Bleach Gathering 2009!

Started by Yukari Kaiba, June 19, 2008, 06:38:00 PM

0 Members and 7 Guests are viewing this topic.

How did you like 2008's gathering?

awesome! :D
34 (36.2%)
alright :/
10 (10.6%)
it failed DX
1 (1.1%)
didn't go
49 (52.1%)

Total Members Voted: 88


Mazel tov, Waffle!  Hope the party's piles of fun. :3

Gah, I've about lost another weekend of work for Fanime.  Stupid fires!  Hoping I can get everything I want to do done, still ...  How are others doing on the last-minute crazy slide into Fanime?  (Kimu, darling, you don't count on this one.  ;P )
2012 Plans:
  • Gypsy Queen / Kaya Syokka (Trinity Blood)
  • Risai (Juuni Kokki/Twelve Kingdoms)
  • Shusui (Saiunkoku Monogatari)
  • others TBD


@runewitt: Hey, I remember talking to you about Shunsui Shikai before, then I wasn't going to go to fanime. I am now, so um, can you still make em??? Id love you forever!! I need em >< mine are gone.


Quote from: ryuyasha on May 09, 2009, 07:53:34 PM
@runewitt: Hey, I remember talking to you about Shunsui Shikai before, then I wasn't going to go to fanime. I am now, so um, can you still make em??? Id love you forever!! I need em >< mine are gone.
i really doubt that i'd have enough spare time to work on them. i had a template thht i'd drawn out on cardboard, but someone tossed it into the recycle, so i'd have to start entirely from scratch.
Brevity is the soul of Wit.
Confusion is the soul of Runewitt.


I'd like to say.....
Happy Captain Mom's Day!!


@rune: Ah, too bad >< Well, I guess I work on mine lol. fix up my crappy set and repaint em. They not too bad when painted.


Swords- My friend is REALLY good a making swords out of wood. The tsuba of his senbonzakura is acually gold plated. Its VERY convient working in that he works in a science lab that specializes in waffers ( not cookies, the metal..scieny kind)
Mine isj ust painted though. " eRnji doesnt get to have gold" >_<

Espada- I dont understand how they could have 'death triats' or whatever. Death is..death. There is nothing else.
" Your aren't taking sides if you spread out violence evenly"


I'm repainting my sword tomorrow, I'll see about taking some pictures of it(just bought a new camera for the convention so I'm excited to use it) and posting them here.
Fanime 10 2 weeks away...
Member of Bleach Gathering 2009
Cosplays plans in 10: Ichigo , few possibles...
: Onizuka (GTO) (Yes, this year I will do him no matter what.)


Hey everyone! I hasn't been posting because I wuz in San Francisco all weekend ;D

and I bought KON! AKA prop for Fanime. I also got my haircut and styled.
I was gonna buy hakama pants there but the guy selling them said hakama was only for boys. 0.o so I have to go look for them somewhere else T^T (this time i'll say there for my brother) lol
Happy Mommy's DAY!

Quote from: billgoku on May 10, 2009, 04:33:37 PM
I'm repainting my sword tomorrow, I'll see about taking some pictures of it(just bought a new camera for the convention so I'm excited to use it) and posting them here.
I got mine finished

DONE!(enjoy my charger in the backround) Yeah i know the guard is supposed to be a circle but my katana gaurd wasn't circular shaped
Yes I can go to Fanime!

Sunday:Shinigami Rukia- Bleach
*proud member of Prop Whores United <3*


Quote from: BumbleB on May 10, 2009, 08:55:22 PM
Hey everyone! I hasn't been posting because I wuz in San Francisco all weekend ;D

and I bought bought KON! AKA prop for Fanime. I also got my haircut and styled.
I was gonna buy hakama pants there but the guy selling them said hakama was only for boys. 0.o so I have to go look for them somewhere else T^T (this time i'll say there for my brother) lol
Happy Mommy's DAY!

Quote from: billgoku on May 10, 2009, 04:33:37 PM
I'm repainting my sword tomorrow, I'll see about taking some pictures of it(just bought a new camera for the convention so I'm excited to use it) and posting them here.
I got mine finished

DONE!(enjoy my charger in the backround)

Good ol Kon

Great looking sword, and that's a fine charger you got there, I'd like to have that for myself if you don't mind...

