So, about the gatherings...

Started by Amon_devilman, May 18, 2008, 11:38:11 PM

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No one can be forced out of it, right?


depends, are you gonna be discriminating people or causing any drama?
will you be there to mock people or to criticize costumes or anything else negative?

if not, then i don't think they can force you out of a gathering.  just make sure you fit the theme of the gatherings, because i don't want to see c.c. from code geass in the middle of a huge bleach gathering group pic.  and i don't think naruto should be in the middle of a group for a one piece gathering pic... unless he's there to prove ninjas > pirates... but that's a little different.

Anti-Pocky Movement 201X


I don't discriminate anyone, and I prefer avoiding to causing drama.
So, only drama I'll be involved in for this topic is if someone tries to force me out.


Are you instigating something? because it feels like it.

Anti-Pocky Movement 201X


so is someone forcing you out or something?
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I'm not instigating anything, no one is forcing me out, I just had this really fucked up dream involving being forced out of a cosplay group for trivial shit.

Which honestly would suck, because I took part in a cosplay gathering last year and loved it, and would hate if something made me not take part this year.