Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) Fanime Panel ** 2013 **

Started by CommandantCat, January 18, 2012, 04:53:07 PM

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I need to work on my accent, since I will randomly sound Australian if I haven't done an English one in a long time. xD;
Dead by Daylight gathering organizer


Yeah I need to work o actualy sounding like a guy...or it will be odd if I sound like a woman. (Meh I can blame Angela...)


I know time constraints are difficult to work with, but can we consider something to end the panel with a super bang?

I kind of feel saddened when an otherwise awesome panel, doesn't have a mega-Hollywood-blockbuster-glitter!EVERYWHERE kind of ending.
(Maybe it's just me.)

If nothing else, Meirin volunteers to throw plates at the audience.  Accidentally.
Fanime 2013

0 - Russell (Up)
1 - Azusa Nakano (K-On!!)
2 - Yukio Okumura (Blue Exorcist)
3 - Vriska Serket - God Tier (Homestuck)
4 - Nepeta Leijon (Homestuck)


Quote from: heidipak on March 23, 2012, 04:50:33 PM
I know time constraints are difficult to work with, but can we consider something to end the panel with a super bang?

I kind of feel saddened when an otherwise awesome panel, doesn't have a mega-Hollywood-blockbuster-glitter!EVERYWHERE kind of ending.
(Maybe it's just me.)

If nothing else, Meirin volunteers to throw plates at the audience.  Accidentally.

Butler Grell volunteers to spill the tea.
2016 Cosplays:
Kuvira the Great Uniter  -- Legend of Korra
Ferid Bathory -- Owari no Seraph
Irimi Kaya -- Tokyo Ghoul
Erica -- Gangsta.


Quote from: SabienStrange on March 22, 2012, 11:58:14 PM

And I will be sure to stay away from your legs in public, as I will most likely have my hands full with 8 of them. Pesky spider...

My dear crow, you say that as if it's actually troublesome for you, or an uncommon occurrence. If you really want to have my legs upon your person I can always sing the spider song to you, with live demonstration?

@CommandantCat Okay I am pleased to hear that accents aren't required XD and Sebastian and I may have a few harmless tricks up our sleeves here and there during the panel. I was curious though as this is a Q and A, and what with the truth or dare and all, are we keeping things as PG as possible? Given that it is this particular series and fandom.


Quote from: Nezumi84 on March 23, 2012, 08:02:09 PM
My dear crow, you say that as if it's actually troublesome for you, or an uncommon occurrence. If you really want to have my legs upon your person I can always sing the spider song to you, with live demonstration?

@CommandantCat Okay I am pleased to hear that accents aren't required XD and Sebastian and I may have a few harmless tricks up our sleeves here and there during the panel. I was curious though as this is a Q and A, and what with the truth or dare and all, are we keeping things as PG as possible? Given that it is this particular series and fandom.

Mr. Faustus, I do not now, nor do I ever, wish for you to sing or demonstrate to me the Spider Song. I am sure it is quite a lovely song, amongst your people, but I am not a spider and I am sure I will not fully appreciate the deep and meaningful cultural complexities of it all.
Why not extend your offer to Mr. Sutcliff? Given his... ... ... ... ... ...nature, I'm sure he would find it much more intriguing than I.

/I hope you know I lost braincells typing all of that. oafienafw
Anyway um, I think I agree that having a few pre-planned conversations/antics would be great, that way we're not floundering around.
We might also consider having a defined beginning and an ending, as if it were a presentation or a play?
This is assuming we had time to do this, but we might have someone announce "the cast" very briefly, which could be any one of the characters that might fit that, and then everyone would enter from whatever doorway is available, or some place similarly out of sight, before we take our seats.
I like the idea of ending it with a "bang," and fits with this particular series' tendency for silliness. It might also help if our ending was one of the pre-planned conversations as well, so we're not ending right in the middle of someone's question.
I'm not sure if those ideas are good or not but um, yeah. n_n;;

Edit: afoeinw it ate more of my post.
But I also like the addition of music. Background noise, even if it's a voiceless track and instrumentals, would be much nicer to have than super silence when someone isn't speaking or there's nothing going on.
I could possibly help with music, or at least something to play it on, as I'm hoping I can pack my iPod speakers.


Quote from: SabienStrange on March 23, 2012, 09:29:07 PM

Mr. Faustus, I do not now, nor do I ever, wish for you to sing or demonstrate to me the Spider Song. I am sure it is quite a lovely song, amongst your people, but I am not a spider and I am sure I will not fully appreciate the deep and meaningful cultural complexities of it all.
Why not extend your offer to Mr. Sutcliff? Given his... ... ... ... ... ...nature, I'm sure he would find it much more intriguing than I.

