2017 Old School Cosplay Gathering

Started by InsaneDavid, November 16, 2016, 03:30:46 PM

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Greetings old school cosplayers!  Last year's Old School Gathering was a blast, thank you all for your amazing attendance and awesome cosplay!  It really meant so much to me as this was my first time hosting this (or any) cosplay gathering.  Continuing the tradition of the gathering that got me into cosplay, I announce the...

Fanime 2017 Old School Cosplay Gathering!

Come celebrate the rich history of Japanese entertainment culture!

This is a hugely open gathering for those of you / us who cosplay as characters from the previous century.  Essentially if your cosplay character appears in Anime, Manga, Video Games or Live Action (resident beings of Nebula M78 are welcome) pre-2001 on back, then this is the gathering for you! Although I like to have a decidedly Japanese lean to this gathering, it is not completely exclusive.

Day : Friday, May 26th (Day 1)
Time : 6PM
Meeting Place (MP) : Same as Location.
Location (L) : Gatherings G2, Tiered Platform (1st floor lobby by East stairs)

Please note we will be at a different location than last year due to The Hub no longer being available for gatherings, however we're literally ten seconds away from last year's gathering location.

Gatherings G2 is the left wooden platform stair area, alongside the staircases when you first walk in the main entrance of the Convention Center.

Cosplayers : If you would like, please post who your cosplay character is, what title it is from and what year you are representing!  As this gathering is a total wildcard mix of different characters, series, studios, and genres - spanning time rather than properties - a definitive list is otherwise not provided.  Part of the fun of the OSG is seeing just who shows up.

Legal Statement : Fanime will be taking group pictures during the Gathering/Event this year. If you do not want to be included in those pictures please step aside for those photos. By remaining with the group when the pictures are being taken you give your consent to be photographed.

Photography Order : - timeline shots will be WAY easier this year due to the new location's tiered platforms.  Additionally if there is any specific setup or shot you would like, just let me know!  This gathering is to celebrate all of us as cosplayers who keep the vintage fire alive.

By era - 1960's (or earlier).
By era - 1970's.
By era - 1980's.
By era - 1990's (to 2000).
Group shot.
Timeline group shot by era (dependent on gathering size).
Sword wielders.
Spacefaring characters.
Military / rank and file.
Characters with psychic powers.
Pilots / drivers / craft operators.
Characters known to carry firearms / laser guns / etc.
Robots / androids / synthetic people.
Teachers / students / faculty / etc.
Magical girls.
Battle teams.
Characters who are on the run / fugitives / scoundrels.
Video game characters.
Manga only characters.
Live Action only characters.
Pairings / couples.
Series groups (dependent on attendance).
By studio / production team (dependent on attendance).
- There are way too many of these to list, so if you see other cosplayers from the same studio, speak up!

Facebook Event Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/517984584992384/

This is an excellent gathering to psyche you up for the convention weekend.  If you're an old school cosplayer, stop by and join us!  Feel free to pop in for a moment to say hi, see some incredible cosplay, pose for some pictures, and continue to prove that just because it's old doesn't mean it isn't awesome!

Thank you so very much.  Let's have another great turnout and continue this wonderful Fanime tradition!

I'm ALWAYS active on the forums!

Retro Cosplay, Easy As XYZ


Old School Cosplay Gathering 2017 Photo Gallery Index

Updated Photography Order As It Was Called / Shot:

1960's or earlier.
1960's - 1970's (no 1970's cosplayers this year at the start).
1960's - 1980's.
1960's - 2000 (all eras group shot).
Sword wielders.
Spacefaring characters.
Military / rank and file / special forces / tactical background / etc.
Characters with psychic powers / espers / spiritual power / magic / etc.
Pilots / drivers / craft operators / machine operators / etc.
Characters known to carry firearms / laser guns / shooters / etc.
Robots / androids / synthetic people.
Teachers / students / faculty / school attendants / etc.
Magical girls.
Battle teams.
Characters who are on the run / fugitives / scoundrels / etc.
Video game characters.
Manga only characters (none this year).
Live action only characters (none this year).
Series groups.

