Naruto gathering 2006!!! Fanime Staff took my "Countdow

Started by Blue Impulse, May 30, 2005, 04:54:26 PM

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Oh, I think remember seeing you around last year, DarkenedWings. If I'm remembering correctly, I really liked your costume.  :o

Hahaha, I know I'd participate in Ninja Twister this year if you bring it. I think that'd be hilarious! I'll be all furry and such, so it would be amusing, I think. Anyone else up for it?

I should probably get started on my costume sometime soon. >>; I want to see if I can do some interesting things with the paws and such, so I'd better not leave everything 'til the last minute.


i don't think i saw ninja twister last year... if i find you guys, can i join in?
feh.. nani wo mitsumeteiru darou


We pulled it out just before the Naruto gathering last year, outside of the convention hall near the fountains where people were starting to gather for the gathering.

But yeah, it's open game, anyone can jump in.  The first round ended up being me in my Sasuke outfit vs. a girl who wasn't cosplaying.

Touya no Miko

Wow, only one month left. I'll bring my mp3s player and play Naruto music throughout the con!
OMG! What the Fugnuggets is going on?!



I have MASS amounts of anime and manga to sell to you!

I have a wide selection at great prices – and prices ARE negotiable!

•   Confidential confessions: books 1-3, 4$ each
•   Fushigi Yugi: books 1-12, varying 6-9$ depending on book
•   Magic Knight RayEarth: Full Series (1-6), 6-7$, 40$ for all
•   Faerie's Landing: books 1-7, 6-9$ depending on book
•   Imadoki: books 1-2, 7$ each
•   I.N.V.U.: books 1-3, 5$ each
•   Kill me Kiss me: Full Series (1-5), 2-7$ depending on book, 25$ for all
•   XXXHolic: books 1-3, 5$ each
•   Pita Ten: Full Series (1-8 ), 7-8$ depending on book, 45$ for all
•   Tsubasa: book 1, 8$
•   Juvenile Orion: books 1-3, perfect condition, 8-10$ depending
•   Fruit's Basket: books 1-11, all prices negotiable, 75$ for all books
•   Alice 19th: full series (1-7), all process negotiable, 50$ for all books

Anime DVDs:
•   Happy Tree Friends: #1, 10$
•   Tenshi GXP: #1, 15$
•   .Hack/Sign: Full Season (Japanese box set), 20$
•   Someday's Dreamers: Full Season (Japanese box set), 15$
•   I! MY! ME! Strawberry Eggs!: Full Season (American DVD's 1-4), 20 each, 60$ for all
•   To Heart: Full Season 1 (Japanese box set), 20$

I will be selling some or all of these items at Fanime! You WILL see me at the swap meet! If you want to have me hold an item tell me now, other wise its fair game for people in my town and who ever wants the anime at Fanime! Woohoo!


wait, you have .hack//SIGN the FULL season box set? how many DVDs is that? (considering buying it from you)
Upcoming events:

YCon | PMX | ALA | AOD | Fanime | AX


Its 3 DVDs - the Japanese Box set. So it is in ONLY subtitle, no English voices. Hense the cheaper price :3


I just wanted to invite all the Naruto Cospeeps to come join the Shonen Jump gathering at 3 PM on Sunday @ the Fountains In Front of the convention center. If you can make it Post me in the Shonen Jump thread with your character and that your from Naruto. Thanks everyone and I hope to see lots of you come and Represent Naruto! ^^)
Cosplayer Gatherings Organizer 2005-2015
Cosplayer Gatherings Department Head 2009-2015
BSP - Cosplayer, Costumer, Photographer, Journalist



Open mouth  X(), insert bacon ~~~, yum X)

Touya no Miko

OMG! What the Fugnuggets is going on?!


should i bring a second twister board?

and i need a kakashi (and maybe an iruka... or not very anime heavy character) to contact me pleeeeeeeeease

no one anywhere else is answering my desperate plea

This morning, shortly after eleven o'clock, comedy struck this little house in Dibley. Sudden. Violent. Comedy.

