How is simple communication hard?

Started by citrus, March 05, 2016, 11:46:10 PM

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Well, since people have other responsibilities, and that their lives outside of Fanime(families, other jobs, etc) take priority(as I clearly stated in my previous post), perhaps they should hire people who have more free time on their hands. No, I don't encourage them to hire anyone who's inexperienced and all that, but someone who knows how to help Fanime and CAN help Fanime, but also have the time to do so. Have someone who has the free time post stuff on the website(professional reg, artists alley info, swap meet, etc) and have them do it as early as possible.
(ノ•ω•)ノ Cosplay List:
Rook Hunt
Ukyo (Ranma 1/2)
Satsuki (Totoro)
Omega (Bad Batch)
Giyu (KnY)
Rengoku (KnY)
Sheeta (Laputa)


Not your typical anime junkie.
MAL:Echoshadow's Anime List


No volunteer organization ever has all the people it needs.  Fact of life.  All of them do the best they can with whoever they can get, one day a week from someone is better than no one. If you think they are understaffed, volunteer.  If you think they aren't doing enough, offer to help out.  Let's be honest with math here.  At $60/badge, lets be really generous and say they could find someone willing to give up a job for a part-time 20 hours a week at $8 an hour, round that out to the cost of 8k to afford one part time person for a year's salary.  Now, of course, some entity is paying that person, and they have to pay into unemployment, social security, all the associated business things, which include lawyer's fees, bank fees...let's be super generous and say about $1k. So, which $9,000 worth of con are you okay getting rid of? Pretty sure there isn't that kind of money sitting around in a bank account with people going 'I have no idea what to spend this extra money on'.


I would love to help out with Fanime, myself, but I don't live close enough in order to do so. I'm about an hour and a half away from San Jose. :x If I lived more locally, then I'd definitely consider it.

But to those who do live close enough to be able to help out with the con, perhaps you guys should think about volunteering. ^^"
(ノ•ω•)ノ Cosplay List:
Rook Hunt
Ukyo (Ranma 1/2)
Satsuki (Totoro)
Omega (Bad Batch)
Giyu (KnY)
Rengoku (KnY)
Sheeta (Laputa)


I'm not sure about Fanime, but if you can/want to help, its worth asking if they need someone to check an email account and make reports, or compile notes from forums, or other non-local things.  That's very much up to the con staff but I have done remote volunteer work for groups before, so it might be possible :)


Quote from: aetherltd on March 07, 2016, 11:36:14 PM
Well, Fanime management has lots of ways to communicate. There are these forums, a Facebook page, and a Twitter feed. There's a "Registration & Hotel Support Center" now. There's a Fanime app for IOS, and one for Android, although neither seem to have been updated for 2016 yet. There's even a Fanime API. (What's that for, anyway?)

The distribution channels for info are in place. There just isn't much in them.
There's a Fanime RSS feed too. Mostly the same info as the API, but in a different format. There's a mobile site, but it's broken.

Which of these will have useful info, such as important changes, during con?


I have been going to Fanime since 2012 and I have loved every year that I have gone.  But I am not one who goes to all the things others do.  This convention falls on or shortly after my birthday and it is my one trip a year where I get to go and not have to many issues.

I will say one thing that did bother me from last year.  Not everyone knew the rule that disabled and those with young children get to go to the front of the line.  Yes I am disabled, I walk with a cane.  That was my only complaint from last year.

The year before was the masses in the hallways not in proper lines for the panels to allow people to exit.  I had an anxiety attack (mine are rather severe) when I felt I was caged in with no where to get out.  My friend apparently told me after I came to from blanking out that I very loudly told people to move it and IMMEDIATELY the staff was fast to act to fix the situation.  For that I am very grateful for because if I had been in that predicament much longer I would have ended up heading to the ER.  I was very lucky to have a friend acting as my care taker that night.

Now I can see people pointing out with such conditions I shouldn't attend Fanime.  Yes I do realize this but this is the one trip where I get to recharge and get to be around others who are into the same stuff I am.  I have never been in a place at the convention where someone was rude or mean when they spoke to me and that is something I like.  While Fanime has its faults (we are human people nothing, NOTHING is going to be perfect.) I love the energy of the convention itself.

