Resident Evil Gathering..

Started by Dantom, April 15, 2008, 02:55:33 PM

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Resident evil Gathering!!



If the time changes, I'm not making it because I have other shit to do at the con.


oh im sorry Ntsy want me take you off the list now then?


ok added you and your bf DorianHolmes btw thanks for informing me on the wesker panel I would have never known.. >.>


Yay, Hah hah No worries, I'm glad I could be of help.

By The way I'm comming as William Birkin, not his wife or daughter. ^-^;; I'm not going to be doing Yaoi or some strange Steve/William OTP.

I just happen to be very thin, a chemistry student formerly and have a short blonde wig.

^-^;; It's my confort costume for the con, as the others all have 4-6 inch heels.


Haha Okay lol aslong as the yaoi isnt involved evreything will be fine..... 6 inch heels o,o....


No It's fine, I thought it conflicted with another thing I had to do, apparently it doesn't. So I'll be there if my shoes don't kill me first. or if I don't get 'arrested'


arrested o.o lol okay see you there then :P


i'm going as Rain! not Claire.


Sounds good to me.  We can then descend en mass on the panel.  :D


oh okay sorry about that lemme change that ...yes we shall reign over the panel mwhaha.....


I couldn't remember if I mentioned this in an earlier post but there's a chance a friend of mine is coming up to fanime this year and will be dressed as claire heheheheheh
What Are Ya Buyin?


ooo coolio`s shall I add her Merchant?


Out of healthy curiousity--

What days are people getting in to town?

We(Steve and I) should be arriving on Thursday early evening. We're comming from Orange Country.


FanimeCons resident zombie.
*I* MADE this happen!


I live an hour or so away from fanime so Wesker,Krauser and me are probly going to be waiting in line at like 8:00 am in the morning...on friday..


Friday morning 8:00am eh! Steve will be sleeping, thats for sure.

I'll either be drinking my first cup of Umbrella Brand Coffee or passed out on my lab notes.

I know we're picking up our badges on Thursday so we wont have to worry about that whole line thingi.

I think most of Friday I'll be cosplaying Franziska VonKarma from Phoenix Wright, until the bar gathering when I'm changing. So if you see a Franziska with a Miles it's most likely Steve and I.

If you see a Riza Hawkeye in a way to small miniskirt with a Mustang that is most asuredly myself and stevie.


Hi there, I'm the Chief Photographer of The-O Network. I've been a pretty big RE fan for years since the very first RE game came out. I was hoping to take some photos of your gathering after the Wesker Panel, so if those of you that would like to have your photos taken and placed upon a website for our fan base as well as your own personal enjoyment. Please PM me and I shall work something out with all of you. I would also be going around to those of you to whom I believe have the best costumes in the group and asking if you would like to have a photoshoot that very same day. Some of your photos will be placed in a personal portfolio(with your permission of course), and for those of you who will be having photoshoots; I will be asking for your email addresses to send personally editted and perfected pictures to you.

And if you have another gathering next year, My girlfriend and I will be attending as Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine.

Thank you all and I hope to hear from you soon regarding this.

Troy Leong
The-O Network's Chief Photographer
FanimeCon Live Programming Staff (2002-2004)
FanimeCon Rover Staff (2004-2006)

The-O Network - Chief Photographer

Freelance Professional Photographer - For Hire


okay Psy we shall see you there :o .... a video for us resident evil freaks!!


I had fun.

I loved the reaction to the 'explain your resident evil cosplay, etc, etc.' during the panel...
Me: "Hi, I'm Ashley, the president's daughter in Resident Evil 4...I'm pretty much useless."
Rick: "Haha....what?"

I'll add the pictures I have later when my computer isn't a douche. :]<3
Attending FanimeCon for 15 years in 2019


First thing that came to mind... "Man on Fire" but dang if it don't look cool.