How To Talk To Girls -- It's still happening!

Started by The_Jane, May 26, 2007, 10:13:32 AM

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The time of the panel has yet to be determined by our lovely panel manager, Mizz Rena.

I believe it to be taking place in one of the main conference rooms on the Marriott side, Saturday, early evening... I'm hoping for 4-6 or 6-8pm, but we usually don't find out until it gets emailed and posted to the website..

There's totally the possibility that she can't work us in until Sunday, we just don't get to find out quite yet!

Quote from: JTchinoy on March 25, 2008, 11:58:51 PM
Quote from: Jane_HTGPanel on March 25, 2008, 08:20:37 AM

For guys who aren't exactly winners in the looks department... do you think they would have more luck with girls with more athletic builds or girls with a more feminine (typical hour glass type) shape?

It really depends on the lady in question. Personally, I've always found unique appearances to be more favorable than the standard of what's perceived as "attractive." I like quirky looking guys, and yes, I like the nerdy boys! A LOT of us ladies prefer that type these days, more so than ever before.

I know that, for me, intelligence and then humor and ability to have great conversations (really open, honest, witty, flowing sort of discourse) is what turns me on the most. A lot of my previous boyfriends, at first meet, I wouldn't have thought I was going to end up with them but it's the connection you make and how you relate (along with individual preferences) that makes that person suddenly the only one you've got eyes for.

My hopes with the panel, is to give tips and insider advice on how to hurtle over the obstacle of approaching and meeting these girls in a way that no matter how you look or what you think of yourself (because you guys are truly WAY too hard on yourselves! and deserve far more credit than you give)
You can show them the whole package, and get to know them in a way that doesn't have them apprehensive, or un-open to the possibility of something developing.

Everyone has something in themselves that they see as a fault in the romantic/dating scene sense.
I've been thrown into just-friend-world without a second glance or thought, due to my amazonious height. It's discouraging, but in the end, when you meet someone you can click with, you and they over-ride any superficial hold-ups you might have had. What you see as a flaw could easily be seen and accepted as a quirk or just another part of the big picture that you've totally fallen for.

So Long winded answer short: I wouldn't rule out or focus on ANY specific type of a girl's physical form, unless you naturally have a preference to and are attracted to that type. Don't be hard on yourself because most people who think less of their appearances are not seen by the whole world as they see themselves in the mirror.
Remember: We all have flaws, and we have the ability to forgive and even come to enjoy them in others, as they will with you.

So, yeah, I wouldn't worry too much about looks. Most girls can be themselves more easily around someone who doesn't make them nervous (like the typically "super hot" sort of guy tends to!)

and I've had the pants literally charmed off me by some unlikely fellows in my day!


I had put something here, and can't seem to delete here's some emoticons for ya

:) ;) :D ;D :o :o :o ;D :D ;) :)


Quote from: Jane_HTGPanel on April 01, 2008, 02:46:00 PM
The time of the panel has yet to be determined by our lovely panel manager, Mizz Rena.

I believe it to be taking place in one of the main conference rooms on the Marriott side, Saturday, early evening... I'm hoping for 4-6 or 6-8pm, but we usually don't find out until it gets emailed and posted to the website..

There's totally the possibility that she can't work us in until Sunday, we just don't get to find out quite yet!

Quote from: JTchinoy on March 25, 2008, 11:58:51 PM
Quote from: Jane_HTGPanel on March 25, 2008, 08:20:37 AM

For guys who aren't exactly winners in the looks department... do you think they would have more luck with girls with more athletic builds or girls with a more feminine (typical hour glass type) shape?

It really depends on the lady in question. Personally, I've always found unique appearances to be more favorable than the standard of what's perceived as "attractive." I like quirky looking guys, and yes, I like the nerdy boys! A LOT of us ladies prefer that type these days, more so than ever before.

