cosplay help!

Started by Trinity Love, March 28, 2007, 05:48:27 PM

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Trinity Love

I have medium length black hair meaning it's not to the bottom of me neck, brown eyes, I'm 5'4, and I wear black eyeliner....I don't know what to cosplay as, and I really want to do a couple cosplay with a guy....but I know thats kinda stupid to say ^^"


What does the guy want to cosplay/what anime have you two seen?


Loveless - Soubi and Ritsuka?

Maybe a picture would be more helpful? ^^;
Cosplays for '10?  WHO KNOWS!?!


i agree. it is going to help if we have a picture. But do you mean you want to GO as a guy? or do something WITH a guy, like a douple cosplay? PM me, and ill send you some ideas. ill check back too.
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