FanimeCon 2011 Cosplay & Peace-Bonding Thread [Final]

Started by Aelia, June 18, 2010, 08:03:07 PM

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FanimeCon Cosplay Rules & Weapons Policy
This is the current draft of the official Props & Weapons Policy and is the final, published version.
The latest changes are highlighted in red.

FanimeCon Costume Rules & Limitations
There are only a few rules, and most of them are common sense.
  • All con attendees must wear shoes at all times while in public areas of the convention center and attached hotels. Even if a character goes barefoot, the cosplayer must wear shoes.
  • Private parts must be covered with no risk of indecent exposure.
  • All costumes worn within the convention center must fit through a standard doorway.
  • No costume may generate odor, smoke, or fog, or have overly bright or flashing lights.
  • All costumes with limited visibility and/or movement must have a "handler" to assist with crowd navigation and safety. This also applies to costumes with large "wings" or other over sized elements.
  • No costumes may be realistic depictions of law enforcement uniforms, or have the word "Police" on them.
  • Official flags shall be respected, and cannot be worn as clothing. They must be on a flagpole. Home-made or unofficial flags are exempt from this rule.
FanimeCon Prop Rules & Limitations
This is the common-sense and common-courtesy props policy.
  • If you want to carry a prop at FanimeCon, it must be peace-bonded by a Rover at a peace-bonding station. With the exception of explicitly banned props, all peace-bonding will be judged on a case-by-case basis.
  • Only props which are part of a cosplay and suit the costume will be peace-bonded.
  • In order to carry a peace-bonded prop, you must be in the matching costume.
  • Certain weapons are banned no matter what:
    - Anything which is illegal in the United States, or in California.
    - Real Weapons, Projectile Weapons (such as airsoft, or bb guns), Live Steel, Metal/Wooden Baseball Bats, Metal Kunai, Incendiary Devices, Solicitous Signs, Lasers, Laser Pointers, Paddles, Whips, Floggers, Brass Knuckles, Butterfly Knives, Concealed Blades, Throwing Stars, Tonfa, Saps, Clubs, Nunchaku, Sai, Metal or Glass props, to name a few.
    - Guns which are suitably realistic that they could be mistaken for a real gun, or which utilize parts of a real gun.
    - Any item may be added to this list at any time by FanimeCon.
  • Some props are allowed conditionally:
    - Gun-like props must have a non-removable orange tip at the end of the barrel which is visible from the side and which extends at least one inch up the side of the barrel, or they must be painted all over in a bright safety-color. They cannot have any functional parts, and must not be usable.
    - Sword-like props may not be made of live steel (metal which can take an edge).
    - Signs which are an integral part of a cosplay, and which an actual character carries may be peace-bonded.
  • All props must be small enough to fit through a standard doorway without effort.
  • While carrying props, you will be held to very strict behavior standards:
    - Props may not be brandished, flailed around, or used (for play-fighting or otherwise).
    - Props must remain with the costume which they were peace-bonded for.
    - Especially in crowded areas, attendees are expected to carry their props carefully & in neutral positions. Long or tall props must be carried vertically, and sword-like and gun-like props should be holstered.
    - Using props in an unsafe or threatening manner may result in more severe consequences.
    - Gun-like props may not be pointed at anyone at any time
    - Any behavior which a FanimeCon staff member considers to be unsafe or unacceptable will result in appropriate action by a staff member.

Potential Consequences for Violations:
  • First Offense:
    - Props: Removal of peace-bond and/or prop taken off premises.
    - Costume: Required costume modification/removal or acquisition of handler.
  • Second Offense: One day badge suspension and/or full weekend suspension of prop privileges.
  • Third Offense: Badge pulled.

Weapons & Props Bought During FanimeCon from the Dealer's Hall, Artist's Alley, or SwapMeet must be put into a box or bag which renders them unaccessible, and unusable. They must then removed from convention premises as soon as possible. We will not peace-bond anything bought during con except props which meet all peace-bonding requirements.

