FanimeCon 2012 Feedback

Started by M, May 27, 2012, 02:29:53 AM

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Quote from: Hachimitsu-ink on June 05, 2012, 01:31:39 PM

Not announcing and breaking their own rule!
I was abit shocked arriving at (thursday)9pm and found out the swap meet is full. We were in line still at a very early time to pick up our badges because rule states "you must have a badge on thursday in order to come in /or to registered for swapmeet.
I check the announcements to see if swap meet changed a ruling that it's okay to visit by without a badge but all i got was the announcement for the black out and handing out free bottle waters!

got the badges at 8:45pm we got all the stuff from my car to the hotel and was surprised swapmeet was full, even if my name was on the list! then around 9:15pm they made announcements that the swap meet is now open for those without a badge!

--My biggest dissapointment is: They DID NOT FOLLOWED THEIR OWN RULINGS nor make any changes/announcements to the forum/website that (thursdays) swap meet is a badgless event!
really appreciated if they had the time to add a quick announcement to the rovers at registrations!
--constantly getting harassed by swapmeet rovers since I was exhausted and needed 20 minute break! (we are not selling, we are just taking a break! come on...)

I'm sorry you didn't get the updates but I did update the website at 7:38pm and the forum at 8:25pm. Do you have any ideas on how I could make future at-con announcements more visible?
Evan Ralston

Assistant Director of Guest Relations


Quote from: eralston on June 05, 2012, 01:44:12 PM
Quote from: Hachimitsu-ink on June 05, 2012, 01:31:39 PM

Not announcing and breaking their own rule!
I was abit shocked arriving at (thursday)9pm and found out the swap meet is full. We were in line still at a very early time to pick up our badges because rule states "you must have a badge on thursday in order to come in /or to registered for swapmeet.
I check the announcements to see if swap meet changed a ruling that it's okay to visit by without a badge but all i got was the announcement for the black out and handing out free bottle waters!

got the badges at 8:45pm we got all the stuff from my car to the hotel and was surprised swapmeet was full, even if my name was on the list! then around 9:15pm they made announcements that the swap meet is now open for those without a badge!

--My biggest dissapointment is: They DID NOT FOLLOWED THEIR OWN RULINGS nor make any changes/announcements to the forum/website that (thursdays) swap meet is a badgless event!
really appreciated if they had the time to add a quick announcement to the rovers at registrations!
--constantly getting harassed by swapmeet rovers since I was exhausted and needed 20 minute break! (we are not selling, we are just taking a break! come on...)

I'm sorry you didn't get the updates but I did update the website at 7:38pm and the forum at 8:25pm. Do you have any ideas on how I could make future at-con announcements more visible?

Perhaps posting to the Fanime Twitter account as well might help?
My Cosplay Photography gallery, including FanimeCon 2001-2014:

My DeviantArt Page:


Quote from: Hachimitsu-ink on June 05, 2012, 01:31:39 PM
--My biggest dissapointment is: They DID NOT FOLLOWED THEIR OWN RULINGS nor make any changes/announcements to the forum/website that (thursdays) swap meet is a badgless event!

Hi, we apologize for the issue you had with the lack of information being disseminated properly. I staff in Programming Ops, we will be working hard to coordinate with the web team, social media, info desk, stage zero, rovers and other relevant departments for Fanime 2013 to ensure that all departments will have the most up to date information as they occur. ^^
FanimeCon 2011-2012 Info Desk
FanimeCon 2012-2013 Programming Operations

We're Recruiting
Programming Operations!
Info Desk!


First time attendee. If it weren't for friends and cosplay hangouts, I probably would not have enjoyed myself. As a whole, the convention was disorganized. Between the cancellations, lack of information for panel/event locations on the website and in the pocket guide, not all events being listed in the guide, it was just a mess. I was lucky to get to one panel during the weekend. On Monday. The last day of the convention. Because that was the only one I could find that was listed and hadn't been cancelled.

If it weren't for friends to help point the way, I would have been lost.

The positives:

Though I couldn't stay up for most of it, the nostalgia room was fantastic. I love the idea and was happy to see support for old school anime.

Smart use of traffic flow in and out of the dealers/artist/gaming rooms.

Staff always seemed attentive and helpful.

Love the integration of the theme into the convention with events.

