Gintama Gathering ~+~ 2009

Started by yamaneko, June 29, 2008, 10:50:19 PM

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Ah XD another Shinpachi? Hello fellow Shinpachi cosplayer : 3 You wouldn't know any one willing to cosplay Otae would you? x3;;


quantbits!! xD; I love your pictures~ *o* lol Hiro knows the Lenalee in your siggy xD

And, yes, we're looking for an Otae to photoshoot with Shin and Kyuu x3

Updated. ^_^
Stephie Z.
2007 - Video Programming staff
2008 - Allen Walker (D.Gray-man) / Panels staff

(list subject to change based on budget and time issues)


I'm suprised we actually found another Shinpachi. And umm.. xD;; lame question which pics our qb's?

And I do indeed Cx;; Actually one of my longest con going buddies I know, known her since AX06 which was my first full con.


I need to get my internet back D: *on a library computer* For the sake of saving this thread from the depths of PAGE TWO!! xDD;
Stephie Z.
2007 - Video Programming staff
2008 - Allen Walker (D.Gray-man) / Panels staff

(list subject to change based on budget and time issues)


Awww D: Hang in there > . <


Yeah.. ;; I miss talking to my good cosplaying buddy > < And I sent you stuff over email about the picnic/Reborn meet! Going to take place at the Friendship Garden of all things : D


LOL, yeah, I'll definitely be coming xDD; Replied to the email with other stuff / suggestions; might bring cake to share? x3
Stephie Z.
2007 - Video Programming staff
2008 - Allen Walker (D.Gray-man) / Panels staff

(list subject to change based on budget and time issues)


LOL I'm apparently in charge of condiments > <;; Cake is a good idea, and I'll be stopping by TJ's the day before to pick up stuff probably.

And... I need to find the cap and wig at least and see if someone will let me iou them.... orz --


^^; Or you could order one off of Cosworx and I'll help you style it? xD; It's up to you whether or not to trust me with it, though, lol xDD

I really wish I had a more impressive camera to bring to the meet, though >.<
Stephie Z.
2007 - Video Programming staff
2008 - Allen Walker (D.Gray-man) / Panels staff

(list subject to change based on budget and time issues)


It's more my lack of money that I'm worried about >>;; I trust your styling and am thankful of your offer (as well as pretty confident I could find the right wig) but... yeah I really don't have the money to order atm.

Awww it's okay > . < We'll have your new camera by October's end : D


Well, the grading period ends, I think, on either the last day of September or the last day of October D: I think it's Sept. though. . . (Or, at least, I HOPE SO!! xD)
Stephie Z.
2007 - Video Programming staff
2008 - Allen Walker (D.Gray-man) / Panels staff

(list subject to change based on budget and time issues)


X3;; you sure have very odd/short grading periods. Ours were usually six weeks or so.


Well, I dunno D: I looked at the calendar and it said the first two end September and October, but then we don't have another one for a really long time o.o Not until January. . .
Stephie Z.
2007 - Video Programming staff
2008 - Allen Walker (D.Gray-man) / Panels staff

(list subject to change based on budget and time issues)


That's an interesting way of doing things xD;; At least you'll get your camera sooner then : ' D


YEP! xDD YAYAYAYAYAYAY *high from drinking 4 cans of Pepsi in a chugging contest* @___@
Stephie Z.
2007 - Video Programming staff
2008 - Allen Walker (D.Gray-man) / Panels staff

(list subject to change based on budget and time issues)


xD;; lol what did you do today that required that of you?

We need to go to nickel city sometime soon * D*


Yep *w* Hopefully, lol

Let's just say, crazy friends over + a 24-pack of Pepsi = lots of chugging xDD;
Stephie Z.
2007 - Video Programming staff
2008 - Allen Walker (D.Gray-man) / Panels staff

(list subject to change based on budget and time issues)


XD I see, I see. I really dislike Pepsi and most sodas... maybe we can do it with Coke sometime? X3;;

And well D: I hope we can plan for it very soon. I enjoy your company x3;;


I like Coke better than Pepsi, but we only had Pepsi, so whatever xD;

Maybe sometime early next week? D: But my cousin's coming back from Taiwan, and then I have tennis try-outs, so it'd have to be soon >.<
Stephie Z.
2007 - Video Programming staff
2008 - Allen Walker (D.Gray-man) / Panels staff

(list subject to change based on budget and time issues)


Awww well I hope so x3;; I want to hang out with at least a couple more days before school cuts into our fun time > . <

And good luck with tennis tryouts. And X3;; I can't really stomach other soda other then coke...


Lol, I have an unhealthy addiction to Coke / Pepsi xD;
Stephie Z.
2007 - Video Programming staff
2008 - Allen Walker (D.Gray-man) / Panels staff

(list subject to change based on budget and time issues)