Fanime 2008 Feedback thread.

Started by RyuHayabusa, May 26, 2008, 03:47:48 PM

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Jelly Soup

Oh, and, whoever picked out the music being played in the convention hall, good job. It was great to randomly hear game music while wondering around. The Metroid Prime theme started playing at the same time the Super Metroid speed run started. XD

Quote from: PyronIkari on May 27, 2008, 01:07:40 PM

If it lets you know you you're loved... you're either dillusional, or trying to make up for having a crappy family life.

Do you always have to do this? It can't be that hard to just not be a dick.


Quote from: Jelly Soup on May 27, 2008, 03:54:58 PM
Do you always have to do this? It can't be that hard to just not be a dick.

It's not hard at all. It's about as easy as not saying stupid stuff like "random people glomping me at a convention makes me feel loved".

Jelly Soup

EDIT: Not worth it. Trolls like Pyron won't listen or learn.

Mango Bunny

-The fact that the an cafe tickets were just handed out on Sunday bothered me because I used my first hour at fanime on Friday waiting in line.
-On Sunday night when they shut down all the food places in the area at around 3 am because some people were starting fights (not fanime's fault, but we hadn't eaten all day!)
-Fewer enjoyable AMVs
-Masquerade skits were stale so we left early
-The schedule seemed to overlap any events I wanted to attend with other events, which bothered me
-The camera nazis at the an cafe concert..... We got searched, then when we tried to go in the door the guy ahead of us got stopped. The ticket taker asked rudely if he'd been searched. He said he had. The ticket taker asked the search person who didn't remember... So then he got sent back and the guy at the door yelled at my group to get back and get searched. We'd already been searched and he was skeptical. He asked the woman and she said yes, she had searched all of us. He questioned "THOUROUGHLY?!" So eventually we were let in. I'd like to mention I had no bag, I was wearing a lolita outfit and had nowhere to store anything except maybe in my undies, which I would hope they wouldn't search anyhow. Jerk.
-Dealer's room was mostly boring and expensive. I bought my Renji plushie last year for 5 bucks. This year I saw a lot of (not rare) plushies going for 15ish.

-Water stations!
-Late night (expensive) snack station
-AMV contest being back where it belongs!
-Neato badges
-Opening act for the Masquerade! The girl sining rocked my socks. That was really fun.
-I never really hang out around Stage Zero, but this year I actually did! It was good fun.
- There was a booth in the dealer's room selling a boz cape I wanted, along with Sexpot, h.naoto, and some other brand clothing. Didn't get any though. Also, Pegasus Maiden's booth in the artist alley. <3
-People being generally nice

Overall.... great con!


Imported from with a few additions.

- JESUS VS. PROTESTORS. F'realz, that was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Especially when the Wolfwood came and lent his cross... and then the Spartans came as well.
*must upload pics...*
- Kingdom Hearts bringing sexy back, which made my inner fangirl squee quite loudly. That was fantastic and full of love.
- I got a fantastic Tsubasa artbook and Doll vol. 3, which no one seems to be able to find anywhere else, so I'm quite happy. I also picked up a bunch of adorable pins, a nice keychain, ears, and pretty much almost everything I came to Fanime to buy in the first place.
- An Cafe concert, which was quite fun. I was in the front initially, but got very tired of the bad B.O. and the shoving, so I moved to the edge of the crowd and still managed to get a good view and an entertaining show.
- Fantastic artist's alley, with very talented artists and lots of beautiful art.  I'm considering participating next year, but doubt I'll have any time at all. XD
- Just general con-going fun and fantastic costumes EVERYWHERE.  I don't have enough space on my camera. D:
- Host Club panel win! ;D

- It felt like there was less variety in the dealer's room this year. *shrug*
- Tech people screwing up our skit. D: If we've triple checked with you to have a blackout at a certain point, it'd be wonderful if you guys followed up and actually went on to DO the blackout. No blackout resulted in a great deal of improv, awkwardness, confusion, overall lack of time and other suckish things. (#3 OH!smeCK)
- Hare Hare Yukai Dance x 2342398423 >.> Not that I don't like the dance and not that a lot of the people who performed it did it badly, per se, just that it got so repetitive.
- Scary stalker guy who followed me around multiple times whom I had to tell off to get him to stop.
- Missing the Bleach gathering, because I had staffish things to do at the time, unfortunately.
- The fact that I'm not 18 yet and thus cannot buy yaoi or swords or do adult-related things.
- Seconding the camera nazis at the concert.  I understand that they don't want us to take pictures and video- and I wasn't planning to- but if they don't want any cameras at all, then tell us BEFORE we get to the end of the friggin line.  And to the jerk who told my sister that she could just throw away her camera because he didn't care, you can go screw yourself.


Quote from: Jelly Soup on May 27, 2008, 04:07:11 PM

I fail to understand why you feel the need to attack someone over their opinion. You don't agree, that's great. Will you're picking on someone help improve the con? No, it won't, don't be a dick.

