Fanimecon 2011 - Suggestions for E-Gaming

Started by Robo-tech, July 30, 2010, 12:39:20 PM

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We have lots of plans for expansion of the E-Gaming department for the upcoming con, and we want to know what you would like to see.

For example, what games would you like to see featured?  Are there any tournaments you would like to see run?  Are there any genres of game that you enjoy that you would like to be available?

Your replies will help dictate the direction we take our efforts in the coming months leading up to con.  With your help, we will help to make Fanimecon even more amazing than it was this year.  Remember, this is by fans, for fans, so thank you in advance for your input!
E-Gaming Second, PC Gaming Co-Head, Fanimecon 2011

Ecchi ja Nai

One thing I really missed this last year was Rock Band.  I'm not much of a social gamer - I haven't had much interest in fighters since Street Fighter II/Mortal Kombat were in arcades - but RB is the exception to this.  The keyboard that's being added to RB3 should make the game even more fun in a group environment, least of all because that will mean up to SEVEN people can play at a time with harmonized vocals.  The only other thing I might add to that would be to check on the feasibility of having a mock stage set up for the game.  You know, like RB on Stage Zero, only not on Stage Zero.  Mini concerts going on all night would be pretty cool.

That's the only game I would request, since RPGs don't make for the best pick-up-n'play experiences.  However, more games and a greater variety of them is always a good thing, so I'd say let the suggestions roll in and cram in whatever you can (while hopefully still allowing space for a '11 swap meet)!


this rockband 3 idea does sound fun.

we would have a "battle of the bands" tournament  ~ or for random chaos, see how well random people play versus a registered group of 7 friends.

or we can go the scott pilgrim route, and have 7 on 1 battles for world domination or true [Lesbian] Love.

that and of course if MVC3 is out, massive tournaments on that too.

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D

TC X0 Lt 0X

I honestly don't really care what games you guys have, but for the competitive games, for the love of god use the Competitive Formats for them.
The Halo Tourney and the Pokemon tournament made me real sad. They were set up to be player friendly in place of competitive settings. I am quite certain that this would not do much to player turn outs either. If anything it would draw out the competitive players into playing the Tourney more. Casual players could really give a damn what the settings are and will come and play if they want to regardless.

"Never beg. You earn. By Winning.
Or else you won't get anything..."

Pro-Pocky Movement



To address pokemon:
As the coordinator, I am not a singles format fan, as it's too blissey dominated.  i'm an advocate of 2v2 and the upcoming 3v3 format.
Having repeated items also removes the need for imagination in my opinion, as all you would have to do is insert a leftovers of life orb if you're not sure what else to do.  This is why there's an item clause.
Unlike other games, pokemon doesn't have a standardized tournament format beyond smogon, who only focus on 1v1 format.
After watching walrein in hail vs. blissey in 2009, I decided that Fanime will be a 2v2/ 3v3 format promoter.  With the 3v3 format coming out next year, you can probably expect that to be the next format.  I'm personally looking into a TR team again.
Aside from Nintendo's banning of event only legendaries, I think their rules are much more interesting to go by and force people to have much more varied teams due to the item clause.  VGC 2009 was a very interesting pokemon season, with various teams and pokemon often deemed UU or NU being used.

Anti-Pocky Movement 201X

xxxplizit (pogi1kenobi)

Due to some possible technical issues with the the forum PM's lately according to users who sent us PM's, please send us emails or PM on Twitter or Facebook.  We apologize if we haven't received any messages via FanimeCon PM's and hope to get the issue fixed ASAP.  Thanks.
eGaming Head / FanimeCon, SacAnime, Y-Con, Kintoki-Con, Deceptikon
Tournament Director / AOD
Anime + Gaming Article Lead / GreenTeaGraffiti
Cosplays: Wii Remote, Pink DS Lite

Virtual Boy

*pretends to be anonymous*



So uh... any possible way to get a huge screen to display tournaments? I think Ken Chan was talking about that...


More televisions, more setups.

Especially if, attendee-wise, we are still going to continue to grow.
FanimeCon: eGaming Staff, 2009-2011
Sac-Anime Summer/Winter: Console Game Room Staff, 2009-2011
SNAFU Con: Console Game Room Co-Director, 2010-2011


Quote from: Skyline on September 28, 2010, 02:44:34 AM
More televisions, more setups.