I know that, for me, intelligence and then humor and ability to have great conversations (really open, honest, witty, flowing sort of discourse) is what turns me on the most. A lot of my previous boyfriends, at first meet, I wouldn't have thought I was going to end up with them but it's the connection you make and how you relate (along with individual preferences) that makes that person suddenly the only one you've got eyes for.

My hopes with the panel, is to give tips and insider advice on how to hurtle over the obstacle of approaching and meeting these girls in a way that no matter how you look or what you think of yourself (because you guys are truly WAY too hard on yourselves! and deserve far more credit than you give)
You can show them the whole package, and get to know them in a way that doesn't have them apprehensive, or un-open to the possibility of something developing.

Everyone has something in themselves that they see as a fault in the romantic/dating scene sense.
I've been thrown into just-friend-world without a second glance or thought, due to my amazonious height. It's discouraging, but in the end, when you meet someone you can click with, you and they over-ride any superficial hold-ups you might have had. What you see as a flaw could easily be seen and accepted as a quirk or just another part of the big picture that you've totally fallen for.

So Long winded answer short: I wouldn't rule out or focus on ANY specific type of a girl's physical form, unless you naturally have a preference to and are attracted to that type. Don't be hard on yourself because most people who think less of their appearances are not seen by the whole world as they see themselves in the mirror.
Remember: We all have flaws, and we have the ability to forgive and even come to enjoy them in others, as they will with you.

So, yeah, I wouldn't worry too much about looks. Most girls can be themselves more easily around someone who doesn't make them nervous (like the typically "super hot" sort of guy tends to!)

and I've had the pants literally charmed off me by some unlikely fellows in my day!

Blunt of it... most of what you said is bull.

Girls have always put humor, intelligence, thought in concerns more important than looks... for a relationship. But that isn't Initial attraction. The whole point is that, guys with less than stellar looks have much more of a problem getting into a position(note I didn't say waiting for one) to where they can show a girl their humor and wit. The issue with that is, you can't show someone this on a first meet, and frankly...


Any girl or guy who says otherwise is full of shit. It doesn't matter to the point to where you HAVE to be extremely good looking, but you have to be very presentable. Which is the major focus of this panel isn't it? The first word, the approach, and opening the door to starting something. In which case, how you look, is extremely important, and you're being extremely misleading by saying it's not. The point is that... looks is more than your physical features, but how you dress, how you do your hair, how you manage yourself, and how you carry yourself.

Looks are important, they give off the initial persona of your true self. This is where things get tricky though. You don't want to over do it, nor do you want to be fake with who you are. Anyone can put on a nice suit, but if it's not your personality, you won't fill the suit out and it will be obvious it isn't who you are. You have to dress up well, for your personality and your comfort. I'm very much a t-shirt and jeans kind of guy. But I can still buy a nice button up shirt, I can still wear nice slacks(or even really nice jeans) and I can do my hair and still feel comfortable even if it's not the pinnacle of what I find comfortable in clothes(because in reality it would be no clothes). Dress well, groom yourself, and look complete.

As for the other part. Guys aren't hard enough on themselves, that's why they're in this position. They TALK a bunch of shit about themselves, and how they perceive themselves, but the majority don't believe half of it. They say and act that way only for pity from the opposite sex, which you gave them. If they truely believed in half the shit they say, they'd do something to better themselves and get out of their little box. They don't want this.

Guys like this want an easy answer so they can get girls without changing anything. They want a way to draw women in and stay without doing anything. Hence, they think "If I talk shit about myself, they will pity me and they will like me" but they don't actually change or try to better themselves.

They're losers that don't want to try.


Mikey can you give your opinion on my question?

The reason me asking is because the statement is based on a small article in "Men's health" magazine in which  some polish scientists researched the subject and found a general relation between a woman's build (athletic build vs. broader hips in relation to waist) and how important looks were to them.  So I'm curious if you would refute or support the statement?

