Lonely Thread

Started by SukebeStudios, March 02, 2009, 01:05:40 AM

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Have you felt lonely?

Yeah...all the time.
Yeah, I know the feeling.
I'm sorry you feel lonely.
Not really.


Wait... so this isn't a joke topic? O.o
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Quote from: LordKefka on March 02, 2009, 08:36:01 AM
Wait... so this isn't a joke topic? O.o
Apparently not.

Maybe I should've gone with my original post and give actual advice.  Oh well.

Anti-Pocky Movement 201X


I've given him [SukebeStudios] random advice when it comes the threads for gatherings. It's sort/semi ?? obviously he would like to meet/make new friends and have successful hangouts. But not everyone can meet people out of thin air and thus, i suppose anyone may feel lonely everyone once in a while....

It all depends what u do urself in order to change that.

but IMO this thread sorta pop up from outta the blue. not the best thing to put your heart on your sleeve in a public forum, and again IMO u should really consult your own family and friends before getting drilled and flamed by our love-able flamer himself [Pyron]

at the same time, your purposely directing attention to yourself and whether or not the intent was honest/sincere... it does just come off as 'odd' to say the least.

heck, I'll take credit for saying/posting some pretty stupid/un-thought out things... but you kinda opended a can of worms on the internet...
and lets just say the vultures will have no regrets biting your head off, making fun of you and literally taking a poo in your bed.
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Thing is, though, Pyron isn't exactly wrong in everything he had said, even if he may have been a jerk in saying it. I don't mean to be biased, because he's my partner, but people in similar situations don't realize that... advice really isn't given in a way that is liked. I know it isn't great to listen to negative comments thrown at you, especially if it's baseless bullying-- but sometimes it isn't. Somethings it may be someone else pointing out that what you may be doing, may actually be wrong, and push you to question it.

Yes, don't listen to every negative thing thrown at you, because in most cases, it's only there to drag you down. But most people like this need to learn how to be strong enough to at least acknowledge the difference between destructive criticism, and constructive (even in really harsh forms of it) and see past the attitude and understand what it really means. Though, I don't blame you for wanting to tune out Pyron in his posts on this thread. Not many people feel willing to see past what he does as a jerk to try to understand what his point may be, and not many should really feel obliged to. But people on this public forum aren't obliged to take this thread very seriously, and may just ridicule you, because in truth, the fact that you bothered to make a thread on this on the internet... is laughable.

At the very least, for your sake, it didn't turn into something where everyone made fun of you, posted just "so ronery ;_;", like it would anywhere else. Though, thing is... that's another thing about tact. This thread is just untactful, and most people don't like negative threads, or threads that call out to others to expose vulnerability in public. Again, everything you do is a direct expression of who you are-- making this thread, and even saying hello.

Normally, I'd just make fun of you. But you know, out of the two things that I know can really make a person break down is loneliness (in varying situations), and extreme boredom. You're not going to go anywhere by just sitting there and complaining about it, though. Plus, I must remind you, there are other forms of socializing and communication other than the internet... You're really lucky that despite the fact that you've put one of THE worst possible things you can put yourself up to on the internet, you're barely having any rotten tomatoes thrown at you. You're putting yourself up for criticism that if there were enough people here, they'd make you want to off yourself.

The best thing you can really do for yourself is work with the circumstances, try to progress with what you have... go out and meet other people, become close and appreciate the friends that you already have, and make your own life the best it can be.

You know, I bet not everyone wants to admit it, but almost every single person on this thread has experienced some large form of loneliness at some point, and some may still feel that way to an extent. But I know for a fact that a good load of them do something about it. They go out, meet others, and bond with people they feel they can trust. It's people you become close to, and even people who you aren't so close to that understand that makes you feel less lonely. Sitting there and whining about it won't make you feel any better, and it'll push people away-- you have to get up, and change things for yourself. It may be harder for some than others, but what you have to do isn't much different than what anyone else had to do. Make friends, and eventually find the people who help you feel less lonely, and don't take them for granted.