Sadly I am to far away to offer assistance with setting up for the convention but I have seen improvements when I have gone.  I mean come on getting your badge doesn't take forever anymore!  That in itself is a HUGE step in the right direction.  So while yes, communication does need to be improved, I still have to thank the staff for working so hard and being quick to fix things when it is really needed.

Another thing I'm thankful for that they changed is where Swap Meet is.  It is in a place where it isn't sweltering to be in there!  Another big improvement that I found was a fantastic change.

Anywho I hope this helped a little bit from my perspective!


I am not a staffer, but my roommate is.  Everytime I read these forum posts of trolls and complaints and think about how much time he invested and put into FanimeCon it makes me mad.  Frankly, I think he's wasting his time, because the people that go don't appreciate it and they never have anything good to say.  If you have a problem, join the staff.  I did and then I realized I should've just kept my mouth shut.  Then again someone might say "I think there is something wrong, but I can't do better or want to do better, but I'm a paying customer".  While this might be true, think about those who are putting in the time instead of you. (BY FANS FOR FANS) meaning that they are fellow attendees that have given up their time to try and do something and as a FAN for others.  Being involved with trade shows, I can see where they might have difficulty obtaining or maintaining talent that volunteers their time.  For example, if a sponsor liaison/fundraiser or marcom specialist might be making 80 to 150k doing that job, why would they do it for free at Fanime.  If Fanime paid someone to organize their event, wouldn't that reduce the pool of money for the charity causes and most importantly, reduce the events/attractions offered.  Then in another post, someone suggest this as a reason to charge for tickets...oh yeah I pay $55 for the right to pay $10 bucks to enter a dealers hall and spend more money, or the right to buy a concert ticket for another $100.  That's laughable.  My own 2 cents, even though it's slow in coming, I'd rather get accurate information than wrong information.  I go to Fanime for Fanime first.  If the guests meant that much to me, I'd just hold off buying a ticket till I saw something I wanted to go to.

I've attended more cons this year with my roommate and I have to point out when it comes to hotels, this year has got to be the worst in history for the relationship between anime cons, the housing liaisons, and hotels.  In my day job, I'm able to get much better deals than an anime convention ever could just based on what's gone on elsewhere.  Don't know this for sure since my roommate didn't know anything, but I wouldn't be surprised if the delay for the hotel announcement was based on Fanime had to renegotiate their deal as a result of other con fiascos (AX 2015 in the JW, Touhoucon and Akibaexpo in the Anaheim Hilton, Katsucon....)  You can already see an impact in terms of the changes in the housing policy, early charge, larger deposits, etc.

Someone wrote: "Love all the insider info about the departments, so thank you, AngelWings. It seems to be pretty much exactly as I imagined on the inside. I'm in agreement that there needs to be a way for communication to get to all the people who need it -- a social media liaison who can either address issues or direct them to the right place is a good place to start, but there also needs to be someone on the inside who can help departments talk to each other and get communication across lines."

This position and department already exists.

Someone wrote: "I  think that bringing in an outside group to organize things and keep everything on track is a good idea, and it's certainly getting to that point. I think that I'd like to see a staff position that's basically the town crier be created first -- someone who can run between departments to make sure everything is running smoothly, that can help departments stay on top of their deadlines, and can help direct questions that arise on social media to the correct department. Someone with high-level access to information, who knows when and where to reveal and withhold information, but no actual power, just a communications lubricant. Hell, I'd volunteer for this myself if I wasn't busy with grad school."

...yeah and badges go up 200%...and besides isn't that what ARG vs Fanime actually is.  I think one of the things you included in your statement is the idea of turning volunteer positions into uncompensated jobs.  You are obviously a contributing factor as to why I told my roommate to screw off when he asked me if I wanted to staff.