Props for Masquerade have a completely different set of rules. If you wish to carry a prop for Masquerade around the convention center, it must meet all peace-bonding criteria (and have been peace-bonded). If it is only for Masquerade, it must stay in the car or hotel room except when you are taking it to, are at, or are taking it back to your car or room from Masquerade.
Director of Operations


FanimeCon 2011 Cosplay & Peace Bonding FAQ

  • What is Peace Bonding?
    FanimeCon Rovers peace-bond props with "Peace Bonds" (aka zip-ties) to mark that the cosplayer carrying the prop has agreed to abide by the rules. For safety reasons, we require all props to be peace-bonded as soon as possible after they enter the convention center.

  • What can't be carried?
    We do not allow real guns, or toy guns which can shoot things. We do not allow props with actual blades, or which could be sharpened to have a blade. We do not allow things which are illegal according to State or Federal Law (sai, nunchuku, and tonfa are in this category). What we do allow are props which are clearly props, things which are not weapons, and which cannot shoot anything. We allow items which are part of a costume, and which actually suit the costume.

  • I just bought this awesome ______ in the Dealer's Hall/Artist's Alley/Swap Meet. Can I get it peace-bonded?
    Most of the time, the answer to this question is "No." Sometimes we have to say no because the prop is not allowed, sometimes it's because it doesn't suit the costume you're wearing, and sometimes we say no because you're not in a costume at all. However, if none of these are the case with you, and you are in a costume which the prop is appropriate for, and it meets all other peace-bonding requirements, we will peace-bond the prop for you.

  • You said I couldn't carry this, what now?
    Weapons and props which have not been approved for peace-bonding should be promptly removed from convention center property and public hotel space. They need to be taken back to a hotel room or car, and should remain there for as long as you are in the convention center. We cannot hold your props for you, even if you lack a car or hotel room.

  • I don't have a car/hotel room, what do I do?
    If you don't have a car or hotel room, there are a couple options. First, you can ask a friend to use their car or hotel room. If you don't have a friend with a place to stash your stuff, you can sometimes ask the hotel desks to hold stuff temporarily. The last option is to get a box which can hold your prop, and then put your prop in the box. As long as your prop stays in the box, you are ok.

  • This was OK last year, what about now?
    We change our rules yearly, so just because we said okay for 2010 does not mean it will be okay for 2011. Please come by and get your prop checked and peace bonded for the current year every year.

  • You just said no, but I saw someone else carrying the same thing...
    Locate the nearest Rover and point the person out to the Rover. We'll take it from there. We try to be even, but there are never enough Rovers for the number of people at Fanime. You can deal with it yourself (by asking someone to go get their prop checked), or you can have a Rover take care of it for you by grabbing one and pointing the other person out.

  • My prop got damaged from peace-bonding. and/or This Rover was a jerk.
    If you can describe the person who peacebonded in such a way that your prop got damaged, or if it happens in 2011, get the person's badge number or name, we (the Rovers) can take care of it. (If you have reports of this from previous years, please PM me). If a Rover is acting in an unprofessional way, get their name/badge number and take it to the Rovers Shift Lead at Rover Base. These questions are lumped together because they're frequently related. I am doing what I can to avoid prop damage in 2011.

  • Can you tell me if my prop will be OK?
    It's very difficult to approve a prop over the internet. What I can do for you, if you provide some key things, is give you a tentative answer. I need to know what you are cosplaying, and I need pictures of your props. If you have them, I'd like pictures of you in costume with your props. If your question is early on in the fabrication process, I can sometimes make suggestions that would make your prop OK, or give you things to be sure you include. I try to work with you guys, and I try to help you make your props OK whenever I can. Please feel free to post in this thread and I'll do my best to help you out.

  • I'm confused by what you mean by _____. or What about _____?
    If you don't see your question answered here, or in the above post, please post in this thread. I will do my best to answer your questions promptly.
Director of Operations


Common Cosplay Questions

  • What about the signs carried by Durara cosplayers?
    Those are OK since they are a part of a cosplay. As long as they are just the street signs and they're not soliciting anything we won't stop them.

