"Did you take my Photo?" Unofficial Official thread for Fanime 2012

Started by TheGhostyBear, May 27, 2012, 04:57:42 PM

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This might be you: http://on.fb.me/NLlhsP

Quote from: kyorami on June 12, 2012, 01:23:00 AM
Hello! I'm looking for some Mortal Kombat pictures!

I was walking around on Friday and Sunday as Kitana and usually had a Jade and/or Smoke with me.


Eruca: http://on.fb.me/MJAOUc (public album so you shouldn't need a FB account to view it).  Same photo on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/billhinsee/7331320148/in/set-72157629921007798

Quote from: Nina Star 9 on May 28, 2012, 10:10:13 PM
(afternoon) Waitress/Odd Girl/Vanilla/Memry -- Ghost Trick (I was likely with a trio from the same game)
(evening/night) Maj. Kusanagi -- Ghost in the Shell (You may remember it lighting up)

(morning/early afternoon) Eruca -- Radiant Historia
(later afternoon) Lady Blackpearl -- Legend of Mana (the 6' fishhammer should be quite distinctive, I'd think!)

(afternoon) Ulala -- Space Channel 5 (I was this orange one, not the Miku Hatsune one or the white one)

If anyone has any pics of me, I'd appreciate them, and if they are on Facebook, I won't be able to view them, so I'd like another uload method if at all possible (not all of us have FB!). Thank you!


One more: http://on.fb.me/MjQHUY

Quote from: kyorami on June 12, 2012, 01:23:00 AM
Hello! I'm looking for some Mortal Kombat pictures!

I was walking around on Friday and Sunday as Kitana and usually had a Jade and/or Smoke with me.


I think these are both of you:


Quote from: gwytherinadelle on May 30, 2012, 08:26:30 PM
Here is my picasa album if anyone wants to flip through and find themselves: https://picasaweb.google.com/116363372124472629316/2012Fanime#

Also, I'm looking for any images of my fiance and I on Friday, although Saturday/Sunday pics are also appreciated.

Friday: Cyberpunk/Goth Cats https://picasaweb.google.com/116363372124472629316/2012Fanime#5748532635250385762
Sat/Sun: Fancy Steampunk https://picasaweb.google.com/116363372124472629316/2012Fanime#5748129191495929698


Oh. I might as well post my FanimeCon album as well (http://on.fb.me/LCzx1i).  All the photos are processed and uploaded.  Photos from photoshoots are in separate albums.  Feel free to tag, like, or comment.


Hey, was looking for fanimecon2012 league cosplay gathering photos. was wondering if you had any? lol. searching for the Reverse Annie one I cosplayed as ^^;;

Friday: Game stop card rack
Saturday: Reverse Annie & Snorlax
Sunday: Reverse Annie


Looking for a female Ash from Pokemon. Probably in the artist alley.


Quote from: bhphotography on June 18, 2012, 06:08:24 PM
I think these are both of you:


Quote from: gwytherinadelle on May 30, 2012, 08:26:30 PM
Here is my picasa album if anyone wants to flip through and find themselves: https://picasaweb.google.com/116363372124472629316/2012Fanime#

Also, I'm looking for any images of my fiance and I on Friday, although Saturday/Sunday pics are also appreciated.

Friday: Cyberpunk/Goth Cats https://picasaweb.google.com/116363372124472629316/2012Fanime#5748532635250385762
Sat/Sun: Fancy Steampunk https://picasaweb.google.com/116363372124472629316/2012Fanime#5748129191495929698

They are! Thank you! It's too bad my fiance didn't think to put his mask back on for that one. >.<


Quote from: Necara on May 30, 2012, 01:57:15 PM
I was Heart Shooter Miku on Friday, and Risa Harada on Saturday.
I really hope someone has some photos of me.

