Post Fanime 2010 Weapons? Props? Peacebonding? Policy? Ask those ? here...

Started by Nekomatt, December 29, 2009, 09:28:20 PM

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Quickie question.

A video game character I'm working on uses a pair of pistols for weapons.  The ones I was planning on making look like this:

I've been planning them out, assuming that the fact that they're amazingly ridiculous butterfly guns puts them quite safely in the realm of cartoony, unrealistic weapons, but I've come to the conclusion that in general, it's safer to not assume anything.

Can I make these props as shown without having an issue from the rovers?  And if there would be a problem, what can I do to avoid it?

Thank you!


this is an email i sent to the rovers about a month ago. ive yet to get any reply so i decided i would copy the email and post it here and maybe someone could help me :x

1. what are the general rules regarding cosplay weapons?  must they be bonded at all times? can we choose where and how we want them bonded?

2. Me and my friends are in a group of 8 friends are going to cosplay do you say it...our own cosplay? my friend who is a terrific anime artist (and will hopefully selling art) made some sketches for designs for our cosplay. our group is going to be wearing black colors with accents of red(possibly facepaint).  i guess what im trying to ask is: Even tho we are not cosplaying as any known anime character, will this effect our selection of cosplay weapons we can use?

3. Along with general rules regarding weapons, What is the policy on usage of wooden cosplay items?

4. My friends an i planned on taking some time out of each day for posing. this would be a time where we would stay in one area of the con and well...stand there posing for 20-30min. my question is: During times such as this, would it be possibly to un-bond our weapons and hold them so our group may pose for others? what are the exact rules reguarding the "un-bonding" of items during the con

ok next im going to throw a few ideas for weapons me and my friend were thinking about but we need an OK before we go ahead and buy the stuff. this also pertains to the questions above.

1. Kusarigama:
What i was planning was to purchase 2 Kusarigamas, and attack them both with a long, THIN, Chain. this chain would be wrapped around my body and i would hold the Kusarigamas in my hands. I want to make note that this item would in no way be able to be flung or swung around due to the chains. these chains will be secure and tight around my body and serve for look. also note that THERE WILL BE NO WEIGHT!!!!  i have to make this clear because even tho i say this, people on the forum seem to ignore that part of my comment.

2. Tonfas:
     This was my idea of the type of tonfa i wanted to carry around.i know that metal tips are a big NONO.  but whats the rules regarding carrying one of these around? im sure it would be no problem straping it to my body but would these be allowed to carry at all? im hoping not >.<

3.Spears, Lances, Halberds, etc.:
   This section im wondering about items pertaining to the shape of a lance/spear or maybe even a halberd. this recently popped up  in a discussion between my group and we needed more info. i would once again assume these would be wooden and non-sharp, painted black.  i would assume these aren't illegal or against the rules to carry but more info regarding the rules about these would be greatly appreciated.

thats all i have for now. Thank you for your time and i look forward to hearing back.


I'm going to alter a nerf gun for a Steampunk-style outfit. As it's mostly just going to be painted copper with silver accents, it will still be obvious as a nerf gun and a comically oversized six-shooter. Would this be okay? Should I leave the orange tip unpainted?


I wandered through the thread to see if my question got answered, but nope, doesn't seem to be..

What is the feeling on incorporating peacebonding into a holster? We've not built that part of the props yet, but it would take very little effort to add buckles, etc that would make them difficult to wrench loose, and keep them in place accordingly, perhaps even making it so that a zip tie could feed through a set of D-rings. I'd have no problem with it being checked for all the appropriate safety measures. ;)
2012 Costumes (or so we hope!)
Ayukawa, Miime, Oscar, Yuria, D'Eon

michiko nakano

Quote from: Gwydion on February 20, 2010, 10:44:21 PM
I'm going to alter a nerf gun for a Steampunk-style outfit. As it's mostly just going to be painted copper with silver accents, it will still be obvious as a nerf gun and a comically oversized six-shooter. Would this be okay? Should I leave the orange tip unpainted?

my friend did EXACTLY that last year... actually i had to check to make sure you weren't her... I don't have a picture, but she painted my eight-shooter with copper and silver for a mad scientist/steampunk thing and ran around with it at con, and didn't get in trouble for it.  Nerf guns look like toys, and toy-like guns aren't considered dangerous.  kinda depends what it looks like... sent the rovers a pic maybe?


I got the idea from a picture I found online, so maybe that was hers. ^^


We apologize for the lack of any new information regarding some of the recent questions / pictures of the gun type weapons & props.

please note :

Saturday, February 27th we will be having our Feb Rovers meeting at Jerry's house starting @ 2:30 p.m.

This meeting will be held at Jerry's place in East Side San Jose. Please PM Jerry for the Address---
this is ONLY for those who are serious about join Rover's Staff.

We will be going over code of conduct, who we are (Since this seems to be VERY CONFUSING for some people), and what we do. We'll give quick overviews of duties, quick updates on the happenings, and conclude with a Q&A. For those of you who have worked [on Rover's staff] for 2 years+, this meeting is optional. A sign in sheet will be required for all the new people. The way the system works is that I require 2 training meetings for all new people, 1 training meeting for people who worked last year, and anyone who has worked 2+ years should come to meetings but is optional.

