The Fanimecon Fighting Championships

Started by satanic_mechanic, September 11, 2008, 09:00:40 PM

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I have found that there is an assortment of martial artists on the fanime forums, and a thought occurred to me: What if we had some sort of mixed martial art tournament at fanime?

the rules could be pancrase or kyokushin style - grappling plus full contact kicks to the head and body with full contact hand strikes to the body (but no hand strikes to the face).  the paperwork to avoid liability as well as insurance would be irritating to have to deal with, but it could be done, and it would have a draw to it.

so what do you guys think? would it be entertaining? any martial artists out there?

"I went into the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of put to rout all that was not life; and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." -HD Thoreau


it really sounds like a good idea, but sadly.......its probably not gonna happen.
Time And Relative Dimension In Space.



Hi, welcome to lawsuits up the ass.


That wouldn't go over well at fanime. This a family oriented convention, about Japanese anime and culture.(For the most part at least) It's not Bodog championship fighting.

Although, a panel dedicated to martial arts styles would be pretty neat. Demonstrations and whot not *might* be possible. But I highly doubt any sort of physical combat tournament would happen.

2010 cosplay...?
Zero:80% Kadaj:?? Sisen:??


As fun it would be, it would be a lawsuit nightmare.

Quote from: XpHoBiaX on September 11, 2008, 09:45:49 PM
Although, a panel dedicated to martial arts styles would be pretty neat. Demonstrations and whot not *might* be possible. But I highly doubt any sort of physical combat tournament would happen. 

Yeah, I was thinking about that earlier today. Its something that should be taken into thought.

A tournament is impossible, the reason? Like Pyron said...


Yeah, uhm, as much as I would like plucking off some people on these boards, this wouldn't be possible, and what kind of people would enter? Naruto cosplayers who think they can do fake nonexistent style no jutsu, think of the demographic of con goers before you post something like this, seriously.


Quote from: Mizuki on September 13, 2008, 12:34:25 AM
Yeah, uhm, as much as I would like plucking off some people on these boards, this wouldn't be possible, and what kind of people would enter? Naruto cosplayers who think they can do fake nonexistent style no jutsu, think of the demographic of con goers before you post something like this, seriously.

Ugh I forgot about the Narutards *facepalm* goddamn...


Quote from: Mizuki on September 13, 2008, 12:34:25 AM
Yeah, uhm, as much as I would like plucking off some people on these boards, this wouldn't be possible, and what kind of people would enter? Naruto cosplayers who think they can do fake nonexistent style no jutsu, think of the demographic of con goers before you post something like this, seriously.

really? i mean if they sign a waiver, its all legal.... ive signed quite a few of those waivers in my time for tournaments, and they include phrases like "permanent disfigurement or death"...

try to think of it like adding a little bit of chlorine to the jean pool. and, on the optimistic side, narutards piss you off? come watch them get the snot kicked out of them by people who actually know how to fight.  better yet, if you know how to fight, come beat the snot out of some narutards yourself.
"I went into the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of put to rout all that was not life; and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." -HD Thoreau


Quote from: satanic_mechanic on September 13, 2008, 01:49:25 PM
Quote from: Mizuki on September 13, 2008, 12:34:25 AM
Yeah, uhm, as much as I would like plucking off some people on these boards, this wouldn't be possible, and what kind of people would enter? Naruto cosplayers who think they can do fake nonexistent style no jutsu, think of the demographic of con goers before you post something like this, seriously.

really? i mean if they sign a waiver, its all legal.... ive signed quite a few of those waivers in my time for tournaments, and they include phrases like "permanent disfigurement or death"...

try to think of it like adding a little bit of chlorine to the jean pool. and, on the optimistic side, narutards piss you off? come watch them get the snot kicked out of them by people who actually know how to fight.  better yet, if you know how to fight, come beat the snot out of some narutards yourself.
and this is why it has absolutely no chance of happening.
Time And Relative Dimension In Space.


Quote from: PyronIkari on September 11, 2008, 09:24:24 PM

Hi, welcome to lawsuits up the ass.
QFT. Couldn'ta said it better.
Haven't been here much since '09. I said some stupid, stupid things before (and after) that.



I spy something with my eyes, something beginning with "unpleasant SoS staff".

I think even with the wavier(although not a bad idea), if something really did happen, like a person gets killed or mutilated, it would undoubtedly turn people off from the event and to a greater extent, the con as a whole and it looks like upper management really doesn't want that to happen :-\. I mean honestly, who'd want to go to a con(or let their kids to a con) where people die or lose a limb?

Then again, it's not like the r-tards never get mutilated anyways...

Other than that, I did like the idea. Good entertainment, despite the Narutards. I'd have totally watched it.


Didn't Fanime have something in the Dealer's room (an open space) where they had a Martial Arts showcase one year? Or something...?

