What makes YOU Otaku?

Started by uzutake, September 04, 2006, 11:44:39 AM

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I don't call myself an otaku for obvious reasons because of Japan's slang. >_> However it is said by my friends that I am because my room looks like Anime Palace's store because I have a small wall covered in figures from bottom to almost the ceiling and assorted plushes just on the wall. The other side of the wall where my chest of drawers has a bunch of smaller figures crowding the cosplay wig and cosplay supply area, both connected by a long wall of anime posters.

What I will admit to, is being a psuedo-otaku. :P I swore to myself long ago I'd watch every anime series in existance. It's scary I'm living up to that promise, so I can admit to knowing too much about anime. >_< I wonder if I'm in denial.
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