Anti-Pocky Movement 201X


I posted in the counterpart forum (How to Talk to Boys) a refutation of the flaming done by PyronIkari, if you wish to see it.  Though in brief, his rather acidic remarks do nothing constructive at all.  If you wish to disagree, fanastic!  I'm a neuroscientist, so lively discussions, even disagreements on an issue, can be both enlightening and fun.  Saying that the thoughts, opinions, even fears of others are posturing/lying/BS, is beyond flaming.  It is destructive and disgusting.  I've made plenty of mistakes as a counselor, and my greatest mistake ever was belittling the fears and concerns of the one I was counseling (yeah, I beat myself up for a long time afterwards for that one).  That simply drives the fear deeper, preventing people from facing them and attaching new emotional reactions to a belief they have about themselves, others, life, or the world.  Only when they really emotionally believe that they can be "social" or "desirable", then they can have constructive relationships.  And yes, I'm speaking from both my own personal experience, and the experiences of many others.

Sure, looks matter.  ...and at the same time, they really don't.  PyronIkari is right that some men play the pity game to get a girl.  ...yet most do not do that.  Show some respect for Jane's opinion, and her attempt to actually help those who want it.  If you still disagree with what she's doing, boycott the event.  No one will force you to learn.


Man with door, can you answer my question as well? :)

I'm really trying to find multiple point of views on this answer.  I myself will accept a fact given from a reputable scientist, but I know a lot of people may think otherwise.  So since you are a neuroscientist and counselor, what do you think?

Anti-Pocky Movement 201X


Quote from: JTchinoy on April 01, 2008, 04:12:49 PM
Mikey can you give your opinion on my question?

The reason me asking is because the statement is based on a small article in "Men's health" magazine in which  some polish scientists researched the subject and found a general relation between a woman's build (athletic build vs. broader hips in relation to waist) and how important looks were to them.  So I'm curious if you would refute or support the statement?
I think it's bull for the most. There is a logical stand point in it, that people react according to what they are. Those who care about their own looks more will care about the looks of who they date, and in reflective those who are less attractive usually want different things in comparison.

But again, this is only for initial attractions and approaching. Most women who care a lot about looks on initial points and when looking at *strangers* usually put the priority lower after a long time with specific guys. If a guy stops dressing as well over a long amount of time, the girl usually won't care as much, as long as they are still doing their part and being a good boyfriend. Guys are the same way, just not as much for the most part.

So there is a basis, but as a whole, when dealing with relationships it isn't true. I will say it is true when dealing with strangers and when judging only looks, that there is a different scale of standards.

QuoteI posted in the counterpart forum (How to Talk to Boys) a refutation of the flaming done by PyronIkari, if you wish to see it.  Though in brief, his rather acidic remarks do nothing constructive at all.  If you wish to disagree, fanastic!  I'm a neuroscientist, so lively discussions, even disagreements on an issue, can be both enlightening and fun.  Saying that the thoughts, opinions, even fears of others are posturing/lying/BS, is beyond flaming.  It is destructive and disgusting.  I've made plenty of mistakes as a counselor, and my greatest mistake ever was belittling the fears and concerns of the one I was counseling (yeah, I beat myself up for a long time afterwards for that one).  That simply drives the fear deeper, preventing people from facing them and attaching new emotional reactions to a belief they have about themselves, others, life, or the world.  Only when they really emotionally believe that they can be "social" or "desirable", then they can have constructive relationships.  And yes, I'm speaking from both my own personal experience, and the experiences of many others.
Disagreement is not flaming. Flaming is baseless and done to be offensive and to make the other person angry. I disagree and provided adequate reasoning as to why I disagree. Opinions and thoughts can be wrong based on situation and reasoning. Also in dealing with the audience things don't apply when they would apply else where. The audience of this panel are not the well mannered people with bad luck and a slight confidence problem. Most of them have built mentalities of what they are and what they should be, and how women should appreciate them. They're "nice guys". Most of which at a higher degree than your average guy outside of this. It comes with culture. Most anime fans in general are social outcasts and that's why they hold onto to their hobby with such pride(or lack of compared to people that actually do follow the hobby). The line about your greatest mistake as a counselor... I will challenge. Different people need to be counseled in different ways, and some people NEED to be challenged to grow. When the entire world tells you that it's okay to be a specific way because they're scared they might offend the person, the person can and will accept it as the truth according to the person. This is a totally different situation than a serious problem about self-acceptance and self-esteem, as these people aren't lacking self-esteem, rather they don't want to accept the outside world and expect the outside world to accept and revolve around them.