Quote from: MyAlterEg0 on April 17, 2016, 07:39:40 PM
I am not a staffer, but my roommate is.  Everytime I read these forum posts of trolls and complaints and think about how much time he invested and put into FanimeCon it makes me mad.

Blanket statements like the one "you want to see change - join staff!" are the ones that make me mad. Nevermind that I'm a paying contributor to one of the exhibits advertised on the con's page and one of the largest draws to the convention itself in Artist Alley, but I've TRIED to join staff. And guess what, it ended up the same way.

I wanted to see real change in the department I'm passionate about, so I wrote in. I applied. I even began lengthy talks and phone call interviews with the department head and everything was seeming to work out great. But then suddenly everything stopped. No word. No email. I couldn't get more than half a second of conversation out of them. So yeah, I gave up after I got dead air responses for months. And what do you know, AA communication just took a tank when they decided to close the official FB group for the artists.

Should more people join staff or volunteer? Probably. But when then convention itself seems uninterested in acquiring said help? Adds another layer to the complaint, don't you think?


^ I had the same response with a similar issue.   So I found another convention that was more than willing to work with me.

Seriously.  Fanime isn't the only game in town.  There are other conventions out there that won't give you the cold shoulder.  They're more than happy to work with you.  Fanime banks on the fact that they're local to you and you're not going to spend your money to travel elsewhere.

Nina Star 9

The "if you don't like it, join staff" response never sits right with me, either. I think that this is because I shouldn't /have to/ join staff in order to get a good experience out of this con. (Not that it's been all bad, I mean, I still attend and still enjoy it, but in the past few years that's been despite the con itself, not because of it.) I don't see anything wrong with wanting to be able to enjoy a convention that I'm paying for, and wanting to enjoy it from the perspective of an attendee, not a staff member. Wanting to be able to enjoy the con on the level of an attendee is really not a crime, and some people make it out to be.

Besides, taking that argument to its logical conclusion, a LOT of people are upset over housing issues, lack of communication, AA treatment, etc., and it really isn't feasible for everyone who is upset to join staff to make it better.

Also, I'm not sure how much me joining staff would change anything but my perspective, since I'd see inside the con -- and probably be just as, if not more, frustrated with some of these same issues, since I don't know how much power I would have to actually change the structural issues.

And really, this con has a lot going for it, which is why it's continued for so long: good location (especially for cosplay shoots and gatherings), lots of food nearby, 24 hours, good game room, good cosplay scene (though the Masquerade is another deal), only anime con of its caliber in the area, etc. I think that if there was another con in town that was near Fanimecon's size and status, the rivalry might be good for this con to realize that it needs to step up its game. (SacAnime is the next closest anime con that gets near in size, but the location and the Weeb City reputation [and reality!] hinders it from being a true rival I think.) I enjoy this con -- but I'd enjoy it more if some of the more egregious communication and organization issues were fixed.

Maybe the anti-ghosting initiative will help things out some? Not in terms of keeping out ghosters, but in terms of people realizing that this con doesn't have much to offer besides the things that you don't need badges for (room parties, etc.) or otherwise caring more about the content there is, so there will be backlash that causes the con to reconsider its priorities and maybe fix some things in order to retain those customers. I think it'll probably be a good thing. Let's hope it's implemented well. ;]


(Note to a few others ;) I can go back an edit my original reply/post too ;] )

I'd have to say that the generalizations and the verbal stabs at the staff is the very reason why i quit staffing and think my roommate is wasting his time, effort, and money.  Attendees aren't happy enough, making the staff think they wasted their effort (whether good or bad), that whatever they did do isn't worth sh-t.  While doing that they either never realized  understood the concept of what "by fans for fans" means and why "join the staff" means something different than how it's interpreted.  Sure there are problems with organization and communication, but the comments about how the con is worthless if you can't ghost, just goes to show that your unappreciative comments help demonstrate that perhaps nobody should even bother volunteering to put on Fanime.  Nina Star 9 comments encapsulate the extent of what the staff has to be organized to do (like run one of the only 24 hour anime conventions) yet demonstrates that there are a good number of people who don't appreciate their efforts or sacrifice.   What I gather from your comments is that you think people should just rent out a hotel (to party) and say "f--k the con".  What do I have planned that weekend? going to above and beyond 2 nights..playing video games, and having a good time instead of worrying about a bunch of trolls.  Thanks to the many wonderful comments backing up my stance I'll get to laugh at my tired and haggard roommate when he gets back and ask "why'd you even bother? does anybody think you did a good job or care? obviously a lot of people thought it was cool, but the only people providing feedback (on here) think you're crap." 

