Rude photo takers.

Started by Freud, June 11, 2012, 05:25:46 PM

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Ah photographers they always range from photographers to creepers with a camera. I usually stray from creepers but I can never escape those rude ones.
At the con there was this one guy who asked for my photo. This was when I was in a rush to my hotel room since my costume was torn. So when I said," Sorry I can't take pictures at the moment", the guy was like "Psh,stuck up bitch. Go to hell."

Seriously, why are there people like that? Have you guys had any similar experiences?

I think you guys misunderstood. I wasn't calling him a creeper. I just meant there was a variety of people who takes photos at the con. >< There is strange people I guess if you want me to reword it. I guess I just wanted an opening. When I said rude ones I meant them in a separate category. "Creepers" and rude phototakers are not related.  Also when I added a plural I assumed there were more than one person who react this way. 


I haven't yet (knock wood), but my friend has.  We were in a hurry to get to the other side of the convention center, and someone asked for her picture.  She said, sorry, she couldn't stop and the guy got pissy mad.  Of course, that made my friend all the more determined to NOT let him take her picture (but she still just said, sorry without getting rude back to him).  I can understand if you're in a rush to get somewhere (actually most of the people I have asked were very sweet about it and even tho in a hurry, paused to let me take a quick pic) but that's no reason to get mad.
Life is too important to take seriously.  Seriously.


I guess I fall somewhere between photographer and creeper with a camera, haha :D

I don't take many pictures, but if I do its either because its one of my favorite characters, the cosplay is particularly funny/clever/creative, or the cosplay is just amazing quality.  Usually I won't stop a person, especially if they're obviously in a hurry. Generally I look for people specifically standing around and posing for pictures, and I'll just join in on someone else's photo-opp.  However if this isn't happening and I see something that falls into my photo-worthy catagories, I politely ask, and accept whatever answer they give.

I'm really surprised someone would be rude like that, but I guess I shouldn't be.  There are rotten apples in every barrel.  Like really, whats the big deal if you don't get the picture you were after?  Chances are 10 other people did, and will be posting them online post-con anyway! :D

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you know I seem to be seeing less and less of that "super friendly everybody gets along for anime" vibe AT anime cons cause everyones within their circle of friends and get very defensive if someone tries to meet them. Like if someone starts a convo with someone sitting at the tables they just say simple one liners and then excuse themselves and leave. Nobody is as open and confrontational as they were labeled in the past, which I miss sooo much now :C
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Quote from: Freud on June 11, 2012, 05:25:46 PM
So when I said," Sorry I can't take pictures at the moment", the guy was like "Psh,stuck up bitch. Go to hell."

Eh don't worry, he is likely mad because he got rejected again because he lacks the social skills to realize when to NOT ask for a picture.

It is amazing though, I have half my cosplay coming off or trying to setup something and someone will ask for a picture then get pissed off when I say "No, sorry I am actually in the middle of taking it off/putting it on/taking a break/eating" These people I just coin off to have lack of common sense and the darwin award will eventually take care of them


As expected, every year a female has to start a topic to gain attention and talk about the creepers doing creeper things. Really? Creepers? Is there not another overused word that can be utilized? LOL.


Wow, that's truly rude. . but I wouldn't call him a creeper, photographers just want pictures of all the fun cosplayers out there. x]

Were you able to fix your cosplay though? > x<


Quote from: Junon on June 12, 2012, 01:47:23 PM
As expected, every year a female has to start a topic to gain attention and talk about the creepers doing creeper things. Really? Creepers? Is there not another overused word that can be utilized? LOL.

And as expected there just has to be someone trying to gain attention by making a condescending remark that adds nothing to the conversation, mistaking rudeness for cleverness.

@Freud - That was rude. I could understand if some people may feel disappointed that they can't get a photo of a cosplayer they like. Assuming a cosplayer is being a stuck up bitch because they refused just speaks strongly of bitter photographer who can't handle the rejection. I don't think he realizes that cosplayers aren't there solely for his entertainment.


Quote from: Junon on June 12, 2012, 01:47:23 PM
As expected, every year a female has to start a topic to gain attention and talk about the creepers doing creeper things. Really? Creepers? Is there not another overused word that can be utilized? LOL.

Because pointing out that a 2d moka poster is hotter then an asuka yukata cosplayer while you are in a stay puff marshmallow man suit with your mom standing there, to the asuka cosplayer, is totally not creeper behavior at all :P


Quote from: koella on June 12, 2012, 08:07:29 PM
Quote from: Junon on June 12, 2012, 01:47:23 PM
As expected, every year a female has to start a topic to gain attention and talk about the creepers doing creeper things. Really? Creepers? Is there not another overused word that can be utilized? LOL.

