2007 Masquerade News

Started by angeljibrille, June 08, 2006, 12:32:02 PM

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does any 1 know the legnth of the stage? and how long the skit max time is. and how many skits a person can be in?


Quote from: "SuperKawaiiNeko"Will the AMV Contest and Gakufest be held here at this new theater as well?

From what I understand for AMV: no.

But, honestly, *points up* this is Masq. I have no clue ^^;;

I don't even know what Gakufest is >.<



Quote from: "Shaxel"XD Thanks..now I just need to see if my companions will go for it or not. I know this is family oriented but would mild shounen ai be ok? No sexually explicit things just stating some 'I love yous'...!

Absolutely OK! Nothing wrong with Shonen Ai :D  (or yaoi) as long as it falls within what I said earlier.

Quote from: "Shaxel"I don't think that's any worse than most of the things on tv now a days? Also about the sound system and stuff..does this mean we need to pre-record our skits? Or actually memorize our lines for on stage performance?

Please pre-record your skits; the only exception for mics on stage is if you are going to sing. If there is some desperate reason that you can't pre-record it at home, we will have some limited services at the convention to help you record your skit.

Quote from: "Shaxel"Sorry to be asking so many things, but I'm completely new to this..I didn't even stay last year for the Masq because I found the seating too claustrophobic. O_O I needed to breathe!

I think you will like the new theater better :) Masq is fun! And we are a friendly Masq too; I promise you that after your skit (and even before your skit) you will be -seated in the audience-. You will not be stuck backstage, and you will be able to see everything but the ~3 acts before yours because you will be backstage at that point. We appreciate our cosplayers and we do our best to treat you with the respect you deserve for getting up on stage in front of everyone :)


Quote from: "DayDreamerNessa"Do you know if the masquerade contestants will be able to watch from the audience again ^^? I really loved that, and i'm hoping you guys will be able to do that again, it'd be too awesome!

ABSOLUTELY. This is one of my firm things; I will NEVER run a Masq again where they tell me I have to stick everyone backstage. You guys are the best possible audience as well as contestants, and having everyone out there to cheer for their friends and to see everyone's hard work is extremely important. Your enthusasim makes the whole audience more friendly, and newbies will know they have support out there in the audience which should help with those stage jitters. We are Fanime after all, for fans and by fans. This is YOUR Masquerade, of course you should be able to see it :)


Quote from: "ranma12"does any 1 know the legnth of the stage? and how long the skit max time is. and how many skits a person can be in?

The other two questions are answered earlier in this thread, but the last answer is ONE skit.

Also you must have made (or mostly made) your own costume, or your group's costumes (either by yourself or as a group).


Quote from: "angeljibrille"The other two questions are answered earlier in this threat, but the last answer is ONE skit.

I'm just saving this not for relevency, but it's one hell of a funny typo.

Would we be able to procure podiums (Normal sized ones) from some place within the con or the preforming arts center for a skit? I need four of them.

Content wise, I'm assuming we can use the word 'bastard' in it's definition of "does not consine with one's own veiws" correct?
4Chan World Tour


Quote from: "Black_Knight"I'm just saving this not for relevency, but it's one hell of a funny typo.

*embarassed* Fixed!

Quote from: "Black_Knight"Would we be able to procure podiums (Normal sized ones) from some place within the con or the preforming arts center for a skit? I need four of them.

Not likely -_-. The old place used to have some in the back, but we aren't at quite the same liberty to procure stuff in the new facility. If you want podiums, I suggest making them out of cardboard. Plus, hey, bonus on construction for craftsmanship....

Quote from: "Black_Knight"Content wise, I'm assuming we can use the word 'bastard' in it's definition of "does not consine with one's own veiws" correct?

This is going to be a long long thread if I respond to every single "is this word OK" question ^^; Basically y'all know the prohibited ones... avoid the holy trinity of "bad" words or any variation on them: s**t, f**k, c**t/c**k
(and if you don't know how to replace the * with letters... PM me :P  )
And no slurs please, or we will smack you and then send you to rehab :P

And feel free to use "FRACK", it's become, like, my favorite word evah.


