Info For Artist Alley Reg

Started by imoto, February 10, 2010, 08:45:48 AM

0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic.


I've paid a long time ago but am waiting on one artists permit numbers.  Will the May 15th due date affect me?

P.S. if the pay date is May15 we will probably get seating around then too.
06- Ragnarok Huntress / 07- Haruhi Suzumiya
08- Shana / 09 - Luluko
10 - Holo / 11 - Flaaffy
12 - Inga / 13 - Lizbeth


Quote from: princeofrose on April 21, 2011, 12:50:10 PM
So they won't even send a message saying if you didn't get accepted? :O
I would assume it'd be nicer if they did-so I can just stop thinking about it and know that I'll have to wait till next year =__=;;;

I think I read in an earlier post that you would be notified if you did NOT get accepted (an email).  It's taken this long to notify those who got in, it will probably not be much longer before the non-accept emails get sent out.
Life is too important to take seriously.  Seriously.


So I appreciate my sister in law trying to apologize for my husband's rants on here (which yeah, he was rude and a *bit* (mainly just rude) out of line, BUT he is right, this whole system is way lame) Anyways though I just want to throw in my two cents (I'm the wife btw, and all three of us, my hubby, his sis, and me, have been crazy stressed annoyed and frustrated by this whole process) 1) this should be run better 2) we still have not received an e-mail about whether we got in. Assuming at this point we didn't but woulda been nice to have gotten some kind of confirmation. and last but not least 3) we are considering not going to fanime next year. this year's tickets are already bought and paid for, but we have been considering other cons in passing, and this whole experience makes me not want to return again to fanime. probably we will have an awesome time and will end up trying again next year, but be aware that you are pushing customers away by running things poorly is all I'm saying.
   Ok so reading comments to this will only piss me off sooo I'm out, any future posts will be from my sis or hubby, just needed to vent a bit. Peace out.


Last year I was on the waiting list for tables and wasn't notified that I didn't make it in until 2 days before the con. I suggest logging into your accounts to see if your in or not if you haven't gotten a notice. I think if you haven't been notified yet, you're not in for now since they've already put up a notice on the fanime home page saying that the AA is full. I have been reading tweets from different people and have a friend who already were notified that they won their tables via the lottery system a few days ago. Since there's a deadline to pay for the tables, perhaps there will be a few more slots available if people don't pay. For everyone who has already made items for this convention, but hasn't gotten a spot, perhaps consider going to other conventions to sell your items. Maybe the cons aren't as big as fanime, but people still do buy things at smaller cons.


Sigh I just recieved my rejection letter
I'm really sad now, TT.TT
I was afraid I couldn't make all the the prints and products in time. So I did a couple of copies before hand.
So now, I've used up a total of $175, including the pass
And I ended up, with nothing, but a big hole on my pocket, a bunch of products in stock
and in debt *sigh depression
I probably wouldn't enjoy my time in the Con, I would walk by Artist Alley, And All I could do is stare at those lovely prints, without money to buy them  :( *sigh

*sigh Better Luck next year
I was new at this, I went through every step, but I just didn't have the luck and timeing.
Next Year I may try again, Because I really need a way to make a living, but It's best I didn't do so much preperation, just to findout all the work I've done, went down the drain. And I learned from this year I should stalk Fanime Facebook page, because the official website crashed on the first day of sign ups


mist ;____;
maybe you will find someone willing to share a table with you, or some people don't pay on time and you make it in. keep checking your aa account until fanime arrives. TT.TT


Quote from: solipoo on April 23, 2011, 09:34:47 AM
mist ;____;
maybe you will find someone willing to share a table with you, or some people don't pay on time and you make it in. keep checking your aa account until fanime arrives. TT.TT

Ok thank you for the advice, I really hope so TT.TT


if anyone still wants a table just go to the con and check with AA staff if you can buy a table directly there for the day. there are always artists who are not there because they cant make it, have something else to do, etc. ive been selling at fanime for at least 6 years and there has NEVER been a time when the AA is completely full at the con. there are always empty tables. so if you guys really want a table you may still have a chance. good luck guys


the only thing that would bug me about that its pay by the day paying just the same 60 for 3 days rather then 4 days same prices =3= still wanting to hope i can get it before the con or find someone to share ;3;


I dont know if this has been asked but How long does confirmation to get assigned tables are? Me and my brother got approved and payed for a table.
and another question, are you able to sell disney related stuff? one of the things we are selling or auctioning is Goofy in kingdom hearts outfit made out of pipe cleaners and I heard we cant sell disney related things.
I feel like its too late to be asking questions like this xD


I'm rather confused. I've filled everything out but my app has been sitting at step6 for ages. Did I not get a table then?


