Get to know your fellow forum members~! ♥

Started by Vensy, August 06, 2009, 01:52:50 PM

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^ None at the moment. Just taking a break at work.
< Is love-struck.
> I just realized that there is barely two months left until the big weekend! I really have get back to making my cosplay, soon.
V What game you would like to play at Fanime?

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^ i would like to play that bar cutting game cuz (selfish plug) i won a dsi from one and i would like to try my luck again even though the chances are unlucky xD
< you cosplay ... AND THATS AWESOME
> i like yarn.
V where will you be for the majority of fanime? :D


^ Wandering around and meeting up with people. ... Possibly away from friends. o_o;
< Likes yarn. lol
> It's not that I don't like my friends. I want my own independent experience for once when it comes to events like this. o3o
V Same question?


^I'll most likely be walking around in some sort of cosplay and pictures will be taken of me or I'll take pictures. And I'd most likely be rushing to cosplay gatherings and other events/panels.
< wants to be independent and have her own experience at Fanime
> I need good luck and inspiration for my upcoming quizzes and midterms as well as incoming projects and videos.
V same question
"Find yourself, that's the key & I am the only person I can be, myself, that''s me."
2015 Cosplay -tentative-
Shiro- No Game No Life
Koujaku- DraMaticalMurder
Esdese/Esdeath- Akame ga Kiru!
Daiki Aomine-Kuroko no Basuke


^ Hm, most likely at arcade, Stage Zero, dealers room, or home
< & > Good luck! I remember having finals on Fanime Friday. That wasn't pleasant, but I studied hard and finished my test early so I can walk over to the con right after (SJSU final btw)
V Same question


^ first year going to cosplay at fanime (Monster Hunter Mafumofu armor) so possibly pictures?  I usually spend a lot of time in artist alley and in the arcade.  or depending on time of day on the main concourse.
< Had a good final then walked to Fanime, fuckyeah.jpeg
> Should already be asleep, have class tomorrow. Stupid Dissidia is stopping that
V same question
Know much about purgatory? It's the world we live in now, and Halloween is the day a damned soul in purgatory can be released into heaven, if he prays hard enough. Say your prayers. - Vincent Volaju


^ Depends on where the cons needs me and what I want to cover
< It's a good feeling when you finish school and Fanime is the week after, fuckyeah.jpg
> Looking at buying a DSLR
V Do you have a DSLR and if so what brand and model?


@ispyangie: Will defo get in touch if I make it up there! ^^
@DarkMoonlitStar: Not a scythe for Celty, but the Dead Master on the left is holding a Dead Scythe made of wood. :O

^ No, but I've been thinking about the Canon T2i since I heard good things about the T1i from someone and the T3i is about to/has already dropped. I actually have a Canon SLR that I used to use from time to time but I never used it to its full potential.
< Planning to get the DSLR for the con blog?
> Having problems with the new point-and-shoot I got. My old P&S gives me pictures like this but my new one gives pictures like this. Can't tell if it's the bump in MP that's giving me such crap images or if it's a defective sensor or something. Both shot using automatic mode with flash fired.
v Are you camera savvy enough to help me out? :3 Self-serving question, LOL
Find me on Facebook! It's where I upload all my con photos and it has links to all my other accounts (Twitter, YouTube, etc.)
If you'd like to add me, please let me know who you are and where you found me! ^_^


^ Not yet. I hope to get more into digital cameras and photography but my equipment is very limited. I'll just have to make use of my phone's 8.1 megapixel camera and learn from there. :P
< Trying to figure out which camera is better.
> I'm absolutely ready to go fishing. I've got all of my gear packed and I've got my license. The only thing I haven't time. :(
v What would you do in order to make time to do something you want?

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^ depends on how bad I want it I spose
< NEEDS to go fishing, Good Luck!
> has been confused on life for a bit....
v Favorite type of drink?
Know much about purgatory? It's the world we live in now, and Halloween is the day a damned soul in purgatory can be released into heaven, if he prays hard enough. Say your prayers. - Vincent Volaju


^ Depends on what I'm in the mood for
< Do you need to talk to someone? I'm on AIM if you want to talk online with me to sort out life's problems
> To answer jimsha, yes :)
V Same question


^ Ice Tea, can drink it almost any way :D
< Is a kind caring person, world needs more people like you.
> drawing a 2 point perspective piece for homework... its taking too long >.<
V little over a month and a half to go, excited yet?
Know much about purgatory? It's the world we live in now, and Halloween is the day a damned soul in purgatory can be released into heaven, if he prays hard enough. Say your prayers. - Vincent Volaju


^ I've been excited for a while now lol
< is drawing a 2 point perspective piece (have fun with that...)
> I hope I can actually relax sometime instead of always needing to do some type of work but other than that I hope I can get all my cosplay props done before Fanime.
V same question
"Find yourself, that's the key & I am the only person I can be, myself, that''s me."
2015 Cosplay -tentative-
Shiro- No Game No Life
Koujaku- DraMaticalMurder
Esdese/Esdeath- Akame ga Kiru!
Daiki Aomine-Kuroko no Basuke


^not that excited, more like cool & collected about it mostly cuz i'm ready for it, almost.
<again, good luck on your future endeavours
>got to stop friggin' procrastinating & stop plucking my hair out 1 by 1.
v Anything that you're looking forward to that just thinking about it gets you psyched up?
~Swap Meet staffer: '10, '11, '12, '14


^ Nothing currently. MLIA.
< Mowing the headgrass one blade at a time. xD
> Has a lot less headgrass these days. Not cool enough to pull it off, either. Dx
v Are you going bald or getting a receding hairline? What do you do about it? lol random
Find me on Facebook! It's where I upload all my con photos and it has links to all my other accounts (Twitter, YouTube, etc.)
If you'd like to add me, please let me know who you are and where you found me! ^_^


^ nope
<full head o hair
> cosplay material hunting
V current life project?
Know much about purgatory? It's the world we live in now, and Halloween is the day a damned soul in purgatory can be released into heaven, if he prays hard enough. Say your prayers. - Vincent Volaju


Q: ^ not sure. just hoping I can go far in photography
P: < good luck finding your cosplay material!
F: > currently working on photo assignment its kinda hard
N: V Who's your favorite pokemon?
Pinkie pie- my little pony
Missing no. Snorlax & Sylveon- Pokemon
Lumpy space princess- Adventure time
Stocking,geek boy(gender bent)- panty and stocking


^ Pikachu all the way son!
< I'll admit though: I'm a old-school fan and I don't acknowledge any Pokemon outside of the original 151 and Togepi. That's why I can't get into the newer games.
> To respond to Elimeno: Thanks :)
V Same Q


^ The ever infamous mudkip pwease. |D
< Goes old-school for pokemon.
> I don't have a DS or anything. I'm a shame to my poke-friends. OTL
V What's one thing you're "ashamed" of admitting?


Q - Question | P - Previous Poster | F - Fact | N - Next Question.
Q: ^ Answer the question the previous poster asked
P: < You, yourself say something about the previous poster or what you think of them (Ex: You have a nice name )
F: > Tell us a simple fact about you :3
N: V Ask the next poster a question (Ex: What's your favorite anime?)

^ To tell you the truth, there isn't anything I am ashamed of admitting. XD I think the question is "What is the one thing you SHOULD be ashamed of"?
< Fuck yeah old school pokemon. I am all over pokemon.
> I'm single and I hope I can meet new friends
V Do you like DDR? Because I'm gonna tear that pad up when I get there. LOL!