  • What about NERF guns?
    This is a common one for us. There are two rules to carry NERF:
    1) It must not be functional. If you could put ammo in and shoot it, we cannot let you carry it.
    2) It may be painted so long as the tip remains fluorescent.
    I personally think it's better to leave a whole side unpainted, but the only requirement is the tip

  • Can I carry this shovel/wrench/hammer?
    Here's the thing; big, heavy tools are a sort of weapon. We are not banning them exactly, but we are not comfortable with you carrying them. Provided your large tool is necessary for the cosplay, we may approve it.

  • Can I have metal armor?
    Sure, as long as your metal armor doesn't have sharp edges or large metal spikes.

  • I have a cane, and I actually use it to walk. Does it need to be peace-bonded?
    No. If it is medically necessary, we do not have to peace bond it.

  • Can I carry this tonfa/baton/sap/club?
    No. California State law lists tonfa as well as several weighted (and non-weighted) baton type instruments as illegal to carry. In many cases, this includes wooden baseball bats. In most cases, if it is a club we will have to say no.

  • Can I carry my bow & arrows?
    If the bow has absolutely no tension to be able to fire something, and the arrows have no tips, then yes, we can let you carry it. Real bows have an ability to fire something, and are considered functional projectile weapons. To carry a "real" bow you'd have to string it with something which could never fire anything.


Flag Etiquette
Flags are a recognizable symbol of a country's history, people, and hard fought beliefs. When people mistreat such a symbol, it reflects disrespect and is offensive to the citizens of that nation.

America has set laws for proper flag etiquette; however, respect should be shown to flags of other nations so that we do not offend others, such as traveling citizens from another country. For cosplayers who use a flag of a real country: please show respect for your flags!

Techrabbit13, NobodysDestinyPro, and Shokora have come up with guidelines to help you with flag etiquette. This is a modified version of the guidelines set up for Hetalia cosplayers, but it is good for any flag-using cosplayers:

Transporting, Display, and Usage Guidelines for Flags:

1. When carrying a large flag and walking outdoors:
The bottom of the flag should be clasped in the hand holding it to the pole and preventing it from touching the ground or getting caught on anything. This makes transporting them around an event easier.

2. When displaying/walking with a flag indoors:
Be aware of your flag's dimensions with regards to the space you are in. Clasp the bottom of your flag to the flag pole and carry your pole upright to prevent it from engulfing individuals behind you. By doing this, you will be less likely to injure people behind you should you stop suddenly.

3. Please do not attach things to your flags:
Any messages, signs, symbols or caricatures attached to real flags can be viewed as disrespectful. Small pins or buttons representing the flag or the country can be worn on you but not on your flag.  Real flags should not be worn as a piece of clothing. However, clothing such as a blanket made to like a flag may be worn as a cape (meaning it can be similar to a country's flag but should not resemble it so much that it could be mistaken for an actual flag.)

4. When using/waving/displaying the flag:
Always protect/display the flag in a manner to prevent it from possible damage. Flags are not blankets and should not be placed on the ground; this shows disrespect.  Protect your flag from accidental food mishaps and catching on things from above when waving. By paying attention to ceiling heights, doorways, hallway walls and light fixtures you can prevent damage to your flag, others, and hotel/convention center property.
Director of Operations


I said it before, and I'll say it again: I love this new policy!  I prefer these "big boy" rulesl.  You can worry less about whether the prop you have fits some parameters.  Just make sure you behave responsibly with them, and help relieve some stress on the stretched-thin Rover staff by keeping an eye on your fellow cosplayers and making sure they're being safe too. =)  I've been pushing for a policy like this since joining the Rover staff, and I can't say again how happy I am that it's finally being given a chance.  Thank you Aelia!

I do have one clarification:  So this means we will no longer be focusing on having props zip tied to the costumes themselves so they can't be removed?  I know a lot of cosplayers will be thankful if that's the case. =)


No attaching props this year. (Unless I hear otherwise from someone higher-up than me)
Director of Operations



Ops Div

Yukari Kaiba

I'm loving that there is already something to look at for next year! I am incredibly thankful for you getting this out so early, will definitely help in determining what can and can't be brought and it seems much more cosplayer friendly than past policies =)
-Gundam Tanaka (Super Dangan Ronpa 2)
-Tetra (Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)
-Levi (Attack On Titan)
-Wanderer (Journey)


Thanks for the early post!