*** Please note at this time our Weapons / Props and Cosplayers items Policy is STILL UNDER REVIEW by our Fanime Legal Department [ yes! we actually have a legal department *** and further details in this regard will be releases AS SOON AS POSSIBLE--- if you still have questions please send your e-mails and pictures to the links below:

If you have any questions, send them to [email protected] / [email protected]  / [email protected]

Thanks! for being so patient.

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


Quote from: crystalsoul on February 19, 2010, 12:06:56 PM

1. Kusarigama:
What i was planning was to purchase 2 Kusarigamas, and attack them both with a long, THIN, Chain. this chain would be wrapped around my body and i would hold the Kusarigamas in my hands. I want to make note that this item would in no way be able to be flung or swung around due to the chains. these chains will be secure and tight around my body and serve for look. also note that THERE WILL BE NO WEIGHT!!!!  i have to make this clear because even tho i say this, people on the forum seem to ignore that part of my comment.

2. Tonfas:
     This was my idea of the type of tonfa i wanted to carry around.i know that metal tips are a big NONO.  but whats the rules regarding carrying one of these around? im sure it would be no problem straping it to my body but would these be allowed to carry at all? im hoping not >.<

3.Spears, Lances, Halberds, etc.:
   This section im wondering about items pertaining to the shape of a lance/spear or maybe even a halberd. this recently popped up  in a discussion between my group and we needed more info. i would once again assume these would be wooden and non-sharp, painted black.  i would assume these aren't illegal or against the rules to carry but more info regarding the rules about these would be greatly appreciated.

unfortunately [real] Chained weapons [of any nature] is technically illegal in California. so the short answer would be NO - technically the chain themselves also fall under the LIVE Steel policy - which is also a pretty hard NO. Sorry I'll double check after this weekends meeting and get back t you.

Tonfas / clubbed weapons are very very GRAY and practically borderline  " NO " as well, but again this is something I need to goto my superiors and get back to you ASAP.

again real [metal versions of] Spears, Lances, Halberds, etc would be a definite " NO " as well but if you have wood painted metallic like then that may be more acceptable. keep in mind that these are all very good questions and we appreciate the notion of all the cosplayers trying to stay within the limits of the rules given.

we're still trying to have the rules finalized so we can share them with you .

Please be patient as I will try to keep everyone in the loop. :)

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


I'm working on a Batman: Arkham Asylum Scarecrow cosplay that I plan on debuting at Fanime 2010.
I will be using soldering wire for the "needles" at the finger tips of the right hand. It is very pliable and bends when barely any pressure is put on it. I just wanted to make sure that this would be alright. ((It's a safety precaution for me also, so I'm trying to make this outfit as hazard-less as possible.))
Also, the character uses a scythe as a weapon. I was considering making a [paper mache] dull "blade" and using piping for the handle. (The actual scythe is made of paper and pipes.) I doubt that I will use metal pipes, (would that be considered live steel?) and will probably use plastic. That is acceptable, right? I will be painting said plastic to look like rusted pipes, but it will be fairly light in wieght, because I don't want my arms to be tired.

Thank you kindly!


so long as the wire is not sharpened in any way, and is always safe for you to wear i would think that would be acceptable.

of course any photos or links to your progress [again for only a preliminary view ~ not a final answer ] would be given as you continue making your props.

when i thought of "safe " needle like finger tips, i could help but think of putting " bugle " snack chips on your finger tips. :P

as for the Scythe, using as minimal metal would be to your best interest since it would be lighter and poses less issues come con time. i think technically metal pipes would be considered live steel and would be dangerous in the wrong hands.

Good luck with your prop making and again thank you for bearing with my "half" answers til I get more info from my higher ups. :)

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


Can somebody please define "LIVE" steel for me? What makes steel "LIVE" and how do you "kill" it?


the short answer is anything containing or made out of standard " Hard Metals "

usually things like " knives, Swords, metal clubs, utility tools, rakes, guns, screw drivers and etc "

basically anything made of metal that could do significant damage if swung around, or in gun related items, shooting projectiles.

the only kind of "dead" metal i could think of is any kinda of metallic items that almost have NO potential of harming someone.
but that in itself is hard to show/prove.

Things like Steel toe boots or even an Aluminum can can still do lots of damage for the small amount if metal they both have.
So again, keep it simple- keep it sane- keep it safe.

K thanks. :)

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


I have a handgun toy that was used for laser shooting in like an arcade Tv hooked up video game. I detached i from the game and use it for a gun for America from hetalia. Though it never had a orange cap, but I have placed some neon orange tape where the cap would be. My question is, can I birng this gun to fanime, it is clearly fake and looks just about as real as toy guns. So should I get it peace bonded, or am I good with the orange tape?


Orange tape on a modified toy gun may not necessarily allowed.... though we'd have to take a look at it for a better idea.

Keep in mind ALL Props / hand held items, Fake weapons or hand held accessories should be checked out by Fanime Rovers staff and may require peace bonding.