This is a grand statement to make and I know that. But for the most part, when you've observed this culture for nearly 20 years, and you've seen all kinds... The main point is to make them understand "There are ways people work, and you do not define them, you can only control your own actions and thoughts". The basis of telling someone that "if you act this way, girls will talk to you and accept you" is exactly what I said in the other post. A bypass. And most importantly it is "AN ACT". It is not an understanding of social action nor is it an understanding of how actions work. You are right that when THEY believe and desire to be something, that is when things will change, but that isn't what happens. For someone to listen and get this, it takes actual listening and it takes intimate thought and conversation to help them understand this.

I've been in a small handful of relationships, and all of them, were good. I am friends with all of my ex's or at the very least we are still on good terms. I've been there for countless friends in dealing with relationships and my older friends come to me to talk to me about these things(I'm 24).

QuoteSure, looks matter.  ...and at the same time, they really don't.  PyronIkari is right that some men play the pity game to get a girl.  ...yet most do not do that.  Show some respect for Jane's opinion, and her attempt to actually help those who want it.  If you still disagree with what she's doing, boycott the event.  No one will force you to learn.
You're missing the point entirely and trying so hard to defend someone I'm not even attacking. Looks do matter at which stage, at which point, and in what reference, and they don't at which point, which stage, and in what reference. Most do not play the pity game? Bull... you don't now anime fans. A genre where pity, and pathetic actions are rewarded and constantly praised. Where shows are dedicated to losers and pathetic men are praised and rewarded in fantasy settings. Is there a wonder why a lot of losers like anime? It constantly instills to them that, being a loser is okay, and they don't need to become more. This panel doesn't change that, this panel merely says "ACT like this". It has nothing to do with changing and growing, nor understanding. Which in the long run will benefit most of these guys, because they'll get the short-term attention they want, but chances are they won't be able to hold a relationship as what they are is an act.

They're merely learning another act to become something they aren't, with the idea that they will be rewarded if they act that way. They will not change, they will not learn, they will not better themselves. It will be another tool for them to "use" and assume they deserve attention.


Quote from: PyronIkari on April 01, 2008, 05:39:59 PM
Quote from: JTchinoy on April 01, 2008, 04:12:49 PM
Mikey can you give your opinion on my question?

The reason me asking is because the statement is based on a small article in "Men's health" magazine in which  some polish scientists researched the subject and found a general relation between a woman's build (athletic build vs. broader hips in relation to waist) and how important looks were to them.  So I'm curious if you would refute or support the statement?
I think it's bull for the most. There is a logical stand point in it, that people react according to what they are. Those who care about their own looks more will care about the looks of who they date, and in reflective those who are less attractive usually want different things in comparison.

But again, this is only for initial attractions and approaching. Most women who care a lot about looks on initial points and when looking at *strangers* usually put the priority lower after a long time with specific guys. If a guy stops dressing as well over a long amount of time, the girl usually won't care as much, as long as they are still doing their part and being a good boyfriend. Guys are the same way, just not as much for the most part.

So there is a basis, but as a whole, when dealing with relationships it isn't true. I will say it is true when dealing with strangers and when judging only looks, that there is a different scale of standards.

yeah, it's for initial attraction and suggestion for where guys of given physical appearance levels should look to have better luck with MEETING girls.  It wasn't intended to show what they look for after initial attraction.

Anti-Pocky Movement 201X


Quote from: JTchinoy on April 01, 2008, 05:47:57 PM
yeah, it's for initial attraction and suggestion for where guys of given physical appearance levels should look to have better luck with MEETING girls.  It wasn't intended to show what they look for after initial attraction.