Sigh... What he said in no way would imporve the con. He was basically whining about things because he couldn't do everything he wanted to do, how he wanted. He didn't talk about legitimate problems at all. Glomping wasn't banned for one thing. I've already explained how the other complaints are illegitimate.

General rule, if you bitch about something, have legitimate reasoning as to how and why it applies. Like really, there's no point in complaining about the price of food/drinks at the convention. THere's absolutely nothing that can be done about it. There's no point in telling the convention you don't like it when the con can't do anything to change it.

This came up at my panel and in a number of different places. People are bitching about how conventions(not just fanime) about how conventions are ruining the fun of cons by not allowing paddles and signs and stuff like that. By not allowing people to stay in the conventions and stuff like that.

People don't regulate themselves, and bad things happen. It's not cons trying to ruin people's fun, it's them trying to keep people safe. If the con was implimenting rules that had no legitimate reasoning, then something could be said. When there is an incredibly logical line of why a rule exist, then the rules is good. I saw atleast 5 people being wheeled out of the con on stretchers this year. I saw a number of people attempting to sleep on the floor of the hotel halls. My girlfriend was basically stalked by 2 different people. A retard on this forum kissed her cheek when he said bye to her totally out of place. She said "never do that again" and he laughed and thought she was joking. She repeated it, and he still didn't seem to get it.

Funny thing is, this guy pretty much stalked my ex-gf 2 cons ago. I wonder if he knows I'm talking about him now.

The con puts up rules, to protect things like this from happening. It's not ruining fun, it's preventing bad stuff from happening.

The con asks nicely, and people don't listen. I don't "politely ask".


I found the lines in order to get your badge to be faster then last year.
A.K.A. "Mr. Zeon Flag" Laughing Man MK. VI: with Power Ranger Gloves, Mustache and Zeon Flag in hand is 100%


I enjoyed some panels and events happened this year.
Various panels and events happening. I liked where there was Encores with movies and panels (DMC for example)
(im)possible cosplay structure panel was awsome!! i really want to make new costumes this summer!
I made a very good use of the water stations like last year.
Good idea of having music going on the convention center. i wonder if we can request some songs at the con.

I was somewhat not happy about delays. sometimes off schedule kind of things.

I was disappointed with the closing ceremony.Very unorganized.
i liked it 2 years ago where they showed the winning AMV, the video of some masquarade skits, and sorts.
I was also disappointed that we rushed to get to the line fast and ended up way back of the room, where the people who came later got better seats in the front. I felt bad for the people who came in first who had to sit in the very edge of the front row.

Dealer's room was smaller than last year. it didnt have much murchandice as last year. I didnt get to find what i was hoping to get.

I lined up early in morning to get AnCafe ticket and later, they are passing out AnCafe tickets everywhere. That was so stupid. why did we have to wait in line early in the morning.
This year I will Volunteer!

Excited about Karaoke Contest!!


Is it me or is PyronIkari always being a Douche?
I love to mention glomping because it gets a rise out of him XD
Another Player has Entered the Game


...I find it slightly distasteful to say so, but Pyron's more on the right than not, actually. The comments he addressed really were more than a little ignorant. Expressing one's opinions is all well and fine- free speech advocate here, and I'll personally defend even Bush's right to spew out whatever comes to his mind. But the dark side of that is that you're not, in fact, entitled to having your opinions unchallenged. While his wording leaves much to be desired, the actual information he espouses is pretty much on the right and truthful side of things.

Except for the food. There are ways to deal with the food issue, and make them cheaper. Not the convention food, obviously, but I do advocate that Fanime include a price guide to the local area's establishments. Or get fast food sponsors like In-N-Out that does the occasional remote operation (I've known a few schools that've done this- it has been full of win, overall). The Convention's already paid for the space- it is not, in fact, indebted to the Center to the point that it has to try and sell its food as well.


Quote from: Death_Note_Matt on May 27, 2008, 04:35:44 PM
Is it me or is PyronIkari always being a Douche?
I love to mention glomping because it gets a rise out of him XD
not to mention that shit is hella old amirite?

Lets not bring it back like sexyback kthx


pyron is a little bitch but he brings up valid points that I always agree. More assholes are always good to have around.



Okay enough with the teasing ^^
But yes I agree he is right most of the time.
and is appreciated for it too, Thanx to him There was no Head injury for me t his year from reckless glompers.
Another Player has Entered the Game


Email me at [email protected] if you want to be a maid! Sign ups close in March! Hurry!


Everyone: Please get back on subject and stop commenting on the previous posts.
FanimeCon Head of Marketing & Director of Communications (2008-Current)
(Former Fan Services Director, Registration Staff, & Volunteer)
Have questions (about almost anything)? Message me!


Con was awesome! :( so sad I missed Friday, darn finals prep.

