Fanime 2013 Roommate thread

Started by ewu, November 28, 2012, 09:22:30 AM

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Hey, my name is Grace, I live in San Francisco and this is my fourth time at this convention. :3 I'm 18, but you really wouldn't think so, willing to spend up to $100, but would prefer around $85 for a room. I love meeting new people, this is the first time I'm not going with friends since I'm the only one who didn't go away from the bay for college -.- I don't mind whether it's an all girl or coed room, I don't mind where I sleep, I'm pretty good at building forts on the floor, if need be. If you're independent, I'm fine with going off on my own, or if you like making new friends and being shown around, I'd love to do that too. :)

My email is [email protected]
My facebook is
My tumblr is
You can contact me on any of those.

I'll be showing up on Friday, but don't mind paying the extra day.
I'm pretty organised with all my stuff and quiet when need be. But I mean, ugh, this sounds fake, I'm go to Fanime to have a good time, don't we all (?), so it'd be lovely if we could just have a rather awesome time together. I lightweight cosplay and rarely sleep while there because of all my adrenaline. If you feel more comfortable speaking a language other than English, I'm fluent in Spanish and Korean as well. I guess that's really it. I hope to hear from someone. :D

ALSO. I drink and smoke, but have no problem sustaining from either whilst there.


NEED A ROOM (for just Thursday)

Hi! My name is Kristin! I'm twenty-five years old, non-smoker, non-drinker. This will be my 10th Fanime-Con, so I definitely know the ropes and love the con! I'm hoping to sell at the Swap Meet Thursday night, and my other roommates don't have a room for that night, so I'm hoping to find some nice roommates for just Thursday! I can pay $30-40 towards room costs, and can pay in cash immediately upon arrival. If I can sleep in a bed (shared with someone or not), that would be preferable, but it's not a big deal if there's no bed space. I prefer the Marriott because that's where my friends are staying and not having to haul everything a long way would be nice, but the Hilton would work, too.

My email is [email protected]
My facebook is
My tumblr is or
You can contact me on any of those.

I'm fine with roommates of either gender as long as everyone is respectful. I'd just prefer it not to be some hardcore party room, haha, as I will probably want to get sleep at some point Thursday night (seeing as I won't be getting much of it for the rest of the con)! I'm a big Pokémon fan (and will be selling Pokémon items at the Swap Meet), so fellow fans are a plus, but I have tons of other fandoms, too. I'm easygoing and reliable.

Hope to make some new friends this way! Thanks for reading!

Talia Does RP

Hello!  We are a small group of gamers and panelists that need some more roommates with us at the Holiday Inn.

The total cost for the rooms is $808.76, so if we have another two people the cost per person would be $101.  $25 of that is for the security deposit and would be returned to you after the con if the room remains in good condition.  We can accept up to 4 people, but no more. Talk to [email protected] for details on how and when to pay.

We're a pretty chill bunch.  All genders are welcome, and couples are not a problem - one of the rooms is going to have a couple in it before anyone else comes.  Smoking and drinking is alright so long as everyone can keep it together and quiet when we get back to sleep.

Please email [email protected] for more information.  Thank you very much!  We hope to hear from you soon.
2023 tabletop staff, author, professional GM.  Ask me about Lancer, Valor, Bliss Stage, and Isekai/Online.


Please help! I need a room:

+ Introduction: My name is Tegan. I am 26, female, nonsmoker (no drugs), and I am new to Fanime and cosplay.

+ Hotel Information: I am open to pretty much any hotel--the closer to the convention the better. I need to check in on Thursday and check out on Tuesday. I am open to paying as much as $130 for my share (maybe more, though we would have to discuss it). I can reimburse you via PayPal or in cash when we meet in San Jose.

+ Requirements: I do not have many requirements: only than that you treat me kindly and with respect; do not smoke in/near the room; no illegal drugs; no sex in the room; and drink responsibly. That said, I would prefer to room with women (just a comfort thing, but I am open to rooming with men), and I would prefer to room with people who are doing cosplay. I would also strongly prefer a space on a bed. I can sleep on the floor, but I would need someone to provide either an air mattress or a sleeping bag.

