The COSPLAY HELP ME! Who? Sewing? Buy/Where? Construction? Support thread

Started by BSaphire, February 19, 2010, 03:30:23 PM

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Quote from: Haunterluvcookies on February 28, 2012, 10:45:25 PM
Quote from: Rebeccakh on February 28, 2012, 10:07:33 PM
Quote from: Haunterluvcookies on February 28, 2012, 07:46:09 PM
Quote from: echoshadow on February 28, 2012, 06:47:01 PM
As a contact lens user I have to say be careful when ordering stuff from over seas.
First thing you need is the contact lens cleaner. Thats the stuff that clens the lenses. You can buy that anywhere. The dierctions are in the box. And a lens contaner.

Other than that just stick them in your eye. Lol. With clean hands.

Through out the day your eyes will get dry so pick up come eye drops for contact lenes. It usually takes about a week to get used to wearing them. So wear them before so you can get used to them. Other wise you eyes will turn blood shot red.

But I highy recommend you go to an optometrist and order color lenses through them. Like in Walmart.
Anymore questions feel free to ask.

Thank you so much both of you. This will be very helpful in buying contacts.  ;D
I just bought cat eye contacts for my nekomata costume from that store round bout $26 so hopefully it works out *first time buying contacts too* XD

Good luck! I am a bit nervous ordering for the first time... but I really want my costume complete for the con.
Woo! Just got the contacts in the mail today they look awesome! X3 i'm definitely buying from them again they have good prices and reply back promptly.


I am throwing this out there for the all the cosplayers:

It will be very bright and sunny during Fanime this year. With that said many will forget to bring sunblock... I would recommend it highly.

Some people burn easy so even with prevention the redness can show up. Here are some suggestions so that cosplayers can prepare or use to tone down the redness in photos...
1. Sunblock before or SPF in your make up

2. You wake up to realize your a little red what can you do: Many girls are aware of the green concealor stick or green liquid/paste foundation that can be applied to minimize redness. For cosplay's that require you to look really white it will be even harder to do this if you are sun burned so have the green foundation available. Apply this first and allow it to dry. I would also recommend a setting powder (White or a color that you can get that is lighter if you need to lighten your skin tone or slightly darker if you need to darken your skin tone) be applied after you apply the green foundation or concealor.

From here I would recommend thin layering of the skin color you wish to acheive. Don't rub or press hard because you don't want the green to lift and blend with the final color. Once dry apply the next thin coat till you acheive the look you want.

Once you have this done then apply your final setting powder. The 2nd setting powder color can be different from the first, but that is for you to decide, I normally have a second color to acheive the final look I wanted.

Remember that persperation will cause make up to loosen so try to stay cool, hydrated, and out of direct sunlight as much as possible while you are wearing it. If you feel a few beads of persperation during that photoshoot... ask the photog to wait a minute and get more into the shade... after all you didn't wait a year to have your photo's look messed up by a little sweat :P

Now you may think you have a slightly off color from what you pictured, but here is where it pays off to practice this technique before con and it really does help....
When you are having photos taken you will be less likely to appear like a crab or lobster in the photo. When the human eye looks at a red object it is turning off the green receptors and when looking at a green object it is turning off the red receptors... not all but that is how the eye perceives color. Most digital cameras are designed with the same principle when it is capturing color and with those that fill in pixles it adjusts to blend the color quality.

Doing this will help you to acheive a better skin tone in pictures of your character when you have redness from sun exposure. Again I would recommend practice of this technique so that you can work out the problem faster should it arise at con.

3. Water, water, oh and WATER! Dehydration will make your skin drier and make up look worse. It also adds to getting sunburned and those dark circles under the eyes.

BTW... to tone down the dark circles under the eyes there is a yellow concealor stick that can be applied before your foundation to help minimize the darkness.. besides other tricks you can do the night before and a tip or two that super models use.. but that's a different subject for another time.

Back to the water issue... I can not stress enough to drink water this year. The Cosplayer Hangout will have a water station, but you need to start and end your day with a bottle of water and drink it during the day along with the soda, coffee, and other stuff ;P to actually be hydrated.

There will be so much sun and with the fountains turned into a flowerbed I can already feel the heat that will be radiating off the cement out front. Add the heat reflecting off the cement walls and glass and it will be warm all over.

Hope these few suggestions help you to have a better FanimeCon 2012 and be sure to pass the word along so we can all have a great time. btw... please forgive my spelling errors (if any) and if anyone has other suggestions like these please post them.

Cosplayer Gatherings Organizer 2005-2015
Cosplayer Gatherings Department Head 2009-2015
BSP - Cosplayer, Costumer, Photographer, Journalist


Soooo I was wondering if anyone had any idea of how to make long hand claws
vid for example. 0:37 for view of the claws

I am stumped as how to make them. I wanted to make them on a separate black glove so i could slip it on for pictures then take it off so I can get around better. Cardboard i'm iffy on because it tends to bend and get floppy if you're not super careful with it but I still want them to be light. Any ideas?