I don't know if I'll be making any props for next year's cosplay,but it's nice to know I have access right here to specifics about what my prop can/can't be or do (or at least, an early draft of it)instead of searching tirelessly through last years, with a lot of uncertainty about rule changes.

Attending FanimeCon for 15 years in 2019


Silly question: Would we be allowed to either guide the Rovers in peace-tying or to do it ourselves (with the zipties) and have them check it to be sure it stays put as required?
2012 Costumes (or so we hope!)
Ayukawa, Miime, Oscar, Yuria, D'Eon


Quote from: Dany on June 20, 2010, 03:25:44 PM
Silly question: Would we be allowed to either guide the Rovers in peace-tying or to do it ourselves (with the zipties) and have them check it to be sure it stays put as required?
By "guide them in peace tying" do you mean that you want to tell them where? Or you want to tell them how?

I'm trying to improve over the mistakes we've made the last few years-- one of those mistakes is getting this up so late (which is why I'm giving you guys the official draft in June). Another mistake is consistency-- which is why we'll be training on real props as soon as we start meeting. The last mistake is prop damage-- again, why we'll be training so early. There will also be 12-16 rovers who know as much about the weapons policy and peace-bonding as I do, so they'll be good.

We can't really say "oh, peace-bond it yourself" but we can allow a lot of input from you, especially if you have a specific spot you want to be bonded. You're welcome to speak up, because it's reasonable for you to say "hey, it's not gonna fall off if you leave it that loose, and it's in my benefit to keep it on, so if it comes off, I'll be back."

Does that answer your question?
Director of Operations


Thank goodness this kind of thing didn't have to wait until 3 days before the convention to come out. Who ever got the idea to post this up so timely... thank you! :)

Admiral Donuts

Quote from: Aelia on June 18, 2010, 08:03:07 PM
  • All con attendees must wear shoes at all times while in public areas of the convention center and attached hotels. Even if a character goes barefoot, the cosplayer must wear shoes.

Is this posted anywhere else other than the cosplay rules? I couldn't find it. I mention this because I slipped off my sandals and walked around the swap meet and nobody said nothin'. I kinda figured it was okay because I saw what I think was a rover going barefoot in the main hallways. People other than cosplayers may want to go barefoot.[/list]


Quote from: Aelia on June 20, 2010, 04:06:21 PM
We can't really say "oh, peace-bond it yourself" but we can allow a lot of input from you, especially if you have a specific spot you want to be bonded. You're welcome to speak up, because it's reasonable for you to say "hey, it's not gonna fall off if you leave it that loose, and it's in my benefit to keep it on, so if it comes off, I'll be back."

Does that answer your question?

It makes some sense. I'd like to be able to say "You know, the best way to lock it in is to run the straps through X, Y, and Z" and prove that yes, that WILL work. Not sure about anyone else, but I tried to take peacebonding into consideration when we built our stuff. We almost had stuff on the holsters to buckle things in, but we didn't have time ;)
2012 Costumes (or so we hope!)
Ayukawa, Miime, Oscar, Yuria, D'Eon


Quote from: Jeimizu on July 03, 2010, 11:10:09 PM
Quote from: Aelia on June 18, 2010, 08:03:07 PM
  • All con attendees must wear shoes at all times while in public areas of the convention center and attached hotels. Even if a character goes barefoot, the cosplayer must wear shoes.

Is this posted anywhere else other than the cosplay rules? I couldn't find it. I mention this because I slipped off my sandals and walked around the swap meet and nobody said nothin'. I kinda figured it was okay because I saw what I think was a rover going barefoot in the main hallways. People other than cosplayers may want to go barefoot.
It's going to get posted somewhere besides the cosplay rules, though it is considered a rule. Almost every public building ever has that rule of "no shirt, no shoes, no service" or "you must wear shoes" because of safety. I doubt you saw a rover going barefoot, but regardless of who did what, it's not allowed.

