Get to know your fellow forum members~! ♥

Started by Vensy, August 06, 2009, 01:52:50 PM

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^ ALA 2011
< Alright another DRR!! cosplayer!
> Owww...*rubs shoulders*
V Same Q


^ got a girlfriend. Shocking I know. :o who would thought I would.>_>
< execises too much! >:(
> have 4 classes this semester.3 are for theater and another for piano.I'm such a geek now. :P
v same question.Too lazy to think as well.>_>


^ Ummm, I went to ALA for a day? I don't have much going on, lol.
< Got a girlfriend. Good on you!
> Still looking for a girlfriend. It is fated to be a never-ending search, apparently. :<
v How did you meet your current/last significant other? If you've never had one, how do you plan to? Looking for ideas, lol. xD
Find me on Facebook! It's where I upload all my con photos and it has links to all my other accounts (Twitter, YouTube, etc.)
If you'd like to add me, please let me know who you are and where you found me! ^_^


^ *flashback* I was in first grade and I sat right next to the cutest girl in class, her name was Emily, and when I saw her, it was love a t first sight. ♥ Everyday, I tried my best to impress Emily with my grades. As it turned out, she happened to be the smartest person in my class. So, I tried to impress her with my playground skills instead. I showed her who can run the fastest, jump the highest from the swings, and hang up-side-down the longest on the monkey bars. Unfortunately, I was bested by the other kids. :( So, after recess, I sat quietly in class just doodling on a piece of paper until she saw it and said, "That's cool!" Embarrassed, I quickly covered the picture with my hands but all my classmates nearby heard her and began to gather around me. Everyone begged me to show it and so, I did. (It was a doodle of Scorpion from Mortal Kombat. XD) After school was over, I walked over to the Asian store just two blocks away. My dad knew the owner and that's where he goes to hang out. So, I started walking there and then Emily stopped me to ask me where I was going. I told her and she started blushing then she suddenly held my hand and we walked there together. We went inside and the owner told Emily to get started on her reading homework. I was shocked to know that she lived there! From then on, I walked her home every opportunity I had...until she moved away. (-_-) *sigh*
My future plans for a relationship: I'm going to let it happen when it happens.
< Single and looking.
> I love writing stories, my answer should be evidence enough. (^_^)
v Same question.

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^ I've actually never been in a relationship before...Sure when new friends get to know me better they're like "WHAT?!?!?!" Me: Yup. Them: "REALLY?!?!" Me: Yeah I've been single my entire life. I'm not exactly looking either...(I guess I can be a bit curious to know what it's like to have someone special) I think it should be more natural and definitely complacent between the two of you. I mean if you have a person you like and it turns out that things seem to go pretty well when you are together then go for it I guess..As for me..I'm still not exactly looking..
< loves writing stories (I would love writing stories as I've written many beginnings but never got to an ending or more like never got past the rough outline..)
> tends to be the one listening to stories, crushes, or asked for advice despite never being in a relationship..I think I just use common sense...or honesty in my answers to whatever they had to say.
V same question (brain exploded again)
"Find yourself, that's the key & I am the only person I can be, myself, that''s me."
2015 Cosplay -tentative-
Shiro- No Game No Life
Koujaku- DraMaticalMurder
Esdese/Esdeath- Akame ga Kiru!
Daiki Aomine-Kuroko no Basuke


Q: ^ I've dated a couple guys, but none of them were worth keeping in honesty. I broke up with them all, but I've remained friends with all of them. I'm still holding out for a significant other I suppose :3

P: < I love your user-name, DarkMoonlitStar

F: > I have to change my hairstyle constantly, thank Merlin for wigs and hair dye

N: V If you could switch places with any anime/manga character, who would it be and why?


^ For the most part, anime/manga characters have it pretty bad, and I am pretty content with my life, but if I had to choose. I'd pick Wataru Minakami, the brother from Sister Princess. Nothing really bad happens to him in that anime except getting rejected from the most prestigious school in Japan and shipped off to an island that you don't even know you own and then you almost drown just off the docks when you reach there. :P
< Plays with here hair a lot.
> I haven't been drawing for a while, I think my skills are diminishing.
v Do you like getting/giving hand-me-downs?

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^ I used to get hand-me-downs as a kid and sometimes it would bother me and sometimes not. Mainly it would bother me when I got my aunt's stuff (she's only four years older than me and went to the same school system) 'cause I'm a boy. ^^;
< That was a cool story; thanks for sharing! And needs to draw more, do you have a deviantART?
> Also needs to draw more; my deviantART is but there's not much stuff up right now.
v Are there any skills you're famous for at school/work? What skills do you wish you had?
Find me on Facebook! It's where I upload all my con photos and it has links to all my other accounts (Twitter, YouTube, etc.)
If you'd like to add me, please let me know who you are and where you found me! ^_^


^ I highly doubt I'm famous in my school for anything. =3=; At most, they just see me as the "panda girl" cause I always carry a panda plush around school if that's ever a skill. :P I wish I could be an amazing artist in many ways (dance, draw/digital, sing). Ahh dreams....
< I also have a deviantART but I haven't put up any of my drawings for god knows how long.
> I know all too well that I have the potential to do and be something AMAZING. And yet, because of the mindset that I'm a failure and should never deserve it due to my flaws, they just look like pointless dreams that...
V What's discouraging you lately?