And as expected there just has to be someone trying to gain attention by making a condescending remark that adds nothing to the conversation, mistaking rudeness for cleverness.

And you're only helping to prove my point -- on being cliche to extract attention.

I never had an experience (nor heard of one) where a rude photographer caused such an outrageous scene -- nor have I ever witnessed it happening to other people, and I've been pretty out there, have been since before photographers noticed Fanime. While I don't think it impossible to happen, after all conventions can be stressful for all who attend (certainly was for me) -- I find the original post a bit hard to believe about a photographer, who is attending a public event for the benefit of taking pictures, would blatantly cuss someone out for not being able to get a picture of them (permanently losing a photo op), considering there is an entire weekend of tens of thousands of attendees, some with costumes to snap pictures of at various times of each of the convention days. But what makes that moment so special?

Simply pointing it out because I can, there are always 3 things in relation to Fanime that take place every single year and never fails. 1) A girl sits at an obscure spot at the convention or hotel grounds while holding her face crying. 2) The lobby churros are rock hard at all times of the day. 3) A female will post about creepers at fanime as if she were some kind of target of desire -- ew those yucky creepers.

QuoteBecause pointing out that a 2d moka poster is hotter then an asuka yukata cosplayer while you are in a stay puff marshmallow man suit with your mom standing there, to the asuka cosplayer, is totally not creeper behavior at all :P

LOL, I suppose that'd work.

Just earlier today I caught myself wondering why's it taking so long for this years obligatory creeper thread to pop up. LOL.


I think that guy was me! Sorry if I cussed you out!...

No but seriously I don't think it happens a lot and I happen to take lots of pictures myself =P. It's probably and most likely an isolated case but I'm not sure making a topic like this is fair to those who are honest photographers. It could potentially give people a negative view of people who take photographs of a cosplayer next time he/she is approached, you know the same idea as for example some isolated retarded cop who beats up a kid and sooner than you know people start eyeing every cop out there. 

And you even said rude one(s) [plural] when it happened with just this one guy.
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Firefury Amahira

Quote from: Junon on June 12, 2012, 09:19:30 PMJust earlier today I caught myself wondering why's it taking so long for this years obligatory creeper thread to pop up. LOL.
I don't know what thread you're reading, but the OP of this one sounded to me like it was a generic griping thread about rude photographers, not necessarily creepers. One need not be a creeper to be rude or otherwise inconsiderate.

In my experience, most of the photographers (even the 'creeper' types) were generally polite about asking for a photo. Granted, I was seldom approached for a photo when I was in a situation where I needed to turn them down. On the other hand, those experiences were primarily from Anime Expo and close to six years ago, so my experience probably doesn't really apply too much to Fanime. (Talk to me after 2013 when I hope to get back into cosplaying! ;) )

I did see a fangirl outright tackle a particularly well-made and very attractive FF8 cosplayer several years ago at AX though, and more than once seen people spank particularly attractive cosplayers with yaoi paddles before conventions started to crack down on that sort of thing. (Seen people break the freakin' paddles across some poor unsuspecting cosplayer's backside, too.)

My best suggestion if you have to turn a photo request down and they get pissy about it is to just smile and walk away. If they're getting upset over not getting a nice and posed photo of a cosplayer, that is their problem. Of course, it helps to be polite when turning them down, too. Snapping out an irate "No!" is more likely to put the person on the defensive in comparison to something more like, "Sorry, but I'm in a hurry right now." or "I'll be back down later for photos, I've got to repair my costume first."
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Quote from: Junon on June 12, 2012, 01:47:23 PM
As expected, every year a female has to start a topic to gain attention and talk about the creepers doing creeper things. Really? Creepers? Is there not another overused word that can be utilized? LOL.

Does there need to be another word?
I mean, Creeper works just fine.

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Quote from: TC_X0_Lt_0X on June 15, 2012, 11:30:17 AM
Quote from: Junon on June 12, 2012, 01:47:23 PM
As expected, every year a female has to start a topic to gain attention and talk about the creepers doing creeper things. Really? Creepers? Is there not another overused word that can be utilized? LOL.

Does there need to be another word?
I mean, Creeper works just fine.