Lots of respect given to cosplayers and photographers. Fanime to me was very much a cosplay convention. I really like that you have cosplay staff that works with the convention to create a system for photo gatherings without people stepping on one another. (My only suggestion is if we can please keep up the acronym cheat-sheet on the website or forums during the con? Even my friends who have been longtime attendees had no clue what they meant and it was causing a lot of traffic to stop by the info desk with the reg line every time.) I'd love for this tradition to continue.

Big fan of the Artist Alley. I have never seen so many artists in one place before, and it's the first time that I've attended a con and spent more money in AA then in the dealer's room. It was refreshing to see a convention support so many artists. Whatever you have been doing to attract people to buy tables, keep it up.


I won't continue poking the dead horse so I'll make this short. Registration clearly was an issue that you all are aware of and will look into fixing for next year. I can sympathize with the power outage, but a backup should have been in place from the get-go.

Little information in the program guide and pocket guide. As I've stated before, there were panels listed online without times/locations. You went to the pocket guide and they were nowhere to be found. Sure I had a full listing of what's up in the video rooms, but looking up panels was like pulling teeth. I also didn't like that there weren't any paper printouts of the schedule available (or if there were, there were so few that I never saw any). I know it's cool to be green and Earth friendly, but as a new attendee it was frustrating to not know what was going on when. I don't mind asking staff, but I shouldn't have to for everything. I know my friends probably didn't find it enjoyable either, and they were equally as lost about the schedule.

Note: I like the concept of the pocket guide, but it really should have provided more information. Like when the Cosplay Contest begins. Sure doors open at this time, but with the large space available people could opt to go in at the last minute for the "cheap seats" and be happy but didn't know when the show actually began.

I realize that the pocket guide was also online, but half the time it didn't load and again, not all information was listed. The website's layout for panel information pre-con was great. If a time/location had been tacked on that would have been fantastic!

In general, it felt like there was a lack of organization. Excluding the power outage (because you can only plan for so much) and the construction, events and content were never really well publicized. If you hadn't been to Fanime before, you were out of luck.

Overall, it was discouraging for a first time attendee. I was really excited for the convention, but this felt more like a hangout and my badge was pretty much useless. I'd hate to be one of those people who doesn't buy a badge and help support the con, but should I return next year I may consider it.

Admiral Donuts

More signage. there needs to be an entire department dedicated to signage.


I'm not sure what you guys are planning to do with the expansion in 2014 and beyond, but I just wanted to throw my two cents in.

According to, the new ballroom has ~35,000 square feet of space. From the same website, I found that Parkside Hall has ~30,000 square feet of space. So it would be totally feasable to move Black and White Ball in there.

Another idea is to move Swap Meet in there. I'd prefer having it inside the convention center rather than having to walk to the Fairmont.

Or you might be able to do both. Have Swap Meet Thursday and Friday, then spend Saturday redecorating for Sunday's B+W Ball.

Just some suggestions from a fan. :)
ASAHiCon Registration Head - '10-'12
ASAHiCon Web Head - '11-'13
FanimeCon Attendee - '10-Forever
FanimeCon Info Desk Minion - '14


Quote from: Eurobeat King on June 01, 2012, 02:42:10 PM
Quote from: Yuu on June 01, 2012, 02:04:09 PMBad- It's only one but it's a BIG one.

The Masquerade. I usually don't attend but this year I was convinced to do so. I was not convinced that I should ever go again.
The contestants ARE told that this isn't American Idol right? I say 'American" and not 'Japanese" because while I am so very, very, sick of going to see creative skits and costume only to see MOE cosplayer in skimpy outfits murdering my ears with some  high-pitched, grating song and dance,  those ARE at least relevant .

What the fuck was with #28? They didn't  have costumes. Of ANY kind. The song didn't have anything with anime. NONE of it had anything to do with anything really.

I'm still reminded of FanimeCon many years ago (i think it was 2000 or 2001) when I was fortunate enough to be able to watch a rehearsal of all the skits before the actual show.  The Masquerade staff called up each group, and let them perform their skit once in-front of little to no audience, to make-sure their audio was in-sync, lighting, etc.  

One group, three guys wearing either T-shirts or bare-chested, did a skit from the anime "Fist of the North Star" but all it was was them punching each other, doing "moves" that Kenshiro does, and instead of blood, they threw confetti into the air.  It was absolutely pointless and boring, and after I saw that I said "why is this even allowed in the Masquerade?"