/I hope you know I lost braincells typing all of that. oafienafw
Anyway um, I think I agree that having a few pre-planned conversations/antics would be great, that way we're not floundering around.
We might also consider having a defined beginning and an ending, as if it were a presentation or a play?
This is assuming we had time to do this, but we might have someone announce "the cast" very briefly, which could be any one of the characters that might fit that, and then everyone would enter from whatever doorway is available, or some place similarly out of sight, before we take our seats.
I like the idea of ending it with a "bang," and fits with this particular series' tendency for silliness. It might also help if our ending was one of the pre-planned conversations as well, so we're not ending right in the middle of someone's question.
I'm not sure if those ideas are good or not but um, yeah. n_n;;

Edit: afoeinw it ate more of my post.
But I also like the addition of music. Background noise, even if it's a voiceless track and instrumentals, would be much nicer to have than super silence when someone isn't speaking or there's nothing going on.
I could possibly help with music, or at least something to play it on, as I'm hoping I can pack my iPod speakers.

Mister Michaelis, why would I possibly want to fraternize with Mister Sutcliff when I have all ready spent a copious amount of time and effort to get as far as I have with you? You have no idea how tedious you are to tangle with so please refrain from acting offensed or indifferent to my subtle flirtations.

~Oh I really like the idea of music playing in the background, we should have snacks >_> I'm all for mini scones, those are delicious...ah but perhaps it would be rude to eat in front of all those guests.

Cosplay Circus

Quote from: SabienStrange on March 22, 2012, 11:58:14 PM
I think Beast would be a wonderful addition to the panel, although I wish we had more Circus Arc folks for you to bounce inspiration off of.
And I will be sure to stay away from your legs in public, as I will most likely have my hands full with 8 of them. Pesky spider...
Yeah it's unfortunate there aren't many circus cosplayers at Fanime :< there were a few at AX but I never have seen many at Fanime before... I know raenef said she'd be wearing Snake at some point around the con but that's about the only other circus person I know of other than my friend.

Quote from: CommandantCat on March 23, 2012, 07:24:44 AM
Accents aren't really something required, I am just a lover of the theater. So I see this as ACTING! Gwafauh!
Haha and it helps mask my feminine voice! Cross-playing is a dedication my friends!

I think a few harmless skits or planned conversation on queue could be something rather entertaining! I will have music, so if it would help then? Either way. Te rest of the event would be a basic improv with guidelines, so do consider spicing it up! Either message me or post of clearance or to bounce ideas.

Hmm, Beast with a British accent... that would be interesting I'll have to play with that thought and see if I can get a consistent accent, the good thing is she isn't in the anime so not like she has an official voice 8D -life just got easier HUZZAH-

I think that would help a lot to just be able to pop things in like that if there is a pause in questions are people aren't warming up to the panel fast enough, always loosens people up to see characters messing with each other! ;D I like the thought of some sort of opening and closing thing as well to the panel just so the start and ending are tied off nicely and looks more official.
- Elizabeth (Seven Deadly Sins)
- Morrigan (Dragon Age)
- Panty (Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt)

Cosplay Circus

Quote from: Nezumi84 on March 23, 2012, 09:39:07 PM
Quote from: SabienStrange on March 23, 2012, 09:29:07 PM

Mr. Faustus, I do not now, nor do I ever, wish for you to sing or demonstrate to me the Spider Song. I am sure it is quite a lovely song, amongst your people, but I am not a spider and I am sure I will not fully appreciate the deep and meaningful cultural complexities of it all.
Why not extend your offer to Mr. Sutcliff? Given his... ... ... ... ... ...nature, I'm sure he would find it much more intriguing than I.

/I hope you know I lost braincells typing all of that. oafienafw
Anyway um, I think I agree that having a few pre-planned conversations/antics would be great, that way we're not floundering around.
We might also consider having a defined beginning and an ending, as if it were a presentation or a play?
This is assuming we had time to do this, but we might have someone announce "the cast" very briefly, which could be any one of the characters that might fit that, and then everyone would enter from whatever doorway is available, or some place similarly out of sight, before we take our seats.
I like the idea of ending it with a "bang," and fits with this particular series' tendency for silliness. It might also help if our ending was one of the pre-planned conversations as well, so we're not ending right in the middle of someone's question.
I'm not sure if those ideas are good or not but um, yeah. n_n;;

Edit: afoeinw it ate more of my post.
But I also like the addition of music. Background noise, even if it's a voiceless track and instrumentals, would be much nicer to have than super silence when someone isn't speaking or there's nothing going on.
I could possibly help with music, or at least something to play it on, as I'm hoping I can pack my iPod speakers.

Mister Michaelis, why would I possibly want to fraternize with Mister Sutcliff when I have all ready spent a copious amount of time and effort to get as far as I have with you? You have no idea how tedious you are to tangle with so please refrain from acting offensed or indifferent to my subtle flirtations.

~Oh I really like the idea of music playing in the background, we should have snacks >_> I'm all for mini scones, those are delicious...ah but perhaps it would be rude to eat in front of all those guests.
Well, Sebastian would fit well serving tea to Ciel and possibly some sort of cake so I don't see how everyone else having something wouldn't be too bad. I've seen ask gatherings with the entire table covered in candy they munched on.... ooo I wonder if it could be Funtom candy~ <3
- Elizabeth (Seven Deadly Sins)
- Morrigan (Dragon Age)
- Panty (Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt)


Will, those demons are being slightly disturbing...*sigh*. A singing spider, is it mating season for your kind or something? Demons are such filthy creatures....


