Fanime Artist Alley 08

Started by Evode, November 11, 2007, 09:51:11 PM

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Quote from: Aya Brea X on May 01, 2008, 06:37:39 PM
Not sure if this will help, but I registered in December when the mail in reg was announced and ALL the bottom half (aka "front") tables were already taken, presumably by people who registered at last year's convention.  So even if your e-mail didn't bounce you probably still wouldn't have gotten a front table.  *pat pat*

Im going to make sure i do get a front hopefully i can register at the front! but after hearing "CHOOSE" your own table location, that really offended me!!!!! as opposed to  Registration date in order!. but sitting in the back area is a horrible horrible area to be located because I KNOW alot of people is willing to look inside, walk a few spaces and then walk back out.

Also i really really don't like sitting near the autograph session!. this brings a huge huge downside. MAYBE it will help once people come out from the auto session and look around in the artist alley which have the back session the priority instead of the front!, but those who sit in the front will be considered lucky since traffic is nearly huge (meaning they get more customers) I should be happy for them but sitting in the back is a huge huge insult. Never the type of person who likes to sit alllllll the way to the end!!!!!!!!!.....

Aside from this im soooooo going to buy some food and maybe either s377 them or share them! with or without thier permission!


(Dunno if this is the right topic to post in, but...)
I have a table, but none of the people i'm going with are artists. D: Anyone want some last-minute table space? There'll be plenty, since i'm only selling print-like things. Free candy! And obviously we can watch each other's stuff if one of us needs to go to an event... or if they just need to "go". ^^
my art
Email me!
Find me in Artist's Alley 2011!
deviantart gallery


I know alot of people are willing to stop by and would like to be with yourassistance but then again you better watch out for the people incharge..hopefully they wont know. Reason i brought this up because i was'nt so sure if bringing a guest will qualify for..yua know what.....i hope someone stops by at your table because i doubt they would double check the listings on each sellers they do is check and give you a table and thats it..if you get caught, tell them they are helping out with business!

Im going to offer some free stuff too, since i know alot of broke people cannot afford things but then kinda worried that people will stop by and just grab candy and not look or be interested on the artwork!..its not a bad thing its just i hate greedy people!!!!!!!!!!!!

***  My sister is going to offer some [pocky] THAT IS IF THE GOOD FLAVORS COME BACK T_T! i want mango and honey milk pokcy T_T!!!!!!! this old pokcy is starting to piss me off T_T!!!!!!!!!

aside from this, anyone having a problem with the artist alley!?????????


I am not having any problems with Artist Alley...

Just haven't printed any business cards. D: Bah.. so don't want to go through Kinkos because seriously... They eff your stuff up.
Clicky my Art Pwease?

Aya Brea X

Quote from: ip136 on May 02, 2008, 10:21:15 AM
I am not having any problems with Artist Alley...

Just haven't printed any business cards. D: Bah.. so don't want to go through Kinkos because seriously... They eff your stuff up.

I KNEW that was something I forgot!  ARUGH  Gotta go make some.


Hello there fanime artists I have a big important question that I hope you can help me out with. Right now I'm helping two of my friends set up their table for fanime, its their first time so I'm making sure that they have all their bases covered. Now I ask all you experienced artist ally veterans for help.

Do you/how do you factor in tax while selling your work?

According to the stipulations of a California seller's permit an artist has to character 8.5% in tax for every transaction however throughout all the years I've been buying artwork I've never seen people actually follow this rule.


Quote from: sunrise-oasis on May 01, 2008, 07:27:21 PM
Quote from: Aya Brea X on May 01, 2008, 06:37:39 PM
Not sure if this will help, but I registered in December when the mail in reg was announced and ALL the bottom half (aka "front") tables were already taken, presumably by people who registered at last year's convention.  So even if your e-mail didn't bounce you probably still wouldn't have gotten a front table.  *pat pat*

Im going to make sure i do get a front hopefully i can register at the front! but after hearing "CHOOSE" your own table location, that really offended me!!!!! as opposed to  Registration date in order!. but sitting in the back area is a horrible horrible area to be located because I KNOW alot of people is willing to look inside, walk a few spaces and then walk back out.

Also i really really don't like sitting near the autograph session!. this brings a huge huge downside. MAYBE it will help once people come out from the auto session and look around in the artist alley which have the back session the priority instead of the front!, but those who sit in the front will be considered lucky since traffic is nearly huge (meaning they get more customers) I should be happy for them but sitting in the back is a huge huge insult. Never the type of person who likes to sit alllllll the way to the end!!!!!!!!!.....

