Magic : TG recap and plans for the future!

Started by Soygirl, May 30, 2005, 04:57:28 PM

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An unprecedented number of people showed up to play Magic. We played a lot of casual constructed, which was fun! Far too many for a draft (18+) showed up, and as my 8th edition box had gone missing, we only had 31 packs of Betrayers. Seeing as an all betrayers draft would turn a lot of people away (not to mention it's not too fun to draft) we decided to run three consecutive games of 6 way Assassin for prizes. I had fun at my table but I know a lot of people who rather have drafted. Did you enjoy it if you played?

So for next year:
- Multiple drafts to accomodate the masses that wanted to play this year.
- Sign up sheets with NO bias (I had too many people going "Hey, can you put my name down? Hey, me too?) so nobody thinks I'm choosing favorites.
- I'm also gonna try to get ahold of Magic related prizes so that we can have draft prizes and so I can award prizes to larger pick-up games.

What else? What're your comments about this year? I know it didn't go anywhere near as smoothly as we'd hoped, and we had to do what we could with what we had. Next year, hopefully, the circumstances will be different.

Thanks for showing up to play, guys :) Next year I'll bring something besides my elfies ;)


Hey, I played magic with you I think a few times with my friend Kyle lol.  You and I played against him and another guy in a 2v2 and whooped serious butt :).

I'll try to get Kyle on here to post some ideas for next con.  I think he intends on going next year with me, and since he's the guy who wanted to play magic a lot in our group :)...

Anywho, hopefully things go a lot smoother next con :)
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I just want to thank SoyGirl for running the Magic events -- including spending $80 of her own money in buying a box of Magic cards (and a few other things as well....). The Santa Cruz WotC Delegate saved the day (including bringing along The House on the Hill and Zombies) with his support as well. Logistically, Magic is one of the more difficult games to run at a con, and I'm glad SoyGirl is part of the gaming staff.

aka. Washu! ^O^
Fanime Tabletop Gaming Staff
Los Altos Gamesday, Monthly, Saturdays, 10am-11pm

Available Sundays for Fantasy Flight Games tabletop gaming in the Santa Clara area.


I recently leanred how to play and am amassing a large library of cards as we speak.

This threads been burried for a while... is there still going to be magic at fanime?
Except for ending communism, slavery, nazism, and fascism, WAR HAS NEVER SOLVED ANYTHING!!



Sounds good, this years should be fun.
If ya contact Wizards im sure they might supply you with some sort of promo prises, they do it for friday night magic tournies im sure if you explain the situation u might be able to work something out.
Anime>Video Games>Real Life

Why do i fall in lov with every girl that pays the littlest bit of attention to me?


Will it be draft only, or will there be casually constructed play as well?
Except for ending communism, slavery, nazism, and fascism, WAR HAS NEVER SOLVED ANYTHING!!



I've got some decks I can pull out, I'll bring 'um and play, why not.

lying is an art form

I'm building a Rakdos aggro/control/manipulation right now, should be done by Fanime. Anyone up for a type-2 draft?
Do you like Magic: the Gathering or just fun games in general? I'm offering a fun way to play Magic right here! I'm bringing these to Fanime 2009 :) PM me to secure one!


Ok, forgive me for not being up to terms, but whats a draft in terms of MTG?


I know how to play but I don't have a deck of my own. I'm guessing there will be some spare decks on hand?

That would be great. ^_^
Fanime attendee since 2004
Swap meet staff - 2014
Swap meet co-chair - 2015

lying is an art form

Zekke: A 'draft' or 'limited' tournament is one where players pay a fee (about $15-$20 ish) and receive a sealed tournament pack (75 random cards from the set), a certain number of boosters (i believe 3 or so), and unlimited basic lands. They get a set amount of time to create their deck from just what they have and play with it.

Also I'm up for not only a draft but Type-2 multi-ways =D
Do you like Magic: the Gathering or just fun games in general? I'm offering a fun way to play Magic right here! I'm bringing these to Fanime 2009 :) PM me to secure one!


Oooo, that sounds very interesting, Im up for it.


That assassin game was fun stuff. Everyone had better watch out cuz I'm bringing my wheel deck, I imagine its creation is response to last year when somebody milled me to death, which was totally uncalled for :)... see you guys again this year.


Assassin Games, Wheel decks, drafts... man I've been out of the loop for longer than I thought. Oh well, I'll bring my Goblin Flame, White Flyer and Flesh Eater decks. Old decks but they'll do. :)


Oh yea one more thing, when is this happening? Fri, Sat, Sun or Mon? and time.


Quote from: "Itachi no Jutsu"Zekke: A 'draft' or 'limited' tournament is one where players pay a fee (about $15-$20 ish) and receive a sealed tournament pack (75 random cards from the set), a certain number of boosters (i believe 3 or so), and unlimited basic lands. They get a set amount of time to create their deck from just what they have and play with it.

Also I'm up for not only a draft but Type-2 multi-ways =D

what he just described was a sealed where you get 3 packs and a tournement pack and build a deck from the cards you get in them. and yes you can use any number of basic lands

actualy a draft is when 8 players get 3 packs each and then they sit at a table and they have 4 players on each side, in a random order choosen before they sat down, then each person opens the same pack at the same time and chooses 1 card from it, they then pass the pack they had to the left and waits for the person next to them,or across from them if they dont have a person right of them, to pass them the pack they just chose from and you choose from it, you repeat this process till all the cards in the first pack(every one opens 1 pack they have). the after the first pack is done with they open a second pack and then they pass the pack to the right this time and do the same thing they did the first time. after everyone has opened and passed and picked from all the 2nd packs they then go to the third pack and pass to the left again.

in drafts the minimum number of cards in a deck is 40 cards. all the cards you have extra after building the deck with the cards you chose from the packs is then your side board. there is no limit to how many of one card you can have in a draft. IE. you can have like 5 of any one card as long as you chose it from that draft like 5 black lotuses. as long as you chose the cards in the pack from thatd raft there is no limit to the number of that card. the 4 card limit is not taken into effect in drafting or sealed

a draft usualy costs $9-$10
a sealed is usualy $18-$20



Quote from: "Zekke"Assassin Games, Wheel decks, drafts... man I've been out of the loop for longer than I thought. Oh well, I'll bring my Goblin Flame, White Flyer and Flesh Eater decks. Old decks but they'll do. :)

alot of new players, not noob players just those that play t2 exclusivley, will be playing type 2 which is champion of kamigawa to dissension



The MtG draft is on Saturday night at 6pm. The cost is $12 and contains Dissension, Ravinca and Guildpack.
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