Get to know your fellow forum members~! ♥

Started by Vensy, August 06, 2009, 01:52:50 PM

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^ No clue...
< is jealous of people....
> Is feeling emo. I think Detective Conan will help lol
V Worse thing about winter?


^ How the storms can ruin the fun. X_x
< Having Detective Conan removing her emoness. haha.
> Finally found some people I can be happily stupid around with. XD
V What's something you have surprised yourself with?


^ I'm surprised to know that I'm only surprised when I'm in a mood for it. :P
< Sounds like you made some good friends.
> I learned that the package I'm expecting from Japan will cost almost as much, if not more to ship it than what I had paid for it. huu~ (-_-)
V What the scariest movie you have ever seen?

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^ All scary movies are considered scary to me. At least the ones that's been out for the past half century or so. >___>;
< Does not like high shipping costs. (As do I...)
> Doesn't like the idea of not hanging out with friends over break. ... I feel such a loner. (-_-)
V What's your plans for the holidays?


^ Looks like being sick..
< wants to hang out with friends over break
> My whole mouth and throat are sore. I want this to pass fast :(
V Same Question


^ Hang out with a few friends and maybe visit some relatives.
< Needs NyQuil or Ricola.
> I'm watching the Back to the Future Trilogy. I didn't realize that ZZ Top was in it.
V What's your favorite movie(s) of all time?

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^ as weird as it is 50 First Dates
< Didn't realize ZZ Top was in Back to the Future
> Sometimes I wonder if being in a relationship is even important.
V What is your favorite Disney classic movie?


^ Pocahontas.
< I believe that relationships are crucial and if we go by the literal meaning, they are unavoidable. In the sense of boyfriend/girlfriend, going through it would put a lot of questions to rest, meanwhile, raising a few others, otherwise, it's not a necessity. Nuns do it.
> My friend was telling me about how the original stories most Disney movies were based off of, ended "very differently." For example, The Hunchback of Notre Dame. The Gypsy girl gets hanged and Quasi couldn't save her. So afterward, he dug her out of a grave and cuddled with her until he eventually dies of hunger. (O_O) It kinda reminds me of School Days.
V What is the worst ending for something you've seen?

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^ it wasnt more so the 'ending' as it was the ENTIRE move... it was called Zodiac [a supposedly true story] of the Zodiac killer... i didnt realize but the zodiac killer never was caught... but basically the ending was a list of people involved with the investigation and their little paragraphs of how their lives became FAIL after 'wasting' so much time looking for a killer without any favorable results. thats 4 hours of my life i spent sitting in a theater of my life i want back.

<  just FYI the 'real' Pocahontas was kid... not a *ahem* fully developed woman hitting on the white man...

>   is going to party something fierce for the Xmas holiday weekend :D

V   whats the craziest or funniest gag or white elephant gift that you seen given [or got yourself] ?

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


^ I haven't even participated in white elephant but as a gag gift, I would have to say cucumber melon lotion to a friend due to an inside joke. XD
< Have fun partying!
> The recent topic on Disney movies makes me think of Mulan. Oh yes, that's my favorite. :P
V Have you grew up with Disney movies as a kid?


^  who hasnt grown up without seeing a couple of Disney movies here and there --- that would be a deprived childhood :P  and my current Disney Favorites are Pixar's  UP  and Tangled.

<  Dont forgetting "Dis honor on you, Dis honor and your family!.... and Dis honor on your Cow! "
    my favorite quote from Mulan

>  I have watched Disney's Mulan completely in chinese before.

V  Lets keep it going! Whats your favorite memory, quote or movie from the Disney Universe? [dont forget live action movie counts too!

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


^ "Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind. OR Forgotten" ~Lilo and Stitch (My favorite Disney Movie)
< can watch Mulan completely in Chinese.
> I once watched Lion King 1 1/2 all in French. I don't speak or understand french, but my friends baby baby brother liked watching the movie in every language.
V Same Question!


^ I wanna say my other favorite Disney Movie is the very underrated Treasure Planet.
< Saw Lion King 1 1/2 in French.
> Saw the first Lion King in French simply because I was in a French class last year. :P
V What Disney movie have you seen in a different language?


^ Mulan in Chinese (Mandarin) and Lion King 1 1/2 in French.
< Also, saw Lion King in French. That makes three of us. (^_^)
> I may have spent too much money this month, I'll need to Scrooge it the next few months. (-_-)
v What's your favorite Christmas story or movie?

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^ That clay animation looking one about New Years Baby. I always remember thinking yay my holiday is in it XD I was a weird child.
< is going to be a Scrooge O.O
> I can't say talk anymore doctors orders... This throat cold thing is horrible  :'(
V Worse Christmas experience?


^ Anything involving planning and people. And arguments too  :(
< Is sick. Get well soon.
> Doesn't know how psychological tests work * apparently needs one soon*  ???
v Same question.
Also a Proud Fanime Con Attendee since 1998!
Yay, Haruko.


^ Can't necessarily think of one since most of my experiences were bad because of my reluctance in being part of it. ><
< I took a neuropsychological test some time ago due to my former psychiatrist suspected me of a learning disability. If anything's similar to just psychological testing, it involves requiring you to perform certain tasks that shows signs of how you function and all that.
> Turned out from my personal testing, I ended up having the suggestion of very mild Asperger's Syndrome and something about a learning difficulty regarding to mathematics and reading comprehension. (The former hardly anyone believes due to how "normal" I usually interact with people while I do feel the opposite...) The results also said that I have above average to superior intelligence. Now THAT I do not believe. o__o;
V What test result have you received that surprised you?


^ Def the one in my Basic Conducting Class. I got an 89.35% so that'll bump to an A! ^_^
< Has an high IQ
> is now 1 out of 5 semesters away from being a music educator
V How close are you to your life goals/dreams

Ops Div


^ not even close lol
< Good Luck and good job on the first done :D
> I did absolutely nothing today XD
V What is your favorite day of the week and why?


^ Saturday! It's the interlude between Friday and Monday. Well Saturday's usually the best day of the week for me at least...
< Did nothing yesterday
> I've been doing major cleanup for the New Year but otherwise on the fun side...I'M ADDICTED TO ASSASSIN'S CREED BROTHERHOOD (on Xbox live). @_@ I like how convenient it was on x-mas night there were a bunch of low level players; it helped me level up quite a bit and I thank them for it and my "pwnage of noobcakes." I've been obsessing about reaching level 50...but I'm at close but yet so far.
V Anything convenient happen during the holidays?
"Find yourself, that's the key & I am the only person I can be, myself, that''s me."
2015 Cosplay -tentative-
Shiro- No Game No Life
Koujaku- DraMaticalMurder
Esdese/Esdeath- Akame ga Kiru!
Daiki Aomine-Kuroko no Basuke