+ Contact: Please contact me either via PM or by email at [email protected]

+ Miscellaneous: I will be trying to do some cosplay (at least two characters). I would love to be rooming with fellow cosplayers (especially if you are more experienced with it). I am doing my master's thesis in anthropology on cosplay and public constructions of meaning. If you are a cosplay and want to help out with that study (i.e. let me hang out with you at the convention; participate in an interview), I would be thrilled to work with you. But that is by no means a requirement for potential roommates :)


Roommates Wanted

Intro: Hi,Andy, My friend and I are looking for roommates who are going to fanime. We are looking for some nice cool respectful people. It will be our 2nd time going to fanime again so we are hoping for have a lot of fun. I love anime, games, and I am trying to cosplay a little.

Hotel: We have a room at the hotel de anza.

Requirements: Respect our stuff and we will respect yours. Would like our roommates to be at least 18 or with a cool personality. We are pretty open minded about a lot of things too. We don't smoke but we won't mind if you do. We do drink but we will respect you if you don't.

Contacts: If you wanna talk more about the details before deciding just hit me up.
if you cant reach me on facebook just email me [email protected]


Need a room:
+ Introduction: Hey, my name is Jon. This will be my second famine.
+ Hotel Information: Thurs-Monday or Tuesday. near the con since I won't have a car, Don't mind walking a little bit.
+ Requirements: No smoking preferred.
+ Contact:Just PM me here
+ Miscellaneous: (same as above)


Hotel: San Jose Hilton
Dates:  Thursday, May 23 to Tuesday, May 28 (6 days/5 nights)
Rate: $180.00
Spaces Available:  1 Girls Only Spot
Room Type:  Double-Queen Rooms
Smoking or Non-Smoking:  Definitely non-smoking
E-Mail:  [email protected]
AIM:  blackfreight03

Details about me:  I'm a 36-year old male who will be attending Fanime for the third time.  I've gone to the Anime Expo from 1993 to 2010 and 2012, and ALA 2010 to 2012, AM2 2011, and Fanime in 2011 to 2012 with other odd conventions here and there.

My simple philosophy about rooms is that if you go, you should only have to pay the money requested and show up.  I'll take care of getting the rooms squared away.  At AX 2005, the Hilton at Anaheim said they were overbooked and I had to take a set of smaller rooms.  I managed to talk them into giving us a suite parlor to replace one of the rooms for no extra cost. 

I've also led a suite full of otaku at AX 2006, and I still look at that as the most fun I've had for a convention.  If I can get enough people together to do that again at another hotel, I would do it in a heartbeat. 

I'm bringing my Xbox360 with me.  I have several games including the latest WB Batman games, UMvC3, Halo 4 and Anniversary, and I have Rock Band 3 with over 600 available songs.

I'm called a fair and attentive leader, and I will be available for any questions.


What kind of room do you have? - Updated 4/24/13  Double-Queen rooms.

How long is the stay? Day 0 to Day 5.  I like to get in to a convention before it starts and leave after it's done.

Are the rates per night or for the whole stay?[/B]  It's for the whole stay.  I do not have a per night rate.

When would payment be due?  I ask that payment be sent about a month prior to the convention.  This gives me time to turn payments into cash for the hotels, as well as weed out any last second drop-outs.  Besides, it makes it easier to keep other people's money separate from mine until necessary.

How do you like payment?  I prefer checks or money orders.  If cash is sent in the mail and the postman loses it, it's lost for both you and me.  Checks or money orders can be traced by the sender, or cancelled and retrieved, if necessary.

Do you accept Paypal?  I avoid it unless I have no other choice.  I ask that you send it as a "gift" to so the fees associated with it are handled on your end.  Any other way, and they can take a serious chunk out of the hotel monies.

What do we do about food?  I have three things I'm doing to help with that:

  • First, I'm arranging optional group dinners so everyone can meet, sit, and eat. No one has to attend, but it's a great way to meet other fans and make friendships. I'll do my best to avoid major gatherings and events when I schedule them.
  • I also have an optional $30.00 buy in for communal water, chips, Chex Mix, Pretzels, Kool-Aid and other things.  For that $30, you'll also get a personal supply of Pocky and Ramune you don't have to share.  That money will also help buy shampoo and soap for the rooms.
  • Finally, I am also offering a $5.00 buy in which is used for communal water only.
I'm a girl and I don't want to room with guys...  Not a problem.  I have one girls only room currently set up.  When you contact me, please mention you're interested in this specific set-up, and I'll give you the details.

