Started by mDuo13, October 21, 2006, 01:07:05 AM

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(hooray double post)

It has come to my attention that ORIGINATION is scheduled for only 13 episodes. That means that I've seen more than half of it already. Between that and the manga ending... I don't know if I can take it. I'm starting to think that ORIGINATION is the best series ever... seriously. I was in awe of episodes 6 and 7. I'm really torn: I want to watch more of it, but I really don't want to see the end of the series...


p.s. watching raws of this show is a great experience: most of the time it's not that hard to follow, and the animation is so pretty... and it's relaxing not to be reading. I can lie in bed and watch before I go to sleep, and I don't have to squint to see the subs from that far away. Though I think I'll have to rewatch the series subtitled because there were a couple bits I didn't get (like, what was the ferry thing that Akari worked at in episode 4? Just a ferry where Singles can work and get paid?)


(Triple post! I'm not the only one watching this show, I know... but I guess I'm the only one keeping the thread alive.)
Check out the ratings ORIGINATION is getting. Three reviews each giving it 10s in every category. Crazy.

Stuck at episode 9 raw, 3 subbed. I can't stand not watching, but I don't dare get any closer to finishing it. I wonder how long it'll be before impatience wins out and I have to watch more. There's always the manga, I suppose... Maybe I'll watch a new episode in celebration of the end of the semester, in a few weeks?


I say screw CrystalNova, HnK subs aren't bad. Not that I really need them since I watched it all raw...
I really hope someday some licensor can pick up this gem of a series. I kind of doubt ADV would, since they unwisely abandoned the manga long ago; it'd just be too ironic. Tokyopop's ARIA covers really turn me off, though.
New sn = Meirin


epic progressive



Quote from: Spiritsnare on May 01, 2008, 01:44:22 PM
Eleven days later: LICENSED
z0mg. RightStuf. Huzzah.

So much for spending money at the con - I'm gonna have to preorder these pronto.


So I think this is the first I've encountered of ARIA Uploader, which is basically a slightly customized danbooru, but for ARIA only. Wow.


that's cool but 1500 pics? that's less than what I have.



Quote from: mDuo13 on May 05, 2008, 03:53:48 AM
So I think this is the first I've encountered of ARIA Uploader, which is basically a slightly customized danbooru, but for ARIA only. Wow.

Pretty nifty.



kinda neat, good organization in regards to h, non-h, and even a doujin download section.

the related tags kinda suck as opposed to click-able tags of image. But given that there aren't that many per image, they probably need the fill. And much lack of recognition of artists is also disappointing.


Yeah, I was seriously disappointed that they don't have artist tags. That's one of the best features of danbooru.



Some Aria fan went to Venice to find areas in which fit the scenes and drawing shown in the anime and the manga.

Man, that takes a good eye.


Su-Cool. There's Not Enough Of It.
Fanime Panelist (Pangya: 2007, 2008; Vocaloid: 2009, 2010)


New sn = Meirin


Quote from: pockystix on August 05, 2008, 01:42:57 PM
Rest in peace, Kawai Eri. You're in a better place, now...
Just saw the same news. I was gonna make a separate thread, though, because Eri Kawai's stuff isn't limited to just ARIA. Her OP to the Tales of Symphonia OVA is really good, too. And she even did a song from KiRite. =(

EDIT: as for that ARIA blog Chun posted, I like the way their comments field uses a sketch of Alicia as the background, giving it a stationary-like quality. One of the cleverest little bits of web design I've seen in a while.


Looking forward to my boxset coming in soon. In the meantime, I've been making a lot of progress on the manga. AQUA volume 1 was really interesting - probably 50/50 on stuff that got covered in the TV series and stuff that wasn't because it has to take place before ANIMATION; but seeing the character designs evolve into their modern forms, and seeing the art style before the SD faces became so standardized was something special.

That leaves AQUA volume 2, and ARIA volumes 9-12... and ORIGINATION episodes 11-13. Oh, please, don't let it end.

Gonna watch another episode this week sometime.