The staff is working to assign tables, but you have a table reserved within the room, the questions is where.

Eric Wu
FanimeCon Chairman
FanimeCon Forums Moderator



how will the tables be assigned? :0


That would be nice to know.. are tables going to be picked by the artists?
here lies everything...the world I wanted at my feet... my victory's complete...


Quote from: Althena on April 26, 2011, 09:25:05 PM
That would be nice to know.. are tables going to be picked by the artists?

This, i'm not entirely sure, But I heard only the first 100 who got into AA gets to choose their Table or spot, the rest will be assign by AA Staff...


Quote from: Mistiousstar on April 26, 2011, 10:26:16 PM
Quote from: Althena on April 26, 2011, 09:25:05 PM
That would be nice to know.. are tables going to be picked by the artists?

This, i'm not entirely sure, But I heard only the first 100 who got into AA gets to choose their Table or spot, the rest will be assign by AA Staff...

This is so confusing. D: I wonder if the first 100 are the non-lottery winners then?
It probably says it somewhere, but things are said in so many places, it is hard to find.
here lies everything...the world I wanted at my feet... my victory's complete...


so I've been holding off on the permit part of the process and finally got the papers.  What exactlly am I putting into the permit box on step 6?  is it my "##-####" code or is there more?
06- Ragnarok Huntress / 07- Haruhi Suzumiya
08- Shana / 09 - Luluko
10 - Holo / 11 - Flaaffy
12 - Inga / 13 - Lizbeth



We are looking forward to a fantastic Artist Alley in just 28 days!

Deadlines so far:

May 15th - Last day to pay for your Artist Alley table(s)
May 26th - Last chance to get your sellers permit (ok, you could do the morning of the 27th... but why give yourself stress..?) No permit... no selling!
May 27th - Artist Alley Check-In - More on this in the future!

We are currently working hard to answer questions as you all work through completing your Artist Alley registration steps. If you send an email and don't hear from us after a few days regarding a registration issue, please send an email so that we make sure your question isn't missed.

All Accounts should complete their registration into Step 6. Please accept the table agreement, however if you do not yet have your seller's permit number you will not be able to proceed to Step 7. If you have your seller's permit number, please complete to Step 7.

Note for Seller's Permits: Please do NOT put Fanime or Artist Alley as an email, or reference, or responsible party, etc. We are not responsible for your permits, your taxes, et al. Any permits which are registered to or including Artist Alley we will have to send back to BOE for rejection/deletion/removal/etc.

AA Staff
FanimeCon Artist Alley Staff 2011
Anime Expo LPTS Staff 2011
Fanimaid Cafe Maid 2011
Cafe Kintoki Maid/Host, Co-Manager 2011


Still need an answer about permits :(
06- Ragnarok Huntress / 07- Haruhi Suzumiya
08- Shana / 09 - Luluko
10 - Holo / 11 - Flaaffy
12 - Inga / 13 - Lizbeth


Quote from: Mistiousstar on April 26, 2011, 10:26:16 PM
Quote from: Althena on April 26, 2011, 09:25:05 PM
That would be nice to know.. are tables going to be picked by the artists?

This, i'm not entirely sure, But I heard only the first 100 who got into AA gets to choose their Table or spot, the rest will be assign by AA Staff...

this time the rules have changed alot that it finally got the disabilities involved!

my question is what does " Generally seating in order of registration. Filling the room from
right to left, front to back
" means? (trying to request a Middle section and NOT A BACK SECTION)

another question is: because artist alley is closed, is there a way to log in to your account? (never hurts to double check). found the link:::: (*figured its an app link -_-!*)