Fanime Staff Abusing Power

Started by tadamichi, September 13, 2009, 03:01:24 PM

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Greetings fanime staff and members!

I have a question regarding the power fanime staff members have with banning people. Can fanime staff ban attendees for personal reasons? I ask this question in particular, because I had a friend that was a staff member in the 09' con and is probably going to be one again for the 10' con.

We got into a personal argument one time (not regarding fanime). as we were arguing, he brought up how he works as staff at fanime and threatens to ban me next fanime.

I don't think it would be right for staff to ban attendees/members for personal reasons because that would be an abuse of power. If the staff has ability to ban, I would figure it would be for the purposes of keeping the con safe and fun for everyone and not as a weapon for personal gains.

So, those who are familiar with fanime staff codes, can he do that? just ban me for a personal reason?


i can tell you right now there there are only like 2 or 3 people that can ban people from the con. the chairman of the con, head of con ops and i think head of rovers but i may be wrong about those last 2 but i know one has the power.
2007 attendee
2008 egaming
2009 stage zero
2010 pc gaming "head"


If anyone does hear about a staff member threatening to have someone removed from the convention for reasons besides violation of Fanime rules, get their name, or if staff badges have been issued out, their staff badge number as well.  People who behave in that manner should not be afforded staff privileges or responsibilities.

TC X0 Lt 0X

I do not believe any member of the normal staff has the right to ban someone from the Con. As mentioned above, the chairman of the con, head of con ops and head of rovers are most likely the only individuals on the staff that hold this right. Now perhaps a staff member can ask for someone to leave the Con premises for misconduct, but they themselves do not have the power to ban people, nor the power to forcefully remove anyone.
Even if regular staff members had this power, I would say that it would be a huge violation of responsibilty and proper conduct as well as inexcusable abuse of power. I would myself want anyone that trys to abuse there power removed from the staff. Weather or not you have a personal problem with someone, your duties and responsibilities as a Staff member supersede  your personal problems, and someone who thinks otherwise has no place in Con Staff.

"Never beg. You earn. By Winning.
Or else you won't get anything..."

Pro-Pocky Movement



Locked for official staff response.
Eric Wu
FanimeCon Chairman
FanimeCon Forums Moderator



Do you mean a regular staff member? That would be a no. There are only like 3-5 people who can PULL a badge, much less BAN an individual from the convention.

The decision to ban an individual from the convention is not MADE solely by one member of the convention, it is usually done by one of the heads of Rovers + Operations Directors or in conjunction with a convention chair. The situation is looked at by various people to ensure fairness. We don't take Banning of individuals lightly.

If you are really worried, I can have a talk to your friend about the responsibilities of being on staff.

Director of Marketing
Staff Moderator - Fanime Forums.

Please PM me with any questions, comments, or concerns.



Just echoing Steve's remarks: there are very few people allowed to pull a badge, and even fewer than can ban someone from the convention.

I have little tolerance for staff throwing their weight around - and if staff are being a jerks, I will pull their badge.

So, if someone threatens to pull your badge, remember what they look like and get their badge ID. You can go into ConOps and file a complaint.

But if you were doing something very very stupid, or dangerous, or illegal, don't expect sympathy...
Tyrannical Board Admin, 2003-2015
Webmaster, 2003-2007
Head of MusicFest, which has the best damn staff out there, 2005-2008
Convention Chair, 2009-2011
Director of Guest Relations, 2012
Something with Guest Relations, 2013
Father, 2014


This has been eating me inside since Fanime ended this year. 

First of all, I would like to say that Fanime 2004 was my very first anime convention.  Ever since then, I have been attending Fanime every year faithfully and I have been telling my friends about Fanime.  I even brought them with me to the convention (which btw, some are gaming staff).  I would look forward to Fanime every year, throughout the year.  But I must say, after this year, I REALLY have no intentions of returning to FanimeCon ever again. 

There was a forum topic in the staff section that pertains to my situation (,12990.0.html).  I reported the problem to Con-Ops and at the end, I felt like the situation was NOT resolved.  When I reported the situation, the ConOps brought in some guy and it seems like all he could do was defend his own (aka the Staff member who sent me the threat). I left the ConOps office EXTREMELY upset and crying.  I had done nothing wrong to receive a threat from a staff member to ban me and the fact that this particular person is going to be on staff next year COMPLETELY DISGUSTS ME.  The threat was purely powered by jealousy on the staff members part, which had nothing to do with Fanime and was a result of this persons actions AT THE CONVENTION.  With the knowledge that this person is going to be on staff, I feel that my attendance will be threatened and therefore I have no plans to attend FanimeCon2010.  This will be the first time ever that I will NOT be attending FanimeCon.  It makes me sad, but I refuse to attend a convention that promotes such childish behavior from the people who are supposed to help make this convention a success. 


Could you please send me a private message with the details? I can take another look...

Thank you.

Director of Marketing
Staff Moderator - Fanime Forums.

Please PM me with any questions, comments, or concerns.