Then it makes perfect sense.


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Um.  Can girls come too?

Cause I'd like to see it :D  I think it's funny[ a cute way, not a mean way] how guys sometimes think of girls~~

But I wouldn't want to intrude or anything D:




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Pyron -

Nothing you have said has refute what I wrote, because never did I state that looks don't matter for FIRST IMPRESSIONS, infact the opposite, I said that's ALL they are good for.

ALSO, I SAID ALL THOSE THINGS WERE "IN *MY* CASE" for the first paragraph. I know what's true for me, and you can't possibly know my lovelife of yore and the men I've found attractive.. I also mentioned that alot of guys I met AT FIRST I didn't think "oh yeah that's my future bf" but they won me over in different ways.

But, either way, girls will sustainably fall for the one they feel comfortable with that has the humor and wit and relation they're looking for, and that it's a girl to girl basis, and that one can't presume an athletic girl or a feminine figured girl is going to be more forgiving. Considering that point ALONE, as it was the topic of the question, what I wrote is truthful and to ENCOURAGE one to be open-minded about the girls as they would like to have themselves judged in an open-minded facet.

In the panel, we go over the approach, hygiene, what turns girls off from the FIRST MEET a thousand times over. I felt that the question really seemed to be self deprecating and that THAT needed to be addressed as well as that no body type can be KNOWN to be more receptive to what's underneath the surface than the other. (though I will say Drop dead gorgeous girls have higher standards in looks TYPICALLY, because they obviously care bout theirs so much and are used to being approached by the broad spectrum of men)

I think your personal-experience filters disallowed you from seeing the good advice I was giving about the topic at hand, NOT ABOUT APPROACHING WOMEN IN GENERAL. That'll be covered in the panel, in full.
But I'm just guessing so, I wouldn't go so far as to call all you say bullshit, because unless you're absolutely crazy nothing you say is outright bullshit. :P

LOOK GUYS, I JUST got this thread to STOP being a flamey bitchfest with nitpicking and silliness, so if you wish to speak to me more on that, I invite you to:  [email protected]

Looks matter, but in the END they don't. No matter what some magazine statistic says, it's actually not going to help your search for a ladyfriend ANY to be focusing on one physical bodytype, that was my ULTIMATE point. That and to not be so self deprecating and to be openminded in hopes you run into those that do the same for you, in the end.


p.s. Simply the fact I AM a girl, that knows enough on the subject to speak on numerous panels at various conventions over the last 5 years should imply that MAYBE I know a LITTLE about what I am talking about?

Me thinks you're the type to jump to refute people often, especially sporting your freshly "unbanned" status.

I'm just saaaayyyiing! ;)

But seriously, I appreciate what you're saying if you weren't trying to crap all over the good advice I was giving.
Let's talk more about it OFF the thread, and let the thread be more about people interested in the panel itself, not just the advice I gave to one random person here.

Though I am the host, I am one of three very opinionated panel hosts, and sometimes we bicker and have slightly different takes on the issues... I would never say I'm always right and everything I said is exactly how it is, WHO COULD SAY THAT?

But I also would never say anyone else is COMPLETELY wrong and bullshit. That's just taking misunderstood or different opinions to an offensive.

Email me! :)


P.P.S. that whole spiel on assuming guys are trying to get pity and this or that. ONE: untrue TWO: jt-chinoy : you trying to get a pity party offa me? ......I didn't think so. 

Definitely some personal hangups on pyrons side that make him see the world and his peer males in such a light. I'm sure there are SOME guys that do this, but like NOT MANY. Girls see right through that crap like 80-90% of the time.

I call bullshit on YOU for that one.



Can we take this off thread? I don't think it's doing anyone any good to sprinkle these bickerings here.


First of all, don't triple post, this is going to end up as bad ju-ju for you later on.
A.K.A. "Mr. Zeon Flag" Laughing Man MK. VI: with Power Ranger Gloves, Mustache and Zeon Flag in hand is 100%


The hell are you talking about I'm getting a pity party off you?