Mixed requests:
Ladies (and one mokkori sweeper - sorry, couldn't resist being in character).
Pairings / couples.
Playboys and ladies.

I am always up for future ideas to add to the list!  A good portion of the photo order for 2017 was built upon suggestions from 2016.

Unofficial Gallery of pictures taken by the co-host can be found here:

These are high quality, untouched, non-watermarked pictures, essentially everything she shot.  Feel free to tag, share, download, etc. and if you are a cosplayer in a picture you are absolutely welcome to reupload pictures of yourself elsewhere!  If anyone has issue with a specific picture, just let me know here (a PM is fine) and I'll take care of it.

Tye / Imperal, FanimeCon Friday, 4pm - 7pm Gatherings OFFICIAL Gallery -
(scroll down to see an awesome set of official pictures from the gathering)
Thank you for taking pictures at the gathering, assisting with countdowns, and being an all around awesome Head of the Cosplay Gatherings Department!

Stormfalcon, Day One Gallery -
Day One: https://stormfalcon.smugmug.com/CosplayPhotography/FanimeCon-2017-05-26/
(Old School Cosplay Gathering photos begin on page 16)
Thank you for taking pictures at the gathering!

If anyone has pictures of the Old School Cosplay Gathering, please post the link to your gallery and I will add them to this post!

Thank you again to all who attended or expressed interest in this gathering!  I can't wait to do it again for 2018!
I'm ALWAYS active on the forums!

Retro Cosplay, Easy As XYZ


Photo Galleries From OSG 2016:

Pictures of the 2016 gathering taken by my co-host, Captain Shinobu Nagumo, can be viewed here at our cosplay page - https://www.facebook.com/mokkoricosplay/photos/?tab=album&album_id=512071695648644 - this is an updated link with high resolution images.  Please feel free to tag and share!

Mobius Photography OSG photo album - https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1027743667302832.1073741840.819812181429316&type=3

Studio Stormfalcon has OSG pictures here, starting on page 9 - https://stormfalcon.smugmug.com/CosplayPhotography/FanimeCon-2016-05-27/ - he also has good shots of the Macross gathering and pictures of many others who attended the OSG that he encountered throughout the day. Check it out!

Thank you to everyone who attended in 2016!  The plan for 2017 is to move the gathering an hour later to allow more people to attend due to hotel check-ins and the Friday workday.  I'm going to aim for 6PM - 7PM for 2017.  I also plan on having a much larger list for the photography order. THANK YOU again to gathering attendees who suggested some outstanding photography groupings!!

OSG 2016 Fanime Forums Thread:

I'm ALWAYS active on the forums!

Retro Cosplay, Easy As XYZ

Nina Star 9

Ahhh I don't know yet what my schedule is/if I'll be attending this gathering/what I'll be wearing, but I had a great time last year and hope to be there again!!


After fiddling around with my lineup, I've decided to finally do Kagura from Azumanga Daioh. And since the manga came out in 1999, I feel she qualifies for this gathering. So I'll be there again! ^^
(ノ•ω•)ノ Cosplay List:
Rook Hunt
Ukyo (Ranma 1/2)
Satsuki (Totoro)
Omega (Bad Batch)
Giyu (KnY)
Rengoku (KnY)
Sheeta (Laputa)


With the Cosplay Gatherings Department starting to get ready for 2017, look for more Old School Cosplay Gathering information here in January.  I've created a Facebook Event Page (link in first post) and while Friday at 6pm is my target time, the day and time should be considered tentative until the gathering form is online and the submission has been approved.

Quote from: Nina Star 9 on November 29, 2016, 02:04:58 PM
Ahhh I don't know yet what my schedule is/if I'll be attending this gathering/what I'll be wearing, but I had a great time last year and hope to be there again!!

Thank you again very much for attending last year and for your comments!  I plan on having a much better handle on things for 2017.  Funny thing is I still don't know what I'll be wearing for Fanime yet, or the day specifics at least.