It's been an un-written rule until this year, where we are now writing it down.
Director of Operations


Aelia, bless you for putting this up so early and so visibly -- and I for one am thrilled to see that our feedback has been taken and responded to with next year's rules.

(Seconding what Dany's saying about 'guiding' peacebonding, please.  The folks I had locking my sword into scabbard were fabulous about that this year, and I hope that'll continue.)

One OCD question: this year, I was told that I could bring my stuff back to peacebonding to get the ties cut off for a photoshoot (outside), provided I came back afterwards when I went inside again.  (I didn't because 'inside' turned out to be 'heading to the room to change and leave', but that's besides the point.)  Will this be true as well next year, and will your folks have the tools for it?  (I ask mostly to know whether to plan on sticking something in my day kit that'll let me do this myself if necessary.)
2012 Plans:
  • Gypsy Queen / Kaya Syokka (Trinity Blood)
  • Risai (Juuni Kokki/Twelve Kingdoms)
  • Shusui (Saiunkoku Monogatari)
  • others TBD


Quote from: Charis on July 06, 2010, 01:23:56 PM
One OCD question: this year, I was told that I could bring my stuff back to peacebonding to get the ties cut off for a photoshoot (outside), provided I came back afterwards when I went inside again.  (I didn't because 'inside' turned out to be 'heading to the room to change and leave', but that's besides the point.)  Will this be true as well next year, and will your folks have the tools for it?  (I ask mostly to know whether to plan on sticking something in my day kit that'll let me do this myself if necessary.)
We'll be having Michael back at the gatherings table in 2011 (we didn't scare him off), so we'll have someone there to take it off and re-bond you as needed. However, you can never go amiss with a pair of nail clippers or small scissors in your kit, though they won't be necessary.
Director of Operations


Quote from: Aelia on July 08, 2010, 05:22:10 PM
Quote from: Charis on July 06, 2010, 01:23:56 PM
One OCD question: this year, I was told that I could bring my stuff back to peacebonding to get the ties cut off for a photoshoot (outside), provided I came back afterwards when I went inside again.  (I didn't because 'inside' turned out to be 'heading to the room to change and leave', but that's besides the point.)  Will this be true as well next year, and will your folks have the tools for it?  (I ask mostly to know whether to plan on sticking something in my day kit that'll let me do this myself if necessary.)
We'll be having Michael back at the gatherings table in 2011 (we didn't scare him off), so we'll have someone there to take it off and re-bond you as needed. However, you can never go amiss with a pair of nail clippers or small scissors in your kit, though they won't be necessary.
YEAH FOR MICHAEL!!! :) He better be coming back... he was absolutely AWESOME!
Cosplayer Gatherings Organizer 2005-2015
Cosplayer Gatherings Department Head 2009-2015
BSP - Cosplayer, Costumer, Photographer, Journalist


I'm so glad to hear Michael's coming back! YAAAAAY!!!
Cosplay Gatherings Department Second 2010-2015
Cosplay Gatherings Department Staff 2009


I'm considering doing Cody (Final Fight/Street Fighter).
Are handcuffs fine, as long as they aren't made out of what is considered "live steel", and as long as I'm wearing them the whole time?


Quote from: bochero on July 16, 2010, 05:09:34 PM
I'm considering doing Cody (Final Fight/Street Fighter).
Are handcuffs fine, as long as they aren't made out of what is considered "live steel", and as long as I'm wearing them the whole time?
Do you already have handcuffs, or are you asking before shopping?
The reason I ask is because my concerns are:
- Chain could be used as a flail/garrote (not likely if you're wearing them and/or chain is reasonable length)
- You could get locked in and/or they could get too tight and hurt you (not an issue if you have multiple keys and you keep them on you and/or you have some that can't lock)

If you have them, I'd love to see a picture. If you're going shopping, please do so with those factors in mind. I see no real reason to object to them unless you or someone else is likely to get hurt, and with most handcuffs, the most dangerous thing you can do is over-tighten them and hurt yourself.
Director of Operations