Wig help?

Started by Suiseiseki, January 07, 2010, 05:33:42 PM

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Hello everyone, I'm planning ahead alittle for my next cosplay [Horo From Spice and Wolf] and I just was wondering if anyone could help me with finding a good wig for the cosplay. I've found a couple but they werent quite right so if any of you could help it would be much appericated. The hair is red/brown and waist or hip length with bangs
Heres a couple pictures, if you need them


I usually get my wigs at www.cosworx.com.  They have a variety of colors and shades, and longer lengths, with or without bangs.
Life is too important to take seriously.  Seriously.


~ Gaffer Tape is like the Force. There's a Dark Side and a Light Side and it Holds the Universe Together. ~

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