I'm under 18... Can I still go?  Sure.  I'll take people as young as 14, but if you are between 14 and 17, I HAVE TO SPEAK TO YOUR PARENTS FIRST.  This is non-negotiable.  It sounds very over-bearing, but if you're a minor, you lie to your parent/guardian about where you are, and you're found with me and/or my friends, that's a potential kidnapping charge on the adult(s) you're found with, and that's a great way to ruin a convention.

What's the rule about drinking?  I don't mind social drinking or fun drinking, but I don't condone getting fall-down drunk.  Also, NO MINOR DRINKING, PERIOD.  If you're an adult who gives a minor alcohol, we'll have a few unkind words, and I won't hesitate to involve the authorities. 

Someone I'm rooming with is getting on my nerves...  Bring anything like this to me.  I'm a decent negotiator and I will handle all issues like this.  Few things can make a weekend more tense than people irritating each other and drawing lines in the sand.  Even if it doesn't get to fighting, you're giving the cold-shoulder to someone else, and everyone else in that room will get frustrated and caught up in it.  That's not fair to everyone in that situation.

"Um... I broke something in the room."  This should be a no-brainer, but be prepared to pay for it.  I also inspect rooms quickly before I check them out.  The reason for that is if these things are reserved with my credit card and something comes up broken, I have to pay for it.  I limit my risks by being careful.

What happens if I break "the rules?"  I escort you out.  Not out of the hotel or the convention, but out of my room block.  No refunds and no arguments.  You're out.

Any other questions, please feel free to ask.


Need a room (Thursday only!)

+ Introduction: I'm a twenty-five year old female, hoping to find a room to sleep in for just Thursday night! I have a room with friends for Fri-Sun. I'm hoping to participate in the Swap Meet on Thursday. I've been attending conventions for eleven years now, have been to around 70+ cons, and this will be my 10th Fanime. I'm non-smoking, non-drinking, very friendly, mellow, and easy to deal with. I'm a huge Pokémon fan, so it helps if roommates are, too (I'm actually selling Pokémon stuff at the Swap Meet), but I also have dozens of other anime fandoms, so chances are we'll share fandoms no matter what. I can pay $30-40 to stay just Thursday, and will pay in cash on arrival.

+ Hotel Information: The Marriott would be preferable, seeing as I have lots of stuff and I'm staying in the Marriott with my friends the next nights. The Hilton would be fine as well!

+ Requirements: It would be awesome to be able to sleep in a bed, if possible, seeing as I won't be sleeping a lot for the rest of the convention. I don't mind sharing the bed with someone if they're considerate. I prefer non-smokers and non-drinkers, but light drinking is fine with me. I'd just rather it not be a party room, as I would like to get some sleep after Swap Meet!

+ Contact: phoenixfreedom AT is my preferred contact! Or you can send me a message on here, Tumblr, or Facebook.

+ Miscellaneous: I don't mind rooming with people of pretty much any age or gender as long as you're friendly and considerate, and I'm very non-judgmental. I'd love to make some new friends this way! You can have some free Pokémon stuff if you let me room with you as well. I have tons of awesome stuff to choose from.

I'll be very grateful if someone can offer me a room for Thursday! Thanks for reading!


Need a Room for Friday night to Sunday night

Contact Information:
[email protected]
Phone Number will be given later on.

My name is Ken and I'm a 22 year old male. I attend UC Santa Cruz and I'm a Psychology major, graduating in June. I am a non-smoker and well kempt. I'm respectful and a bit serious, but once I know you better my personality relaxes. I've been to Fanime since 2008, though I've been rooming in hotels for the convention for about 3 years. This year my regular friends are unable to go, so I'm asking on this forum.

