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Started by Vensy, August 06, 2009, 01:52:50 PM

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^ limit as what? i would do a gundam wing zero cosplay if i could. either full function or just lightup.
< has a similar resort to temperary isnomia as I do.
> is stuck listening to "Sex and Candy" atm...                      I miss ksjo...
V favorite hat?

if that the master a 'prentice have,
Entirely then that he him tell,
That he the craft ably may know,
Wheresoever he go under the sun.


^ My grey SF fitted cap (although I don't wear it as much anymore)
< Can cosplay as Wing Gundam Zero. Do the Endless Waltz version! :p
> I'm on a conference meeting with my boss and roommate and an outside contact for phase 2 of our VLAN project.
v Seen any Kamen Rider shows?

Twitter: @limDsage
Youtube gaming channel:
PSN: sicse7en


Quote from: limDsage on April 24, 2013, 10:07:22 AM
^ My grey SF fitted cap (although I don't wear it as much anymore)
< Can cosplay as Wing Gundam Zero. Do the Endless Waltz version! :p
> I'm on a conference meeting with my boss and roommate and an outside contact for phase 2 of our VLAN project.
v Seen any Kamen Rider shows?
^ Yeah, i've seen Kabuto, Den-O, OOO, Fourze, and W
< Is pretty hard at work
> Just came back from breakfast and ran into like 3 people i knew
v Favorite drink?


^ Coffee. The stronger, the better.
< Just had breakfast. What did you eat?
> Still in the meeting. Currently letting our outside contact remote session on our VLAN via terminal.
v Most preferred music genre?

Twitter: @limDsage
Youtube gaming channel:
PSN: sicse7en


^  I'm not sure, my top favorite bands are all of different genres
<  Might be a workaholic
>  Definitely not a workaholic
v  How's your week been so far?


^ Boring. All I want to do right now is sleep. lol
< Not a workaholic.
> I'm not workaholic; work  just started getting a little too hectic this week, so we're kind of going to second gear right now.
v Weirdest show you've ever watched?

Twitter: @limDsage
Youtube gaming channel:
PSN: sicse7en


^ Ping Pong Club.... never watching it again.
< what happens in 5th gear?
> i need to go buy some soda. I like to buy the 3liters(not 2) from the dollar store.
V most soda ever had?

if that the master a 'prentice have,
Entirely then that he him tell,
That he the craft ably may know,
Wheresoever he go under the sun.


^ Probably just 2 bottles of orange soda. I don't drink soda as much.
< Orange and Root beer is always good!
> Hopefully, 5th gear don't trigger at work. I need sleep and time off! :p
v Have you seen One Piece Film Z?

Twitter: @limDsage
Youtube gaming channel:
PSN: sicse7en


^ Nope. Havent been much of a One Piece fan...
< I need time off from work/school :/
> procastinating on math hw. really dont like math.
V Favorite shape or symbol?

if that the master a 'prentice have,
Entirely then that he him tell,
That he the craft ably may know,
Wheresoever he go under the sun.


^  It's pretty cliche but I love hearts,  I doodle them everywhere, lol.  The symbolic kind, not anatomical ones, haha.  I also like the heartagram and used to draw that everywhere back when I was super into the band, HIM

<  Not a maths person nor a one piece person
>  Thinking about getting a table in the artist alley at an upcoming convention.  Not Fanime, cause I don't want to miss any of the festivities, lol.  Was thinking of Sac-Anime but their next artist alley is sold out already :(
v  Know of any other anime conventions happening this year that aren't too far away?


^ sacanime?
< Wants to make money selling art. Should get a deviantart and post for hire on craigslist. Is/was a HIM fan.
> I have never been a HIM fan, but I always doodled and a recurring symbol was from HIM. I've done alot of variations of it. One of the things I thought about becomming as I was growing up was a tattooist- but that's more trouble than its worth.
V favorite cereal(trix, life, oatmeal[not cereal])? What kind of milk do you drink(soy, whole, 1%)?

if that the master a 'prentice have,
Entirely then that he him tell,
That he the craft ably may know,
Wheresoever he go under the sun.


^  Lately I've been sticking to Honey Nut Cheerios.  I used to love Lucky Charms when I was younger.  And I always get non-fat milk, not particularly out of preference but more out of habit cause that's what we always had at my house growing up.
< Never been a HIM fan??  D:
>  My first tattoo that I got on my 18th b'day is a variation of the heartagram.  I have a deviantart and used to take plush commissions through it, but got too lazy to keep making stuff that other people wanted and have lately just made stuff that I wanted to make, lol.  Also looked into Sac-Anime but unfortunately their next artist alley is already sold out :( :( :(
v  What's the smallest con you've been to?


^ Silicon Valley Code Camp. Alot of people but not as much as Fanime
< Got first tattoo on 18th bday like I did. Deviantart died same way as mine.
> I only drink whole milk. I was raised on it. Everything else tastes watered down. I lived on milk growing up- that's why I didnt die going 80mph in my accident(that and being born awesome). I still make my own cosplays. My music library is VAST, but doesn't include HIM :P itunes takes up an entire harddrive. In case that doesn't make sense to whoever reads this...                  I      really     love      music    .
V most you have ever spent on a cd/song/etc?

if that the master a 'prentice have,
Entirely then that he him tell,
That he the craft ably may know,
Wheresoever he go under the sun.


^  listening wise, I spent 2 and a half years straight learning RHCP's Blood Sugar Sex Magik, Californication, and By the Way albums.
< Only drinks whole milk. I enjoy low fat, but I drink whole milk also. Also needs 1 TB HDD so he can put more songs. lol
> This is my 3rd espresso today. Work is still on second gear, but at least I'll get my sleep.
v Cheapest meal you can make?

Twitter: @limDsage
Youtube gaming channel:
PSN: sicse7en


^ ramen with eggs and tapatio with pepper
< drinks alot of coffee while at work. should do open mic with me at Fanime
> hates math with uber passion.
V most expensive meal ever had?

if that the master a 'prentice have,
Entirely then that he him tell,
That he the craft ably may know,
Wheresoever he go under the sun.


^ Probably when I went to Espetus with a bunch of co-workers. Costs like 50 bucks a person. -__-
< Any form of Math? a+b=2?
> Open mic sounds cool. Let's do it!
v Do you know how to drive manuel transmission?

Twitter: @limDsage
Youtube gaming channel:
PSN: sicse7en


^ Automatic, but i want to get a v8 manual. Can I? Kinda- need more practice. I was 12 last time I did manual.
< ok, you got skype?
> simplifying complex fractions without perfect squares. I know how to do it, but its not panning out the same. Like driving reverse down the freeway at 80mph... or cutting across a corn field to avoid an intersection
V Wendys, Mc Donalds or Burger King?

if that the master a 'prentice have,
Entirely then that he him tell,
That he the craft ably may know,
Wheresoever he go under the sun.


^ Wendy's. I don't go to Burger King as much, and I hate Mickey D's.
< Yes, I do: limthasage07
> Buying new guitar strings later after work, and then finish up some work documents for another IT meeting tomorrow.
v What computer are you using right now?

Twitter: @limDsage
Youtube gaming channel:
PSN: sicse7en


^some sort of 7
<would you eat a bacon cake?
>everyday i'm dancing!
V what is one thing you don't feel like doing right now?


^ I don't feel like packing my kit for the Sunnyvale tournament tomorrow.
< Yes, I would eat a bacon cake or a cake bacon. Whichever comes first.
> Last day to practice for the tourney!
v Best thing that happened this week?

Twitter: @limDsage
Youtube gaming channel:
PSN: sicse7en