I asked you the same question I asked Mikey AND manwithdoor.  It's an unbiased question that has NO relation to me.  I could care less what works according to that article, but I am looking at people who feel they have a good grasp on the subject whether or not they refute it.  The question is purely to satisfy my own curiosity of whether or not 3 reputable individuals will support or deny a scientist's finds; nothing more and nothing less.  If you think I was trying to get any pity out of you, sorry but you're extremely mislead.

I don't condone using any pity to get girls and I DO believe having confidence in yourself and having a strong sense of self identity is important to your image.

If you think I need your pity or that I'm BSing something about my life (possibly hiding my inner loathing of still being single or what have you), feel free to say so here or message me.  If not, then have a good day and see you at Fanime. :) I hope your panel will help many people but I won't be there to find out as I have my own responsibilities to attend to.

Anti-Pocky Movement 201X


Wow defensive much are you? But I'll address. It belongs in this thread because it's about the panel, and about who is running the panel.

Quote from: Jane_HTGPanel on April 04, 2008, 01:14:56 PM

Nothing you have said has refute what I wrote, because never did I state that looks don't matter for FIRST IMPRESSIONS, infact the opposite, I said that's ALL they are good for.
It's not ALL they are good for. Keeping up decency and appearance is part of keeping up in a relationship. If you state "that's all they're good for" you are telling these guys, dress to impress once, after that, it doesn't matter... and that IS BULL SHIT. Now you are doing EXACTLY what I said and telling guys how to pick up a girl, and then giving BAD ADVICE in how to keep them. You said it, not me.

QuoteALSO, I SAID ALL THOSE THINGS WERE "IN *MY* CASE" for the first paragraph. I know what's true for me, and you can't possibly know my lovelife of yore and the men I've found attractive.. I also mentioned that alot of guys I met AT FIRST I didn't think "oh yeah that's my future bf" but they won me over in different ways.
Sorry, but stating "in my case" doesn't change that you are giving advice to people. By stating "in your case" it doesn't change that they will apply it to other people. If you only meant it to be for you and only for you, there is no point in saying it, because unless you're only giving this panel so guys will hit on you, then why bother. No one thinks "That's my future bf" they think "potential" or "maybe" or "maybe not" or "most definitely not".

QuoteBut, either way, girls will sustainably fall for the one they feel comfortable with that has the humor and wit and relation they're looking for, and that it's a girl to girl basis, and that one can't presume an athletic girl or a feminine figured girl is going to be more forgiving. Considering that point ALONE, as it was the topic of the question, what I wrote is truthful and to ENCOURAGE one to be open-minded about the girls as they would like to have themselves judged in an open-minded facet.
This is A possibility. Note to you, I was on one of your panels and I asked a very important question. "What is my end goal here, am I trying to just hook up with this girl for a one night stand, am I looking for a relationship? Am I just trying to befriend her, or am I trying to just keep my distance but observe and get to know her." A question I never got an answer to.

What if I'm not trying to make a girl fall for me... or more importantly, how do I make a girl fall for me? This was never answered at any of the panels... ever. The basic gist was merely how to approach and how to act in that instance. How to act while getting close to the person, but never really anything real outside of the basic dating aspect. "Things to do and things to not do."

Girls are girls, just like guys are guys. Being open-minded is a given. That's like telling people, don't take everything too seriously... obviously that's a given.

QuoteI think your personal-experience filters disallowed you from seeing the good advice I was giving about the topic at hand, NOT ABOUT APPROACHING WOMEN IN GENERAL. That'll be covered in the panel, in full.
But I'm just guessing so, I wouldn't go so far as to call all you say bullshit, because unless you're absolutely crazy nothing you say is outright bullshit. :P

QuoteLooks matter, but in the END they don't. No matter what some magazine statistic says, it's actually not going to help your search for a ladyfriend ANY to be focusing on one physical bodytype, that was my ULTIMATE point. That and to not be so self deprecating and to be openminded in hopes you run into those that do the same for you, in the end.

