Sins of a Solar Empire.

Started by LordKefka, November 26, 2008, 10:19:22 PM

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Man, this game is so freakin awesome. Been going at it for 6 hours...@.@;;

And yeah, I ended up losing. Great RTS nevertheless. Reminds me of Homeworld back years ago.

FanimeCon Press, 2007-2012
FanimeCon Registration Staff, 2007
Fanime Forums Moderator
Anime Boston Press, 2010-2012
AOD Press, 2011
Otakon Press, 2012
Anime Expo Press, 2008-2012
Anime Central Press, 2008, Staff, Editor


If you liked that one, you should enjoy Stardock's other massive space strategy game, Galactic Civilizations II.  Single player only, and turn based, but very epic in scale and worth checking out.


Maybe in the future. One RTS is enough for now. Seriously, it took me 8 hours to complete a single, simple mission.

I tried a 3 player game free for all and I ended up losing after 4 hours into it.

I'm switching to Fallout 3 after this. I need a change up.
FanimeCon Press, 2007-2012
FanimeCon Registration Staff, 2007
Fanime Forums Moderator
Anime Boston Press, 2010-2012
AOD Press, 2011
Otakon Press, 2012
Anime Expo Press, 2008-2012
Anime Central Press, 2008, Staff, Editor


Some fun pics for those who have played it and realize what's happening to me =P

I spent all my money building the Novalith Cannon for the hell of it. Looks awesome. In case anyone is wondering what it does, it is basically a giant sized cannon that can shoot down neighboring planets. =D I wish it could have shot down ships as well..=\

ps. That was my fleet before the above picture happened after running into the pirate nest where 100+ pirate ships were residing. Three flagships just couldn't do the trick...=\

FanimeCon Press, 2007-2012
FanimeCon Registration Staff, 2007
Fanime Forums Moderator
Anime Boston Press, 2010-2012
AOD Press, 2011
Otakon Press, 2012
Anime Expo Press, 2008-2012
Anime Central Press, 2008, Staff, Editor


FanimeCon Press, 2007-2012
FanimeCon Registration Staff, 2007
Fanime Forums Moderator
Anime Boston Press, 2010-2012
AOD Press, 2011
Otakon Press, 2012
Anime Expo Press, 2008-2012
Anime Central Press, 2008, Staff, Editor


Read this. If it doesn't make you want to play Galactic Civilizations 2, there's something wrong with you.
2008-09 E-gaming staff


*laugh* Awesome!  I know that exact feeling!  It's like the enemy has this endless supply of ships, while I'm trying desperately to cobble together a working fleet.  Simply awful.  Yet so addicting.  Is it training us to be masochists or something?