On the right.
Still looking for pictures... Anyone have any? :(


Are there any photos of the Cosplay Battle gathering? In particular, there was a Chibitalia and a Hungary(me) that I'm looking for. Thanks!
Videos <3
Blog <3
Dance <3
Twitter: @resachiic
Instagram: @resachiic

Cosplays 2019: Luna(SailorMoon), Mimikyu


I am still looking for myself so here is a reference pics of cosplays I was in during Fanime this year William = http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/562221_366695870039992_435522698_n.jpg , Spain =http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/554634_472097156138193_334388816_n.jpg I am in the right side of the picture and Jenova Clone #10 = http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/401870_400440926665656_1315419327_n.jpg the only one in the cloak would be me. I was Spain and William the most during the con.
Banned for breaking promises - http://forums.fanime.com/index.php?topic=17617

Cosplay Circus

Looking for any pictures taken of my costumes this year, please message me if you do I'd love to see them! :)
Grell was worn Sunday morning and all of Monday
Beast was worn Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon
Maka was worn Saturday morning

My Maka Albarn costume had a rather large scythe, the one in this picture is not the one I was carrying.
- Elizabeth (Seven Deadly Sins)
- Morrigan (Dragon Age)
- Panty (Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt)



Did you see any Syo and Otoya? 8D ST☆RISH! versions. <3
FanimeCon'13 - Kuroko Tetsuya, Kagamine Len (Punkish, Revamped!Alice Human Sacrifice, Prince), Rainbow Dash (Genderbend), Alois Trancy (Revamped)




I was Setsuka Heel on Friday.  Did anyone get my pic Im wondering? 

This is really the only pic I have of me in it..so any from other members would be nice...


OK, just found this thread and decided to jump in. I was the older woman dressed up as the Fourth Doctor Who, with the plain, cream colored scarf. Several people did take my picture and I'd love to see one!


hey whats up? im still on a search for pictures of me and my friends =) heres my search list. also this is my second posting.heres my list<3

Friday: Alice of Human Sacrifice//Horror Rin + Len(Both from Vocaloid)
Saturday: Espeon + Umbreon (Pokemon), then Shinku and Suigintou(Rozen Maiden)
Sunday: Kagura + Kyo(Fruits Basket), then Alice + Peter (Heart no Kuni no Alice)
Monday: Alice + Peter again.

theres my list and i hope i can find some pictures with the help of this forum thanks!

my friends are:kagura,the one in the school uniform(not tohru) and im the kyo

im peter white(the white rabbit) and my friend is alice
http://sasukecrazedfangirl.deviantart.com/favourites/#/d531uqb im peter in this one https://www.facebook.com/sasuthelovelycat/photos

im the alice of human sacrifice len (im covering my mouth in it)

me as suigintou
https://www.facebook.com/sasuthelovelycat/photos https://www.facebook.com/sasuthelovelycat/photos

my friend ran the pokemon gathering and was the espeon. i was an umbreon.

please if anyone finds any pics of all of us please let me know ASAP =D
i couldnt figure out how to put in pictures so i put in links!! =D
Hey whats up! I am Sasu ^-^

I am a proud member of the cosplay group Moral Insanity Cosplay! weeeeee

Moral Insanity's Deviant Art

My Deviant Art


On sunday we had a group of Ciel in Wonderland (ciel, sebastian, grell, and pluto with a dog biscut box) anyone happen to get any pics?


Quote from: PrittyPixie on May 28, 2012, 10:14:10 PM
Hey, I'm trying to find pictures of me as Dominatrix!Angela from Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler.  If anyone has any pictures from the gathering, that would be awesome!

http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m234e1loeZ1qmt83eo1_1280.jpg <--here's a pic of me at a different con (before I got the whip). Many many thanks!
Aha! i do have some pictures of you and the Ash from the gathering :D
heres one of them and there are also a few more posted :)


Hello! I'm trying to find any photos taken of me during Fanime. I was one of apparently two Adam Jensen (Deus Ex: Human Revolution) cosplayers. I'm especially hoping that someone could link one of the many snapped of me when I was counter-protesting. I cannot for the life of me find any photos of me on the net, but if I do I'll edit a sample into this