What is your anime pet peeve?

Started by shy-cosplayer, April 09, 2008, 05:44:36 PM

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People who pretend that they're whatever character from an Anime.
There's this guy that comes into the bookstore where I work at every so often - the first time was the evening of the final day of ACen up in Chicago, so I asked him if he cosplayed L there, since that's the sort of clothing he was wearing. Then he told me he WAS, indeed, L... and his girlfriend lightly took his hand and told him "let's go, Ryuuzaki" shortly afterwards. Erm, wtf? I see them in the store every so often even now, and he's always dressed the same way. Granted, at least he bathes and such, since he doesn't reek of any unwashed clothing or anything when he passes me down the eisle...

--I also don't like it when people say random Japanese in their sentences, when they don't even know what they're saying to begin with.
There are some people that I've heard saying "kowai" when they obviously mean "kawaii"... seriously, if you don't even know the difference between kowai and kawaii, look it up. Japanese is one of the easiest languages to spell in romanization, and it only costs a few bucks to get a dictionary. I don't mind when people use some words to help them memorize if they're learning the language, though. My best friend and I do that all the time with each other, but we'd never do it in front of people at random - just people that know what the words are and can help us out. It's easier to memorize that way, definitely. But when people only know two or three words and obviously haven't tried to learn more - that's when it gets annoying.


On the same, yet opposite hand; I hate it when people get REALLY elitist over Japense spelling/pronunciation..

Last night I got to hear a rant a bout " some stupid little bitch who whenever she writes about Bleach spells the word  'Taishou' OMG!! isn't she STUPID! and besides that's the a different term which is the generic term for leader/ commander!"

I could be wrong, I don't claim fluency, but I'm pretty sure that " Taichou" is the generic term for leader.
It does not specifically mean 'captain'. I believe captain is  Teishu' ( I don't even know if i spelled it, and I don't care)

I told her this and said that maybe the girl got them mixed up. She just kept rambling about how she was wrong and stupid ec.

Basically, she had no clue was talking about but had to bitch about this girl because she doesn't like her.


Eh, I get annoyed at both people who are extremely elitist and flawed in terms of the Japanese language, ESPECIALLY if they don't speak enough to carry on an actual conversation. Most of the time when I encounter people who are elitist about the language can't actually speak much at all, outside of a few terms they'd learn from anime. They'll try to say sentences that deviate from the basic/normal language and be praised by the people around them (who cannot understand, thus defeating the actually point of speaking a language) until someone fluent comes along, where they shut up.

Not knowing a language doesn't make you stupid, but if you attempt at speaking it, at least study enough to get whatever you're saying right. Mispronunciations may or may not create completely different words and intentions, and because Japanese is phonetic and relatively easy to pronounce, you should be able to say words correctly after a few minutes of practice. I understand that it's harder for people with Western upbringings, but that's just pronunciation-- not mixing up letters and creating gibberish.

I don't speak fluently, but my comprehension and what I DO know how to say is at least pronounced and used in a fashion where it sounds relatively native. I never claim to be fluent, but I do have experience helping people out when they know less, whether it be for the greetings at Maid Cafe training or people doing Japanese homework. Not knowing Japanese while you're watching anime doesn't make you stupid-- making assumptions like you being ABLE to learn Japanese through anime is stupid.

Email me at [email protected] if you want to be a maid! Sign ups close in March! Hurry!


Weeaboos in general. Everything that comes with it. Attention whores, and wannabe fans that care more about the "status" than the content.

Some things to bring up though. Anime is for kids. It's written for at best, young adults. Adults can get enjoyment out of it, but it doesn't change that it's written for for non-adults.

Then someone will bring up ero-anime and stuff. Okay, you're right, they do make pornography in cartoon form. The issue with this is that, it's a fetish though. It's not meant to be for the general public, and is targeted towards a specific group.

So when someone says "anime is for kids"... they are quite correct. Why are you getting offended that you like something written for kids/teens? I can say... I like cartoons, and be fully confident in that. I can say I like watching Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. Which is undeniably a kids show. I can say I enjoy watching kids show. What problem is there with that? What the hell are you trying to prove to other people to where you can't state that "Yeah, they generally are, but I find enjoyment out of it because the stories are good".

If you can't say you're a fan of something because someone questions it, then you're not really a fan are you? Face it... anime is for kids. It's written for kids, it's aimed towards kids, and it gears towards them. They have a lot of content that older fans can enjoy, and many do, but in the end it's still aimed towards kids.