Hotel Information:
I prefer to pay under $100, and I would like to stay at a hotel not far from the convention center. Non-smoking highly preferable. If I can, I would like to sleep on a bed for at least one night. I've slept on the floors and the chair, and it wasn't comfortable.

If you're unsure about my ability to chip in, I can offer self-defense training. I am affiliated with the UCSC Ninjutsu Training Group. I also have some medical training, and I carry a medical kit in my backpack.


As of 05/22/2013, we still have room for people.

I still got room in my room for two more people. We're at the Hyatt ,friday-monday, and below $100 per person. Email me at [email protected] for further details. ^_^

Name: Glitch
Hotel info: Hyatt , King bed w/sofa sleeper
Days staying: Friday to Monday
Price range: $99(if we have 4 people in the room), $79(if we have 5 people). Prices are negotiable with us.
Space available: Two roommates

Requirements:  We prefer 18+, but we are ok with roommates who are younger. Gender is no problem. We are two guys running the room but we are well behaved gentlemen. Overall this is a friendly room to all types of people.
Be certain you are absolutely going to Fanime. We want to be sure we aren't left hanging at the last minute (that happened to use last year).
We will need 50 bucks of the hotel money up front when you first put your stuff in the room. And course you pay the rest of the hotel room money at the end of Fanime. We are actually very laid back and fun people, but since we don't know you too well, we take this as a precaution.
Please don't leave a mess around. Make sure your food wrappers are in the trash and dirty clothes are not all over the place.
Some good hygiene is also a plus. I'm not one to dictate others' shower habits but make sure we don't smell you from across the room.
And finally, keep the drama outside of the room. But have as much fun as you can. ^_^
Not required, but If possible contact me on facebook, and have one of your FB friends vouch for you that you are trustworthy. Again, not required but would help . My facebook:

Details: Now that we got all the strict BS out of the way, here are the lighter details. The room is run by me and my friend Antonio. We've been doing this since 2009. I myself have been going to Fanime since 2001. I am also the host of The Comedy Club at Fanime panel.
We are willing to share some of our food with you. I don't like the site of people starving. ^_^

So that's it. I like to think of the hotel room as a place to chill and take a break from the Fanime when you get worn out .We hope to have a great time with anyone who applies. I love meeting new people and it'll be cool to see how it turns out.
My email address: [email protected]. Make sure to put ROOMMATE in the subject line.


Due to residence change and approval of a new apt, I can not attend fanime this year. That being said, I have a fairmont double bed room up for grabs. PM me or email at [email protected]

I will try to answer emails as quickly as possible but I expect to be messaged to death 10 minutes after this post goes live.



hello, im looking for a room for me and my friend. im 16 hes 18 im paying for both of us and im looking to pay around 60-80$ each. were bringing our own food and tend to stay to ourselves.
looking for a room hopefully Thursday to Monday or Friday to Monday
we can sleep on floor if no beds are available
were quit, fun and spend alot of time at the con and not in the hotel room.
we also dont bring alot of stuff and so we dont need to much space.   


TWO Awesome Roommates Wanted!!

+ Introduction:  My name is Ray and this will be my 4th Fanime year. I have cosplayed 3 of those years and I enjoy every aspect of it: meeting new people, going to meets, and watching people wear awesome and sometimes, not so awesome costumes. This year, I will be cosplaying as Sasuke and Zack Fair from FF7 and will bring my two brothers, who will also be cosplaying. One will be cosplaying as either Sephiroth/Lee and the other as Death the Kid/Gaara. We were able to snag a spot on the Hilton right on the Convention Center and need roommates to split the cost for the whole stay. If the roommates are girls, both get the priority of sleeping on the beds, as my brothers and I don't mind sleeping on the floor. There will be a total of just 5 people (my 2 brothers, me, and 2 roommates).

+ Hotel Information:  The Hilton on the Convention Center.

+ Costs:  $65 for the whole stay, each person (check-in Friday all the way through check-out Monday)

+ Room Type:   Non-smoking 2 bedded room.