Especially if, attendee-wise, we are still going to continue to grow.

What sucks about that is E-Gaming (and our equipment) is only as massive as we are. :(


Starcraft 2....? :D Or are there only console games? Sorry, this'll be my first fanime, but I would LOVE to see some Starcraft 2 action, or Team Fortress 2, or maybe some other PC game. I'm not a big console gamer and games like Halo and such are sort of a let down for me, way too sluggish and until Reach, Halo was limited in tactics with building a team of different players like TF2 has. Besides, mouse+keyboard>controller. :P But just wondering, I know the SC2 community is huge now and if we do have it, I'd love to participate, or even commentate for the games. :D

EDIT: Whoops, just read the sticky on last years games and there are PC games listed! So yes, Starcraft 2 is my major suggestion. I noticed you guys had the first one last year. :D Of course it WAS the only PC game played, haha, where's the love?

I was Snow Villiers from FFXIII accompanied by a Sazh Kastroy from the same game at Fanime 2011. If you have pictures of either of us send me a pm or email! Thanks!

TC X0 Lt 0X

Woh, woh, woh. Did you just say Reach is less Sluggish then other Halo Games? If so that is incorrect. Halo Reach is much slower and clunky then the other Halos, even with Sprint. Many of the perks in the game slow it down as it allows players to run away like know bodies business or turtle in a corner. And most of them make the game skill-less at that..

"Never beg. You earn. By Winning.
Or else you won't get anything..."

Pro-Pocky Movement



Haha, well I don't even own a halo game so I guess I'm out of touch. :P I prefer PC games more. XD

I was Snow Villiers from FFXIII accompanied by a Sazh Kastroy from the same game at Fanime 2011. If you have pictures of either of us send me a pm or email! Thanks!


I'd like to see some of the newer anime-related games there.

The 2nd Naruto fighting game for the ps3/360 is pretty enjoyable. A tournament would be fun; even better, a tournament featuring cosplayers playing as their character! ;P


Pretty sure it's too late for this but... I would like gaming to have its own room rather than share with swap meet, it's simply too crowded during the peak of swap meet time.


Can we have a Melty Blood Actress Again arcade machine for fanime this year? Also a Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 setup and tournament would be awesome too.


Super Smash Bros. Melee.

Oh and, for any games in general, tournaments with some form of seeding and consistent rules.  2010's "1v1 SSB Brawl tournament" had no seeding at all(so people who signed up together were the first to fight each other) and the first two rounds of the tournament were 3-way or 4-way Free For All matches.   I have nothing against free for alls, but dont say its a 1v1 tournament if its not.  Also,  there is no better way to ruin a gaming experience for people than to have a tournament and make them face their friends from home who they came to the con with in the very first round.

More suggestions:

-Taiko Drummaster


i was wondering if a ssf4  tournament is going to be held in the gaming hall this year and what console would it be played on ? thanks looking forward to attending this year


Quote from: chexx05 on January 13, 2011, 10:40:17 AM
i was wondering if a ssf4  tournament is going to be held in the gaming hall this year and what console would it be played on ? thanks looking forward to attending this year

probably not, depending on the arcade offerings.
Eric Wu
FanimeCon Chairman
FanimeCon Forums Moderator


xxxplizit (pogi1kenobi)

Simna: PM (or IM or email) me in full detail on what actually happened in regards to the SSBB tournament in case names or organizers are mentioned.  I will have a discussion with staff regarding this issue to ensure that if this were to be true, it does not happen again regardless if it's program or user error.  Oh, and we had Taiko Drummer available.  =P
eGaming Head / FanimeCon, SacAnime, Y-Con, Kintoki-Con, Deceptikon
Tournament Director / AOD
Anime + Gaming Article Lead / GreenTeaGraffiti
Cosplays: Wii Remote, Pink DS Lite


I've got an Actress Again setup myself, I'll talk to arcade about getting that.  I think there's a SSFIV update for console by the time Fanime rolls around, I'm sure for a tournament setting we'll figure that out as well.
2004-2005 Logistics Staff
2007-2009 eGaming Staff
2010-2012 Arcade Head