Quote from: "angeljibrille"
Quote from: "ranma12"does any 1 know the legnth of the stage? and how long the skit max time is. and how many skits a person can be in?

The other two questions are answered earlier in this thread, but the last answer is ONE skit.

Also you must have made (or mostly made) your own costume, or your group's costumes (either by yourself or as a group).
ohh ok and made u own cosplay?? but like its not a show off skit its just some humor but i think my friends make there own is that cool?


After all these years, I suppose I am curious to know the judging process. I have seen many masquerades with many different types of systems and faces. What are they looking for when they make the calls? How does a person qualify as a judge? By veteran cosplayers, belong to a cosplay media, professionals in performance or fashion industry or maybe a special guest? What is their ability to differenciate experienced cosplayers from the intermediate and Novice?  

I think most of us aren't out to win. Everything our groups do is for fun and gratuity toward the group within the group, but I've seen so many groups come every year and they do great things yet there hasn't been any recognition for those poor guys that try so hard.

I understand that giving an award  to everone would take an extensive amount of time as well, but I think that certain categories could be added, and or work with the promotional department at viz, or any other willing company to make a complimentary promo bag of fun goodies for all the cosplayers that did not get an award and prize. Similar to what they've done at the Cherry Blossom Festival in SF.
Different positive award systems for those not placed, can be done such as positive certificates with a group name and recognitions of Superior, Excellent and Outstanding.
Since the award process is lengthy, prizes could be picked up later and the next day at a room also similar to the pick up Process at Ani-Magic.

Just concerned for all of those cosplayers who do so much work without recognition. I'd hate to see any cosplayer discouraged! I just think its a nice way to say "Don't give up! Come back next year! This is the place to be!"


Quote from: "angeljibrille"Yep!



ohhh stadium seating...no more looking at the back of the person's head sitting in front of you.

*wipes drool from mouth*

It doesn't get any better then this.  8)


Quote from: "ranma12"ohh ok and made u own cosplay?? but like its not a show off skit its just some humor but i think my friends make there own is that cool?

Sorry, but we have Stage Zero for small skits like that!

The Masquerade is a Cosplay Contest; so it's all about the cosplay PLUS good skits. Spots in the Masquerade fill up quickly, so we have to limit it to people who:

1. Made his/her own costume
2. Made his/her own costume with his/her group's help
3. Made all the costumes for his/her entire group
4. Parent's made or helped with the costume for Under 14 is OK

Note: you do not have to be judged for Crafsmanship, that is optional, but we will ask you some basic questions to ensure you are following the rules.

The basis of entry is that you are entering your skit AND your costume. If you do not compete for Craftsmanship (9 awards) there are still 9 Performance Awards. It's just not fair to people who bought their costumes, or had mom or dad make the costume, to win a prize. Sorry!


Quote from: "UsakoMinako"After all these years, I suppose I am curious to know the judging process. I have seen many masquerades with many different types of systems and faces. What are they looking for when they make the calls? How does a person qualify as a judge? By veteran cosplayers, belong to a cosplay media, professionals in performance or fashion industry or maybe a special guest? What is their ability to differenciate experienced cosplayers from the intermediate and Novice?

We generally try to get ICG (International Costuming Guild) judges for Craftsmanship. Last year, we had two judges who were ICG. For Performance, we try to get someone with an extensive background in stage productions, film, music, etc. These are sometimes hard to come by (!) but we would prefer to have someone who is experienced at this to, say, "An Honored Guest" who would generally make a completely subjective choice instead of an objective one. So, last year we had two judges on the Performance side who had won many (many) awards at various conventions, or lead extensive cosplay groups and/or clubs.

Quote from: "UsakoMinako"I think most of us aren't out to win. Everything our groups do is for fun and gratuity toward the group within the group...

Part of this I agree with :) I know people do this for fun. However, EVERYONE likes to win. You can't tell me they don't like to win; people wouldn't be so upset to lose if they didn't want to win, even if they say they were just doing it to have fun. It's a contest; people know that and they enter to win or to try to win. People don't buy a lottery ticket to have fun, they want to win.