Aside from this im soooooo going to buy some food and maybe either s377 them or share them! with or without thier permission!

insted of complanin maby u should feel happy that your not on the wait list we have and just be happy to have a table


Quote from: G-Force on May 03, 2008, 05:12:01 AM
Hello there fanime artists I have a big important question that I hope you can help me out with. Right now I'm helping two of my friends set up their table for fanime, its their first time so I'm making sure that they have all their bases covered. Now I ask all you experienced artist ally veterans for help.

Do you/how do you factor in tax while selling your work?

According to the stipulations of a California seller's permit an artist has to character 8.5% in tax for every transaction however throughout all the years I've been buying artwork I've never seen people actually follow this rule.

the way we used to factor tax in was to price everything in groups
so if you want your prints to be 10$ then you make a group of prints and figure out the tax on one and round up to cover the tax making a print like 12$
that way if you wanna have a deal like 2 for 20$ then you have alittle cushion

just as a not to all arists
not reporting your taxes form this con is concidered tax evasion and is a fedral crime
please dont let this happen to you ^__^

and please if anybody needs us were at
fanimearitstsalley (at) gmail (dot) com
please please contact us thats what were hear for ^^
thanks from your friendly aa head
~ Stacy

Aya Brea X

Quote from: imoto on May 03, 2008, 10:29:18 AM
Quote from: G-Force on May 03, 2008, 05:12:01 AM
Hello there fanime artists I have a big important question that I hope you can help me out with. Right now I'm helping two of my friends set up their table for fanime, its their first time so I'm making sure that they have all their bases covered. Now I ask all you experienced artist ally veterans for help.

Do you/how do you factor in tax while selling your work?

According to the stipulations of a California seller's permit an artist has to character 8.5% in tax for every transaction however throughout all the years I've been buying artwork I've never seen people actually follow this rule.

the way we used to factor tax in was to price everything in groups
so if you want your prints to be 10$ then you make a group of prints and figure out the tax on one and round up to cover the tax making a print like 12$
that way if you wanna have a deal like 2 for 20$ then you have alittle cushion

just as a not to all arists
not reporting your taxes form this con is concidered tax evasion and is a fedral crime
please dont let this happen to you ^__^

and please if anybody needs us were at
fanimearitstsalley (at) gmail (dot) com
please please contact us thats what were hear for ^^
thanks from your friendly aa head
~ Stacy

It's actually not a Federal crime to not file a Sales and Use tax since the rules and regulations for this tax is under the State Government.  If you do not file taxes you are guilty of a misdomeanor under the Revenue and Taxation Code (State law).  Your permit would be revoked, you could pay up to $5000 in fines PLUS what you owe and get locked up for a year. 

If you evade Federal income tax that's another thing since that's a different tax.  Though remember, if you earn enough money from AA during the tax year you are ALSO responsible to file both a Federal and State *Income* tax!  No one will remind you, and in all reality no one will probably realize there's a problem for now, but by submitting a state sales tax form, you've created a paper trail documenting your income and for "them" to come after you if you should ever slip up... so look into income tax if you're earning money! 

Even if you don't make a single sale you still have to file a "0" on your Sales and Use Tax Return form.  If you don't, good luck trying to get a permit next year since this will be the FIRST thing they ask you about when you try to request one.

The going local tax rate a the San Jose Convention Center is 8.25%  To avoid making yourself go crazy trying to make change, set a flat price for everything you will sell.  There are several different ways to bookkeep how to do your sales tax, I'll give you the example of how I do it.  You'll have to do some math crunching no matter what method you select in order to get whole dollars prices when you do the sales transaction.

Okay, so now I've set tentative flat prices, now I have to figure out if I want to raise the amount to include sales tax in it or to just absorb it.

Let's say I have a $2.00 button.  With Tax it is $2.17.  Rounding it up to 3 dollars will effectively price out a lot of people for a mere button.  So we'll leave it at $2.00.  What's going to happen now to every button I sell is that $2.00 will be the price that INCLUDES sales tax.  So a cut of the $2.00 is actually sales tax.  In equation form this is

$2.00 = x(1.0825)  Where x is the unit price I get to pocket, 1.0825 is the factor I multiply by to calculate the total sales dollar which includes the sales tax of .0825. 

so x = 1.85 is the unit price I get to keep when I make the sale.  The other 15 cents I will have to pay to the state when I file my sales and use form.  Obviously I'm not going to mark the buttons for 1.85 since that will just confuse everyone.  I will mark them for $2.00.  (Notice since I'm using $1.85 as the pre-tax price the tax is no longer 17 cents like if I had the base price at 2 dollars.)  In this case, I've chosen to absorb the sales tax and lower my profit on the button.

If I have a $10.00 print, with tax that would make it 10.825.  So the tax is nearly a dollar.  I decide to round the price of the print up to $11.00.  So if 11 dollars is the price including tax, to figure out the pre-tax price I use the equation again

$11.00 = y(1.0825) where y is the pre-tax price for the print.  I get

y=10.16.  So I actually pocket 10.16 per print, and pay 84 cents per print as sales tax.  I'd mark the item as $11.00 and everyone is happy.  In this case I've raised my price to include sales tax and a factor of 16 cents to get a round dollar transaction amount.