^ The amount of work I have to do when it comes down to the weekdays...
< Shouldn't keep disappointing herself by thinking negatively. It's better to take good opportunities rather than miss them. at least that's what I say...
> I also have a dA but lately I've been working on painting/touching up/repairing my helmet for my cosplay as Celty Sturluson. (pics/drawings are on my dA too)
V Do you look forward to Valentine's Day?
"Find yourself, that's the key & I am the only person I can be, myself, that''s me."
2015 Cosplay -tentative-
Shiro- No Game No Life
Koujaku- DraMaticalMurder
Esdese/Esdeath- Akame ga Kiru!
Daiki Aomine-Kuroko no Basuke


^ It's going to be a lonely Valentine's Day for me this year, but I'm always hoping for better when it comes to the next one. Someday soon, I'll be able to share a real and proper V-Day with that special girl. (^_^)♥
< Has an awesome helmet, and an impressive gallery.
> I just made a dA. I believe I did have a dA way back when. I don't remember much about it other than I never used it. I think it might have still been using "chaos" or something similar in my username. :P
v Same question.

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^HELLZ YEAH! :D Get to see my girl's mom and spend the day with her and eat chocolate and eat at a place and makeout as always....yeah.It's just AWSOME! :o
< might have like 20 accounts online in different site.=| Also.I wish him good luck on searching the girl he will love forever. ;)
> piano class is hard but I LOVE playing Beethoven stuff. :o great guy. :)
v are you a chocoholic?


^ I like chocolate but can only take small doses b/c it's too sweet for me now. orz
< Um, should prolly revisit the rules of grammar on pronoun usage and antecedents b/c now I can't get rid of the image of you making out with your girl's mom.
> Is a liar; I have no idea what you or your girl's mom looks like. xD So maybe I will just imagine me making out with, like, Sandra Bullock or something. Yeah, that's nice. :9
v Do you have a celeb crush? Spill it!
Find me on Facebook! It's where I upload all my con photos and it has links to all my other accounts (Twitter, YouTube, etc.)
If you'd like to add me, please let me know who you are and where you found me! ^_^


^ I'm more towards the male kpop idols. ... Yesh o3o
< lolwutnow?
> I have quite a few cosplay names to go as. ... Alyxiane, Piri Sooyun (any variation), BabuYun being as such. -_________-
V Does having an internet and/or cosplay name/alias matter to you?


^ not really but it finds out more of who you are as not just a person, but personality and interests.
< has multiple screen names, but i know you most of all as just Alyxiane!
> other screen names i go by are Chiyo (after the Azumanga character because i graduated high school early) and Otakuya (a name i made up a long time ago and still works (mix of "otaku" and "kuya")), sometimes Chiyotakuya but that gets too complicated.
V same question cuz i can't think or type right now


^ I have a few internet aliases. I don't find it to be important to have many, and I mainly use them to differentiate between personal stuff and fun stuff. Although, it is interesting to see other people's aliases, it makes me curious to find out why they use that name.
< Must have worked really hard to graduated high school early.
> I first started using chaoticpeace as my alias on the internet. I actually stole that name from a friend who went by peacefulchaos. I started changing it around a bit. For example, tranquilchaos, orderlydiscord, serenehavoc, and calmchaos. My alias now, evolved from calmchaos to contributor2chaos, then contribution2chaos, and finally c2chaos because I got lazy. XD
V If you could invent anything, what would you invent?

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^ I would invent an alternate dimension where time moves extremely slow and is meant to be a sanctuary unique to each individual (unless invited to another's "sanctuary" by someone).  This is meant for anyone who needs to take a breather from "Life" in this "world" so yeah.
< messed around with aliases
> I've messed with aliases myself but I like "DarkMoonlitStar" the most. It defies Science but has a different feel of "imagery" (I do like the sciences though). But speaking of chemistry class is burying me with homework.... *is dying under the pile of homework*
V same question
"Find yourself, that's the key & I am the only person I can be, myself, that''s me."
2015 Cosplay -tentative-
Shiro- No Game No Life
Koujaku- DraMaticalMurder
Esdese/Esdeath- Akame ga Kiru!
Daiki Aomine-Kuroko no Basuke


^ I'll probably steal DarkMoonlitStar's answer 'cause it sounds awesome already. :P
< Aiyah! Don't die from the homework! D:
> My aliases have always been related to what sounds "pretty" to me and my interests at the time. So far, I've been on the internet as OneForgottenSoul (I've always been a depressed child), flame82warrior (obsession over MMORPGs), and Alyxiane (something that's unique for once I guess). I've just recently thought of Sooyun aka BabuYun for cosplay-specific stuff as "Alyxiane" became something that I've been using for more general places. o-o;
V Do you like your real name? Why or why not?


^ Um, I have to like my real name, cuz it's me and I can't actually change it. (^___^.) I actually have 2 first names (Daniel and Christian) and I used to go by 'DC' back in my high school golf team. Nowadays it's just Daniel, but I do like the Christian part of my name, cuz it reminds me of being a Christian and of the wrestler.

< Obsessed over MMORPGs. Just don't be too addicted to it, if you know what I mean.

> Kinda at a rough time with me right now regarding my future. I could use all of the cheering up I can get right now. Thank you Fanime boards for being there these past 7 or 8 years. Unfortunately, Fanime is up in the air for me this year now; which would be the first FC I'd miss since '99. (;_;)

V What would you be doing over Memorial Day weekend if you weren't going to Fanime?


^ Mope that I couldn't go? o-o I have my sights on going. lol
< Sorry to hear that! I shall help you cheer up! :D
> I'm not really that obsessed. I guess it's the RPG part of the games is what I really like about them (and the pretty 3d graphics).
V What's one thing you realized about yourself through your actions/interests?