Several of the groups that won in 2006 were first-time contestants, and they were shocked to win, and I am presuming from the hugs and nice e-mails I got that they were happy too. However, not everyone can win. This is a contest, and it's going to stay a contest. For those who just want to cosplay and have fun, we have hall cosplay and you can also reserve Stage Zero to do smaller skits or "learn the ropes". But, yeah, this is a contest and we unfortunately cannot reward every participant other than trying to be as kind as possible and try to ensure that they have a good experience. We try to make sure they get to see the entire Masquerade, and that they are as comfortable as possible with water, seating, and an easy registration and judging process.

Quote from: "UsakoMinako"but I've seen so many groups come every year and they do great things yet there hasn't been any recognition for those poor guys that try so hard.

We absolutely recognize them. You have to realize that last year was my first year (2006) running Fanime's Masquerade, but we thanked all the participants and they are the first concern in my mind. I used to run Anime Expo (2000, 2002 & 2003), PMX (2005 & 2006), Anime Boston (2005), and Anime Expo New York.

You also have to consider the realities of Masquerade management at large conventions (unlike Sakura Festival and AniMagic). Fanime's Masquerade is run completely by donations. We have had a LOT more troble in recent years getting donations from various companies because they really don't need to do as much promotion anymore (everyone knows the companies) and it's a huge expense for them. The smaller companies are having trouble making ends meet, so they can't give as much.  We are lucky to get items for the 20 prizes as it is, and I make up trophies every year just to ensure that there's something in case we don't get anything (which honestly almost happened last year-- my husband and I were begging on Saturday, and we actually donated some of our OWN personal items as prizes).

Quote from: "UsakoMinako"Similar to what they've done at the Cherry Blossom Festival in SF.

Cherry Blossom Festival is a lot smaller ^^; We are talking 150 - 200 bags; that's a HUGE expense. At AX one year we had almost 350 contestants. It's extremely unlikely, sorry! We are already offering 20 awards, so at least 20 out of the 50 groups will win a prize. As I said before, it is a contest, and unfortunately there are winners and those who do not win. They are welcome to try again the next year!

We have had a lot of newbies win, and also newbies who were so inspired by people who did win that they kicked butt on their new costumes and skits and came back the next year to win a prize. Also, some of the groups you say that did not win... you need to think about what may be going on backstage. For example, we have had groups cheat by saying they made a costume when they purchased it, or someone who was disqualified for violating the rules, or someone may be participating as a "display only" and asked to be taken out of prize consideration. These do happen, but we sometimes let people go on stage if we discover it too late in the game (like an hour before the performance), and we simply do not award them a prize. This is not information we share with the public, but it may be a reason for why someone didn't win.

Quote from: "UsakoMinako"Different positive award systems for those not placed, can be done such as positive certificates with a group name and recognitions of Superior, Excellent and Outstanding.

I know your intentions are good, but, you have to be realistic. It is going to be too expensive for me (I only have $500 budget, and that's already spent on trophies), and I sort of find it offensive categorizing people into the groups you list. These aren't elementary school kids who need a warm fuzzy, and we aren't here to justify people's self-worth. We DO give every single under-14 contestant a participation prize to encourage them, but, seriously, I feel strongly that this is over-the-top and patronizing to give everyone a "Great Job!" certificate and a gold star.

Quote from: "UsakoMinako"Since the award process is lengthy, prizes could be picked up later and the next day at a room also similar to the pick up Process at Ani-Magic.

The contestants have always made it very clear that they want their prize and their trophy that evening, and generally all the groups stick around to pick up their prizes then and there. Even if the audience doesn't stick around, I've found that all the contestants (except the little kids who have tuckered out by then) stay to cheer on their friends when they win... and then to take pictures of the winners. The pictures are very important for press, blogs, etc., who also want pictures then because the contestants will not be in these costumes the next day.

I hope that clarifies things.



Quote from: "angeljibrille"
Quote from: "ranma12"ohh ok and made u own cosplay?? but like its not a show off skit its just some humor but i think my friends make there own is that cool?

Sorry, but we have Stage Zero for small skits like that!