Quotep.s. Simply the fact I AM a girl, that knows enough on the subject to speak on numerous panels at various conventions over the last 5 years should imply that MAYBE I know a LITTLE about what I am talking about?
Not that this does or does not apply, but just to point it out. You can no absolutely nothing and still speak on numerous panels at various conventions over the past 5 years. MAYBE you know a little, maybe you don't.   Maybe I know a little too, without speaking at panels. This is hardly a criticism on whether you do or do not, rather, a point that, you saying this and pointing this out means you are getting overly defensive and not proving anything about it.

QuoteMe thinks you're the type to jump to refute people often, especially sporting your freshly "unbanned" status.
Freshly? I refute people that say something that can potentially cause more problems than help, or something that is questionably correct/incorrect. Here, I'll explain it.

What you say *IS* true, in some cases. However, with this particular audience, more often than not, it isn't true. Average guys in normal society yes, it applies, and what you say can help them with their mentallity. But because the subject matter is American anime fans that have no social skills(in general) to begin with, and chances are on the lower end of the spectrum since they are attending such a panel(discluding the ones that are going merely to joke around and laugh) what you said in this thread doesn't help them, and in more ways can hurt their mentallity.

QuoteBut seriously, I appreciate what you're saying if you weren't trying to crap all over the good advice I was giving.
Let's talk more about it OFF the thread, and let the thread be more about people interested in the panel itself, not just the advice I gave to one random person here.
I don't think it's good advice at all. If you still think it is... tell my why instead of just saying you hosted panels for 5 years and "it's your opinion" and you "THINK it does apply" because you "THINK that these people aren't like that". I've stated as to how and why the audience in general isn't the "average" audience and how the hobby is a basic reflection of the kind of people they are, in addition that they are going to the panel in the first place to explain mentalities.

QuoteThough I am the host, I am one of three very opinionated panel hosts, and sometimes we bicker and have slightly different takes on the issues... I would never say I'm always right and everything I said is exactly how it is, WHO COULD SAY THAT?
Absolutely no one, then why are you trying to say it right now to me though? As I stated, your advice applies, but not to this audience.

QuoteBut I also would never say anyone else is COMPLETELY wrong and bullshit. That's just taking misunderstood or different opinions to an offensive.
I already explained myself. But why are you spending so much time speaking about my word choice over what I said. You haven't even TRIED to refute anything I said, nor why what you said applies more than what I said.

QuoteP.P.S. that whole spiel on assuming guys are trying to get pity and this or that. ONE: untrue TWO: jt-chinoy : you trying to get a pity party offa me? ......I didn't think so.
Oh please. It happens all the time. I'll point you in the direction of Mister_E. Look at his posts on this forum, and you can see a good example of it. Take a look at a lot of Jerry's posts as well. PEOPLE LOVE TO PLAY VICTIM. It's extremely common, and it applies to everyone. It's the extreme they take it, and the reasoning as to why they do it that matters though. Again, *know your audience*. More examples? The guys that walk around that hold signs that say "Hug me please!" or "Glomp me!" and have this sad look on their face and go up to girls. The only reason a normal person would do it is out of pity, and these people know this.

QuoteDefinitely some personal hangups on pyrons side that make him see the world and his peer males in such a light. I'm sure there are SOME guys that do this, but like NOT MANY. Girls see right through that crap like 80-90% of the time.
Not personal hangups. It's knowing my audience. Would I say the same thing about peers in school, or peers at the workplace? A different demographic? Absolutely not(well it matters the demographic). Again, you seem to think "guys" are only "guys" and there are no other definitive properties. You can tell a lot about the general populace by their hobbies. Exceptions of course, but in general...


SHUT THE FUCK UP FAGS!! This is why the Internet Drama is invented!



Quote from: Joecool1 on April 05, 2008, 12:36:03 AM
SHUT THE FUCK UP FAGS!! This is why the Internet Drama is invented!

apparently you are already there.
Time And Relative Dimension In Space.