Early Registration time

Started by fanimefreak, November 30, 2016, 05:54:58 PM

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I saw a comment on the Fanime Registration announcement on Facebook where someone said " Also heads up. People were regging before 12 pm. Link actually went live an hour ago. Fanime does not know how to randomize links...." 

Can anyone confirm if Fanime did indeed have the registration link up at 11 am instead of 12 pm? If this is true, I don't think this is very professional on Fanime's part. I wonder if they will even do anything about this?

TC X0 Lt 0X

It could be true, I wouldn't be surprised.

Though I wouldn't worry too much about it, I doubt more then a few dozen at best registered before 12pm so they are not going to affect Hotel Reservation blocks too much.

Or at least I hope =P

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