The Masquerade is a Cosplay Contest; so it's all about the cosplay PLUS good skits. Spots in the Masquerade fill up quickly, so we have to limit it to people who:

1. Made his/her own costume
2. Made his/her own costume with his/her group's help
3. Made all the costumes for his/her entire group
4. Parent's made or helped with the costume for Under 14 is OK

Note: you do not have to be judged for Crafsmanship, that is optional, but we will ask you some basic questions to ensure you are following the rules.

The basis of entry is that you are entering your skit AND your costume. If you do not compete for Craftsmanship (9 awards) there are still 9 Performance Awards. It's just not fair to people who bought their costumes, or had mom or dad make the costume, to win a prize. Sorry!
but i wasn't in it for an award of any sort i just thought that it would be fun to be in and wanted to try


Fanime 05 was my first masquerade, and me and my bf entered and didn't win. I definately was not discouraged, more than anything I wanted to come back, and do it again. Not everyone who loses becomes discouraged, for me it made me want to conitinue and become a better entertainer both costume-wise and performance-wise.

All this masquerade talk makes me excited about what i'm doing this year XD
++ Visit my cosplay website below ++
++ http://www.eternaldaydream.com ++


Quote from: "ranma12"
Quote from: "angeljibrille"
Quote from: "ranma12"ohh ok and made u own cosplay?? but like its not a show off skit its just some humor but i think my friends make there own is that cool?

Sorry, but we have Stage Zero for small skits like that!

The Masquerade is a Cosplay Contest; so it's all about the cosplay PLUS good skits. Spots in the Masquerade fill up quickly, so we have to limit it to people who:

1. Made his/her own costume
2. Made his/her own costume with his/her group's help
3. Made all the costumes for his/her entire group
4. Parent's made or helped with the costume for Under 14 is OK

Note: you do not have to be judged for Crafsmanship, that is optional, but we will ask you some basic questions to ensure you are following the rules.

The basis of entry is that you are entering your skit AND your costume. If you do not compete for Craftsmanship (9 awards) there are still 9 Performance Awards. It's just not fair to people who bought their costumes, or had mom or dad make the costume, to win a prize. Sorry!
but i wasn't in it for an award of any sort i just thought that it would be fun to be in and wanted to try

I'm confused now, because like..my costume is all stuff I have put together myself except for my wig (obviously everyone buys their own wigs) but also my coat, because I personally lack the required skill to sew one..so I bought it..because of this am I now not allowed to be in the masquerade? I mean...I thought it was for skits? Not so much for showing off your costume? I guess I should have stayed longer last year to watch, if it's just for modeling purposes then I suppose I will back out, because I can't sew a coat like that on my own..I just don't have that kind of skill...and I too wasn't interested in winning a prize, I just wanted to have fun and maybe make some people laugh, but if that's not enough then I'll stay out so someone else can have a spot. I guess not knowing the rules made it unclear to me. People I talked with who had participated before gave me the impression the Masquerade was about the skits, not so much the costume, though I do think that people who worked very hard deserve to be acknowledged and applauded for it, but just because someone can't sew well enough to make a certain piece of their costume shouldn't exclude them from participating..or make them feel inferior by not allowing them to participate. Most people I know pay attention to the skits, not the parading of the costumes, I mean isn't that what the Hall cosplay is for? Showing off your cosplay?

My friends and I have put a lot of hard work into our skit, we want to make it fun, entertaining and stay within the rules. To put all the effort of creating it, fine tuning it, recording and rehearsing it and taking time out of the con to do so..only to be told we can't because I bought part of my costume isn't fair to us. It's not fair to anyone who worked hard on their skit. Yes costumes that are sewn completely by the cosplayer and look really good deserve to be admired, as does the person who put their heart into it. However if someone has a great costume and their skit is horrible then people won't be that impressed.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I think it's unfair to exclude people who put their heart into something just because they aren't as skilled as some. If you're going to exclude people for the type of costume they have then it's only going to make them feel bad in the long run, I know it's hurt my feelings. I'm not sorry that I'm not skilled enough to meet your requirements, but I am sorry that I won't be able to do this.. I know for a fact that not that many people pay Stage Zero a whole lot of attention, most of us just pass by on our way to various other events, so for my friends to put in all that effort and take time out of the convention only to go to stage zero and have maybe ten or fifteen people even realize what we're doing is NOT fair to them.