What I hate seeing on here is when people continually rant about how come fanime isn't telling us who is coming instead of just pegging the feedback email from multiple people with that suggestion/feedback.  Also, if you were already going, how much of a difference does several months versus a month ahead make...and let's borrow from my other thread:

Say fanime announced that they booked guest x 2 months ahead, then 1 month before that guest said they changed their mind and wanted 50k more to show up, would you want the con to pay 50k more because they already told you, not pay any money and have you b-tch about false advertising, have them stand firm and then the artist plays 1 or 2 songs or merely poses and sticks his tongue out...?  What if they told you 50 guests, then say AX said hey that's a good idea and offers them more money to only go to AX rather than Fanime would you blame AX, the artist, or Fanime...Obviously the convention you paid money for that didn't end up with the guest you bought a ticket for. OR in order to acomodate that 50k increase, fanime started charging an extra $50 to 100 per ticket to musicfest so they could guarantee that guest. 

Cutiebunny says "Seriously.  Fanime isn't the only game in town."  Totally agree...that's why you don't have to go.

Going back to Nina Star 9's comment "Maybe the anti-ghosting initiative will help things out some? Not in terms of keeping out ghosters, but in terms of people realizing that this con doesn't have much to offer besides the things that you don't need badges for (room parties, etc.) or otherwise caring more about the content there is, so there will be backlash that causes the con to reconsider its priorities and maybe fix some things in order to retain those customers."  Thanks for agreeing that the staff is wasting their time and effort.  Let's not ever have Fanime again. ;)



It isn't like this is about warm fuzzies, sometimes it takes a change...but the constant barrage of negativity will turn away the good as well as the bad.

Nina Star 9

One last post in this thread to clarify my position, and then I'm bowing out as gracefully as possible because this is getting very uncivil very fast. The only reason why I'm typing up a post now is because my words are either being taken out of context or wholly misunderstood.

I'm one of the most anti-ghosting, anti-"Fanime as a party con" people around. I want this con to be good. I want there to be good content that people pay for. That isn't currently happening. (And clearly, you haven't seen my other posts on these forums if you think that I'm pro-ghosting and pro-party con. Honestly, I'm not sure how you got that out of my previous post, but I can see how it could be potentially misunderstood due to my wording.)

What I'm saying is that people already treat this con like a joke, like the only thing to do is not buy a badge, rent a hotel room, and party. I'm hoping that by preventing ghosting from happening this year, people will either buy badges or leave. And if people buy badges, I hope that the people who don't otherwise find the con worthwhile (and treat it as only a part con) will be vocal about what they want to see changed, and that this will push the con to make some changes.

If you think I don't appreciate the work that goes into this con, you are dead wrong. I want this con to be the best that it can possibly be, and while I'm a bit salty on the forums sometimes, it's because I feel that being vocal about what I want to see changed will help with that. It isn't simply the fact that guests are announced late (and that's the main point you keep coming back to, even though that's not what I'm talking about). There seem to be large, structural issues with how this con is run, and many people see it (seriously, people talk about the problems on every social media site that I've seen this con discussed on). I try to post suggestions the best that I can. Yes, sometimes I'm just complaining, but I try to be constructive about it. I very much appreciate the work that goes into this con, but just because a lot of work goes into something doesn't mean that all of its faults can be overlooked. A convention as large as this one doesn't get an A simply for effort.

That is all. Feel free to reply, but unless this thread becomes productive again and not just accusations and salt, I'm peacing out.


Quote from: MyAlterEg0 on April 20, 2016, 09:43:16 PM
Totally agree...that's why you don't have to go.