Well, when the show commenced, and I was dreading that the FOTNS skit would come up, low-and-mf-behold: it was axed!!  ;D

I'm unsure to this day if the guys dropped out at the last minute, or if the Masquerade Staff found the skit to be too plain/boring/idiotic/etc. so they canned it.  Sure, everyone is allowed to sign-up for the Masquerade each year, but having a dress-rehearsal if there's time to let the Masquerade Staff determine if a skit is appropriate or not and disqualify any skit they see fit, would be nice to have.

I recall a couple of years ago when one contestant stood on-stage wearing a Smiley-face mask from "Ghost In The Shell", normal clothes, and held a Zion flag from "Gundam", and just stood there for 3-5 minutes, while the "Mighty Mouse" song was being played.  Just terrible.. (I know Anime Central used to have a big GONG they used to use to get contestants off-stage when they were dragging, they no longer do, but that was one example where the skit needed to end.. and quickly.)  :P

Which brings me to this year's Masquerade.  Being backstage in the photo-area, I saw all the contestants before they went on-stage, but didn't get to see their skits.  One group, entry #6 "Pokemon Men" had 4 guys and 1 girl.  Two of the guys were half-naked, and the one Power Ranger(?) had holes in his costume in certain areas that were quite disturbing.  Once they stood in-front of us photographers, they immediately started doing poses where they grabbed each other, like one guy stood behind the other, and lifted the other's legs.  Just overall pretty distasteful..  

Here's their skit:

You mean they DON'T have rehearsals for the judges approval? I thought that would have been mandatory.
" Your aren't taking sides if you spread out violence evenly"


Quote from: Jeimizu on June 07, 2012, 10:29:34 PM
More signage. there needs to be an entire department dedicated to signage.
As long it doesn't point people using sign for cosplay purposes such as myself (see Brain Age cosplay).
FanimeCon E-gaming Room Staff
Kraken Con Staff

Cosplay: DDR Pad/Box, Brain Age, Andross (SNES), Formal Totoro, Master/Crazy Hand


I'm not going to rehash what's already been commented on before.  I think everyone gets the point that the pre-reg situation needs a lot of work at this point, with the con being much bigger than it has been over the years.

What I would like to raise up is the arrangements for storing people's belongings on the last day of the con.  It's an interesting idea having it taken out of the hands of the hotels and centralizing it in the convention center itself (though I suppose the folks at the Hilton were probably less happy about the location than the Marriott folks).  However, it would've been nice to have the closing time pushed back an hour or two.  The way it was this year, staffers in charge of the storage area were telling us that, while they were scheduled to close up at 4, they wanted people to start picking their stuff up at 3.  Doesn't sound too bad, unless you want to go to closing ceremonies/gripe session without having to drag your bags into the room with you.  For me, it was like having to leave Fanime earlier than need be.  Perhaps in the future we can have the hours expanded a little later to accommodate people wanting to hit up closing ceremonies and the gripe session?
My Cosplay Photography gallery, including FanimeCon 2001-2014:

My DeviantArt Page:

Tsukino Sora

Can I start off by saying that I liked registration this year? I'm not sure if they've done this in the previous years because this was my first time going to pick up my pre-reg badge on Friday instead of Thursday, but I really liked how they split the line in two for pre-reg, and at-con-reg, despite the fact that it meant I was separated from my friends and had to entertain myself for 3+ hours while they waited in line (And that was after they hopped the line, which I didn't know they did until after the convention).

Mini-schedule in hand-out bag
Splitting the registration into two lines
The dance being in two different rooms

The speed of the pre-registration line

The lines for at-con registration
The lines for panels (We were waiting for our friend to get out of one, and they kept having us move around because there wasn't enough space for their lines)
The line for the dance
The humidity and heat in the Artist's Alley and Dealer's Hall (Two of my friends were on the verge of a heat stroke after walking around for 10 minutes)
The "Yaoi Nazi" in the Dealer's Hall
The non-inclusion of males for the Maid Cafe (Yes, I know it is a "Maid" Cafe, but I feel like Fanime is discriminating against us guys)
Not enough notice for changes

As with most everyone, I got the feeling that this Fanime was the most unorganized. Now, that being said, I'm not going to complain without doing anything, so I'm going to offer my help this year. I just don't know which department helps organize everything... :/