Doesn't quite fit this situation though.  As others pointed out, "rude" is the better descriptor.
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Am I misreading something, or didn't the OP specifically say that she -doesn't- have a creeper problem, but instead runs into rude (non-creeper) photogs? I don't see where crepers fit into this at all, honestly. :/

I've run into only a small handful of rude photogs... really, not that many, considering the number of years I've been going to Fanime and the number of pictures I've had taken. Mostly, I like to stop and let people take my photo, unless I'm in too big of a hurry, then I'm usually running by too quickly to stop and notice if they have a rude reaction to my quick but polite "sorry, I'm in a hurry!" Though, I have had a small number of people not seem to understand why I don't want a picture taken at a particular time (say, it's late at night, I'm tired, part of my costume has broken and/or I've taken part of it off, etc.), even after I explain to them that I'm tired and my costume is broken. I've never had anyone be nearly as rude as in the OP's experience, though, just people who seem to think that I have to be perfect and feel like having my photo taken all the time (even if it's nearly 2AM, I'm tired, my costume is broken and partway off, phyisically uncomfortable, and I'm -really- tired of being hit on by drunk people all night) or that I'm there just for their photo-taking pleasure and they somehow have more of a right to me posing for their photo than I do to refuse to pose for their photo (though, nothing can prevent someone from snapping a photo as I walk away!). Thankfully, these situations are quite rare.

I think I tend to have more of a problem with people randomly snapping photos when I'm clearly not posed or ready for a photo, anyway. This con, I had people snapping my photo while I was sitting on the ground, fishing in my bag for something. Really, I'd be happy to put my bag down and pose for you, even sitting on the ground, if you'd give me an extra 30 seconds or so and the courtesy of asking. I guess this isn't that bad, though -- one year, at the J-Pop Summit in SF, my friend and I were dressed in lolita, sitting on a bench, gnawing on giant skewers of chicken, and it seemed like veryone who walked by snapped our photo. There was even one person who stood there taking pictures for a while of us eating, until my friend spoke up, at which time she walked off for about a minute... then snuck back up along the side and started taking more pictures. Actually, I'd kind of like to see those, since the idea of two lolis sitting there munching on oversized chicken kabobs is kind of amusing, but maybe... you know, ask? and not slink off, then slink back off to the side (like we somehow can't see you if you are 45 degrees over to the right) and start taking more photos? That's a pretty common thing, though, the not asking. Eh, I guess they're the ones who will have to live with a bad picture of me stuffing my face or fishing in my bag or texting or whatever.

Not even going to touch the creeper argument.  ;)


Quote from: WuvMilo on June 12, 2012, 04:54:15 PM
Were you able to fix your cosplay though? > x<

Yes I was. Thanks for asking :)


Quote from: Firefury Amahira on June 14, 2012, 09:55:02 PM
I did see a fangirl outright tackle a particularly well-made and very attractive FF8 cosplayer several years ago at AX though

where has this fandom gone to? Don't see that at fanime anymore UNLESS it's fanime's fault if it has a 'no glomping" nazi rule to restrict that kind of "meeting" lol I surely do miss that actually!

@topic: remember guys like 95% of the photographers are NON cosplayers who arent MUCH INTO anime as we may be and are killing their weekend seeing our "late ass halloween" shenanigans, so it's actually quite common/normal for them to be dicks to us cosplayers.
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Quote from: Maskenlav on June 16, 2012, 09:24:49 PM
Quote from: Firefury Amahira on June 14, 2012, 09:55:02 PM
I did see a fangirl outright tackle a particularly well-made and very attractive FF8 cosplayer several years ago at AX though

where has this fandom gone to? Don't see that at fanime anymore UNLESS it's fanime's fault if it has a 'no glomping" nazi rule to restrict that kind of "meeting" lol I surely do miss that actually!

@topic: remember guys like 95% of the photographers are NON cosplayers who arent MUCH INTO anime as we may be and are killing their weekend seeing our "late ass halloween" shenanigans, so it's actually quite common/normal for them to be dicks to us cosplayers.

..Could you please read that last part aloud to see how little sense it makes? 

Of course photographers might have their favorites, and things they dislike.  One photographer might focus on taking pictures of video game cosplayers, another might hate a certain series, so they will avoid taking pictures of cosplayers from that series.  There are photographers who will snap photos of everyone, and photographers who will only take pictures of a select few "pretty people".  That's their choice.

But.. "are NON cosplayers who arent MUCH INTO anime as we may be and are killing their weekend seeing our "late ass halloween" shenanigans, so it's actually quite common/normal for them to be dicks to us cosplayers."   Really? 1. Most Photographers probably avoid cosplay because A. They want to focus on taking pictures, and not having their picture taken.  2. Photography equipment and cosplays don't always mix.

