
Started by KimaLucifer, October 26, 2003, 08:46:39 PM

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awwww... :(  What happened Kima?  Did someone knock you down or go for the throat?  I've had both happen but glomping is still fun.   :idea: Besides digital glomping can do neither!!!
taaaa DAAAAA! I LIVE!!!!


Ah. Reasons:

When you have a small HYPER CAT-EARED HAPPY ALITA Running towards you and you know that person is STRONG and enjoys doing the following to anyone (including JOCKS): glomping/Headlock/Piggy-Back Rides.
And She just ruins Alita by not acting as her. <- Is a severe Cosplay dork that only likes Cosplayers who can ACT like what they're cosplaying.

That's why I HATE GLOMPS.
Doll Collecting Frenzy.
MSD#2, SD13#16, YSD Kuuta, MSDOne-offSwDMiuBoy
AoD Lele x2

MSD#17 coming home soon

Living my life away in Japan...hopefully to return for fanime next NEXT year.


Does anyone know anything about the manga? I hear that are five volumes... Heh heh heh must go to Kinokuniya.  And how did you change the topic?  :shock:  I didn't know you could do that! *Glomps everyone but Kima whom she pats on the head* Is that better Kima? ^_^

Remember first you pillage, then you burn.  All who do not comply will be suspended from the raiding party.  (And don't forget yer ruddy sword!)
taaaa DAAAAA! I LIVE!!!!


^^;; I guess she does kinda traumitize you for life from glomps.

SKN, you have a little brown stuff around your nose.
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OK. Comics. I can do this.

Kinoshita Sakura, the artist of Loki has done two Loki comics by now.

I have the original one that's just called "Loki, the Mythical Detective" This is 7 books long.

The anime series are from "Loki Ragnarok" which is her ongoing series right now, so I'm not sure how many are out right now. Last time I checked the bookstore, there was book 3 out.
Doll Collecting Frenzy.
MSD#2, SD13#16, YSD Kuuta, MSDOne-offSwDMiuBoy
AoD Lele x2

MSD#17 coming home soon

Living my life away in Japan...hopefully to return for fanime next NEXT year.



Yay! There are two Loki series? A 7 volume one and one that's only 3 so far. right? ^_^ I went to Kinokuniya yesterday and they had vol 3 with a little model.  But it was like 30 dollars and the Loki model had his eyes shut! phew! What's the point?  And I couldn't find the first 2 volumes.  My stepsister rushed me out of their fast just 'cause I was late for class. But I want it!  :evil: Loki is more important then class!
taaaa DAAAAA! I LIVE!!!!


Ok. If you went to the one in Moorpark, there is a section where there are yaoi comics to the right of the section, and to the left are the GC comics.
Loki should be there.
Doll Collecting Frenzy.
MSD#2, SD13#16, YSD Kuuta, MSDOne-offSwDMiuBoy
AoD Lele x2

MSD#17 coming home soon

Living my life away in Japan...hopefully to return for fanime next NEXT year.


Doomo Kima!*Restrains urge to glomp*  Must go back... must find Loki!  :twisted: Spend Tama Spend!
taaaa DAAAAA! I LIVE!!!!


You can go for you rLoki comics, I'll be in my room with my Loki Calendar.
Doll Collecting Frenzy.
MSD#2, SD13#16, YSD Kuuta, MSDOne-offSwDMiuBoy
AoD Lele x2

MSD#17 coming home soon

Living my life away in Japan...hopefully to return for fanime next NEXT year.


:evil: Share Kima! *Shakes Fist* They were OUT! Random Vengence shall be exacted upon all of you!  :evil: Ohhhh I'm mad!!!! All they had was vol. 3! So I know that's where they go! Grrrrrrrrr! I growl at them! I want! I want! I want! *Throws herself on the floor and has a tantrum*  I'm gonna go to bed now. I have a final tomarrow. *sniff* I'll go back next week and the week after that, and the week after that....  

Joke I heard today. She thought it was hilarious.
What does on balloon say to the other in the desert?
Oh no! It's a cactisssssssssssssss...
I know, it was more funny when she did it. She couldn't stop laughing.
taaaa DAAAAA! I LIVE!!!!


... or if you are so desparate, order them at the counter. I had to do that for some of my comics, or else I would have sobbed-ed and thrown a tantrum :3
Doll Collecting Frenzy.
MSD#2, SD13#16, YSD Kuuta, MSDOne-offSwDMiuBoy
AoD Lele x2

MSD#17 coming home soon

Living my life away in Japan...hopefully to return for fanime next NEXT year.


Hmmm... Nah! It's more fun to throw a fit.

But back to the subject of Loki.   okay, What is everyone's favorite support character? It can't be Loki or Mayura.
taaaa DAAAAA! I LIVE!!!!


I like Bad ASS. (A.K.A. Heimdal) and Punyan.

It's kinda hard to chose because I like all the Support Characters.
Doll Collecting Frenzy.
MSD#2, SD13#16, YSD Kuuta, MSDOne-offSwDMiuBoy
AoD Lele x2

MSD#17 coming home soon

Living my life away in Japan...hopefully to return for fanime next NEXT year.


I know me too... *Looks around* Is there anyone else in here? Or did they all sneak out during my tantrum?  HELLLLLLOOOOO!  WHO IS YOU'RE FAVORITE SUPPORT CHARACTER?  ....support character?    KEWL. An echo!  8)
taaaa DAAAAA! I LIVE!!!!


When i first saw this thread i thought: Loki! HELL YES!

*sigh* Then again the Loki i was thinking of had an affinity for corrupting people, a hatred for a cartoon cow and was played by Matt Damon in "Dogma."

Anwyays, Loki. The Loki Kima was reffering to: Well, i've heard of it, but haven't seen it, but i will make a mental note.
Ikaw ang lahat sa akin!

You're my everything

... not really, but i'm addicted to this show.