Quote from: Tsukino Sora on June 09, 2012, 11:00:28 PM
As with most everyone, I got the feeling that this Fanime was the most unorganized. Now, that being said, I'm not going to complain without doing anything, so I'm going to offer my help this year. I just don't know which department helps organize everything... :/

Check this thread out!,17555.0.html

Rovers and Con-Ops always need good people on the Staff :) We love them! Registration might recruit later as well. We will probably start later but please keep it in mind! Thanks for offering :D

2016, 2015, 2014: Speed Dating Head
2013: Speed Dating Co-Head
2012 : Speed Dating Second
2002 'till Present : Fan Attendee <33


I cannot say much in terms of Fanime overall since I was in Artist Alley, full time, for all 4 days. However, I do have a few words to chime in~

-Artist Alley: The AA team was absolutely superb this year! Sign ups were quick, efficient, and there were no massive site crash like last year. The team was prompt with answers to questions. Check in was simple and fast, and everyone seemed to know what to do. Bravo, Artist Alley Team! 
-I'm not sure if the Artist Alley was better ventilated this year, of if it was because I was closer to the entrance, but I thought it was easier to sit there comfortably and not sweat a bucket's worth of my body's water for a whole day.
-What's up with all the talented artists this year? I seriously regret not giving myself more than 45 minutes to go through the whole alley this year! ;A;
-It was a might pity that I was not able to attend, but I heard the Black and White ball was fantastic this year, with more space for more people to attend. People seemed to enjoy the new location a lot better. I heard the Tuxedo Mask dance instructor was a huge hit. xD
-I was lucky enough to not have any problems with my registration. Good thing too, since I was in charge of 24 badges. I was pleased to see that all of my badges were grouped together, and not scattered throughout so the people working at badge-pickup didn't have to go through each pile of badges to find mine. I'm not sure if this was the case last year, but it was very nice.

-Timeliness: I feel like Fanime 2012 was just running late on a lot of things this year. Events, guests, panels, etc etc. Hopefully everything won't be as last minute next year. I understand this was probably in part to the Chair team being new. 
-Organization: I understand organization was weak this year because the Chair team was completely new, so I'll let you guys slide on the issues this year. Running a con as huge as Fanime, especially since it just got a whole lot bigger this year, is no simple feat. I hope all the feedback given so far serves the Chair team well for next year. To sum it up: The team should be able to anticipate technical failures with the pre-registration black-out and figure out what to do in case of an emergency like that would be ideal. Also, it would have been really nice if the website had a better explanation of the issue with many Day 0 people not receiving their badges due to the massive delay from the blackout, so that all those people had to get their badges on Day 1. If I had known, I would have had club members who had gone early to the con to stand in line so that when I got there, I wouldn't have to wait 2 hours to get my 24 badges for my club. A fair warning about the lines would have been nice, although I suspect the reason fro not saying so was because of the bad publicity?
-Cosplay Gatherings: It seemed like they were running last minute on a lot of the prep this year, like with many parts of the con. Online organization of the gatherings was relatively smooth, and even at con, my questions were answered easily. However, my KHR gathering was held at the Mariott side, but the gatherings table sent all my cosplayers to the HILTON side. I was wondering why no one was showing up until about 15 minutes after when about 20 people showed up telling me that they were sent to the wrong side. I dont' know what happened, but I was rather displeased by this. I hope this was just a slip-up that won't happen again.
-Communication: I think overall communication was the problem. Many of the rovers gave different answers to questions or did not seem to know what they were doing. Volunteers or not, it doesn't help anyone if they're giving inaccurate assistance. A lot of workers there were having problems helping con-goers because it seemed like they have no idea what to do, which can be helped by better communication, or at least more clear instructions before they start their jobs. Also, my friend and I were the unfortunate people that had a kid vomit his breakfast all over the floor in front of our tables. They at least got a rover to stand guard over it to ensure con-goers were not stepping in it, but the janitor did not arrive for THIRTY minutes. It was absolutely disgusting to have that mess in front of our tables for half an hour. I hope that next year, janitor services would come more quickly and promptly. There are thousands of people walking around, and I'm sure seeing a pile of vomit is not something they want to remember from their weekend.
-Mariott: I will go back next year because of the cheap price, close proximity to the con, and excellent room. However, the elevators, as mentioned, were horrible. I think one of the major issues was that people tried to cram TOO many into one elevator at a time, so the elevators were breaking down. My friends were stuck in one for 10 minutes with 8 other people. That was lucky for them. The next day, that same elevator was stuck for an hour with 14 people in it. Mariott should have the elevators checked before a major convention to ensure that they are in working condition, and they should post some kind of sign to indicate maximum capacity, because people just cram themselves in there like there was no tomorrow. I did take the stairs more than I took the elevator, but walking up to the 20th floor, not once, but THRICE, was not pleasant. Nor was coming down from there with heavy luggage. TWICE.
This is not to the con staff, but the con-goers on the lower floors taking elevators. I never exercise or even get out of a seat for more than a couple minutes a day. If I can go up 40 flights of stairs, I'm sure most of you, if you don't have some problem with your legs, lungs, or heart or carrying heavy luggage, are more than capable of going up to the 5th or 7th floor on your legs. So I beg you, please just take the stairs if there are a lot of people waiting for the elevator. Poor saps on high floors are just as tired as you are and really need the elevator. The wait time for taking the stairs is shorter than the elevator. It was proven by my friend.
Otherwise, I really like the Mariott.