+ Requirements:  Looking for TWO people! We are looking for guys or girls, but we would rather prefer girls since they won't make such a mess in the room and won't mess around with our stuff (I prefer not to be charged that extra $100 room fee if the room is left into such disarray). Another requirement includes people who are 18 years old or over, seeing as we don't want to babysit people. NO DRAMA – we are here to have fun and enjoy Fanime! If you plan to be our roommate, have the cash ready once we meet up. Once payment is received, we will hand out room keys/cards.

+ Contact:
You can get a hold of me on my email at [email protected]
My facebook – Radraymond01

If interested, please send me your email/FB page so that we can get to the details with the room. Facebook is preferred, since we want to know who we are bunking with.

+ Miscellaneous:  We will bring some snacks and drinks for the whole stay, so that our roommates stay hydrated and well fed.  Please respect each other's stuff and please don't steal or break stuff. We are pretty laidback, so you can bring people just as long as it doesn't turn out into some wild party. You can tag along or do your own thing, what you do is up to you. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me with the above contact info.


Hey, my name is Justin and I'm looking for roommates.

Hotel: Fairmont, 1 king-sized bed non-smoking room (Thurs-Mon)

Cost: 80 for the weekend

The current room is 4 guys (2 are cosplayers), but we're not picky on who stays with us.  We're also all in college, ages 19-23, so keep that in mind.  None of us smoke and drinking will not happen in the room.  All I ask is that our stuff isn't touched and the room is kept relatively clean.

You can contact me through my email at [email protected].  :D


In need of a room.

+ Introduction:

My name is Jaana Humlie and I am registered as Staff at fanime con in the video rooms.

I also have a friend named Antonio Tambornino who is also on staff. I live in the El Cerito area and my friend lives in Walnut Creek, so I we are in great need of a room at a hotel.

+ Hotel Information:
Antonio and I have a morning shift on Friday from 9-12 and another at 7-11. So I would like to stay at the Marriott, if possible.
Marriott (adjacent to convention, most of the video rooms are at).

I can also accept the Hyatt or Sainte Claire if there is room available. 

Antonio will be driving and I also will have my laptop with me so I can work on my Zazzle Shops during spare moments. So free parking and internet is helpful, but not required.

+ Requirements: any restrictions or requests you like to make.
I am a non-smoker, and would prefer to house with people who don't smoke as well.  I am quiet and keep to myself. I don't take up much room, and I would happily sleep in the closet if beds or cots are not available. Antonio and I don't need to be together and can room separately.

I would prefer Thursday evening-Monday afternoon, for housing. But we can take Friday-Monday if that is a better for you.

+ Contact:
I am available via my email, [email protected].
Currently putting togeatherUnited Nation of Otaku: A by fans for fans look at anime/manga from fans and non fans around the world.



+ Introduction:
I am a Campbell/San Jose native who has been going to Fanime for what will be four years this con. I've never really experienced the Fanime night life and I'd love to do so without worrying about transportation. I am also cosplaying as Ken from Street Fighter. :D

+ Hotel Information:
The furthest hotel from con I'll take is the Fairmont, MAYBE the Ramada if I can get someone to walk from Con with me at night. I'm living on campus at SJSU right now and I know that Downtown SJ can get pretty sketch at night. I'll probably stay from Saturday afternoon to Monday morning/around noon.

+ Requirements: any restrictions or requests you like to make.
My only request is that whoever is hosting me let me know if there is a time I need to be back by. And, if they have multiple keys, if they could kindly let me have one if that would be possible (I'm cool either way). :) Other than that no real other issues. I'd only bring my costume, wig, and a change of clothes plus toiletries, so I'd arrive pretty light. Not sure if the Dealer's Hall will let me leave light, though. :P Optimal pricing for me would be around $80+ and hopefully no more than $90, but I'm willing to negotiate. If something is offered for lower I'll take it. :P I can also bring a sleeping bag if necessary. Also no drugs including tobacco whatsoever and I'd prefer no alcohol (19, haha), but if people want to drink in the room I guess I'm cool with it (college xD). Just don't be drunken otaku buttholes about it. :P

+ Contact:
If you're on tumblr, my url is  Otherwise contact me via my main e-mail: [email protected]. If we get something established I'll give you my cell number and possibly Facebook.