Quote from: "Shaxel"I'm confused now, because like..my costume is all stuff I have put together myself except for my wig (obviously everyone buys their own wigs) but also my coat, because I personally lack the required skill to sew one..so I bought it..because of this am I now not allowed to be in the masquerade?

Don't worry! You are fine. We have a "found item" clause which covers exactly what you describe. For example, if your costume has jeans as a component... we definitely don't expect you to make the jeans! :) Or the shoes, or ... you get the picture. It's how you put it all together that matters, because you will be customizing your costume with found items. So you are fine :)

Quote from: "Shaxel"I mean...I thought it was for skits? Not so much for showing off your costume?

It's both ! We just have to limit how many people can be in it, and it's fairer for all involved if we reqiure at a bare minimum costumes that were not purchased off the rack from Japan or something, or made for you by a seamstress. Making the costume is part of the fun, in addition to the skit. We definitely love our skits too, and that's a HUGE component of Fanime! We don't require skits; and in fact this year walk-ons are STRONGLY DISCOURAGED because your performance is part of the event, and walk-ons are unfortunately boring for the audience.  In fact, this year we are going to do the walk-ons all at once, which will free up the rest of the time for skits.

Quote from: "Shaxel"I guess I should have stayed longer last year to watch, if it's just for modeling purposes then I suppose I will back out, because I can't sew a coat like that on my own..

No, no, don't read too much into this >.< this is why I hesitated to post too much info before the rules were posted. I'm not sure what's taking so long on that (sorry!) but all of this is explained in there.

Quote from: "Shaxel"People I talked with who had participated before gave me the impression the Masquerade was about the skits, not so much the costume, though I do think that people who worked very hard deserve to be acknowledged and applauded for it, but just because someone can't sew well enough to make a certain piece of their costume shouldn't exclude them from participating..or at least that's my two cents, for what it may be worth.

It's both. I promise. :)  We have had people win with simple costumes and amazing skits. You do NOT have to have a "OH MY GOD" costume to win a prize, you can be wearing a Heero costume of spandex pants and a green tank top and win if you have a wonderful skit and make people laugh.  And, yes, that sort of Heero costume is covered under the "found item" clause as well, so don't stress too much. People worry too much!! :) Just come and have fun.

Our rule about making your own costumes is 100% ONLY for preventing people who purchased their costumes from eBay, Yahoo Japan, or a Seamstress, and are trying to win a prize for basically who spends the most money on eBay. THAT isn't fair to the other contestants. As long as you are making an effort to create your costume or put together the costume out of found items to BE your character, you are just fine.

Hopefully that helps :)



Okay..so then...because my coat would be an Organization XIII coat..if I buy it..I can list it as a found item??

I just can't make those on my own..the one I tried to make ended up with a giant square hood and tends to choke me if I zip it up.

I mean..I'm not interested in fighting for a craftsmanship(?) prize..but I just want to participate...for the fun of having the experience.


Quote from: "angeljibrille"
Quote from: "ranma12"does any 1 know the legnth of the stage? and how long the skit max time is. and how many skits a person can be in?

The other two questions are answered earlier in this thread, but the last answer is ONE skit.

You should update the first post of this thread will all of this information, as well as answering in new posts, so that once stuff gets buried people dont have to dig for their answers ^_^0
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Quote from: "Shaxel"Okay..so then...because my coat would be an Organization XIII coat..if I buy it..I can list it as a found item??

I just can't make those on my own..the one I tried to make ended up with a giant square hood and tends to choke me if I zip it up.

I mean..I'm not interested in fighting for a craftsmanship(?) prize..but I just want to participate...for the fun of having the experience.

Yup, it's OK. :) Promise!


XD okie..thanks..I'm sorry for being such a spazz... I tend to be a worry wort I'm afraid >>;

I was just checking and then saw things and my mind sputtered and went 'Oh NOES!' x.x;

But thanks so much for clearing everything up, you've been very helpful. ^-^