Left 4 Dead photos from Saturday night.

Started by Rodney_Pheonix, May 25, 2009, 10:09:23 PM

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I took a few photos of the four Left 4 Dead characters that were out by the fountains on Saturday night. Here's your photos, contact me if you want a blow up, as to limit the filesize I've got my photobucket set for 640x480, contact me.

And in no particular order, Francis, Louis, a male hunter and a female hunter.

http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p237/Arraxus/100_0378.jpg  [To be honest...I don't remember that girl in the green skirt being there when the photo was taken.....]

Sorry, I either forgot your real names of we didn't swap names, but I remember the male hunter asking for a specific one of the photos to be shopped with flames... so here it is.
Personal FanimeCon 2015 Fund: ?/?
Planned 2014 Cosplays:
Kiev Klanker
A young Sidrovich?
HL2 Combine (concept art trenchcoat one)
Something something....no idea yet.

Chocolate Thunder

Yes; these are great!

Can't wait to do this again next Fanime XD

