What has anime burned into your everyday habits?

Started by Cloudzero, March 21, 2006, 04:44:22 AM

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Sunara Ishi

Oh yeah, let's not forget the love of ramen. O:

And the love of jpop and jrock due to hearing the OPs and EDs of non-dubbed series. I can't go long without my jpop or jrock fix. D:
"Doesn't break even when run over by a tank! The most durable ballpoint pen in world!"-Nebula


Thanks to Ranma 1/2, I say "panda" like "ponda", with a deep letter o sound.

Also, drinking green tea after dinner.

And since I got my laptop, I bring it to work and watch anime during my lunch hour.  Helps make the work day less terrible ^^


ive thought about doing that during my lunch breaks too! :D but the lunch hour would feel like five minutes and i wouldnt want to go back to work and i would want to watch anime all day instead :D


My friends all tell me that I act a lot like an anime character...I don't know if that's good or bad  :lol: I also tend to say japanese phrases at times. The funny thing is, anime characters speak way differently than actual japanese people do, so that might present itself as a problem when I go to Japan.


I forgot one more, and it's the most important.  When I give and receive gifts, cards, and stuff, I give and accept them with two hands >.<


I'd hum away a random anime song. I've also called Tsuzukis at cons "baka".
"Don't give me any orders."


most of the simple swears like stupid (baga,baka somtin) ummm i happen to be horribly imaganitive so i like to day dream ...a wee bit to much,oh yeah and my new favorite quote (expecially being in the army) "How Troublesome" from Naruto i use that WAY to much!


Quote from: "ININ"I forgot one more, and it's the most important.  When I give and receive gifts, cards, and stuff, I give and accept them with two hands >.<

Does anyone notice, out of curiosity? XD
epic progressive



Quote from: "Spiritsnare"
Quote from: "ININ"I forgot one more, and it's the most important.  When I give and receive gifts, cards, and stuff, I give and accept them with two hands >.<

Does anyone notice, out of curiosity? XD
XD I do that too and I bow sometimes :3


I think people who know about the two hands are going to notice and people who don't know about the two hands are not going to notice.

Last month, I went to a co-worker going away get-together and I gave the co-worker her gift with two hands.  She watched very few anime and she smiled really big and accepted with two hands.  I think she notice.  

I also gave business cards at the get-together which has my webpage address to others with two hands.  They took the cards with one hand and just said the usual one liners "cool", "awesome", "thanks".  I don't think they notice.


Quote from: "Chloe""Neko Mimi Mode~"
"Atashi no shimobe!"

My, my, the list can go on...

This is a force to be reckoned with... *hides*

Ah, yes, one more thing. It seems that a while back I dictated to myself that I must have themesongs 24/7. Thus, I bought an MP3 player :D


well...i guess this applies to kung-fu movies too: painful immitations of fight scenes, especially when there are a bunch of kick combos against an opponent made of air


when its particulary quiet or I am bored I will shout buksai tenken from Ranma 1/2 I also say baka alot and say chan and san after most peoples names oh yeah not sure if this is related to animes but when im bored im sometimes say "I challenge you to mortal kombat" thats it pretty much for me then

Captaine Kit

1) Two knocks on the door is polite enough.

2) When cooking, make something nice.  If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right.

3) I talk about dreams.

4) Don't be inert.  Go running.  Stay away from video games.
FanimeCon Presents: Antagonite Fashion


few of my friends calls me Ha-chan because my middle name is Hayato. My gf likes to say "Hiku" most of the time while she talks.
FanimeCon E-gaming Room Staff
Kraken Con Staff

Cosplay: DDR Pad/Box, Brain Age, Andross (SNES), Formal Totoro, Master/Crazy Hand


Like Tsubasa, sometimes I use general Japanese phrases to myself, "Ittidakumasu" before eating or general expressions like "Sou Da" because it rolls off your tongue so easily it kinda got stuck in my head.

And for Hayato (Onicoursemusha), our group of friends have always been interested in his family's strong traditional japanese culture and one day we heard his parents refer to him as "Hayato," his Middle name and thought it would be funny to refer to him as "Ha-Chan" instead of "Kun" as a joke and it kinda stuck.


Before and after meals, sometimes, I'd use "itadakimasu" and "gochiso-sama". Also, I'd sometimes start quoting a character for no damn reason.
"Don't give me any orders."


Anime + Work = Hyper Active Girl

~_~ I swear, most of my friends believe I grew up in an anime world just because things that usually don't happen for real does happen to me. Even at work, I still get klutzy. Although, I'm more knowledgable at work so it works out. If only customers knew there are at least 3 anime watchers working, then it'll give corporate see how much it's popular, then I wouldn't have to do many special orders when I know it sells!! Rawr!!


In this one ep of Love Hina Again, Kentaro (not really, but I don't want to spoil) raises one hand up and says "Yo" in greeting. I actually do that.

A friend of mine and I will exclaim "NANDATTEBAYO!" sometimes, usually in unison, usually in Japanese class. Thanks, Naruto.

I also tend to use slang and curse words I picked up over time. (^0^)
Because you never forget your first box.

Because some like it harder, better, faster, stronger

Images coming soon!


Quote from: "Edward Elric"Before and after meals, sometimes, I'd use "itadakimasu" and "gochiso-sama".

Ditto. I also bow very slightly so as not to make people notice.
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