Wanted: Special Performances & Seating Music [CLOSED]

Started by angeljibrille, March 28, 2007, 04:12:37 PM

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We will allow 2 special performances (total) at the FanimeCon 2007. Right now -- we have NONE!! *gasp*

Do you have a cosplay performing troupe? Do you have a Final Fantasy Symphonic Band ensemble? Can you play anime songs on the guitar or keyboard or violin or cello? How about a Martial Arts Dance Demonstration? Taiko Drum STOMP festival? Ballet version of Princess Tutu?

We try out new people every year, send us a demo and you may get a chance to show your stuff on the Masuqerade stage!

A costume is NOT required if you have a cool presentation or idea.

We can give you a chance to showcase your or your group's talents at Masquerade!

A special performance is exhibition-only (i.e., does not qualify for awards consideration).

I need to know by 5/20 if you are interested!

If you are interested, please PM me or e-mail [ [email protected] ] the following:
1. What you want to do
2. How much time you need
3. How many people
4. What equipment you will need
5. Samples would be great (videos, etc.)
6. Your name, e-mail, and phone number

Last years choices were a martial arts demonstration and USAMusume for reference (on special performances).

We offer a "rounded" 5 minutes, or average 2 normal length songs (plus an encore if merited ^^).

FanimeCon Masquerade Coordinator


Well, uh, while it may not be exactly Anime-related, and it might not work out, I have a good buddy and we do pretty well jamming together (me: drums, him: guitar), in fact, we've been requested to be the "background music" for a local performing arts diddlybob at Cabrillo College, a college known for its artistic developments. I'll see if he's interested at all.
If not, I'll still see if something can be arranged... GO GO KEYTAR GO???
Haven't been here much since '09. I said some stupid, stupid things before (and after) that.


Quote from: "zoupzuop2"Well, uh, while it may not be exactly Anime-related, and it might not work out, I have a good buddy and we do pretty well jamming together (me: drums, him: guitar), in fact, we've been requested to be the "background music" for a local performing arts diddlybob at Cabrillo College, a college known for its artistic developments. I'll see if he's interested at all.
If not, I'll still see if something can be arranged... GO GO KEYTAR GO???

I just did a background music gig at a charity event for an award thing at my college with my teacher---so I have experience in this kinda thing. If you need a singer for your duo, hit me up ;D!

Touya no Miko

OMG! What the Fugnuggets is going on?!


Quote from: "Touya no Miko"Ramen and rice would be good for that.

I already asked them... and they are no longer performing as Ramen and Rice. *cry sob* There are just too many RL things going on for both right now.

But we still love them both !! :)



Quote from: "zoupzuop2"Well, uh, while it may not be exactly Anime-related, and it might not work out, I have a good buddy and we do pretty well jamming together (me: drums, him: guitar), in fact, we've been requested to be the "background music" for a local performing arts diddlybob at Cabrillo College, a college known for its artistic developments. I'll see if he's interested at all.
If not, I'll still see if something can be arranged... GO GO KEYTAR GO???

It should probably be anime or game must ^__^ sorry!!!! Unless you can do that?? :)


Quote from: "angeljibrille"
Quote from: "zoupzuop2"Well, uh, while it may not be exactly Anime-related, and it might not work out, I have a good buddy and we do pretty well jamming together (me: drums, him: guitar), in fact, we've been requested to be the "background music" for a local performing arts diddlybob at Cabrillo College, a college known for its artistic developments. I'll see if he's interested at all.
If not, I'll still see if something can be arranged... GO GO KEYTAR GO???

It should probably be anime or game must ^__^ sorry!!!! Unless you can do that?? :)
I think that could be arranged... although not to absolute accuracy. Maybe more toned-down versions, if at all...
Haven't been here much since '09. I said some stupid, stupid things before (and after) that.


I'm sorry if this is Haruhiism talking, but there needs to be a publicized Hare Hare Yukai dance somewhere in the con. Preferably the full version [3 something minutes?], with some girls maybe? There's YouTube videos of it everywhere, so the phenomenon has to reach Fanime one way or another.

Just a suggestion.
New sn = Meirin


So, since this is exhibition only, can you do a special performance with a performing group, and then do a completely unrelated skit with other people? Or is it just either or?
Right now some friends and I are planning a skit for Fanime, but two of us in the skit are also in a clarinet choir thing and right now we're doing a Final Fantasy IX peice (only a few minutes, don't know exact time) and it would be cool to perform it at Fanime :3.


Audition information and sample of performance sent!


Project L'uno, reporting for duty!  :-)



I PMd the info you need and emailed you a song sample.  angeljibrille, I hope you received them okay.
Ani-Maid Productions
amateur otaku since 1999
HK film fan since 1996

costumes at Fanime Con '07:
Tomo Takino (Azumanga Daioh)
Derek Wildstar (Star Blazers)
Nana Osaki (NANA)
Shin Ani-maid (original)
Rei Ayanami (Evangelion)