Quote from: koolcalcat1 on March 24, 2012, 01:32:20 PM
Will, those demons are being slightly disturbing...*sigh*. A singing spider, is it mating season for your kind or something? Demons are such filthy creatures....

Filthy you say? Interesting comment coming from one who has lain with a hellish mongrel, who then is the more filthy, I wonder?


^Mr. Faustus was it? I dont belive i had te hounor of meeting you. Whom I chose to "lay with" is none of your concern, and really it was more Angela that picked the dog out not me.

(good lordy, i hope I can keep up being in charater in person. I might panic...)


I am merely responding to your discourteous choice of language. Though the union of two beings within the same body, neither of which seem to have full control is somewhat intriguing. I should like to observe how one would settle a disagreement in such instances.

(Please don't panic XD I am very excited to meet everyone, I had never even watched Kuro before this past December, so really I am quite nervous myself.)


So your saying you would like to see me fight with myself? Really you demons are quite unusal. Yes controll has been a problem sometimes. But seeing as Angela is the weaker one of us, lusting after the dog first, then Sebastian. *Shudder* I have had to keep her in check from time to time.

Sharing the same body is harder then it looks. When we do both want controll badly.

(Oh man i cant wait to meet every one too! Agine and seeing new faces. I mean i'm a naturally socal person, so i will need to try very hard to be...um mean? not friendly...and psycotic. You know what i can actually get away with being slightly feminen and blame it on also being Angela...I acutally might wear her costume after the panel...)


*Walks into the room and smiles at Ash.* "Ash my knight I've been looking for you everywhere.", Queen Victoria smiled at him.

(Hi everyone! LadySnowBird here. It's an honor to speak with you all.)


(This is starting to turn into quite the exciting RP!  *adjusts glasses and presses refresh over and over again*)
Fanime 2013

0 - Russell (Up)
1 - Azusa Nakano (K-On!!)
2 - Yukio Okumura (Blue Exorcist)
3 - Vriska Serket - God Tier (Homestuck)
4 - Nepeta Leijon (Homestuck)

Cosplay Circus

Quote from: heidipak on March 25, 2012, 09:27:20 PM
(This is starting to turn into quite the exciting RP!  *adjusts glasses and presses refresh over and over again*)
(LOL I'm glad I wasn't the only person thinking that!)
- Elizabeth (Seven Deadly Sins)
- Morrigan (Dragon Age)
- Panty (Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt)


(Are we alowed to RP? I aplogize so much if we where not alowed to do that!!! Really i'm sorry...I cant help it's fun!)


Quote from: koolcalcat1 on March 24, 2012, 11:46:06 PM
So your saying you would like to see me fight with myself? Really you demons are quite unusal. Yes controll has been a problem sometimes. But seeing as Angela is the weaker one of us, lusting after the dog first, then Sebastian. *Shudder* I have had to keep her in check from time to time.

Sharing the same body is harder then it looks. When we do both want controll badly.

(Oh man i cant wait to meet every one too! Agine and seeing new faces. I mean i'm a naturally socal person, so i will need to try very hard to be...um mean? not friendly...and psycotic. You know what i can actually get away with being slightly feminen and blame it on also being Angela...I acutally might wear her costume after the panel...)

There is nothing wrong with lusting after Mister Michaelis, however I have all ready put considerable effort and time into establishing a claim to him and as I am sure you know, we demons can be rather, territorial....please keep your counterpart in check if you could.

(I wouldn't say it's too much out of line given that we are more or less testing out how we would interact in character. At least I view it in such a manner as that. Especially since we haven't been able to establish a general time or date to converse in any other way. If it is a problem though I expect we will be notified.)  


Quote from: Nezumi84 on March 25, 2012, 11:39:29 PM
There is nothing wrong with lusting after Mister Michaelis, however I have all ready put considerable effort and time into establishing a claim to him and as I am sure you know, we demons can be rather, territorial....please keep your counterpart in check if you could.

(I wouldn't say it's too much out of line given that we are more or less testing out how we would interact in character. At least I view it in such a manner as that. Especially since we haven't been able to establish a general time or date to converse in any other way. If it is a problem though I expect we will be notified.)  

Mr. Faustus, I will ignore the very casual way in which you admit to certain things I will shed no light upon, if only to point out a glaring word of offense that has no place in your vocabulary alongside my name. You lay no "claim" to me, as if I were a piece of property, or as if you even had the status to extend your will in such a way over me. If you simply must say such things, I request you chose a word with greater weight of respect, otherwise I will have to persuade you to do so by other means ~

[ watch this turn into a text wall. i will olly the f*ck out if it turns into a text wall. we can't do this in two places at once okay. afoeinfawa ]