcasm]


Oh boy, finally a thread for ME!

Lesse...1st peeve...

People who use shopping carts and take them across the street or further, and just leave them there.


People who interrupt you when you are clearly in a conversation - especially if it is for a stupid reason and could've waited for, like, 5 minutes. XP

Dragon Ninja

A big pet peeve I have is when I'm at work and people are usually always ask me, "Do you work here?" when they don't seem to notice my work shirt, then there are time when I'm at other places like Wal-Mart or Best Buy, and people ask me if I work there, and they don't seem to notice I'm not wearing a shirt or name tag with the store's name on it.

Fanime 2013:
Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto Shippuden)
Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)
The 9th Doctor (Doctor Who)

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