Also, good luck on the pants, strange how he wouldn't let you buy them just because they were boys.
Fanime 10 2 weeks away...
Member of Bleach Gathering 2009
Cosplays plans in 10: Ichigo , few possibles...
: Onizuka (GTO) (Yes, this year I will do him no matter what.)


I wonder if he knew about girl Hakama pants? ???
My hair looks a lot like Rukia, it's scary. 0_0 I was in the mall today, not even in cosplay, and a teenage girl says "OMG you look like the girl from Bleach" very scary...
EDIT But right now one side looks like a mixture between Soi Fon and Rukia! ...Messy hair... XD
Yes I can go to Fanime!

Sunday:Shinigami Rukia- Bleach
*proud member of Prop Whores United <3*


Quote from: BumbleB on May 10, 2009, 10:47:34 PM
I wonder if he knew about girl Hakama pants? ???
My hair looks a lot like Rukia, it's scary. 0_0 I was in the mall today, not even in cosplay, and a teenage girl says "OMG you look like the girl from Bleach" very scary...
EDIT But right now one side looks like a mixture between Soi Fon and Rukia! ...Messy hair... XD

Wow, I'd really like to see it then. ^^ Can't wait till then =D
Fanime 10 2 weeks away...
Member of Bleach Gathering 2009
Cosplays plans in 10: Ichigo , few possibles...
: Onizuka (GTO) (Yes, this year I will do him no matter what.)


Quote from: BumbleB on May 10, 2009, 10:47:34 PM
I wonder if he knew about girl Hakama pants? ???
My hair looks a lot like Rukia, it's scary. 0_0 I was in the mall today, not even in cosplay, and a teenage girl says "OMG you look like the girl from Bleach" very scary...
EDIT But right now one side looks like a mixture between Soi Fon and Rukia! ...Messy hair... XD

I always thought my hair looked like hers 'just longer".

Until I was mistaken for a Byakuya cosplayer and damned near glomped to death.

It actually does this REALLY annoying thing where my bangs split into pieces and sit right in front of my eyes and EVERY GODDAMNED time I see my grandmother she asks ' What the hell did you put in your hair!"  I just stopped responding.

Hate mah hair so much you gahs..
" Your aren't taking sides if you spread out violence evenly"


Little over a week and a half left, scary scary


Quote from: WrentheFaceless on May 11, 2009, 09:10:15 AM
Little over a week and a half left, scary scary

Yah Im really psuhing it on getting my kanda costume. Wouldnt be a problem if I didnt have to fly there. >_<
" Your aren't taking sides if you spread out violence evenly"


Still trying to figure out how I'm gonna get my sword done.  I may just replace the hilt of that plastic thing I got. But that would mean actually doing work....One of these day's I'll have the money to do a REALLY good job. Guess you gotta deal with what you got, ne?
"I like to quote myself."

Cosplays for Fanime 2011
Fri  -  Kanae Kotonami, Skip Beat!
Sat -  Relm Arrowny, FFVI
Sun - Sailor Jupiter, SMStars


GAH -flail- I've never been so glad my mom can sew so fast @_@
Lets see...
Find Boots
Buy wig
Sew Dress
Make mask
Wonderful >.<
I used to keep an open mind, but my brains kept falling out.
If you don't like my driving, than get off the sidewalk.

*proud member of Prop Whores United <3*


Quote from: waffle-lover26 on May 11, 2009, 06:25:45 PM
GAH -flail- I've never been so glad my mom can sew so fast @_@
Lets see...
Find Boots
Buy wig
Sew Dress
Make mask
Wonderful >.<
Find shoes
Find hakama
sew top
make obi
I think we are in the same place waffle  :D
Yes I can go to Fanime!

Sunday:Shinigami Rukia- Bleach
*proud member of Prop Whores United <3*


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! MORE CARDBOARD!!! AHHHH!!! FINISH PAINTING!!!!! AHHHH WHY!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!!?!??! OMG I NEED A SWORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

... .... I should be fine one school ends I'll have plenty of time.....

............ atleast I got the helmet.
Old soldiers never die, and they don't fade away


Yes I can go to Fanime!

Sunday:Shinigami Rukia- Bleach
*proud member of Prop Whores United <3*


darn it I spent too much time on byo/b/ now everyone hates me.
Yes I can go to Fanime!

Sunday:Shinigami Rukia- Bleach
*proud member of Prop Whores United <3*