I haven't gone to Fanime since 2012.  I opt instead to pay the $800 to fly across the US and attend Animazement. 

As I've said in other threads, I would rather pay the $800 or $1000 I'd spend going to Animazement if Fanime could get the guests I want.  But when Fanime consistently doesn't get any Japanese artists that I either couldn't have met at smaller cons (ie. Nonaka & Yokota) or doesn't get any artists at all, it's a waste of my time and money to attend.

Telling me "I don't have to go" under the guise of a friend of someone who works at Fanime only further demonstrates why I don't attend Fanime anymore.  It's this elitist attitude that *some* Fanime staffers have.  The one staffer in particular that I'm thinking of will introduce himself and in the same sentence follow it up by telling you how many Rumiko Takahashi sketches he has.  Because, apparently you're supposed to be impressed with that.  I've seen how staff will usurp almost half an hour of an hour long autograph session so they can get sketches for themselves, and when they finally let the attendees (some of whom have been waiting for hours) in, they'll tell the attendee that all they can get is one autograph (while they hurriedly put their sketches away so you don't know what went on) because they have to get through that line.  You can tell me that that's a perk of working at the con until you're blue in the face, but having been to other conventions across the US, they either hold an autograph session for staff before/after the con or hold drawings for staff autographs.

Sorry, but, you lost my business a long time ago.  Granted, things aren't perfect at Animazement, but things are handled a lot more fairly for attendees than they are at Fanime.


Quote from: eHash on April 20, 2016, 09:58:34 PM
While I see everyone's points I may not necessarily agree, but I will pose this question to the critics: if you tried your hardest to cook a meal for your significant other and they took a bite, said it tasted bad, and said let's just go eat out instead, how would that make you feel?

I'd take a bite myself, and say, "Ack, you're right, let's go out to eat tonight," however I would still love my significant other and I would try again another day.

I know I don't speak for everyone but I love Fanime.  I understand a convention, as with most things in life, is 99.9% what you make of it.  The "terrible" 2012 Fanime is the convention that got me back into going to conventions.  Other than registration headaches in 2013, I have had a spectacular time every year.  I thank every staff member and volunteer that I can, especially a few that have truly went above and beyond in the video rooms - especially one staffer in the Nostalgia Room in 2013 - still my favorite convention memory.

Of the people I see active on the forums right now, I can think of three off the top of my head who are absolutely unwavering in their constant cynicism.  None of them have posted on this page of this thread.
I'm ALWAYS active on the forums!

Retro Cosplay, Easy As XYZ


Quote from: InsaneDavid on April 21, 2016, 11:07:41 AM
I'd take a bite myself, and say, "Ack, you're right, let's go out to eat tonight," however I would still love my significant other and I would try again another day.

I know I don't speak for everyone but I love Fanime.  I understand a convention, as with most things in life, is 99.9% what you make of it.  The "terrible" 2012 Fanime is the convention that got me back into going to conventions.  Other than registration headaches in 2013, I have had a spectacular time every year.  I thank every staff member and volunteer that I can, especially a few that have truly went above and beyond in the video rooms - especially one staffer in the Nostalgia Room in 2013 - still my favorite convention memory.

Of the people I see active on the forums right now, I can think of three off the top of my head who are absolutely unwavering in their constant cynicism.  None of them have posted on this page of this thread.
I agree.  I've been going to Fanime for over a decade, and have yet to have a terrible experience.  When I read most of the complaints here, its hard to imagine these people are attending the same convention I am.
FanimeCon attended: 17 times
1999 - 2001
2006 - 2019
2022 -

TC X0 Lt 0X

I concur, I have never had a bad experience at con that was the result of the con itself. Ive had some less then spectacular cons of course, but not outright terrible. Im glad that staff takes time out of their lives every year to bring this convention together.

That being said, that doesn't mean I don't have criticisms. Nothing in this world is above valid criticism. Just because you are volunteering for an event doesn't mean you get to be immune to any criticisms sent in your direction or the con in general.