Quote from: Angelx624 on December 06, 2016, 07:20:58 AM
After fiddling around with my lineup, I've decided to finally do Kagura from Azumanga Daioh. And since the manga came out in 1999, I feel she qualifies for this gathering. So I'll be there again! ^^

That would be great, thank you again for attending last year!
I'm ALWAYS active on the forums!

Retro Cosplay, Easy As XYZ


Trying to get into the habit of making sure the thread is constantly updated this year, I've decided to move the weekly Anime Openings posts that we had on the Facebook Event Page, to the Fanime Forums thread as well!  Generally these will be one OP per week (usually on Friday) right up until Fanime, along with any gathering updates for the week.

I'll be around more than that for general replies and updates and so forth, this is more to ensure I meet my obligation as gathering host and that I'm super easy to get a hold of on here.  Yeah, today is Thursday but let's kick things off a little early!

Celebrating An Era - 1960's!  Ogon Bat (1967)
I'm ALWAYS active on the forums!

Retro Cosplay, Easy As XYZ


That's great, thank you for doing that! :)
(ノ•ω•)ノ Cosplay List:
Rook Hunt
Ukyo (Ranma 1/2)
Satsuki (Totoro)
Omega (Bad Batch)
Giyu (KnY)
Rengoku (KnY)
Sheeta (Laputa)


Quote from: Angelx624 on January 12, 2017, 09:58:28 PM
That's great, thank you for doing that! :)

No problem at all!

Okay, here we go - settling into the Friday update. I hope everyone's cosplay plans are going smoothly - and if you're looking for Fanime housing that you have a solid time slot.

Celebrating An Era - 1990's! Future GPX Cyber Formula SAGA (1996)
I'm ALWAYS active on the forums!

Retro Cosplay, Easy As XYZ


I think I've got housing settled, I believe my Sac-Anime roomies plan to all room with each other for Fanime, so it seems..... XD

And I have to make Kagura's top, but that's about it. ^^;
(ノ•ω•)ノ Cosplay List:
Rook Hunt
Ukyo (Ranma 1/2)
Satsuki (Totoro)
Omega (Bad Batch)
Giyu (KnY)
Rengoku (KnY)
Sheeta (Laputa)

Nina Star 9

Quote from: Angelx624 on January 17, 2017, 08:42:50 PM
I think I've got housing settled, I believe my Sac-Anime roomies plan to all room with each other for Fanime, so it seems..... XD

And I have to make Kagura's top, but that's about it. ^^;
Azumanga Daioh...great choice :D Way to make some of us feel old though lol

Also, I see in your signature that you copslay a character named Mink...would that be Mink from Dragon Half, by any chance? If so, I also cosplay Mink from Dragon Half and might be persuaded to bring her to Fanime :D


Quote from: Nina Star 9 on January 17, 2017, 09:37:24 PM
Quote from: Angelx624 on January 17, 2017, 08:42:50 PM
I think I've got housing settled, I believe my Sac-Anime roomies plan to all room with each other for Fanime, so it seems..... XD

And I have to make Kagura's top, but that's about it. ^^;
Azumanga Daioh...great choice :D Way to make some of us feel old though lol

Also, I see in your signature that you copslay a character named Mink...would that be Mink from Dragon Half, by any chance? If so, I also cosplay Mink from Dragon Half and might be persuaded to bring her to Fanime :D
Yes, I remember watching Azumanga back in high school.......... ><

And no, it's Mink from DRAMAtical Murder, actually. ^^
(ノ•ω•)ノ Cosplay List:
Rook Hunt
Ukyo (Ranma 1/2)
Satsuki (Totoro)
Omega (Bad Batch)
Giyu (KnY)
Rengoku (KnY)
Sheeta (Laputa)

Nina Star 9

Ah too bad. I guess someone who cosplays from both Azumanga Daioh and Dragon Half is a little much to ask for. :P


Good afternoon old schoolers! If you require Fanime housing I hope things went smoothly for you this week (looking like it was that way for quite a few). Finally got some prop work done myself during a break in the rain today.