As for the taichou thing. Realistically it is un-translatable but I just asked my friend to go into detail about it and we came up with the same thing.

Taichou isn't really "leader" as that would assume that he is the head person of everything. It's used in circles/groups as individuals. Captain, not the military rank, but the normal usage of the word is probably closest to what you can compare "taichou" with. It's the leader of the group, but not necessarilly the head person. Like in Keroro Gunso for example. Keroro is the Taichou of that squad, but he still is only a sergeant, who has a lot of superiors. So his squad calls him Taichou, but others wouldn't. On sports teams, the team captain is the team's taichou, but he still is under the coach for example. So it's not really "leader" but "captain".

As for "attention". Chewie: Cosplayers are going to get asked to take their picture. Yes you're right. But cosplayers can say no. Not all cosplayers LIKE getting their picture taken. That's not even the whole point/idea of cosplay. So if someone doesn't like getting their picture taken, instead of cosplaying and saying they prefer not to get there picture taken, they should, just not cosplay? They should be forced to not do something, because they don't want their picture taken?

Sorry, that doesn't make sense, especially when THAT'S NOT THE DAMNED POINT OF COSPLAY.

If a cosplayer constantly gets pissed and bitches at people that want their picture taken, and complains that people ask to take a picture, then you'd have a point, but in general, nope, you got nothing.


I will say, that some people have stabbed other people because they looked at them wrong. I won't give details, who what where when and how, but there are instances of girls dressing like sluts and having their boyfriends kick dudes asses who look at them.
It doesn't happen too often to my knowledge but then again, the world is a big place.

I hate people who want to be 12 year old Japanese school girls, these said people are 20 something males with no lives, talk about wanting to be Japanese, telling lies to try to be Japanese (like telling people you got a name change to something Japanese...good god), wanting to go to Japan but never have, and talk about Anime/Manga as if they know everything, but have actually not read/watched a lot of what they say.

I'm Chinese, and I don't hate Japanese people in any way/shape/form. In fact, I have a lot of good friends that are Japanese. BUT FUCK, If you aren't Japanese, STOP trying to be something your not ESPECIALLY IF YOU CAN'T PULL IT OFF.

Fucking posers.
Director of Marketing
Staff Moderator - Fanime Forums.

Please PM me with any questions, comments, or concerns.



Quote from: PyronIkari on May 19, 2008, 06:52:00 PM
As for "attention". Chewie: Cosplayers are going to get asked to take their picture. Yes you're right. But cosplayers can say no. Not all cosplayers LIKE getting their picture taken. That's not even the whole point/idea of cosplay. So if someone doesn't like getting their picture taken, instead of cosplaying and saying they prefer not to get there picture taken, they should, just not cosplay? They should be forced to not do something, because they don't want their picture taken?

Sorry, that doesn't make sense, especially when THAT'S NOT THE DAMNED POINT OF COSPLAY.

If a cosplayer constantly gets pissed and bitches at people that want their picture taken, and complains that people ask to take a picture, then you'd have a point, but in general, nope, you got nothing.

Except you're generalizing. I already stated I wasn't. While I am sure there are more people who are fine with it than aren't, there are quite a few who for no other reason than being asked get upset or (at least to the person asking) get instantly annoyed.

You two missed *my* entire point, AGAIN. Fact of the matter is there are people out there who don't like attention and who can't handle being asked for pictures. It comes with the territory. If you are going to get bent when asked for a picture, then maybe you need to rethink dressing up. Yes, I said it. If you are some kind of recluse or not a people person or just don't like being photographed, you sure as fuck shouldn't be going out in public dressed as an icon from anime or science fiction movie, book, etc. Whether you love it or not is moot. You are putting yourself out there for everyone else as much as you are yourself in a setting with 10,000 some odd people. It really is that simple.

However, I'll quote myself and try to get the point across again.

Quote from: Chewie on May 17, 2008, 03:52:31 PM
No. You have spelled everything out just perfectly, especially the part where you missed my point and how I was agreeing with you almost completely.

My analogy was fine. It's along the same lines. Bottom line, if you wear it, expect attention. Not all do but some people get pissy when asked at all. Period.

Read the underlined part. I said I agreed with Jun, but I also said that not everyone was ok with being asked. It's a simple matter of different experiences but you would rather generalize that "everyone is generally ok with it until someone is annoying" when Miko and I both saying that clearly we've  had other experiences.

