Started by EternalMalachi, June 01, 2006, 08:37:20 AM

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So, I saw the winners at the Masquerade and there were a few I really enjoyed.  For those who actually attended the AMV events, what were your favorites?

Oh, and where would one go to find certain AMVs, say, the Princess Tutu AMV? ^.~

edit: Also, I'd like to say that these AMVs are a great way to advertise a series.  So much so that I'd buy Princess Tutu if my girlfriend wasn't already in the process of doing so.  ^,^`


I believe you can find a list with links here:

I am in absolute love with the Princess Tutu video, too.  I need to find that song!  :oops:


Not my link; but the song to the Princess TuTu anime is here:


Well, even though the AMV contest wasn't as good as last year, there are still several quite good ones. FullMetal Code, Mathilda, Speed of Light, the Gankutsuou one, DANGERESQUE!


Does anyone know where I can find some of the AMVs that showed in the room right before closing ceremonies were in there? Some of those were pretty sweet.
Mario '06. Sven '08. Jared '09. Gai '10. Cobra '11. Kenji '12. Spike '13. #fanime Click here to connect to IRC


Yeah, I agree that the overall finals weren't quite as good as last year, but I think that the comedy division seriously made up for last year.  Last year was pretty meh for comedy with the exception of two that really stood out from the crowd.  Not a bad year, all in all.
Attending Fanime since 2002, having panic attacks and editing marathons since 2003.


Does anyone know where I can find the Jin-Roh AMV that showed in the same room as closing ceremonies? It was only like an hour before closing.
Mario '06. Sven '08. Jared '09. Gai '10. Cobra '11. Kenji '12. Spike '13. #fanime Click here to connect to IRC


Scott "Anime" Peterson

AMV Coordinator Fanime Con 2006


Just so you all know, if you go to you can do a specific search for videos that were in the Fanime 06 or even 05 AMV contest.

That's right, if you weren't there last year you can check out some of the awesome AMV's like The Year 2525 and Still Preoccupied with 1985.

Create an account (if you don't have one) and then when you go to search you can do an advanced search and under the 'participation' dropdown box, choose Fanime 2006 AMV contest...or something like that. ^_^
Fanime attendee since 2004
Swap meet staff - 2014
Swap meet co-chair - 2015


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hmm i see your point. i dont know how much more work this would require from judges for finalists, but i would be nice if people who got their video rejected from finals be told WHY they were rejected.  what aspect of the video was not correct, was it lacking in action or something compared to another?

also i am not sure how this works, but in submitting AMV you do write the category you want ur video to compete in.  so obviously if you've made a drama video with a lot of action, and you put drama, it might get judged differently :\

i duno, just my two cents.

btw what was ur video? i wanna see do you have link? >_<
i didn't feel so strongly about this years action either oh well...theres only so much you can do with action videos ;)


Ultimately, even if you request to have your video be put into a specific category, that doesn't mean it'll necessarily be there.  It's the judges decision, and for years now you haven't been able to make requests; and that's all it is, a request.  Last year I entered a video that I only imagined as being drama; I hadn't even considered it as being action-based at all, yet that's the category it ended up in.  

But as it is, the judges can only work with what they're given.  It's not the judges fault if the category was a bit lacking in any regard- if there aren't enough people submitting awesome videos, you won't get a category filled with awesome videos.  It happens sometimes.  I highly doubt that extremely excellent videos were overlooked for those which appeared in any and all categories of the contest.  And if you take a look around good ol' as FanFicGuru suggested, you'll realize that the AMVs shown at the con are massively superior than the majority of those on the ORG.  

I realize I was a finalist this year so it may mean I'm a tad biased, but I'm not jumping up and down about my vid, either.  -shrug- I just feel that the judges shouldn't be blamed, nor the coordinator, or anybody for that matter.  If you want the finals to be so much better, encourage the masters of editing to submit their videos to the con, or keep sending in your own until they blow everyone else out of the water.  No flames intended.

(edit) Also occurs to me that some of the responses towards the editors are rather harsh this year.  Anybody who actually edits knows how tough it can be to synch something up properly, and the vids that were exhibited at the finals weren't just five minutes of unedited junk slapped together with a song.  There was a great deal of work that went into them, and I'm referring to those I had nothing to do with, for the record.  Maybe they could've been better, and there was definitely room for better vids this year, but flaming the editors doesn't help anything.  Making the finals any year is an honor and bashing those who did is ill-mannered.   :?
Attending Fanime since 2002, having panic attacks and editing marathons since 2003.


I liked the AMVs.  Granted, they weren't as good as last year, but I still really liked the Princess Tutu one, the Outlaw Star one, and the Trinity Blood one.  The Perfect Blue one creeped me out, but I thought that was well done as well.  And Montage was fun, especially that bit with the dancing from Soul Caliber.  Does anyone know the song from that bit?  I would like to find it.


That's the infamous Numa Numa song !  The original song is by O-Zone, entitled 'Dragostea Din Tei".
Attending Fanime since 2002, having panic attacks and editing marathons since 2003.


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Yes, things could've been synced better.  But the fact still stands that those AMVs are a lot better than a great deal of AMVs, and no one should be limited from creating AMVs or having to follow absolute standards to release them or submit them to cons.  The fact that average to subpar vids, depending on one's opinion, made it to the action finals is just proof that too many people sent in subpar vids.  Maybe they didn't have the time, who knows?  They went for it, and they got it, because their vids were better than the rest of the action potentials that were sent in.  (And I'll quit arguing my point here, as I don't want this topic to get locked on the basis of things becoming too heated.  Anyone can PM me if they feel the need to pursue this further.)

One issue I had with the contest was the audio presentation.  Back in 04, the lyrics were nearly impossible to make out, so drama vids and lyric-based action/free form videos were really difficult to follow.  2005 was much better; I didn't have any problems with that.  This year followed 2004, though not quite to the same extent.  I think the bass was just cranked a little too loud.  I know there's a rush and everything to get in, set up and get going, but maybe if one or two of the vids were played ahead of time to test out the system and try to even things out, it might be a little better.  It's really a killer to the lyric-based vids... It was even kind of hard to understand what was being said in the iMac spoofs, for me at least.
Attending Fanime since 2002, having panic attacks and editing marathons since 2003.


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I can't find Montage on

This needs to be corrected. :(
epic progressive



Yeah, everyone I know who went to the con is bummed that Montage isn't up.  BUT, the chick who made it has an account there, so hopefully it's just a matter of time.  She probably sent it to other cons or something and is waiting to upload it until after.
Attending Fanime since 2002, having panic attacks and editing marathons since 2003.


Quote from: "Tuplica"That's the infamous Numa Numa song !  The original song is by O-Zone, entitled 'Dragostea Din Tei".
Thank you v. much!  Found it on iTunes.