I think that's all I really have to say. It was good overall, and my friends and I are all expecting to return next year. :)


Quote from: OniCourseMusha on June 04, 2012, 12:17:05 AM
I hope you can still come back and you're welcome to come to me and have a great conversation so we can have a better understanding about the situation in a friendly matter.  I feel you when policies gets very complicated to follow that can limit our freedom of choices and what we want to play that can ruin our experience.  Policies will always change every year.  We will review this.  Thanks for the very detailed feedback.

Since the purpose of the feedback is to provide constructive criticism on cons and continue to do pros and other improvements, I'm interested in this.

See you next year.


Quote from: mDuo13 on May 30, 2012, 02:10:45 AM
* Igaguri Chiba was a disappointing guest; nobody at his panel seemed to know anything about him, and his performance lacked the punch of a real headliner. It was more of a gag than a real concert.
This remark indicates to me that the one unfamiliar with Igaguri Chiba is you, and not those who attended his panel.  Myself and others around me knew exactly who he was, and asked relevant questions.  I was at both panels.
FanimeCon attended: 20 times
1999 - 2001
2006 - 2019
2022 - 2024


I want to enter in the Masquerade next year, but the rules and categories are very confusing and convoluted. At other cons I'm used to a more straightforward Novice, Journeyman and Master categories and then first, second etc in each for both craftsmanship then Performance. I'm not saying Fanime should copy these rules exactly but the rules about individual versus group and designer awards seems really strange. The way I read is is that a person who made 3 costumes can win a design award, but not a more prestigious Individual craftsman award? I like the advanced versus non-advanced categories but everything beyond that is baffling.



Swap Meet: What a way to kick off Fanime and it's at The Fairmont too! :D Anyways, I loved it this year, so many good stuff and the price was totally worth it. My only small problem is that my boyfriend and I were waiting around in front of where the Swap Meet was going to be at (along with other people) until a rover tells us that there is a line for the Swap Meet. My boyfriend and I (along with the other people sitting around) were just annoyed that they told us this, LAST MINUTE. So we got in line and the Swap Meet was almost delayed for another 30 minutes but thankfully we only had to wait 10 minutes in line. Next time there's a "line" we need to be in, please let the rovers know so that way they can direct us to said line instead of saying it at the very last minute.

Pocket Schedule:Thank goodness for this! I'm glad you brought this back! But next time, can you please be a bit clearer with where certain events are such as the Guests of Honor Autographs.

Video Room: I loved the animes and movies that were playing this year! Sailor Mooon, Bleach, Evangelion 1.0 and 2.0, Hetalia, Durarara, etc. It was nice sitting in there and taking a break from walking around. :D  My only complaint is that while watching Bleach, these guys were being so loud and insensitive that I was starting to not enjoy the show. Also, with some of the people in charge of the set up they could've at least skipped the opening and ending songs because it gets repetitive and slightly annoying when you have to keep hearing and seeing the OP and ending again and again.

Artist Alley: So many good artist this year that I kept coming back for more and more!  :)

Dealers Hall: My experience with Dealers Hall was better than last year, the vendors this year were just as energetic as I was and were fun to converse.


Rovers: My experience with rovers this year was not as bad as last year, but some of them were still rude while I'm asking a simple question. Although, my boyfriend and I witnessed a rover taking away a badge, and we're just wondering if rovers actually have the power to do that or was that abuse of their "power."

