Fanime Artist Alley 08

Started by Evode, November 11, 2007, 09:51:11 PM

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Quote from: Evode on February 16, 2008, 11:33:13 PM
Hello Artists.~
We have good news!
As most of you have already said some e-mails were sent out about soon to be sent confirmation e-mails.
One of our staff members became ill recently and the task is being re-distributed to other staff members currently. We hope to have it sorted out and confirmation e-mails sent out very soon.
More good news, tables will most likely be available for picking in the confirmation e-mail.
So be sure to check your e-mails. <3

and to those that are nearly onto te new year registartion to NOW are going to be delayed until nearly the end of APRIL.... -_-O?????


fanime is definitely beginning to send out confirmation emails to some people that registered for tables. i got mine today confirming that we got a table!! i was so happy!!!! >w<

i turned in my forms around christmas or so, so all you patient artists will get your confirmations soon, i think!!!
Can't wait to see everyone!


begining to cross my fingers!!!


i got my AA confirmation email this morning. they said the seating chart should be emailed out soon as well.

good luck everyone.


Quote from: Chloe on February 15, 2008, 01:16:23 PM
Quote from: tasan84 on February 13, 2008, 11:58:04 PM
Quote from: Chloe on February 08, 2008, 11:45:53 AM
Quote from: Aya Brea X on February 07, 2008, 11:35:37 PM
I got an e-mail a couple of days ago telling me a confirmation will come soon, but not the confirmation itself. ;_;
Has anyone got alot of things done yet?  We may be having to rush things since May is around the corner. D:

I already send my information through priority mail last week, so I'm expecting to receive anything about confirmation. So far, I haven't gotten anything. :( I just hope that I get a table.

As for progress, I'm about halfway done with my bookmarks, planing on working on three more prints, brainstorming on the keychains and button designs. I'm trying to get all artwork done by end of Marc at least til the beginning part of April. Plus, balancing schoolwork along with it. @_@ Debating whether of not I should have the keychains and bookmarks laminated.

I'm just worried about setting up templates for the bookmarks since I'm going to get this printed at: I met of the AA artists from Fanime last year and she said that they're really cheap on prints, bookmarks, etc. ^_^

QuoteYeah, my due date is around your date too...  You need a lot of time to consider the making time of the keychains and stuff.  It's going to be tough, but it looks like we both are managing well. 

Heh heh, well, Lamination always makes things all clean and sleek. D:

Never heard of them.  How much are they charging you?

Well, from what I seen on the website, the quality of paper, size, color is calculated on their self quote calculator. Its on the front page:

They also have free templates to use.  ^^

Still haven't gotten my confirmation yet. ;___;


that looks interesting O_O!...although I already about alot of Sheets just no ink....
I can go recycle but my printer does'nt like using recycle Im stuck with buying new ink...
still its a not bad idea;)!


This is concerning, in that our group had registered for the Artist Alley LAST YEAR during fanime07, but have received no confirmation. However, people who have registered afterwards have started receiving confirmation. What happened to their so-called "first-come first-serve"?
no hope no future; life is just awesome


I sent in paper work and a check before the end of December and still have not gotten anything.  And it looks like my check hasnt even been cashed.  I really want to know is my letter+check even arrived to the right place.  Its really starting to bother me.
06- Ragnarok Huntress / 07- Haruhi Suzumiya
08- Shana / 09 - Luluko
10 - Holo / 11 - Flaaffy
12 - Inga / 13 - Lizbeth


I second Oniko, though I sent mine in around the beginning of February. Still, the check part worries me. :/


e-mail artistalleyATfanimeDOTcom....we'll check for you
Eric Wu
FanimeCon Chairman
FanimeCon Forums Moderator



Quote from: ewu on February 25, 2008, 07:40:41 PM
e-mail artistalleyATfanimeDOTcom....we'll check for you
I'll try again, but I did that in Jan and all they could tell me was things were slow and they couldnt tell me.  But I guess I'll give it another shot.
06- Ragnarok Huntress / 07- Haruhi Suzumiya
08- Shana / 09 - Luluko
10 - Holo / 11 - Flaaffy
12 - Inga / 13 - Lizbeth


things are slow but we tell you what we can and what we know
Eric Wu
FanimeCon Chairman
FanimeCon Forums Moderator



slow -_-!....MAYBE I SHOULD VOLUNTEER AND DO THE JOB FOR YOU! many registrations you think there at???/
by now since I have no job and stuck in class(8am-11am) I Couldve helped you guys speed up the process for this ---!
Im getting very worried already and in response you sent us an email to check a submission we already check. SENDING an email to this forum is  abad customer policy because your just slowing our Complaints by doing your job with less hassle of a work!...