An interesting questions from a friend, where can I buy school uniforms? Not from a specific anime or manga, but just a general uniform. We've checked eBay but quality is always super sketchy there.


Quote from: Rebeccakh on March 06, 2012, 10:50:02 PM
Soooo I was wondering if anyone had any idea of how to make long hand claws
vid for example. 0:37 for view of the claws

You might try balsa wood aeirlons. You can get them where ever model airplanes are sold they are great because they are light weight come in about two foot lengths and they are already wedge shaped


ok so, i'm pretty sure i'm doing Draculaura as a cosplay this year and well you see, i do have a long black wig but the problem is it doesnt have the signature pink streaks in it! so i was wondering if there was a way to either;

color a black wig


add extensions maybe?



I don't think there is any way in hells you're going to end up coloring a black wig. Adding extensions is probably your best bet.


do you sew them or clip them in? wouldn't clip in ones look kinda obvious? D:? i actually found a pretty good wig but i dont want to buy another one if i dont have too v_v;


I am in need of anyone who can make me a costume. It is easy but I have hard time to find it. I really wanted to dress up fred abberline from black butler. I notice I am missing the coat. Btw what the kind of hat is he wearing. I dont know how it called, so I hopefully can find it easy.


Quote from: ruby19_4 on March 08, 2012, 12:46:57 AM
I am in need of anyone who can make me a costume. It is easy but I have hard time to find it. I really wanted to dress up fred abberline from black butler. I notice I am missing the coat. Btw what the kind of hat is he wearing. I dont know how it called, so I hopefully can find it easy.

I would suggest thrift stores.


Two questions~

I want to use the same wig for two different cosplays. How do I get rid of the hair spray used to keep the wig in spikes? Can I just wash it?


Tutorials to sew a backpack?
Check out my current Cosplays, Panels & Plans!


Quote from: ruby19_4 on March 08, 2012, 12:46:57 AM
I am in need of anyone who can make me a costume. It is easy but I have hard time to find it. I really wanted to dress up fred abberline from black butler. I notice I am missing the coat. Btw what the kind of hat is he wearing. I dont know how it called, so I hopefully can find it easy.
since this is an easy costume, thrift stores would be your best bet. it seems he just wears a white button up shirt, a teal tie, and a tan coat. most likely you can find all these things easily at a thrift store. and his hat is sumthn like a bowler hat


Quote from: Melly on March 07, 2012, 08:56:48 PM
do you sew them or clip them in? wouldn't clip in ones look kinda obvious? D:? i actually found a pretty good wig but i dont want to buy another one if i dont have too v_v;

For this kind of wig modification it may be cheaper to buy a pink wig to cannablilize rather than buying enough extensions. Then what you want to do is glue a bunch of hair together with a hot glue gun(you can also glue them flat to a piece of fabric. Then thread the unglued end through a wide eyed needle and sew it through form the underside to the outside of the wig. Put a dab of glue on the hair and attach it to the wig underside to lock it in place. Style the pink hair as needed.


Where do people typically find photographers on here? It's my first year trying to set up a photoshoot and I'm a little bit lost about the whole process.


I know I've seen some posts recently somewhere here on the forum from a photographer who is going to set up requests for photoshoots, but I haven't been able to find those posts.  I did find this old thread from someone with the same (similar) question and maybe it will help you.  One piece of advice was to check the site as well.,14823.0.html
Life is too important to take seriously.  Seriously.


Quote from: BunofGovt on March 15, 2012, 09:22:22 PM
I know I've seen some posts recently somewhere here on the forum from a photographer who is going to set up requests for photoshoots, but I haven't been able to find those posts.  I did find this old thread from someone with the same (similar) question and maybe it will help you.  One piece of advice was to check the site as well.,14823.0.html

That guy got a flood of responses, so he closed the thread, haha. Got all booked up.


I need a wig commissioned >.< it's for Xiba from soul calibur 5 please anyone very skilled in wig manipulation and such please email me @ [email protected] do we can work something out and I can send you reference pics of him if needed please and thank you! :3


I need a bit of help here. I'm looking for or commission a Blood-C male school uniform.
Not your typical anime junkie.
MAL:Echoshadow's Anime List


Quote from: echoshadow on March 25, 2012, 07:23:13 AM
I need a bit of help here. I'm looking for or commission a Blood-C male school uniform.
Reference? Also I am here to say I can help o giving advice on sewing. I want to open up for commission, but hard to do since my favorite supplier of fabrics isn't in business in my city any more. Plus the commission can go to about 100 dollars+ depending on the fabric. Also shipping and handling coast.
Banned for breaking promises -