Quick Question

Started by TaikoMoon, February 28, 2008, 04:02:25 AM

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Hey there folks. Sorry if this is in the wrong topic I just had a quick few questions.

First off I was mostly interested in translating for the Japanese persons that will be visiting us at Fanime. Although I am not too certain if I can do it this year (I am currently an RA in another state... Hawaii... and won't be released from my working cage until the 22 of May) this is something I would like to know for now- if not for future reference.

I guess to save time and trouble I will list off the questions. Again I apologize if this is in the wrong area.

~Where would translators fall under in the staff/volunteer applications?
~ If this is something I would like to do but cannot commit to the full weekend, how would that work if at all possible. Could partial time work? Or perhaps some sort of welcoming committee? Make the guests feel more comfortable?
~ I noticed at "meet the guests" sometimes the bands like to divide themselves at the tables (which I think is very nice and personal of the bands to do- this should be encouraged! ><) however notice that there aren't enough translators to go around or sometimes there are language barriers. Is there anyway to at least help out with this?
~ Can I translate even if its just a small portion? Such as in the example above?
~ What are the qualifications or tests that I have to under go?
~ Who do I talk to?
~ Is there no hope? (No need to answer this lol)
~ Is fanime ever short of translators or are they always over 'stocked'? I think over booked/staffed was the better word.

Um... thats all the questions I could think of now. So if it could be answered that would be fantastic.

Just as a side note, if you are practicing Japanese or taking a Japanese class please do not PM me about it. I don't mean to sound rude or anything but I would rather not receive random PMs with silly things that do not pertain the the topic I am inquiring about. (Holy fart... big words were used).

Thanks again folks. And again... sorry if this has all been answered somewhere or if it is posted in the wrong area.
"Friendly fire isn't"
'08 cosplay(s) All still debatable:
Chibi Maya/tenjho tenge
Ibuki/Street Fighter


I think this would better be answered by e-mail. I think you have/should e-mail Human Resources. :3 If not them, they can point you in the right direction. :3

"...and if you have friends
who can translate or speak Japanese, recruit them
for staff, for security, etc.
... if you know someone who can translate,
info desk, registration, ConOps, Safety, etc. would
love to have people who can speak Japanese as well
on staff."
That's directly from the staff meeting notes. :3 So just let the heads know that you know Japanese for whichever department you pick.
Ellie S.
Head of Registration
FanimeCon - "By Fans, For Fans"
FanmeCon: Twitter | Facebook


~Where would translators fall under in the staff/volunteer applications?

They would be staff. You'd have to talk to the specific department you'd wanting to be translating for and they would bring you on as their staff. But remember just because it's a "staff" position, it isn't a paying job. No one in Fanime gets paid; staff nor volunteers.

~ If this is something I would like to do but cannot commit to the full weekend, how would that work if at all possible. Could partial time work? Or perhaps some sort of welcoming committee? Make the guests feel more comfortable?

To be considered staff, you only need to put a certain number of hours in to get your badge and discounted hotel room. Most/ if not all lower division staffers don't work the entire weekend. You'd only be working when you could.

~ I noticed at "meet the guests" sometimes the bands like to divide themselves at the tables (which I think is very nice and personal of the bands to do- this should be encouraged! ><) however notice that there aren't enough translators to go around or sometimes there are language barriers. Is there anyway to at least help out with this?

Most of the bands or guests bring their own translators with them. Others do not. Sometimes they don't tell us these things. This year, we are looking for more translators for the entire Con because of the increase of Japanese Con Going-ers this year so I think that they'll fill out the areas they are needed.

~ Can I translate even if its just a small portion? Such as in the example above?

You'll go under a certain department, such as registration to help with registering only Japanese speaking con goers, or MusicFest translating for the guests or instructions to the only Japanese speaking con goers, or Safety/Rovers who will need translators to deal with incidents involving only Japanese speaking con goers. Etc. You get the point. Any other sections of the con you want to work for probably need translators.

~ What are the qualifications or tests that I have to under go?

Depends on the department. Some might make you speak to someone they know speaks Japanese to see how well you do, others might just take your word on it.

~ Who do I talk to?

Again, depends on which department you want to work for - Choose your department, then go to the Contact page on the website to find the email you should try.

~ Is there no hope? (No need to answer this lol)

No hope for what..?

~ Is fanime ever short of translators or are they always over 'stocked'? I think over booked/staffed was the better word.

This year we are looking for a large number more of translators. Since our new music fest acquisition, Japanese Fans are flying over from Japan to come to fanime. We'll need translators in almost every department. So yes, we're looking!


Alright thanks for the info. Sorry if it got redundant there.

As for the hope question it was a joke gone horribly wrong. I think I meant am I a hopeless case? Or something.

Given my current location (Hawaii) I wouldn't be able to make any of the staff meetings until the 22 of may in the late evening or night. Also I couldn't find the required hours and when I looked up the dept. heads e-mails I got a 404. I guess I will wait until IT gets it all up and running.
"Friendly fire isn't"
'08 cosplay(s) All still debatable:
Chibi Maya/tenjho tenge
Ibuki/Street Fighter


TaikoMoon- Depending on your staff head and which department you work under, as long as you talk to them beforehand and they know you won't be available until then, it should be fine. :3

Yay, I think it would be great if you could do Registration. :3 I'd love to see how foreign guests would be handled/registered. ^^
Ellie S.
Head of Registration
FanimeCon - "By Fans, For Fans"
FanmeCon: Twitter | Facebook


Reg. in Japanese should be fairly easy. Speaking wise that is. I think. lol I am more a conversationalist than anything. If I decide to do Reg I can teach you. Its fairly easy- I would think. Than again you never know lol

I tried again and the e-mail head thing was still down. I think the interweb is out to et me

-shakes fist angrly at the internets-

Still couldn't pull up anything on the site about how many hours are required and what not. Hopefully that can all be hammered out sooner rather than later. I need to make a decision about actually doing staff and what not. ~_~
"Friendly fire isn't"
'08 cosplay(s) All still debatable:
Chibi Maya/tenjho tenge
Ibuki/Street Fighter


Staff are required to do 24 hours of work at the convention. That was the policy last year and I haven't heard if there were any changes, so it's pretty safe to assume the same requirement.

Chair Radio '15
Fan Services Division メンバーサービス共同本部長
   Member '15
   Director '10-'13
   Assistant Director '08-'09
Registration Staff '05-'07
