2011 Looking for Cosplayers? Who's Going? & Who As? Thread

Started by BSaphire, August 02, 2010, 08:23:00 AM

0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic.


I cant decide!!!!!! Help?!

Im making a quad suit of kirara for inuyasha's large form...
But... Do i want it to be kirara or kuroro (ep 91: the suspicious faithhealer & the black kirara)


Much appreciated!
Fanime '14:::

Sango (Inuyasha)
Vivaldi (HnKnA)
Tsubaki (Future Diary)
003 (Cyborg 009)
Chaika (Hitsugi no chaika)
Goth Annie (League of Legends)
Ashura (Tsubasa)
Catwoman (maybe)


Quote from: capeswirlinggirl on September 07, 2010, 03:20:39 PM
While I was not cosplaying anything Leiji-verse last year, I too missed most of the Leiji-verse cosplayers and was very bummed about that. If there were to be a Leiji Matsumoto-verse gathering in 2011, aside from being very, very happy, I would pull my Emeraldas cosplay out of storage and fix it up. I'd also do my best to convince my friend to fix up her old Maetel cosplay. 

I'm half-working on a Tochiro to bring next year (inspired by this year's fantastic Harlock and Mime)... ^_^ Tentatively count me in!
Fanime 2013 cosplay plans:
Tochiro Oyama (Captain Harlock)
Pinako Rockbell (Fullmetal Alchemist)



Quote from: tatterpixie on September 09, 2010, 09:44:34 PM
I'm half-working on a Tochiro to bring next year (inspired by this year's fantastic Harlock and Mime)... ^_^ Tentatively count me in!

Oh sweet! Looking forward to seeing your Tochiro, after seeing Rakushun last year I know it will be amazingly well done!


Well my first suggestion regarding doing a dance skit... DON'T! Not unless you can come up with an amazing routine like the pokemon guys a couple years ago.

If you think you can then be ready to practice it a lot because a dance skit is already hard to get an audience behind, a poorly rehearsed one just is torture for them.

Don't do the Haruhi/Lucky Star/(Insert Meme song here). Do something from the series or something that can be made to fit. Perhaps this song could be fun as a duet, though it would be more a Hiei/Kuwabara song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvmFNeMh4O8
I plan on attending and one of my old costumes I could bring out of retirement is Kuwabara both his school uniform and his Dark Tournament outfit. However, I will caution I am in stationed in Japan currently thus I would only be in the area starting on the Thursday the con starts.
There is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack is to be able to throw yourself at the ground...

...and miss!

Proud Member of TGC!


Ok, each year I see a few of us wandering around and this year we need to organize. So we can drive the foul Xenos, Heretic and Mutant out from the con in the name of the Emperor. :P In all seriousness I am working on a Tech Priest costume for next year so I figured why not start a gathering for us. Obviously this far out dates and times are going to be fluid but more this is an interest gathering thread currently then anything.

There is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack is to be able to throw yourself at the ground...

...and miss!

Proud Member of TGC!


Cosplayer Gatherings Organizer 2005-2015
Cosplayer Gatherings Department Head 2009-2015
BSP - Cosplayer, Costumer, Photographer, Journalist


I hope someone makes a Leiji-verse gathering, or even just a general old school anime gathering. Every year, I see Harlocks and such, and no one ever seems to be wearing their costumes on the same day.


I apologize if what I ask is posted in the wrong area.

I'm thinking about setting up a gathering for the Marvel/DC Universe for 2011, but I don't know if there will be enough people to bite on this sort to speak to even have one set up. If anyone thinks that this gathering idea is worth doing and/or is interested in joining, then I am willing to go ahead and set it up.

I haven't quite decided which character to do yet, but I've run across a couple of ideas so far to do.

Hope to hear some feedback on this possible idea ASAP.


If I wanted to start a masquerade skit group, is this the place I need to be?


As sad is... I see less Death Note cosplayers out there. I want to believe that there are still more out there. I am going to be cosplaying as Matt, Mello, and Beyond Birthday. So please let me though that Death Note cosplayers are still a live and it will be wonderful.

TC X0 Lt 0X

Well of course there will be at least a few, but as Anime/Manga get less new, less people cosplay for it.

"Never beg. You earn. By Winning.
Or else you won't get anything..."

Pro-Pocky Movement



Quote from: junkeemunky on October 25, 2010, 11:00:51 AM
I hope someone makes a Leiji-verse gathering, or even just a general old school anime gathering. Every year, I see Harlocks and such, and no one ever seems to be wearing their costumes on the same day.