But they're killing their weekend?  Really?  Then why the hell would they go all the way out to a convention?  Pay registration? Stay there for 3-4 days? Lug around equipment, pay for a hotel?  Why do all of that for our "late ass halloween shenanigans"?  Why not focus on other things?  Wedding photos, landscape photos, taking photos of birds.  ._.;

They would not spend so much time, money and effort on photographing something they hated, or thought was lame.


Quote from: Konekogami on June 16, 2012, 09:45:59 PM
But they're killing their weekend?  Really?  Then why the hell would they go all the way out to a convention?  Pay registration? Stay there for 3-4 days? Lug around equipment, pay for a hotel?  Why do all of that for our "late ass halloween shenanigans"?  Why not focus on other things?  Wedding photos, landscape photos, taking photos of birds.  ._.;

They would not spend so much time, money and effort on photographing something they hated, or thought was lame.

I'll be happy to make "more sense" easy. The ones with cameras are usually in plain clothed am I right? Do you see alot of cosplayers taking other cosplayer pics? Nope. And well, if you lived in the SJ area and saw alot of colorful and/or weird costumes dont you want to go down and see whats up? Take pics of those costumes for appraisal and show off to your friends, "hey guys look what I took this weekend at the CC. Bunch of people in costumes!" So the majority of photographers (I did NOT say PROFESSIONAL) are non cosplayed regular people checking out whats happening at their city's convention center. Plus I highly doubt someone from outside California would go to a con and pay the reg fee for all weekend plain clothed lmfao

if I meant PROFESSIONAL I wouldnt have said 95% cause hell freezes over if they are 95% of them taking our pics, otherwise we'd all find ourselves easily instead of making a thread and having 20+ pages of "looking for me" ordeal now would we? Niet, nien, nada, nil.
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Quote from: Maskenlav on June 17, 2012, 04:22:20 AM
Quote from: Konekogami on June 16, 2012, 09:45:59 PM
But they're killing their weekend?  Really?  Then why the hell would they go all the way out to a convention?  Pay registration? Stay there for 3-4 days? Lug around equipment, pay for a hotel?  Why do all of that for our "late ass halloween shenanigans"?  Why not focus on other things?  Wedding photos, landscape photos, taking photos of birds.  ._.;

They would not spend so much time, money and effort on photographing something they hated, or thought was lame.

I'll be happy to make "more sense" easy. The ones with cameras are usually in plain clothed am I right? Do you see alot of cosplayers taking other cosplayer pics? Nope. And well, if you lived in the SJ area and saw alot of colorful and/or weird costumes dont you want to go down and see whats up? Take pics of those costumes for appraisal and show off to your friends, "hey guys look what I took this weekend at the CC. Bunch of people in costumes!" So the majority of photographers (I did NOT say PROFESSIONAL) are non cosplayed regular people checking out whats happening at their city's convention center. Plus I highly doubt someone from outside California would go to a con and pay the reg fee for all weekend plain clothed lmfao

if I meant PROFESSIONAL I wouldnt have said 95% cause hell freezes over if they are 95% of them taking our pics, otherwise we'd all find ourselves easily instead of making a thread and having 20+ pages of "looking for me" ordeal now would we? Niet, nien, nada, nil.

Speaking as a non-professional cosplay photographer who's been doing this for well over a decade at this point, I'd have to say that this is way off-base.  There are plenty of cosplay photographers, both professional and non-professional, who are anime fans, who pay for con registration and hotel (and some who come in from outside the Bay Area).  Some of us even dabble in cosplay from time to time, though it's not entirely practical (I was one of the Big Macintoshes on Friday, and in past years, I've done casual Kaji from Evangelion).  Yes, there are some photographers who don't pay the registration for a con, but a lot of them are still fans despite your baseless assertions.

Tell me, have you even bothered to try to meet and get to know cosplay photographers?  Granted, it's harder to do so at a crowded convention like FanimeCon, but there are other opportunities to do so out there.  For example, many of us local photographers and cosplayers meet and socialize with each other and the quarterly NorCal Cosplay Gatherings (the next one being on August 11th at Coyote Point in San Mateo).  There are also other events (such as the Cherry Blossom Festival up in San Francisco) and smaller cons (like Animation on Display as an example) where it's easier to socialize and hang out a bit.  You might want to try that before making assertions that don't have much basis in reality.
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