Yukari Kaiba

Quote from: "senritsu"should i bring a second twister board?

and i need a kakashi (and maybe an iruka... or not very anime heavy character) to contact me pleeeeeeeeease

no one anywhere else is answering my desperate plea

im cosplaying Kakashi - what do you need a Kakashi for?
-Gundam Tanaka (Super Dangan Ronpa 2)
-Tetra (Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)
-Levi (Attack On Titan)
-Wanderer (Journey)


Shoes=evil T_T i dunno if i'll be able to do DDR in em, they're too loose
are they supposed to be like that? *bought them because she's too lazy to make em*


Playing DDR in ninja shoes is a pain in the ass, i did it last year and i dont think im even going to try this year lol


I've done DDR barefoot a bunch, its not that bad actually; Just dont fuck up and land in the middle of two steps, that hurts.


>.O ouchies
i'll probably just have to play it barefoot, but then again when you land on a bolt barefoot.....>.<


Quote from: "doorbell"Its 3 DVDs - the Japanese Box set. So it is in ONLY subtitle, no English voices. Hense the cheaper price :3

...i think i already have them. *checks stash* ^^" thanks anyway =]
Upcoming events:

YCon | PMX | ALA | AOD | Fanime | AX


people people!! this was at the BOTTOM of the page, we can not let it fail!! T_T


Naruto Cosplay Group!
Time: Sunday, 2:00pm
Meeting place: Fountain
Estimated members: 83!!! wow! (and leave room for non-"sign ups")  
Last updated: April 12, 2006
Akamaru - PacificPikachu
Anko - Touya no Miko
Chouji – Nav's friend
Dosu - Blue Impulse, dosukinuta4
Ebisu – senritsu's friend
Fuun-hime - kindaRandomKris
Gaara - Maki-chans friend,
gai sensei  - Alucard_not_pip?
Haku - Serajwl's Sister(?), Fighter_for_hire
Hinata - cuteMew, maki-chan(ANBU), orange(timejump), Inu(timejump)
Ibiki – serajwl's dad(maybe?)
Ino - Digimel (timejump), Alistayre/audioventchick*'s cousin
Itachi - sadistic-otaku, ThndrMge, Itachi no Jutsu, hellangel(young), Tevina**, Cait_sith(SNJ)**
iruka - Scruffy Rebel**, senritsu's friend
Jiraiya – Waruiko, jesse
Kakashi – Fighter_for_hire's BF, Yukari Kaiba, MeliCats Friend(?)
Kankero's puppet - friend of jess3zor
Kiba - Nav, Kiba, Jakotsu guy(sound village version), rosebud**
Kimimaro - serajwl's friend
Kisame - Blue Impulse, Itachi no Jutsu's friend
Kurenai - whispymurmurs?
Naruto - scott, Lunapokema(yaoi version), cuteMew(timejump)(?), Riyuki(pajama version), caineyamiyasha
Neji - Meet_the_sess, dosukinatu4 (also?), Alistayre(young version)
Rock Lee - Rikun, Drunken_Master,
Sakon/Ukon - zst-Xkn (friend of dosukinuta4), serajwl's friend
Sakura - maki-chans friend(movie)?, digimels friend (timejump), winry_elric (long hair version), Ami Yuy**, makimatchimotoko**
Sasori - daoutlaw**, Kasui_Enoki**
Sasuke - hellangel's brother (chibi version), maki-chans friend(movie)?, MeliCat, (ANBU version), PikminLink**, Cait_sith's friend(SNJ)**
Shikamaru – Nav's friend
Tayuya - doorbell
Temari - Mandy Mitchell
TenTen - Alistayre's cousin
Zabuza - DemonLordZabuza, Yukari Kaiba's sister
Zetsu - Kasui_Enoki's friend**

Generic Atsuki – spiritsnare(maybe?), Merchant
Generic Hidden Leaf - Zekke, samansa**
Generic ANBU – Serajwl

The five exceptional genin?

Who else is left out?
-Ari is deciding between neji or tenten
-KindaRandomKris is may be Gaara if fuun-gime doesn't pan out
-dosukinatu4 = possible atsuki
-Darkenedwings will be either: sauske again, kimimaro or sai
- kam_islash = possible itachi and sasuke wit brother
-Anyone else not mentioned, leave a comment!
~people, PLEASE correct me if I put you under the wrong name/spot...don't just let me get away with it, also, check to see if you are here in the first place! :O ~
If your name is **'d is it's because you are from the website and I took your name! woot