Where the heck do you live? If you're anywhere near the major cities, it isn't hard to socialize at all. Things are happening all the time-- you just have to look for them.

P.S. Jerry's post here is possibly THE post that made the most sense... he has ever had on the internet, and he's right. You should really appreciate that. lmao

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Quote from: Jun-Watarase on March 02, 2009, 02:16:08 PM
P.S. Jerry's post here is possibly THE post that made the most sense... he has ever had on the internet, and he's right. You should really appreciate that. lmao

O_O holy crap.

its the end of the world as we know it....

and i guess i feel fine. :P
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jerry.pang

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


Agreed, we all feel lonely at times.  Figuring out why we're lonely and changing that is the thing you should do (did someone say that already? jun and mikey write more than i care to read).  By changing it could mean changing yourself, how you approach a conversation, what you talk about, your attitude during a conversation, maybe how you dress if it's necessary.  Or just who you try to hang out with.  The cool crowds aren't always as cool as they seem to be.

Anti-Pocky Movement 201X


again, u should really stop by the 3/8/09 if its withing your power.

you might not want to say ur board name, heck im confident to use my real name. :P but again just go with the flow and prove [them] or yourself wrong and just socialize and hang out meet some of us if you wish.

til then, find something else instead to distract urself instead of the I'm sad because I'm lonely routine.

trust me, your NOT the first person do to this 'silly woe as me' routine...  :-[

and something tells me you WILL NOT be the last either. :P
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jerry.pang

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Can I make a woe is me thread later?

Anti-Pocky Movement 201X


Quote from: JTchinoy on March 02, 2009, 03:31:39 PM
Can I make a woe is me thread later?

sure, but i wouldnt believe it JT.  You're too cool for words.  8)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jerry.pang

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


JT stop being lonely when I call you :c at 2am with your maplestory

anyway based from your gathering thread it wasent really well organized, there was no meet up place, a DECENT time frame (dont assume people are going to go to a midnight screening of a film especially if its a school night/working/last minute ect) All you had was "oh im wearing this" or something like that, it isnt very specific I mean post a picture of yourself on the member boards so that way it could be easier to find you I mean there could have been a buttload of people wearing a ryu headbands or whatever. Gatherings sometimes take planning like weeks is in advance not just last minute especially when you can get an official head count. If they bomb they bomb deal with it and try to plan a better one next time and include feedback from people

Anywho the feeling of being lonely sucks (I have been there before) but try to talk to family or friends like what jerry said, read a book or try to do something to get your mind off of it because doing nothing increases it more to dwell on being lonely. You could try to not come off as desperate for friends because it can turn some people away since it is a bit borderline creepy imo. If its an IM dont try to ask people to be roomates so  to split hotel costs for fanime (like you asked me) It comes off as creepy and not alot of people want to room with strangers. anyway back on the lonely part its something YOU have to work on like changing your attiude be more positive cause positive thinking helps alot, change up your looks and stuff its really not too hard but not too simple either.


Quote from: Jerry on March 02, 2009, 03:35:48 PM
Quote from: JTchinoy on March 02, 2009, 03:31:39 PM
Can I make a woe is me thread later?

sure, but i wouldnt believe it JT.  You're too cool for words.  8)
even cool people have insecurities  :'(

Anti-Pocky Movement 201X


Quote from: Kazuko on March 02, 2009, 04:03:23 PM
You could try to not come off as desperate for friends because it can turn some people away since it is a bit borderline creepy imo. If its an IM dont try to ask people to be roomates so  to split hotel costs for fanime (like you asked me) It comes off as creepy and not alot of people want to room with strangers.


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Quote from: Jerry on March 02, 2009, 03:09:59 PM
and something tells me you WILL NOT be the last either. :P

But we all hope it is.


See the issue is... he NEEDS to be yelled at. Guys like him are so full of themselves in the wrong kind of way. He's a "nice guy". He uses self-pity to appeal to others, and thinks that is what makes him a great guy.

