Are there any particular anime series that are better dubbed?

Started by RaddaX2, November 29, 2008, 09:30:19 PM

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I don't mean to be all elite or whatever, I just know that some series are like that.  Like for instance I'm trying to decide whether to watch the sub or dub of Beck.  Which do you think I should choose?
It ain't the meaning of life but the feeling of it.


Good question!

I think the dub for Beck is very well done, since the original show was bi-lingual. Actually a lot of the recent Funimation dubs are good like Mushi-shi (recommended for anime and manga).

Like they always say millage may vary.


Hellsing has good English voice actors. The voice acting doesn't make it seem cheesy or lame unlike other series that has horrible English voice acting.

And I'm not just saying that because I'm a fan boy...


I hear dubbed Trigun is not bad.  I'd still recommend every anime to be watch with subtitles though.  The quality of voice actors is much higher in Japan for anime, imo.


DBZ. im so used to gokus voice already (in english) that when i heard it in japanese(i think over daniels house).. i just cringed! it was not something id expect. it sounded more girly than gar. hmm maybe it was because i herad the voice of goku when i was little and i got used to it. maybe tahts how dubs are for other fans like me. we just have to get used to it.
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Goku isn't supposed to sound GAR... that was sorta the point. He was different than all the other Saiyans.

In terms of quality, there are none that I will say are superior to the JP as a whole. There are 2 series that come to mind where they are close to each other, and in some ways the US is better, other ways the JP is better.

Golden Boy
Cowboy Bebop.

I have heard some AMAZING spanish and AMAZING french dubs though.



Hmm..usually I am not a fan of English dub anime but in my opinion, movie by Hayao Miyazaki turn out really nice when they dub it. I actually enjoy watching it. Kiki Delivery, Spirited Away, etc..They put a lot of effort into them.


I thought the deathnote dubbing was pretty good they caught the voicing very well. For code geass it is pretty dead on in terms of translation but if they only got rid of the guy who does Lelouch since lelouch sounded more manly in the japanese dubbing He set the tone very well but man the english VA =( left me with a bitter taste in my mouth oh and nunally's english VA as well shes too high pitched in the english one I love nunally so I was expecting a english va with a softer voice


There have been only two series that I have watched fully dubbed and that was Excel Saga and both seasons of Those Who Hunt Elves. I think it just had to do with the fact that they were comedy series and therefore, the dubs had to be improvised with jokes or things that would make sense to an English speaking audience. But anyways, personally, those were my only favorite dubs.
"Well, I'm already going to hell for kissing you so I may as well take the scenic route."

-Aaron Davis, Latter Days


I heard Bakuretsu Hunters was better dubbed, but I've only seen it subbed, myself.

I know I've seen some shows with great interpretations, but terrible acting, and vice-versa where the acting isn't so bad but those LINES!  @.@;;  oh god...  You know that feeling where you're watching something and they say or do something that...just leaves you feeling embarrassed to be watching it?  Yeah...
But hard to think of one where I prefer it over the subtitled version.


The only ones I can think of is Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo.  I have a feeling Michiko to Hatchin is gonna end up the same way.  But then again I was watching the dub for Bebop and Champloo first, just like how I was watching DBZ in dub first so I ended up preferring it over the sub.

Oh, Cromartie High.  How about that one?
It ain't the meaning of life but the feeling of it.


Quote from: Raymei on December 11, 2008, 08:54:11 AM
I heard Bakuretsu Hunters was better dubbed, but I've only seen it subbed, myself.

I know I've seen some shows with great interpretations, but terrible acting, and vice-versa where the acting isn't so bad but those LINES!  @.@;;  oh god...  You know that feeling where you're watching something and they say or do something that...just leaves you feeling embarrassed to be watching it?  Yeah...
But hard to think of one where I prefer it over the subtitled version.
Bakuretsu hunters is bad dubbed. It's about as bad as Lost Universe was. Slayers wasn't that bad... but horrible compared to the dumb.

There's a lot of shows that aren't bad in English, or actually good, but in comparison, the JP is usually better.

Miyazaki personally prefers some of the French dubs for his movies, and honestly, some of them are amazing. Ranma in Spanish was actually really really really good. I can't say the same for Saint Seiya though.

I watched everything in JP first... with the exception of Robotech. So you can add in whatever bias you might thing I have here.


Quote from: PyronIkari on December 11, 2008, 08:07:55 PM
Ranma in Spanish was actually really really really good. I can't say the same for Saint Seiya though.
Actually, I didn't mind Ranma in English much either. It wasn't BETTER dubbed, granted, but a select few voice actors did make it one of the better dubs, for my money.
In particular, I give props to Ted Cole for actually delivering nearly the same passion as Suzuoki, and Michael Donovan for not sucking as Ryoga.

Michael Beyaer (Gosunkugi) shouldn't have touched the mic though.
Haven't been here much since '09. I said some stupid, stupid things before (and after) that.


Excel saga cracked me up when they went to new york and started speaking american (spanish) that was too funny.


Dubbed Bebop is fabulous.  I have a particular soft spot for dubbed Hellsing because I love accents, and you can't do British accents in Japanese.  :P

Others?  I watched Slayers dubbed first back in the days of the VHS, and thought it was pretty good -- but that may be because it's supposed to be campy as hell.  I've heard mixed reviews of dubbed Evangelion, and while some people think it's better in English (I think it's pretty good as dubs go), I still like the Japanese a little better.  And while I've never seen it, I've heard dubbed Noir is actually pretty good too.
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 :D  Personally I love Yu Yu Hakusho dubbed.

Yusuke sounds more like a punk, and Kurama's VA's not a woman...  XD;;

Then again... A lot of dubs FUNimation does are really good...  o.o

Aru Sakayama

Lucky Star has a pretty damn good dub, in my honest opinion. Almost all of the characters are spot on, and you bet the Casting Director did his homework on casting GOOD voice actors (Wendee Lee for Konata Izumi).

Series that are better off dubbed...hmm...Cowboy Bebop's the only one I know of so far. Man, I need to watch more anime beyond just the funny, cutesy, and inspirational.
Blaaah...I don't feel like doing anything....


Quote from: Aru Sakayama on December 30, 2008, 08:12:05 AM
Lucky Star has a pretty damn good dub, in my honest opinion. Almost all of the characters are spot on, and you bet the Casting Director did his homework on casting GOOD voice actors (Wendee Lee for Konata Izumi).

Series that are better off dubbed...hmm...Cowboy Bebop's the only one I know of so far. Man, I need to watch more anime beyond just the funny, cutesy, and inspirational.

Are you insane? Nothing against Wendee Lee, I've done work with her and it went well and everything... but she's a horrible Konata. Konata is a very cynical character that changes personality types constantly. She's really nothing like the typical characters Wendee Lee plays, but she's type casted to match certain VA's in Japan(I honestly don't get why).

Aru Sakayama

Quote from: PyronIkari on December 30, 2008, 02:13:43 PM

Are you insane? Nothing against Wendee Lee, I've done work with her and it went well and everything... but she's a horrible Konata. Konata is a very cynical character that changes personality types constantly. She's really nothing like the typical characters Wendee Lee plays, but she's type casted to match certain VA's in Japan(I honestly don't get why). probably might be due to this analogy:

Konata Izumi : Haruhi Suzumiya :: Aya Hirano : Wendee Lee
Blaaah...I don't feel like doing anything....