Guest of Honors: As much as I enjoyed David and Mai, compared to this year the Guests didn't seem to catch the attention of many people. When I saw that SacAnime was going to have Johnny yong Bosch, Michelle Ruff, etc. My heart sank a bit because I wondered how come FanimeCon doesn't have guests like SacAnime. And overall, these Guests of Honors seemed like a last minute pick. :(

Pre-registration: I know there was a lot of technical difficulties, but I was so surprised at how the pre-reg date was up, usually it's always up around the fall time, but this year, it wasn't up till winter. I'm glad I got to order it, but still, please try to have it up earlier.


Lines: By the end of the Con, I was highly annoyed with lines. Too many lines. I know you guys are trying to keep things organized but it's obvious to see the disorganization. Please... LESS LINES NEXT YEAR.

Registration: Thankfully, I missed the power outage, and I got there early enough to get mine and my boyfriend's badge within an hour; however, I honestly do feel that, for those who pre-ordered shouldn't have to wait in line, you guys should just mail them out instead. Waiting in line for many hours gets tiring and it gets really stuffy in there to the point where the B.O. just fills up the area.

Overall, I still had fun, but please Fanime, make 2013 AWESOME and fix all of the problems we had this year! Also, try to be more organized and announce things earlier and please bring in some of the guests that we've been asking or else what is the point of having a forum of guests that we want to see and don't see the people we want to see.

Thank you.


Oh my post was deleted. But I think it was constructive, it made it very clear my feelings on how strongly. Fanime > Sakuracon. And most other cons that I have been to. As long as i got say so I'm happy.

I do want to give my two cents on the reg line. I was very impressed with how the situation was handled.

Even with the issues which were beyond their control they handled it far better than a..ehem.. certain other con  where the lines are 7 hrs long due to sheer stupidly and no unforeseen acts of God/Nature

There was nothing they could have done about the power outage.

Could they have done something about being two hours late? Probably.

However in the end they more than made up for it by competence and efficiency. When I got inline I started  more than a block away. It was maybe a half an hour before I was inside.

And best of all, when I got inside my friend took over for me  because we did group reg.

No it, was not perfect. But just consider how much worse it could have been if not for the experience of the staff and the Godsend that is group-reg.

I see no reason to give the staff any crap about it.
" Your aren't taking sides if you spread out violence evenly"


QuoteRovers: My experience with rovers this year was not as bad as last year, but some of them were still rude while I'm asking a simple question. Although, my boyfriend and I witnessed a rover taking away a badge, and we're just wondering if rovers actually have the power to do that or was that abuse of their "power."

Rovers do not pull badges.  If a situation warrants a badge pulling, a second or head of the Rover department should be on hand to address the situation first, and ultimately the badge pull would need to be approved by Wolfgang.  If a Rover at any time threatens to pull a badge, Rover staff needs to be notified so we can deal with them appropriately.

If you can better describe the situation, time, and person we will do our best to look into the matter.

All Rovers are authorized to confiscate fake badges.

We'll continue to try to implement better ways to encourage our Rovers to be good customer service faces for Fanime.  A good attitude is something we stress, and it is considered just as important as sound judgement when deciding who to retain for next year's staff.

Rover Shift Lead


LOTS of people this year! Very friendly people as usual that let me take ridiculous pictures with them :)
Loved how even though on Monday people usually start to pack up and leave, there was still sooo many people around! And really awesome cosplays! :D

Registration. Everyone has stressed about it. I heard about the black out but I came in on Saturday and my only issue was that even though I was group leader, each person had to have their ID in order to get the badge.
Just. why. Even my younger cousin had to show her ID, and she was only 11! Luckily she had a student ID on her though.

Organization? I feel like things were very rushed this year. Like their website and the hotels. Usually hotels open around Jan-Feb but this year it was pretty late and we ended up with the Hyatt (Which....was OK. Could've been better, could've been worse!)

Other than that I still love going to Fanime and had a good time.
For some reason I was really tired this year and I felt like a lot of money got put into it lol but it's fine. It was enjoyable as always!


Being that this was my very first convention (yay pooped my con cherry  ;D)  I felt that they did not make it clear enough where people should go to for their badges.  I registered in Feb, and than I waited over 3 and a half hours to find out that I was in the line for people had not even registered, and than after that I was sent to the back of another line where i waited 2 hours and than registration closed down.