I repeat this with every item until I have a price list.  I make the sales... and then when I count up the receipts.  Say I made the following sales

50 buttons @ 2.00 each
20 prints @ 11.00 each

that would be $320 in sales.  According to how I set the prices, $320 is sales plus taxes, so to figure out how much I owe  I would use the same equation

$320=z(1.0825) where z is total pre-tax sales.  So I would get

z = 295.61

and I owe 320 - 295.61 = 24.39 in taxes 

You actually have to round to the nearest dollar in every line item appearing on the sales and use tax form, but you should NOT round your taxes in these calcualtions or every sale to the nearest dollar, just to the nearest cent, or you will be charging all sorts of crazy tax rates against your customer. 

When you fill out the tax form, according to the above hypothetical sales and that you did not have any purchases subject to use tax, sales to other retailers for resale, sale of non taxable foods, labor, to the US government or interstate or foreign commerce (and really you shouldn't at an AA), you would put down for line 1 $320, for line 9 you would put $24 (rounding down since 39 cents is less than 50 cents). 

line 12 is 296, multiplying by .8250 per instructions, line 13 is (still rounding to nearest dollar) 24.  In this case you probably did not make any tax prepayments (unless you have a permanent sale permit, you probably didn't get a chance to pre-pay), you still owe $24 (assuming no penalties and interest, remember to file on time!)  You write a check for 24 dollars or call in with your credit card, and all is well. 


Hello Fanime Artists!

Thank you for your interest in making the artist alley this year the best it's ever been!  We filled up pretty quickly and are now full with a waitlist!

This year we are doing things a bit differently to give other people a chance to have a table.  For those of you that have already registered we will be opening up registration from 12 to 6 on Friday the 23rd of May.  This will be the registration for your table for the entire convention.

Please Note!!!!!: If you cannot make this registration date/timeplease email the Artist Alley Staff ([email protected]) and tell them you will not be able to make the registration hours on Friday.  This is crucial because there are no refunds for tables that are paid for and given away to those that are waitlisted

For those of you that are on the waiting list, we will be opening registration on  Friday after 6pm.
If you  have paid for a table and do not get one refund checks will be issued once the convention has closed.


I second how to handle the sales tax that Aya Brea X mentioned.

I normally just round to the nearest quarter, or flat dollar in some cases. As long as you keep a record of your sales, it will be easy to figure it all out. As a money management thing, at the end of each day, I figure out how much the sales tax I owe was that day and completely set that money aside. :x It's very helpful for when your taxes ARE due, that you set the money aside and didn't accidentally spend it on you.. well.. you know . . pocky... or in my case Tomato Pretz... *cough*

Opening Time on Friday?
So.. the Artist Alley will really be opening at 1pm on Friday? I mean.. the website says 12pm on Friday, but if registration for your table opens then.. there will be a huge conflict.
Or are people who got a table OK, go in earlier to set-up and that is just for people on the waitlist?
I don't know about anyone else, but it would be impossible for me to set-up in less than a minute. :x

Also.. someone should probably inform the Web Admin, that they lost their stylesheet on the Fanime AA page with the last announcement...
Clicky my Art Pwease?


Alright, I should'nt be flaming or complaining alot but I AM NOT!.its just soo hard and have the most horrible luck!!!! I really do wanted to be away from the back row due to conflicts i had with the past! (arguements, fights, and bullied around) I really don't want this to happen on everyday life I GO TO!.....

still, The tax explanation does help so that means I may need to higher it then!...

anyway since may is already here herse the last email i got from "STACY" )please note, I AM not angry or upset about her, its just luck was'nt very forgiving to me!!!and i have a feeling that this would be the first AND HOPEFULLY last time to have problems like this!:::


::::::::::::::::::final word from stacy!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Hay guys
We will not be doing e-mail updates for the rest of the month
(( but if u e-mail us we will still respond))
please keep your eyes on the events page at
as well as our Lj and MySpace communitys (( all will have the same info))  to make shure you know everything that will be going on

theres new stuff up now
go check ^^
thanks from all of us at AA


Will anyone have any Hellsing artwork at the artist alley?


Quote from: ip136 on May 04, 2008, 09:55:20 AM
I second how to handle the sales tax that Aya Brea X mentioned.