I agree! on Sunday this year when I was dressed as Miime and Hubby was Harlock, we by sheer -luck- tumbled across a Maetel and Conductor. I heard rumor there were others. I'd love to get them in one place. I'd even organize it if I knew my own plans a little better, but I can't make any strong commitments until probably early next year.

Oh yes old school! I'd especially be quite happy to see me some Voltron. Unfortunately I can't remake my Lotor costume for a -little- while longer, so that might have to wait.
2012 Costumes (or so we hope!)
Ayukawa, Miime, Oscar, Yuria, D'Eon


Quote from: Kite on October 29, 2010, 11:22:21 AM
If I wanted to start a masquerade skit group, is this the place I need to be?
"If your looking for people to join in your FanimeCon skit then those question are perfect to post in here too, but make sure to come back and check."
Quote from: BringBackDeathNote on November 01, 2010, 11:31:55 PM
As sad is... I see less Death Note cosplayers out there. I want to believe that there are still more out there. I am going to be cosplaying as Matt, Mello, and Beyond Birthday. So please let me though that Death Note cosplayers are still a live and it will be wonderful.
DN cosplayers can join in the Shonen Jump gathering on Sunday.
Cosplayer Gatherings Organizer 2005-2015
Cosplayer Gatherings Department Head 2009-2015
BSP - Cosplayer, Costumer, Photographer, Journalist


 Well I already have the music, lyrics, and relative choreography done. Granted, it's still only half baked at the moment.

But at this time I need six people total. Five Narutos and one Sasuke.  I'm willing to compromise and change the choreography if I can't get all the Narutos, but I do need one Sasuke.

If it's not possible for me to meet everyone in person I'm willing to create a video to send out the choreography I had in mind.

Also, should I create a forum post to try and gather people now or should I do it later?


Quote from: Kite on November 04, 2010, 04:23:17 PM
Well I already have the music, lyrics, and relative choreography done. Granted, it's still only half baked at the moment.

But at this time I need six people total. Five Narutos and one Sasuke.  I'm willing to compromise and change the choreography if I can't get all the Narutos, but I do need one Sasuke.

If it's not possible for me to meet everyone in person I'm willing to create a video to send out the choreography I had in mind.

Also, should I create a forum post to try and gather people now or should I do it later?
What you do is post that info here & change the thread title to something like Looking for Naruto cosplayers for skit. That way they can reply you by clicking on Quote. You might want to keep the title for any other threads concerning that.

I also want to note that it would be good to have people pm you or start a thread in the Fanime section of the Cosplay[dot]com forums.
Cosplayer Gatherings Organizer 2005-2015
Cosplayer Gatherings Department Head 2009-2015
BSP - Cosplayer, Costumer, Photographer, Journalist


me and my 3 friends might be going as Vocaloid~
but we arent sure if you can pay to get in at the door ;o; we are new to this~
it will be our first, would u be able to help me? ;)
Fanime 2013


Quote from: erkk on November 04, 2010, 08:00:30 PM
me and my 3 friends might be going as Vocaloid~
but we arent sure if you can pay to get in at the door ;o; we are new to this~
it will be our first, would u be able to help me? ;)
chances are i'll be there for a while as luka if you want to meet up, and i might be in charge of the vocaloid gathering this year.
SOOOO  YEA yes you can pay at the door but the line takes FOR EVER!
and pre reg should open up within the next month. its 45 (ish) for the whole weekend if you pre register.  but about 25 a day if you do it at the door
Fanime '14:::

Sango (Inuyasha)
Vivaldi (HnKnA)
Tsubaki (Future Diary)
003 (Cyborg 009)
Chaika (Hitsugi no chaika)
Goth Annie (League of Legends)
Ashura (Tsubasa)
Catwoman (maybe)


Quote from: azreale on November 04, 2010, 08:29:02 PM
Quote from: erkk on November 04, 2010, 08:00:30 PM
me and my 3 friends might be going as Vocaloid~
but we arent sure if you can pay to get in at the door ;o; we are new to this~
it will be our first, would u be able to help me? ;)
chances are i'll be there for a while as luka if you want to meet up, and i might be in charge of the vocaloid gathering this year.
SOOOO  YEA yes you can pay at the door but the line takes FOR EVER!
and pre reg should open up within the next month. its 45 (ish) for the whole weekend if you pre register.  but about 25 a day if you do it at the door

Luka~ awesome. can i pre register for only one day? if so how much is it?
Fanime 2013