If you have any links or pictures of the toy gun [with tape] I could probably give you a better answer--- thanks!

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


Quote from: Jerry on March 02, 2010, 02:44:52 PM
Things like Steel toe boots or even an Aluminum can can still do lots of damage for the small amount if metal they both have.
So again, keep it simple- keep it sane- keep it safe.

K thanks. :)

Which leads me to would one peacebond a steel-toe boot? XD
Interestingly enough, I can figure out how to peacebond the can...well, kinda. ;)

2012 Costumes (or so we hope!)
Ayukawa, Miime, Oscar, Yuria, D'Eon

michiko nakano

once again, things like steel toe boots, belt buckles, bobby pins, even the fanime badges... they could easily cause damage.  but they don't get peace bonded.  i'm sure the penalty is the same if you use them violently as if you use weapons violently. 


Quote from: Jerry on February 01, 2010, 09:14:32 AM
Quote from: Relsek on February 01, 2010, 01:58:20 AM
Last year was my first year to Fanime, but from what I've seen so far Rovers should be better trained in what the weapon check rules are and/or how to use common sense. 4 of my friends and I cosplayed as Prince of Tennis characters and were walking around carrying tennis rackets a lot of the time but got stopped by a Rover near the Video rooms who said we would either have to put them back in our bags or get them peace bonded. This makes no sense to me as a tennis racket is obviously not a weapon, whether it has a yellow zip tie around it or not. I'm all for having anything that could remotely be considered a weapon checked, but this was kind of ridiculous.

ridiculous or not - its our policy that all items or props are checked out.

yes we know that tennis rackets are not weapons, but in the hands of the irresponsible it can and will do damage.
The reason why we tag any weapon/prop is a pseudo agreement that you are responsible for your item even if someone else takes it and becomes and idiot with it.

You might have common sense, but not everyone else does around you. Even if it was your "first" time at con doesnt mean your exempt from the rules. The rules are there for your safety, and not because we want to give you a hard time.

it literally takes 5 minutes to get a peace bonded tag for your weapon/item/prop.
- if someone gets hurt and because someone thought it would be funny to swing a tennis racket at an unsuspecting crowd.  
That's what were trying to prevent.

And I'm saying that it's still pointless for such obvious things. The only people that would tell an attendee to go get a prop peace bonded is a Rover, so if the prop is so obviously not a weapon that the Rovers can tell it isn't just as easily as they could see a little colored zip-tie then the whole process seems redundant for those cases. Peace bonding only really does any good if it's to assure the public that something resembling a weapon isn't really one. Regardless of whether it's peace-bonded or not, almost anything could potentially be used to hurt someone. If a prop obviously isn't a weapon, but doesn't break any of the con rules (aside from the peace bonding rule) it shouldn't needed to be peace-bonded. As to the peace-bonding being an agreement, I don't see how it is one anymore than buying a pass and/or bringing the prop with you to the con in the first place.


For additional reference - your debate was discussed here :,13510.0.html

I'd like to not want to go back and forth over the topic of peace-bonding - there have been other debate threads and I'm not here to debate the issue because its a standard rule of the convention that all items held by Cosplayers should be checked out. At the same time the attendee is reminded of the "Code of Conduct" at Fanime Con- and thus agree-ing to an additional set of rules for ALL Cosplayers when it comes to holding items, props, weapons or accessories.

The numbers done lie - with Fanime Con easily going over 14,000+ attendees -> and a VERY high number being Cosplayers with very strong supporters being the Photographers, Cosplayers of all levels and prop making abilities. they have respected the rules Since Fanime and other cons like it have been around.

Fanime Con turns "sweet 16" this year, so if the "peace bond" rule isnt broken, why still complain about its "pointless" when there's an entire thread of cosplayers willing the follow the rules and your simply complaining about it because this will only be your 2nd year going to this convention?

Something to think about. -> Just buying a badge doesnt mean your going to cosplay- Cosplayers have additional rules/situations that rules for a plain clothes person wouldnt apply to.

If you really have an issue the rules- your gonna have to have a better reason that just "its pointless." That really doesnt cut it with me, The Fanime Rovers Department, or the General Fanime staff.

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


Forgive me if this question has been asked before. If I plan to wear a costume like that of a Star Trek character (The Original Series, or Recent movie) would the Phaser have to be peace bonded to the belt, or would it be allowed to be held out for photo ops?


still has to be checked out and probably peace bonded [hopefully not to you] ~ depends of the toy actually comes with a holster [which i sorta doubt]

usually when you hold/pose with said star trek phaser you could cover the peace bond tie.

Keep in mind ALOT of cosplayers prefer not to have peace bond when it comes to pose-ing or taking pictures [which is understandable]

since most pictures are taken outside usually in the fountain areas you can go without a peace bond, but once wandering around the convention center areas - The Rovers will double check all items.

So most cosplayers know the routine of taking as many pictures outside without said peace bonds and then getting them checked and peace bonded while indoors.

Some of our hardcore cosplayers have been collecting peace bond ties since they've started cosplaying.

again final weapons / cosplayer policies will be posted hopefully ASAP .

Thanks for your patience!


Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D