+ Miscellaneous:

Lan Moore

Roommates Wanted:
+ Introduction: Hello I go my Lan Moore. Usually during conventions I get up early and come in late so I want to warn any one about that @.@ So maybe heavy sleepers would be best for room mating with me. I'm 25 years old originally from San jose but now I live in Vegas. If you want to check my facebook out I think this link should help
+ Hotel Information: I will be checkinh into the Marriott on Thursday May 23 and checking out Monday May 27, it's a none smoking double bedded room.
+ Costs: The estimated cost will be $566plan is to split it right down the middle. Cash would be best but if you have other methods of payment such as check or some thing I'm willing to talk about it as I've never done any thing like that. If you bring a third person with you we can split it 3 ways but I really want to avoid any more then that.
+ Requirements: the only real rule I have is no going in other person's stuff or destroying their belongings. If you plan on doing any thing with a significant other in the room please leave some kind of signal I don't feel like having a repeat of a past room mate. Also please be there for check out I don't wish too look all over the convention center because you vanished the night before. Other then that can't think of any thing else right now but feel free to ask.
+ Contact: please email me at [email protected] if interested, also you can contact me on PM here but not sure how well that will work, or you can contact me over facebook. On day of best way will be cellphone and I'll give you the number once we have worked things out. My phone has access to email and such here but not sure if it will in San Jose.
+ Miscellaneous: Bow Ties are cool!


Roomate(s) Wanted! Looking for one roommate at most 2.

Intro: Hi my name is Beans and I am 22 years old! Me and my current group of friends are looking for one, two at the most new roommates to add to our group! All of us are over 18. We like a variety of anime and games. I have been to fanime many times and this will be my 6th year going.

Hotel Information: We will be at the Hyatt, double bedded room and will be checking in on Friday and checking out on Monday.

Costs: It will be a total of 85 dollars. Please pay by paypal. In addition there will be free food in the hotel for all to enjoy!

Requirements/Be Aware of: We are looking for someone who doesn't mind crowded rooms. There will be artists in the room and we will be getting up early so please be wary of that. Plus we prefer someone who doesn't mind sleeping on the floor and can bring their own sleeping bag, if you can't provide a sleeping bag I can bring one for you.

While I don't wish to bring attention to it, a lot of our roomates will be Homestucks and grey paint is a thing that will be taking place in the bathroom. While we are pretty cleanly and tend to clean up after ourselves we do wish to give a warning for those uncomfortable with makeup on bathroom counters, ect. We are aware of makeup and what it stains and what it doesn't so we will not be trying to stain anything and will be conscious of peoples belongings and the living space.

Contact: [email protected].
Paypal: [email protected]

Miscellaneous: Nothing much else except we are an organized group of people and tend to keep our stuff to a corner of the room. Again there will be food in the hotel for mates to snack on.


Need a room:
+ Introduction: I'm a 21 year old dude( ´_ゝ`)I've been to fanime for the past two years and this will be the first time I'll be able to attend without surviving off of free hotel fruit (wax or otherwise)
+ Hotel Information: I don't care as long as it's relatively close, I'm ok with sleeping on the floor, either gender is fine though I'd be more comfortable in a mixed gender room since I really don't like staying with only dudes, though I'm fine with it if need be.
+ Requirements: I'm hoping to pay under 100$, I wont be in the room much since I usually spend all day wandering around or messing around in the viewing rooms, and I generally only bring a small bag of clothes, so I'm ok with small or cramped conditions.
+ Contact: I'd prefer to be contacted at, or you can PM me here ¯\(゚∀゚)/¯ either one works
+ Miscellaneous: Please no smoking it messes with my heart condition ┐('~`;)┌ And I'd prefer to stay with people around my age, don't really care as long as you're not 4 years older than me


Need a room: I was originally going to room with a friend but he can no longer go.
+ Introduction: My name is Lance.18 male. This will be my first year going to Fanime and my second con ever.
+ Hotel Information: I would like to find a room somewhere near the convention. I will be attending thursday-monday.
+ Requirements: I don't require anything.
+ Contact: You can contact me through Facebook or Email: [email protected]
+ Miscellaneous: I don't smoke or drink but I don't mind if others do.