Im very worried right now... its already march RIGHT NOW and april will be a huge Deadline work for you guys to look through ALL THE DAmn papers -_!..

btw i already paid BOTH (registration and table) and DID NOT RECIEVE ANY EMAIL INFORMATION during the past 5 weeks)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YES, Im begining to feel Angry! and Frustrated!....



Quote from: Oniko on February 27, 2008, 07:51:58 AM
Quote from: ewu on February 25, 2008, 07:40:41 PM
e-mail artistalleyATfanimeDOTcom....we'll check for you
I'll try again, but I did that in Jan and all they could tell me was things were slow and they couldnt tell me.  But I guess I'll give it another shot.

I got a response that they are still doing it and already finished assigning 10 people for their tables!!!
whats going on ?


Does anyone even know if there are/will be tables left at this point? I'm still working on my seller's permit (it's taking longer, as it's with two other people and one of them is from Canada), and wanted to see if we should even bother finishing the process. Please tell me that they won't cash checks for table applications that don't get spots!


check my email and I finally got an answer.
I have a table fully paid and a letter -should- have been sent to me a month ago.
Anyways, they said I will be getting a table list or whatever soon.
yay happy everything worked out.
06- Ragnarok Huntress / 07- Haruhi Suzumiya
08- Shana / 09 - Luluko
10 - Holo / 11 - Flaaffy
12 - Inga / 13 - Lizbeth


heres a response I got from them asking about if they receive it


We have no record of any e-mail regarding badge pickup but near con you will receive an e-mail with an electronic post card. You will bring this postcard and a valid form of government issued ID to pick up your badge.

We cannot give you any more information regarding your Artist Alley registration as we are waiting on our next submission of data and that comes from our finance department. We have continued to lean on them to no avail. But, as of now we have not received anything from you. It may be sitting in our office waiting to be collected, but we do not have access to that. Please be patient and we will get back to you as soon as we have more information.

Thank You
Fanime Fan Services
Eric Wu


They are so disorganized, I send them an e-mail concerning about my table and here's what I got:

Sorry for the wait it'll be a little while longer till our latest registrees list gets out of finance, turnaround on that is usually about 3-4 week (slackers).  But we will be sending out another mass email soon to notify you of your registration. Also if you know the check number that you sent in as payment, you can see if it has cleared with your bank, that means you are marked as paid and registered and are good to show up at fanime.

I contacted Western Union number on the money order receipt (I'm a San Jose State student and got my money order there) and the money order has not be cashed. >_<

I'm starting to get a little upset at how everything is. >_<


I would be interested to know as to whom has received the seating chart, and if the 10 aforementioned tables are the official artists for Fanime. if that is the case, it would make sense that they have tables set-up for them first.

However, the answer seems to have still been danced around/or ignored as to individuals that purchased their tables AT CONVENTION last year in regards to when we will be receiving the seat list and it seems no confirmation (I can not remember if they said we would be, or if our receipt of payment is sort of our confirmation). I would be extremely disappointed if the papers are buried below others that have recently registered after the convention and that promise of receiving the seating chart first was not kept...
Really, it seems like we are just as much in the dark as the people still waiting to know if they are accepted.

A bit more light of an update would be really appreciated, coordinators, as to the ETA and the progress made for Artist Alley other than 'soon' or 'ASAP'. Since nothing has been posted here, the LJ account or the Myspace account.
Clicky my Art Pwease?


Yeah, they should NEVER used the word ASAP because if its the word As soon as possible means its supposed to be dealt with less than a weeks time!......
I really want to know who the Hell is incharge and why he/she is not doing a good job!...

Anyway Im hoping they got my money Order and cashed it in and REGISTERED me on the table seating along with everyone else~....