I normally just round to the nearest quarter, or flat dollar in some cases. As long as you keep a record of your sales, it will be easy to figure it all out. As a money management thing, at the end of each day, I figure out how much the sales tax I owe was that day and completely set that money aside. :x It's very helpful for when your taxes ARE due, that you set the money aside and didn't accidentally spend it on you.. well.. you know . . pocky... or in my case Tomato Pretz... *cough*

Opening Time on Friday?
So.. the Artist Alley will really be opening at 1pm on Friday? I mean.. the website says 12pm on Friday, but if registration for your table opens then.. there will be a huge conflict.
Or are people who got a table OK, go in earlier to set-up and that is just for people on the waitlist?
I don't know about anyone else, but it would be impossible for me to set-up in less than a minute. :x

Also.. someone should probably inform the Web Admin, that they lost their stylesheet on the Fanime AA page with the last announcement...

eeps it did mess with the style
so noted and sent to web for help >.<

and where dose it say we open to teh public at 12?
i can amend thins still but send me a link at [email protected]
thanks a bunch


When do we find out who's sitting where?
Are you going to post the seating chart so we know in advance? (Since I never got it I want to know how far away I'm going to be from my friends =( )


I see that you could register at 12 on Friday, however, I was curious....could you set-up earlier than that, say 9 or 10 o'clock?  Or do you have to wait until you register? 

Thanks in advance :)   


Quote from: Cole on May 04, 2008, 10:31:57 PM
When do we find out who's sitting where?
Are you going to post the seating chart so we know in advance? (Since I never got it I want to know how far away I'm going to be from my friends =( )

please e-mail us at
fanimeartistsalley2008 (at) gmail (dot) com

seating is closed and we will not be posting where your sitting
we will be telling you when you come to register


Quote from: naruto_ramen_1 on May 05, 2008, 05:54:31 AM
I see that you could register at 12 on Friday, however, I was curious....could you set-up earlier than that, say 9 or 10 o'clock?  Or do you have to wait until you register? 

Thanks in advance :)   

you have to come register (( or check in)) with us first
we will not be opening the doors for this till 12


Quote from: sunrise-oasis on May 04, 2008, 11:18:39 AM
Alright, I should'nt be flaming or complaining alot but I AM NOT!.its just soo hard and have the most horrible luck!!!! I really do wanted to be away from the back row due to conflicts i had with the past! (arguements, fights, and bullied around) I really don't want this to happen on everyday life I GO TO!.....

still, The tax explanation does help so that means I may need to higher it then!...

anyway since may is already here herse the last email i got from "STACY" )please note, I AM not angry or upset about her, its just luck was'nt very forgiving to me!!!and i have a feeling that this would be the first AND HOPEFULLY last time to have problems like this!:::


::::::::::::::::::final word from stacy!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Hay guys
We will not be doing e-mail updates for the rest of the month
(( but if u e-mail us we will still respond))
please keep your eyes on the events page at
as well as our Lj and MySpace communitys (( all will have the same info))  to make shure you know everything that will be going on

theres new stuff up now
go check ^^
thanks from all of us at AA
I really dont undserstand your post.  You say you shouldnt be complaing but your not?  Its like you just admitted to complaining then turned right around and said your not.  Anyways as for fights or bullying shouldn't you have gone to the staff about that?  Its not their fault if other artist act out, but I'm sure if they knew they would confront them in some way.  I dont see how being in the back gives you a higher chance at being bullied than in the front anyways.  I'm in the back as well and dont really mind, I'm just happy I got a table becuase I could have gotten nothing, so I'm thankful.  I'm sorry if this sounds rude and uncaring, but you talk about bad luck and unforgiving things, that sucks I agree, but I dont think that means you get special treatment over anyone else. Not everyone can be in the front, but then again not everyone is getting a table this year.  Just be happy you have one out of the two.

It says on the artist alley events page on the website that the artist alley opens at noon.  That means you'll be having registration going on at the same time you have convention goers coming in, not sure how that'll work.  I agree that you should open it up to registered artist earlier so its ready to go when customers come in.  Also I thought the seating chart was a good way to go.  Then people could come in when they are ready, check in and go straight to their table.  By doing it this way as a first come first serve wont there be a huge line?  And some people may be just arriving on Friday and not getting their till late.  I'll be coming on the 22nd so I dont really mind but I was just thinking about all those people coming by plane, then waiting in line for a badge.
06- Ragnarok Huntress / 07- Haruhi Suzumiya
08- Shana / 09 - Luluko
10 - Holo / 11 - Flaaffy
12 - Inga / 13 - Lizbeth

Aya Brea X

I don't think the back seats would be so bad, considering we're expecting a full AA this year.  The biggest reason they were bad in years past is you're most likely in a row of mostly empty tables and people didn't stop by as much since the row is half empty.  Potential customers who only walk in the door and look really quick probably won't be spending money at AA anyway.  Real AA customers will at least browse the "busy" part of the hall, which doesn't necessarily exclude the back if the tables are full and people are beating down the door on the wait list.

I'm sort of worried about the late Friday start, but oh well, we can only do our best with what time we're given.