You guys did a great job with the layouts and decorations, and traffic control worked well too. Did a fantastic job on the badges this year too, Kudos to the artist ;D

Just one bit that bugged me was that the Fanime '08 booklet was a little harsh on the eyes because it was a sans-serif font. Sans-serif is awesome for computers and electronically displayed text, but serif looks MUCH better and is a lot easier to read on paper. No biggie though xD

Thing that made me the saddest EVAR was that a lot of the sword booths in the dealers room had no shipping OR didn't provide boxes for the swords so that you could check them if you had to take them home through an airport. I know this is prolly something that the dealers should be hearing, but maybe making boxes available as a requirement would help...? None of the swords I wanted would fit in mah suitcase, and there's no way any of them would've made it through airport security xD

Only other thing was that it was a bummer that the line to get into the Black and White Ball was so long; I came early so we weren't hit with that traffic, but I felt pretty bad for the people waiting in that massive line snaking around the corner.

Also, heard a complaint from a friend that the maids in the maid cafe spent more time on their cell phones than talking to the customers(???). Dunno what that's about.

Overall, AWESOME con! Thanks so much to everyone who worked it and all the other visitors, you made it all worthwhile :). Hope I can come again next year! If not, I'll be at Comicon in July >:3


Quote from: billgoku on May 26, 2008, 09:56:51 PM

One real bad thing. The Safety on Site, one member in particular, he was a total jerk, damaged my prop gun and was a general jerk. I'd love not to see his face again next year. (The guy wore glasses and had a terrible attitude.)
Quote from: dibbly on May 26, 2008, 10:08:05 PM
Quote from: billgoku on May 26, 2008, 09:56:51 PM

One real bad thing. The Safety on Site, one member in particular, he was a total jerk, damaged my prop gun and was a general jerk. I'd love not to see his face again next year. (The guy wore glasses and had a terrible attitude.)

yeah i meet him to, i wont say the situation, but the first time i thought he was tired and grumpy. The second time i saw him he was letting people into the b&w ball he was completely unprofessional and needlessly rude. i can understand being overstressed, but taking it out on con goers is wrong. whatever his deal was he needs to learn proper etiquette for handling the situation or volunteer for something he can handle.  

can you PM me with a description of the person, when, where and a summary of the incident? Thank you.

Ops Div


I was impressed by the Convention this year. The organization overall was much better than in previous years. Schedule came out a week before the con, Program Guides were ready upon arrival and everything seemed to work out well. Granted the crises that undoubtedly occurred may have put a damper on the overall organization, it was better than previous years by far.

The Fanime Music Videos were awesome this year. Far better than last year's competition. Kudos to all the FMV staffers and judges.

I wanted to go to the Damn you Internets panel on sunday night, but I heard it got canceled? Pyron can you fill me in on what happened or was there some sort of miscommunication or something about the room?

One thing that disappointed me this year was the behavior of some people at the Gainax meet and greet. I noticed a lot of people just walking up to Sadamoto or the other animators/staff members and just shoving a piece of paper in their face with a pen and saying "Sign?". That was very rude in my opinion. Granted there weren't many translators there, I was more than willing to offer some phrases to engage in some form of polite conversation, however brief that conversation might have been.

Artist Alley was amazing this year. Lots of great talent as well as a lot of interested parties this year made for a second dealers' hall pretty much. My friend spent the majority of his money there this year.

All in all, great con. Awesome guests made this year a great one. Keep it up Fanime.
Fanime attendee since 2004
Swap meet staff - 2014
Swap meet co-chair - 2015


Quote from: Jelly Soup on May 27, 2008, 03:54:58 PM
Oh, and, whoever picked out the music being played in the convention hall, good job. It was great to randomly hear game music while wondering around. The Metroid Prime theme started playing at the same time the Super Metroid speed run started. XD
I wanted to kill myself after listening to same kind of music for the 10th hour. >.>
Ellie S.
Head of Registration
FanimeCon - "By Fans, For Fans"
FanmeCon: Twitter | Facebook

Sunara Ishi

Quote from: AMKestrel on May 27, 2008, 04:07:24 AM

Just for reference, I captured notes on the live feedback session held at the end
of the closing ceremonies; here is the list of (Q)uestions raised, and where applicable,
the (A)nswers given to those questions, so that people here in the forums are
aware of the issues that have already been called forth to the FanimeCon management

(pulled from my full transcript of the closing ceremonies...)

Former con chairs are called to the front
for the fan feedback/constructive criticism

We do welcome your comments on how we can

If you're staying for the constructive
criticism, form a line up front, and we'll
make a note of your feedback.

========= begin fan feedback panel notes =============

Q: ld we have a public microwave for people
who bring ramen?
A: Someone must have requested a microwave, it
showed up in Casey's room.  Those are controlled
by the hotels, so it's not something we can easily
A hot water heater also works. That's what we bring to our hotel room for our Ramen.
Didn't those water jugs, placed around con, have a hot tab? Do those actually work? If so, maybe direct people to those.
"Doesn't break even when run over by a tank! The most durable ballpoint pen in world!"-Nebula