Celebrating An Era - 1970's! Galaxy Express 999 (1978)
I'm ALWAYS active on the forums!

Retro Cosplay, Easy As XYZ


Good morning old schoolers! Amazing to me that this is already the last Friday in January. Looking back at how far along with cosplay props I usually am by this time, shows me how far behind I am this time around - I have gotten a lot done this week however. As for today's opening, well, I couldn't resist.

Celebrating An Era - 1980's! Mobile Police Patlabor (1989)
I'm ALWAYS active on the forums!

Retro Cosplay, Easy As XYZ


Good morning old schoolers! Chewing through to the end of another week has brought with it rainy skies in the South Bay.  Not downpours but rather the heavy soaking mist that makes outdoor painting or adhesive work impossible.  It's February already - and still so much cosplay work left to do!  Very important and influential (as seems to be the case with nearly everything Tezuka touched) series as today's OP.

Celebrating An Era - 1960's!  Ribon no Kishi / Princess Knight (1967)
I'm ALWAYS active on the forums!

Retro Cosplay, Easy As XYZ


Good morning old schoolers!  A deep breath for me this morning as I seal up part of a prop I'm working on that will essentially make everything up to this point permanent.  I hope everyone's plans are coming together and that you are doing well as we finish off the top half of February.  Today's OP is from the series of which all my cosplay work this year has been related to.

Celebrating An Era - 1980's!  City Hunter (1987)
I'm ALWAYS active on the forums!

Retro Cosplay, Easy As XYZ


Good morning old schoolers!  Back to torrential downpours and high wind gusts here in Fanime's backyard - fun.  Hope you all had an enjoyable week to this point, an enjoyable Valentine's Day, and have an enjoyable weekend ahead.  Opening today is from Zenki, a series that gets absolutely no love despite being pretty entertaining in my opinion and having a great classic 90's anime opening theme.

Celebrating An Era - 1990's!  Kishin Douji Zenki (1995)
I'm ALWAYS active on the forums!

Retro Cosplay, Easy As XYZ


So I'm considering putting Kagura on the back burner and instead do a human version of Giroro from Sgt Frog. The manga was first released in 1999 so I feel it would work. xD I've re-discovered my love for that series so the switch just might happen. XD
(ノ•ω•)ノ Cosplay List:
Rook Hunt
Ukyo (Ranma 1/2)
Satsuki (Totoro)
Omega (Bad Batch)
Giyu (KnY)
Rengoku (KnY)
Sheeta (Laputa)


Quote from: Angelx624 on February 22, 2017, 12:40:15 AM
So I'm considering putting Kagura on the back burner and instead do a human version of Giroro from Sgt Frog. The manga was first released in 1999 so I feel it would work. xD I've re-discovered my love for that series so the switch just might happen. XD

Yup, that's all good since it began before the end of 2000. ^_^

Lately I've really been trying to think of more "modern" stuff that I like and, although I'm not specifically trying to thumb my nose at anything, there's really very little I can think of.  I did really like Durarara!!  Um, I'm finally getting around to watching Angel Heart, and I am really enjoying the kind of alternate-reality take on City Hunter.  Ah, I thought Space Symphony Maetel was great.  I thought Sailor Moon Crystal was ooooooookay.  Patlabor Reboot was a really good modernization of Mobile Police Patlabor in current society, one-off short as it was.

Yeah, a lot of that is a modern extension or rework or the like but I just absolutely cannot get into any of the things that are super popular right now.  Then I remember there is so much older stuff I've been interested in that is constantly getting a re-release or a new fansub that I have plenty to watch heading the other direction down the timeline.

Ah, and still unofficial at this point as to final location, but with the announcement that Gatherings G4 is going to be unavailable for Fanime this year, we're going to more than likely move the gathering just a bit toward the main entrance to one of the tiered platforms by the stairs.  I think this is the best choice as it's closest to where this gathering has traditionally been located and it shouldn't be THAT hectic over there on Friday evening.
I'm ALWAYS active on the forums!

Retro Cosplay, Easy As XYZ