We get it. Really.

You should too.


Quote from: Chewie on May 21, 2008, 11:21:08 PM
Except you're generalizing. I already stated I wasn't. While I am sure there are more people who are fine with it than aren't, there are quite a few who for no other reason than being asked get upset or (at least to the person asking) get instantly annoyed.

You two missed *my* entire point, AGAIN.

Nah. I had already mentioned that it's just weird if someone INSTANTLY gets annoyed when being asked a photo, and under most circumstances... shouldn't happen. Hopefully. But it's along the same lines as someone pestering a cosplayer and getting annoyed when they refuse. I argued against your post when you had brought up, "Cosplayers should expect the attention and accept it when people take their photos. They were asking for it."

As long as people politely ask, and are okay with cosplayers also politely saying "no" if they wouldn't like to take a photo, there really shouldn't be any problem.

Email me at [email protected] if you want to be a maid! Sign ups close in March! Hurry!


Wow. :o On the bit about anime being made for kids... What about animes Goddanar and Elfen lied n' stuff that have more adult content? I pray those aren't ment for kids.


Extremely high pitched voices when the character it belongs to is absolutely useless half of the time.


Quote from: L3sli3_Lov3s_Chu on May 23, 2008, 10:52:26 AM
Wow. :o On the bit about anime being made for kids... What about animes Goddanar and Elfen lied n' stuff that have more adult content? I pray those aren't ment for kids.

Elfen Lied was published in Weekly Young Jump. Weekly Young is aimed towards 14-19 year olds. Other series that were in Weekly Young Jump? Addicted to Curry (which is pornographic by US standards), Captain Tsubasa, Liar Game, and Rozen Maiden.

So it jumps from, violent psychological series, to porn, to sports, to thriller, to loli dolls.

Yes, It is meant for teens which in turns are kids. Remember, the coming of age in Japan is 20. Our 18 (and 21) is their 20.


Quote from: Steve.Young on May 19, 2008, 11:35:04 PM
BUT FUCK, If you aren't Japanese, STOP trying to be something your not ESPECIALLY IF YOU CAN'T PULL IT OFF.

Fucking posers.

Tell me about it, there is this loser at school who claims that he is every race there is, BULLSHIT! He just says it because he thinks that people won't call him a racist if he uses racist words. He says that it possible, but the probabilty of a person being a every race seems pretty slim to me.


Quote from: JohnnyAR on May 27, 2008, 01:36:12 PM
Quote from: Steve.Young on May 19, 2008, 11:35:04 PM
BUT FUCK, If you aren't Japanese, STOP trying to be something your not ESPECIALLY IF YOU CAN'T PULL IT OFF.

Fucking posers.

Tell me about it, there is this loser at school who claims that he is every race there is, BULLSHIT! He just says it because he thinks that people won't call him a racist if he uses racist words. He says that it possible, but the probabilty of a person being a every race seems pretty slim to me.



idk if this is on topic but i hate it when people think everything asian is chinese that really pisses me of
WAHHHHHHHHH where is patty and hiyori when you need them the most

cosplays for 09
main:Eevee ginjika ?%
Sides:Mitsuru 15% lol i have the hair naturally


Quote from: Baker!-! on June 29, 2008, 12:43:22 PM
idk if this is on topic but i hate it when people think everything asian is chinese that really pisses me of

Wrong thread dude


real boobs dont defy gravity...

well unless their fake or have a REAL GOOD bra supporting them.  ;)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jerry.pang

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D



MDuo13, I never thought such rules existed.


I can't stand it when people see me wathing anime and since its animated asume Iam watching Pokemon. It doesn't matter what anime Iam watching they see its animated and say its pokemon!!!  I've had that happen 7 times now and Iam sick and tired of it!!!!!!! POKEMON IS NOT THE ONLY ANIMATED SERIES IN THE WORLD!!!!!!! (I don't have anything agianst Pokemon by the way)
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!


I can easily turn this into an anime convention pet peeve thread, but that's for another day.

I think I've been watching subs for so long, that dubs are beginning to bother me. Not elitism, but I feel that the Japanese voices fit better. 

The random Japanese in sentences bother me. Mostly because they're usually out of context.


 People who insist that YGO is a kids show. Yes, I suppose if you only watch the 4Kids version it is. In which case I guess that would make a kid now wouldn't it?