"Never beg. You earn. By Winning.
Or else you won't get anything..."

Pro-Pocky Movement



Honestly, despite Fanime seeming like a "joke con/party con" to some people due to the fact that they may lack things, I still take Fanime seriously. Not because of the events that happen at the con(save for Musicfest when they get decent performers) but I take stuff like cosplays and the gatherings seriously. At Fanime, there's all these big gatherings, and people still bring their A game when it comes to cosplay. That's why I always plan months in advance and pick my cosplays carefully for this con. Some cosplays that I bring to Fanime are ones I put a lot of work into, while others I bring are ones I can wear without worrying about them falling apart. But what it all comes down to is, I really love Fanime's cosplay scene. That's why I don't see Fanime as a joke.

And yes, I still buy a badge to this day and ever since I started attending. Hell, I've even held panels at Fanime and I always made sure those panels ran smoothly and were on top of their game. If I saw Fanime as a joke/party con, I wouldn't put as much effort into my cosplays/enjoyment at Fanime as I do now. I mean sure, I don't have plans on joining staff anytime soon, but I am gonna provide constructive criticism if needed as well as enjoy Fanime as much as possible and all that it provides. I guess I've become attached to the con and that's why I'm a devoted attendee.
(ノ•ω•)ノ Cosplay List:
Rook Hunt
Ukyo (Ranma 1/2)
Satsuki (Totoro)
Omega (Bad Batch)
Giyu (KnY)
Rengoku (KnY)
Sheeta (Laputa)


It's been a long time since I've posted anything on this thread I made. I think it's about time I wrote something. Yes, I know I can be cynical and I may not have the best way of handling or saying things. But if there are a couple of things I can say is. I may have said a lot of things that would be considered "salty" or criticism without being constructive. However from the start I HAD good intentions and I still do. I originally started this thread hoping some way or form that the staff would read our complaints and either address or acknowledge them so they could change and improve things for the better. If anything I would hope that I would get information from others that would help change my perspective or become less "salty."

With all the information that people have been providing that I never knew. I can at least safety say that I reached my original goal. I'm not very good a writing I'll admit so the best way I can express myself and that people will be able to understand and comprehend is that I'll bullet point things.

What I have learned

1. I'm getting a perspective from all different people. From volunteers, artists and attendees with a entirely different or same point of view as I do. Originally I was very bitter and salty towards the fanimecon staff and felt they do not care one bit on what their paying attendees have to say. Thanks to the people that have staffed or volunteered at other conventions. I have gotten quite a bit of insider information and how conventions work or get explanation from a different point of view. I have read every single post and attest to think before I say something.

About volunteers and the convention as a whole

Yes. I have read everything the others have said. The volunteers I appreciate the fact that the attendees are taking time out of their lives to make the convention happen. After reading the requirements it takes to even GET a position as a volunteer and the amount of hours and commitment you have to put into even getting one. It seriously makes me wonder why many people still continue to come back to volunteer at all... like one forum member has mentioned it seems more like an uncompensated job. I could be wrong but I think even AX the biggest anime convention in all of the states compensate volunteers for their time. While it isn't much it's still something. I would have to agree with Nina and Cutie about the whole " If you don't like it, join staff." With the amount of time and requirements it takes to even get a position in staff, it's rather discouraging. And with phr34kish explaining her side of the story? Everything was going smoothly but all of a sudden Fanime decided to give radio silence and not only that they decided to close the offical FB for artists? The one thing that all artists rely on to get information I assume? To me that gives off a really bad impression. If Fanime is so welcome to all kinds of feedback how come we NEVER get a response back from it? A lot of attendees have tried there best but to give constructive feedback  both at-con and outside of the con and even when we do, it usually feels like it's falling on deaf ears. And believe or not when I'm at the actual con I don't act like the way I do online. I give decent constructive criticism to the info booth hoping they would pass it on to the head. YES running a con is HARD and if it's volunteered run. I bet it would be even harder. I understand volunteers HAVE a life, but by volunteering to be staff at a really big convention it takes time and commitment. And by continuing to volunteer as staff you are making a commitment to do a good job on whatever it is you are volunteering.

