Some Assistance needed

Started by EclipseDarkmaster, May 12, 2008, 01:51:31 AM

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You people seriously don't read do you?

I said "your friend". Not you.

Secondly... it's a BAD DECISION ON YOUR PART, to just trust your friend without ACCURATELY PLANNING A TRIP ACROSS THE COUNTRY.

When I flew to Chicago for Acen the years I went... I looked up exactly where I was going, where I was flying to, where I'd be traveling to, when, how, and how much it would cost. I went to Japan, and I looked up exactly where I would be staying, where every place I wanted to go was, how far, and how much train fare would be for those places. I looked up how far the airport was, and how I would be getting from the place to the airport, etc. etc. etc.

I didn't just assume things like "LOLOLOL I'm going to Japan. I will visit Kyoto, and Tokyo, and Hokkaido, because they are all in Japans!"

You planned your trip extremely poorly, and your friend screwed you over. You're pretty much SOL. The people you have to blame are yourself, and your friend for giving you bad info(and yourself again for so easilly trusting him). And now you're looking for a way to bail yourself out. All of which will cost a decent amount of money. Just to point out...

Santa Monica to San Jose is roughly 400 miles. Your average car will need to fill up once for this trip. Gas prices are extremely high right now. Let's be generous and say 4$ a gallon. Let's be generous again and say they drive a good MPG car with 32. Add into affect that 32 is only in ideal conditions... 29

400/29= 14+ gallons of gas. Your average car hasan 64$ for gas. x2 for both trips... 128$. + extra gas needed for local streets so roughly 140$.

Split between 3 people 46.66. So for gas alone you're paying about 50$. And that's IF they decide to split it evenly, especially since you're wasting a hella lot of their time to pick you up, and you're taking up room+luggage in a hybrid. God forbid if they drive a normal car, or an SUV.

Now you still have the problem of finding a place to sleep. I'm now wondering how much money you have, because budget wise, you don't sound like you should be making this trip because of lots of bad decisions on your part.

Funny thing is, I know people that *could* take you, but god knows they wouldn't. Trusting a random stranger who makes bad decisions isn't something we tend to do. My suggestion is, borrow money from someone if you *HAVE* to make this trip(which I doubt) or cut your losses and realize you screwed up and try to do it next year.

It still urks me that... someone living in LA county doesn't know that San Jose isn't close to it.


Ahh, a little harsh there with the 14-yo bit.

But your friend seriously didn't do a very good job helping you at all. Though, you both should've checked in with where you were going if you planned on going on this trip, especially if it's across the country. LA is extremely far from San Jose, and from what I know, there is indeed an airport WITHIN San Jose you could've planned to land in. While I do sympathize with the fact that you've never been to California and lived in the East Coast most of your life, that's quite a grand mistake that you and your friend made. Gas to drive up from there is pretty expensive, so you probably would do better off taking a plane if anything. If you can't manage to afford that, you've budgeted your trip poorly-- how are you going to pay for the rest of the expenses?

tl;dr plan better next time. This time, take a plane and try to manage things the best you can.

Email me at [email protected] if you want to be a maid! Sign ups close in March! Hurry!


Apparently, you can take Amtrak From Union station in Los Angeles to San Jose (The 14 Coast Starlight).


So according to Amtrak, Pyron's calculations on gas. You'd be spending roughly around 40-60 dollars on the trip up there alone....
Plus what I"ve seen around the Roommates thread, it would cost about 40-70 dollars....
Bad planning. I say you shouldn't go unless you and your friend have at least another 100 dollars each or so just for the room and trip up to San Jose.

We would be able to take you, but we're in North Cal. =\


OP, if you have a budget plan typed out or anything, maybe you could post it here and we can help you out better?
hi i lav u


Quote from: cappeh on May 12, 2008, 10:19:30 PM
OP, if you have a budget plan typed out or anything, maybe you could post it here and we can help you out better?

Actually, with no help from those Detractors, I have managed to secure both a Room and A ride, Thanks for your concern though :)

As to those that insulted me and my friend.  Thanks for your Criticisms, While Brutal, they were also Blunt and Truthful.  Which is something I appreciate

What do I do?
I make Wallpapers and Forum Sigs.  Avatars? Maybe, depends on what you want.  PM for more info.

Mr Anime


I'm gonna be in Santa Monica, and I should be able to get to LA by then :D

And as to why I'm Flying in early.

I've been told by my mom to consider staying, instead of going back home.  The economy around here sucks, and work hasn't called me in in forever.  So I'm scouting out possible jobs and the like.   

Technically, Santa Monica is part of L.A.  ;D Send me a PM and maybe we can work something out. Perhaps I can even help you get up to the Valley using public transportation.

Sorry to hear things aren't going well for you back home. Maybe things will get better for you if do end up staying. Work might be easier to find in L.A. or where ever it is you are planning on staying. Honestly, you should have planned things better. I don't know why your friend would miss lead you this way, but then again, he/she probably isn't that good of a friend if caused you this much trouble. But hey, that's how things are.

QuoteSanta Monica to San Jose is roughly 400 miles. Your average car will need to fill up once for this trip. Gas prices are extremely high right now. Let's be generous and say 4$ a gallon. Let's be generous again and say they drive a good MPG car with 32. Add into affect that 32 is only in ideal conditions... 29

400/29= 14+ gallons of gas. Your average car hasan 64$ for gas. x2 for both trips... 128$. + extra gas needed for local streets so roughly 140$.

Knowing that I'll only be spending only about $20-$30 more than someone who drives a car that get descent mileage makes me feel a lot better. I currently drive a '05 Nissan Frontier with a V6 that gets about 22 MPG on the freeway. Though on average I get any where from 14-18 MPG. But that's probably because I sit around a parking lot with the engine running. Oh wait, those are the freeways in L.A. ::)
I'm the best at what I do. And what I do isn't very nice.


I hate hate hate suggesting things like this, but if someone could aid you financially (parents, close friends) and lend you some money temporarily, that'd be better. As you aren't financially prepared, yourself, going across the country and being in a situation like not having enough money to go home, that'd be terrible. If you do manage to find someone willing to help you with a ride up, it'd be even worse if they screw you over. With a scheduled flight ordered in advance, it might cost just around $50 or so. Only plan to use that money to get you where you need to be, and for emergencies. Then pay them back.

If you ever plan for a trip like this again, find someone you can trust and actually knows what they're talking about. Use common sense. Be prepared. And don't ask for advice like this from that friend, ever again. =|

Email me at [email protected] if you want to be a maid! Sign ups close in March! Hurry!