Penguin/Badtzumaru/Lenux Pics Please

Started by Truten, May 26, 2008, 09:13:44 PM

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Hi, I was the person dressed in the costumes mentioned above. If you or any of your friends took pictures of me or anything please send them my way. The reason I am asking for this is because I did not have a camera.

Also, it was my first costume that I made as well. How did you guys like it?

All responses are welcome, well except the bad ones. :)



Sorry for bumping but I really want those pictures, thanks a lot folks.


hey badz i thought you were hella cute and awesome. im surprised that everyone didnt ask for you info. Your so AMAZING!! When you took off your helm i couldnt breathe *blushes*. WOW.
From your biggest fan,
the 7 girls who were with Thruster and 13inch Kendizzle


i agree mr linux muscle man you bumped into me and i fell when you were sprinting through the con, and i have to say ive never fallen for a man this hard *hearts*
please please, call me ;;;;;;;)