I appreciate the volunteers doing their best to make the con happen. I REALLY do and I understand that there is some information that they can't disclose certain information under certain circumstances. But the least they can do is at least show you they ARE trying their best. Something as simple as "We are very sorry for the constant delays, we are doing our very best to fix the situation." But whenever I see any of the staff making any statements. All I see are very generic and blanket statements like " Our Professional Registration website is now open. We are sorry for the delay." or "Due to circumstances beyond our control there is a delay" Most of the statements or claims I see from staff most of the time tend to be very vague and tend to lead people asking questions like "Why was pro registration late?" or " How do I pay for my table at AA?" and I think people who even email staff wanting to volunteer or do their best to make the con better is often ignored. For a convention that is run by "For fans, by fans" the way how the con is structured and how communication goes on. It is run in a very clumsy or not professional way. The "fans" that try to make the convention happen certainly give me a message that they don't care one bit about my concerns or needs and most definitely give me a cold shoulder. If any of you who known and read my posts. I always emphasize Fanime 2011 was the BEST year ever for many reasons. Guests were announced in a very timely fashion that gives you enough time to plan accordingly if you got to conventions for the guests, registration was a acceptable wait, nobody had to struggle and fight each others to get a hotel room and overall the convention was very well run and deserved the title "For fans, by fans." But ever since 2012 things have taken a very drastic turn. Everything I mentioned that was good has now became the exact opposite of what I have mentioned and in fact in my opinion the convention seems to get worse each year with the department of almost everything, ESPECIALLY communication and hotels.

Can a convention be run by volunteers? Yes I believe so. A convention CAN be run by everyone who is a volunteer. For example Sakura-Con and I don't know how true this is but they have a similar catchphrase "For fans by every fan" or something like that. While I agree with many people that Sakura-con is EXTREMELY commercialized and in a strange way. They have had PLENTY of things that they were able to offer that I felt Fanimecon originally had to offer but no longer does offer it. And not only that, a lot of the people who helped volunteer at Sakura-con tend to be MUCH more helpful and I feel like the volunteers care about you. I may be the only one who has experiences this but when I was at Sakura-con 2015 or 2016. Due to very clumsy communication among the volunteers I was not able to get into certain events I wanted to attend or get priority to an event. However when I explained the situation to the volunteers or staff, they have fully admitted it was a mistake on their part because of miscommunication and did their very best to make up for it. They allowed me to go into a certain panel I REALLY wanted to attend despite being capped or get line into the priority line for concerts. Because of how well I saw the volunteers doing their very best trying to make things write and improve upon it. Because of the effort I see the volunteers or staff trying to make things right it makes me want to return back to the convention yearly. Sakura-con has around 24,000 attendees and probably more during 2016. Because that I felt that the convention cared about my needs as well as answer ANY questions I have through e-mail or at con. I felt like I mattered to the con. Fanimecon on the other hand... I feel like they don't care. Or if they do care, they certainly haven't shown it or need to show it in a better fashion. If fanime wants to show they care about you. And I cannot emphasis this enough and this is the reason why I made this thread is COMMUNICATION.

As of 2016 these are my top conventions in number order 1. Kawaii-kon 2. Sakura-con 3. Sacanime. 4. Anime Expo and the bottom and not worth mentioning. Can you guess?

How I rank these conventions are by many factors, 1. The guests. (My BIGGEST factor especially Japanese and music guests) 2. The programming, 3. Enjoyment and 4. How the convention is run and the communication I receive from them.

My point? A convention needs to be well run in order for someone to enjoy it. And yes I get it. My opinion is different from everybody else's on how they enjoy a convention. Some agree with me while others STRONGLY disagree with me.

