Get to know your fellow forum members~! ♥

Started by Vensy, August 06, 2009, 01:52:50 PM

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^ Watch some super robot anime
< Loves Toy Story
> Wants to plan a live gathering
v Do you remember the days of $30 (average price, I say) anime vhs tapes?
Also a Proud Fanime Con Attendee since 1998!
Yay, Haruko.


^ Not quite. I remember when they were like $20 (+tax), I was a wee little girl of about 6 who would stand in front of the Sailor Moon VHS display and beg for one every time we were at Wal-Mart. Sometimes it would work. Sometimes not. I still have a large collection of them though... <3
< Is in a gathering type mood!
> Is school minded. I'm not on here nearly as much as I was last quarter... but I'm taking more classes and working and they're more difficult, and I want to keep my 4.0 so... I'll just be fleeting in appearances for now. :c
V What's on your mind?
Attending FanimeCon for 15 years in 2019


^ What I can do without involving too much arm movement... They are so sore right now.
< A very studious student.
> My house has been really busy since my nephew is around. Lots of laughing, awing, and crying. It's a very nice change.
v What's changed for you recently?

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^ my new roommate is the type of roommate i barely see... compared to an ex-roommate/friend this means WAY less drama and tension around the house. This kind of change is always welcome :)

<  has a newphew

>  i has a niece, but ive been meaning to spend more time with her >_<  i got her into anime (InuYasha)

V  were you ever happy or proud to share your anime fandom with someone ? and they also got into anime or Fanime because of you? (story time!)

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


^ Yeah, actually before the last Fanime I forced my friend Amy to watch Ranma 1/2 with me and I told her about Fanime. She got way overexcited and instead of being Ukyo for her first cosplay, she wanted to be milk. Actually originally supposed to be strawberry milk from Gintama, but she insisted 2% milk xD
< Has a niece that likes InuYasha
> Hm... these makeup guru's on youtube scare me :/ Michelle Phan and Bubzbeauty are my faves because, well, they know what final fantasy is. And Sailor Moon. I likey :D
v How was your day? Did anything MAKE your day?
Just that weird, surprising, and awkward kid that's always there.
In the corner.
Watching your every move.
Secretly stalking you and watching you sleep. ;)
Fanime/Japan Expo Cosplays 2013~
-Cooking Mama
-Fem. Sasori
...pffft who the hell cares iunno kbye~


^ Well today was tiring since I had Chem class all day (lecture and lab) but the one hour break in between, despite feeling cold I walked up to the roof of one of the buildings and saw the nice view it had. I could see SF and the Bay Bridge along with some hills/mountains. It was almost sunset and the clouds started clearing up while I was up there so that became my location for my upcoming dance cover video.
< likes Michelle Phan and Bubzbeauty on youtube for makeup
> has a dance cover video for Wedding Dress to look forward to and a group to gather to try and do a group dance cover for B2st/Beast's Soom/Breathe.
V What's something that tires you out easily?
"Find yourself, that's the key & I am the only person I can be, myself, that''s me."
2015 Cosplay -tentative-
Shiro- No Game No Life
Koujaku- DraMaticalMurder
Esdese/Esdeath- Akame ga Kiru!
Daiki Aomine-Kuroko no Basuke


^ Doing math, anything algebra and up will wear down my mental strength quickly. Afterward, I become something like a zombie moving on command or natural instincts. (-_-)
< As Jerry would say, "Links or it didn't happen." heheh.
> I don't like having so much free time. It makes me look for pointless things to look at and gain somewhat useless knowledge.
V Where have you been?

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^ Nowhere too interesting.
< Doesn't enjoy free time?
> Was about to repeat something that he already said about himself. >.<
v What was the last anime you quit watching?
Also a Proud Fanime Con Attendee since 1998!
Yay, Haruko.


^ I last quit watching Mitsudomoe. I just suddenly lost interest in it, maybe it's because I kept comparing it to Kodomo no Jikan. They're both similar but Mitsudomoe is more on the gag comedy and Kodomo is serious on some points, although, really ecchi. However, I might pick up where I left off on Mitsudomoe, tomorrow.
< Would perhaps like to have more free time?
> I feel slightly uncomfortable watching anime with other people unless its and action and/or comedy.
v What kind of genre(s) do you like?

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^ Comedy. I love good laughs :)
< I know how you feel. I dislike watching anime at times with people.
> I got a job among other things! I have been busy lately. Anime club is starting today for me as well :D
V What has brightened your day today?


^ Being able to get online. :P
< Got a job.
> Just spent the first week at my new school (so many Asians lolz). Started taking some antidepressants (and experiencing the side effects). I'm totally enjoying the guys at my teen group therapy ("We're all one big happy depressing family!"). My life's going well. :P
V How are you today?


^ Tired.... I stayed up till 4:30 watching movies and trying to sleep. Then woke up at 7 to go play mini sport games for pediatric trauma prevention.
< her life is good :)
> Reread above sentence XD
V What was your favorite food growing up?


^ Mashed potatoes with turkey gravy. Mmmmmm...
< Helping children be happy?
> I was up until five this morning playing MW2. I usually use [K-ON] as my clan tag and once in while I'll get some friend requests, and today, I made a few more friends. I had a nice chat with them and learned a bit about them, one was from South Carolina and two others were sisters from Australia. "That was a good game, mate."
v What are you a fan of?

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^ anime, some video games, some music, books (if I get around to reading)
< Can stay up until 5 am
> Wants to have that discipline again.
v What kind of internet connection do you have at home? (Like, is it cable, or DSL, etc.)
Also a Proud Fanime Con Attendee since 1998!
Yay, Haruko.


^ I have cable internet, but it still feels kinda slow. (-_-)'
< Seeks discipline. (O_O)
> I feel pretty cruddy today, quite possibly, due to the lack of sleep in combination to a previous toothache and financial pressure.
v When do you want the happiest day of your life to be?

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^ Either when I get married or I watch my kid take their first steps.
< Feels cruddy
> Also feels cruddy due to cold and the fact that I have to meet people now and I feel it is going to be awkward. =/
V Same question I liked it


^ I want it to be soon.  can't give you an exact date.  Want the day when I finally don't have to worry about stupid money so I can move on to things more important.
< everyone feels cruddy D:
> has to wake up in four hours for my analysis of form class.  woe is me
V what's something someone did last week that made you smile?
Know much about purgatory? It's the world we live in now, and Halloween is the day a damned soul in purgatory can be released into heaven, if he prays hard enough. Say your prayers. - Vincent Volaju


^ I made people smile.
< Good Luck
> I slept through my alarm to wake up and finish my paper. It was due online exactly at 8. Turn in is closed :(
V What is your cheer-you-up food?


^Tacos or lasagna
< should stop watching TV and due her homework instead as to not get in trouble again.
> So much stuff like I got my laptop fixed,I lost my password and I went to mexico a while ago.
v farthest place you've ever traveled to?


^ Canada.
< I wasn't watching tv. Also welcome back.
> I don't really watch tv at all anymore. We got cable for the dorms, but I don't use it.
V What is something interesting you did yesterday?