I know that Con-X-Treme last year tried to hold a martial arts competition but a lot of the competitors canceled last minute or something.
Ellie S.
Head of Registration
FanimeCon - "By Fans, For Fans"
FanmeCon: Twitter | Facebook


Quote from: Chiri Kcrinh on September 13, 2008, 11:28:57 PM
Didn't Fanime have something in the Dealer's room (an open space) where they had a Martial Arts showcase one year? Or something...?
it was in the artist alley, but yea; that was just a demonstration, and only a demonstration. that's probably the only reason it got the greenlight by Con Staff.
Time And Relative Dimension In Space.


Oh, well... still, it seemed pretty cool, maybe we could bring that back again? (:
Ellie S.
Head of Registration
FanimeCon - "By Fans, For Fans"
FanmeCon: Twitter | Facebook


Quote from: satanic_mechanic on September 13, 2008, 01:49:25 PM
really? i mean if they sign a waiver, its all legal.... ive signed quite a few of those waivers in my time for tournaments, and they include phrases like "permanent disfigurement or death"...

try to think of it like adding a little bit of chlorine to the jean pool. and, on the optimistic side, narutards piss you off? come watch them get the snot kicked out of them by people who actually know how to fight.  better yet, if you know how to fight, come beat the snot out of some narutards yourself.

Uhm. Tournaments are sanctioned events that have the legal documentation filed and requested through the appropriate channels. There's a lot of different commissions that have to sanction the event for it to be publicly held, and legal. Secondly, Fanime themselves would have to do this, and this is a lot of paper work, and costs quite a bit of money. They would also have to have LEGAL medical aids available on site, and there would have to be TRAINED OFFICIALS to host/watch over the matches.

If you would like to shell out the thousands of dollars this would cost, do all of the paper work, and some how guarantee that no one gets hurt... feel free to contact Fanime staff with your idea. If not...


Lawsuits up the ass.


Quote from: satanic_mechanic on September 13, 2008, 01:49:25 PM
really? i mean if they sign a waiver, its all legal.... ive signed quite a few of those waivers in my time for tournaments, and they include phrases like "permanent disfigurement or death"...

Those waivers are unlikely to stand up in court.
It's actually not possible to simply sign away important responsibilities on that kind of basis.

Sure, there is some understanding that those who enter are "voluntarily doing something dangerous".  However, no insurance company is actual going to believe that "yeah, some 18-year old signed a non-notarized form saying it was okay for him to become permanently disabled so we're off the hook."

Running any non-trivial event in a professional setting requires a surprisingly high level of preparation.  I can't imagine the cost of legal fees for full-time sports or something.


Given some time and money, we could do this. We could do all sorts of things!

But, it doesn't really fit. Fanime is about community, and fighting doesn't really build communities. ^^;

That said, we're looking at something in a similar, but more light-hearted/fun/athletic, light.
Tyrannical Board Admin, 2003-2015
Webmaster, 2003-2007
Head of MusicFest, which has the best damn staff out there, 2005-2008
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Something with Guest Relations, 2013
Father, 2014


Quote from: PyronIkari on September 14, 2008, 01:53:54 AM
Quote from: satanic_mechanic on September 13, 2008, 01:49:25 PM
really? i mean if they sign a waiver, its all legal.... ive signed quite a few of those waivers in my time for tournaments, and they include phrases like "permanent disfigurement or death"...

try to think of it like adding a little bit of chlorine to the jean pool. and, on the optimistic side, narutards piss you off? come watch them get the snot kicked out of them by people who actually know how to fight.  better yet, if you know how to fight, come beat the snot out of some narutards yourself.

Uhm. Tournaments are sanctioned events that have the legal documentation filed and requested through the appropriate channels. There's a lot of different commissions that have to sanction the event for it to be publicly held, and legal. Secondly, Fanime themselves would have to do this, and this is a lot of paper work, and costs quite a bit of money. They would also have to have LEGAL medical aids available on site, and there would have to be TRAINED OFFICIALS to host/watch over the matches.

If you would like to shell out the thousands of dollars this would cost, do all of the paper work, and some how guarantee that no one gets hurt... feel free to contact Fanime staff with your idea. If not...


Lawsuits up the ass.

You, my friend, are correct. Lawsuits up the ass.

Quote from: sysadmin on September 14, 2008, 02:06:52 AM
Quote from: satanic_mechanic on September 13, 2008, 01:49:25 PM
really? i mean if they sign a waiver, its all legal.... ive signed quite a few of those waivers in my time for tournaments, and they include phrases like "permanent disfigurement or death"...

Those waivers are unlikely to stand up in court.
It's actually not possible to simply sign away important responsibilities on that kind of basis.

Sure, there is some understanding that those who enter are "voluntarily doing something dangerous".  However, no insurance company is actual going to believe that "yeah, some 18-year old signed a non-notarized form saying it was okay for him to become permanently disabled so we're off the hook."

Running any non-trivial event in a professional setting requires a surprisingly high level of preparation.  I can't imagine the cost of legal fees for full-time sports or something.

You, my friend, are also correct.
Director of Marketing
Staff Moderator - Fanime Forums.

Please PM me with any questions, comments, or concerns.



I might be a fanime newb...but still... terrible terrible idea. Great in concept, awful in practice. The last thing I'd want to see at fanime is anime nerds in cage fights.

Actually scratch that.
Amazing idea. Do it