Artists and attendees Artists are the MAIN reason why I attend fanimecon and the fact on the communication they receive and on how they are treated? I can sympathize with them a lot. I have many artists that attend Fanimecon and I have been a regular customer of theirs at the convention for many years. Being an artist in AA is very hard. Some succeed while others will fall. They are the back bone and part of what makes a convention. They come to conventions for a reason. Some do it for the social aspect while others and this is probably the main factor is MONEY. Some artists do this for a living while others do it because they like it and it probably helps with some expenses. I want these people to succeed and be treated fairly. But if Fanimecon doesn't start treating them better or give them better communication. I might as well take my business elsewhere.

As for attendees, this is a mixed bag. Attendees are what makes the convention happen and everybody has a different opinion or taste on how they enjoy the con. I come to the convention mainly for the guests, Musicfest, the artists and the Vendors hall. I have no rights on how to tell people to enjoy a con. However, a convention should be able to satisfy all attendees needs and wants. or at least communicate what they have to offer. Back then I felt Fanime was able to communicate what they have to offer as well what type of con they are towards attendees. But on how I see Fanime is communicating or how the convention is structured. it is a major headache for a decent amount of attendees or the enjoyment of the con has become significantly lower. Because of how it's structured I can't accordingly plan ahead of time. Fanime use to be a convention I felt that had everything. Not anymore. Like how others have pointed out. It's now a party con or a joke con. Most of the people who attend there now are REALLY into cosplay or go to a convention for pure social interaction and simple stuff like watching anime or playing games together, or you know in general "party" stuff. I well say this. There is NOTHING wrong with someone going to a convention for solely cosplay or partying. However, That's not why I come to fanime. What the con use to offer, has no longer been able to offer it or even if they do it has dwindled down by a whole lot. Attendees are allowed to like what they like and they are allowed to do what they please. I like the cosplay in Fanimecon and it DOES have the best cosplay compare to other conventions I go to. But is that what I go for? No. But if you like cosplay among other reasons, good for you on your part. You are able to enjoy the con. I just simply don't like the fact that Fanimecon can no longer cater to my needs and wants.

I agree with many others. Fanimecon doesn't need to reinvent it's wheel in fact what they had in 2011 and the past years were perfect and cater towards all kinds of crowds. While they don't need to reinvent the wheel they certainly shouldn't let it get battered and broken. And that is how I can describe Fanime 2012 and the present years. A very battered or broken wheel. When an item has been used for so long and has been battered or become broken to some extent that the enjoyment of you using the item is no longer there. Or if you use the item still, the enjoyment of it will be down by a whole lot. However, what considered I consider broken or battered item. Others will see it as a item in great condition and will continue to enjoy it. Even if it's maintenance has gone down or begin to see some issues with the item. It's tolerable enough for them that they will still greatly enjoy it. Or some there is absolutely not issue whatsoever.

I have been told numerous times by cutie and many other attendees. That I should move on to another con in which case I might be happier to attend or spend money on. I have been told many reasons why I should move on and why it would greatly benefit me if I do so. And really, with how things I perceive now. Maybe it really is best for me to move on. If I can't go to animazement then I will go to another convention that's closer and while not in the memorial day weekend, somewhere during the summer. I have already payed for a hotel so I will be going to Fanime 2016 this year. As for the future... this MAYBE my last year going to Fanimecon. It's possible 2017 will truly be a vast improvement or it may not be I'm not sure.

However, so long as I continue to go to Fanime. I WILL still be posting in the forums or even if I don't go. I will still come to the forums and post sometimes. Just maybe not as frequent. Some of you treat me with respect and even enjoy reading my posts to which I am actually flattered by those of you who have treated me well. While some others hate my guts and in some shape or form would want me to disappear from the forums. However, you treat me is up to you.

With that being said. I think I have done my best what I consider to be my "constructive critique" while some while think I'm just a plain salty troll saying the same thing over again. I have done my best to attempt to give my point across and what I have learned. But one thing I can tell you is that I HAVE learned a whole lot since making this thread and I am glad I have made it.

If you still want to communicate or post. Go right ahead if you still feel like it's productive or you are getting some value by posting. go right ahead. For me. This is my closing statement for now. 

P.S as of this post I have not gotten much sleep so whatever I say may not be consistent or coherent as I want it to be.