If you look at his post history, all of his posts are generally the same. Him seeking out people and then bitching about how other people don't like him, despite him being a nice guy... but because girls want only good looking guys, and assholes.

for the lazy...


The first post is how he hates women... because they only like good looking guys, not "average looking guys" with great personalities... like him. Because CLEARLY he has an AMAZINGLY WONDERFUL PERSONALITY, and everyone else in the world is wrong. All this guy does is blame other people. Never does he question himself in a way that is productive. People like this don't need to be told "Don't worry it'll get better", because all that does is fortify their mentality, that the rest of the world is wrong.

And then every reply he gets, he argues with and keeps repeating how they are wrong, and women are stupid. He claims women don't care about anything but looks or money, and he is sad and lonely only because women are stupid and don't like genuine personality.

TO HELL WITH GUYS LIKE THIS. And frankly, it's ironic that I OF ALL PEOPLE, try to help them with actual legitimate advice. Only none of them listen, because they're so full of themselves that they have to blame the rest of the world. Frankly, advice to the rest of you... don't pity him. Don't pander to his ways. If he wants to hang out, don't do it just because you feel sorry for him. He acts this way on purpose, he chooses to do so, and until he grows up and realizes he's the problem, you shouldn't let him manipulate you into acting like he might be right.

If this dumbass wants to make friends... he should make friends on legitimate grounds. He shouldn't try to force people to like him. Let this loser be the loser that he is. When he mans up and admits he's a pathetic loser and that people don't like him, BECAUSE HE'S A CREEPY ASSHOLE that tries to con people into hanging out with him out of desperation...

Then maybe he can start trying to grow up and accept things.


Well, yes. I agree that people like this do need to yelled at, rather than babied and given "Oh... no, you're not horrible.". But no one in this thread is doing that, anyway. No one is telling him not listen to others, keep being a loser, or that what he's doing now is right. The point is to make him question what he may be doing wrong, that maybe that something he's doing is causing why he feels that way, and advice as to how to change how things are.

Even though what Pyron says may be right, though, most people-- especially people like SukebeStudios, are going to throw anything that scolds him as an attack and lump it in with bullying and destructive criticism. Like I said in my previous post, people like this need to grow to become strong enough to know the difference between bullying, and constructive criticism. People that don't, end up not listening, and never notice the difference until someone points it out to them in a way they're willing to listen.

Really, I wanted to provide the other side of things. Truthfully, I think that he already does know that he's a loser, in his position. No one would really want to be friends with someone who expresses themselves this way, other than out of pity-- but there is no harm in giving neutral advice he can use while he's picking himself up and socializing for the right reasons, and from where, building GENUINE friendships. If anything, this sort of thing cannot be taught through pity and babying-- it's about enduring, and sucking it up and learning from your environment.

So if OP reads last Pyron's post and gets offended and walks off... you haven't learned a thing, because that is nowhere near what bullying is. It really isn't. It's frustration with stupid people, but he's not leaving you with nothing. If anything, he's challenging you to become a better person.

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Well, I haven't run away. I've just been at work. I'm trying to work on being a better person. And I do admit, even though he's an utter asshole...Pyron does make sense. ::Shrug:: Asshole can make sense too. But he is right nonetheless. I need to take stock of myself and try to understand what it is about myself that is undesireable, in combination with the type of people I'm trying to hang out with. So...*mumbleneverthoughti'deversayitmumble*




Don't expect to hear that often though.



I stop trolling for a day, and a thread of this proportion pops up. Dayum, you guys are GOOD.



You should have more confidence in yourself, it's more attractive.
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Quote from: Steve.Young on March 03, 2009, 12:00:41 AM

You should have more confidence in yourself, it's more attractive.

Don't turn GAR for him.
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But I have friends, too. :D
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Oh ho, I see. No "Thank you Jun", huh.


Email me at [email protected] if you want to be a maid! Sign ups close in March! Hurry!